Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1964, p. 11

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delrex fashions murray motors reach finals in girls softball ummmt lsaaut au6ust 15 144 no surprise and bo upset for taw sealer icaau aeries a playoff tbo top 3 team i taw leafo siandiass only baod to zod gjunc a tbfl toiftl tut mtw to lire out tfcir load over ibeir lred dowa- in lb bclrvi rkiott wilt tv baul tb u aeon was 31 t 8 tor tb rab ioaabu udie cton lb a 41 4a 11 dvaautf for tbtf ro- tat oerwi every lamina ad to w keevy bittlaj oo debvs rultia la oaly 4 tavnlnf bi ts jdyd btfforv tb kom atrsri lw m- ii- w j saa quiod fcaj at aimrcb aaritt cod bit 1 boater for dl tmt bootio tbrir auodinja u tw ho quo ooptt tit j umplr trwv woor tlard tw entlrt imres tew oh ttw tr lit by cltuiai tk wld a wbou lm fcmort coit- mluliiti to bul to lb gau oo ibelr win but tauuu of all on tb kjtundul ronrd lby haw so far- twy b mined uhdcfmud lb ur yw quite a ebmlutil tt lb leh ibcy kmt in tb final lor tb tbjapiottbtp twlfa will kit b fu thr tb text j wu spl i od tb but win b puyia rahiu- itoa is with lb ftlheir leant defeated in series a j usual rub iudy rvnillj scries h will to wwwn ileone lulf styling and rk terysbta slat kami tvbt is h 3 gain total run mrie aba with lb wittuw to et lb iwlre kaablous lw 4 sept is skiuoft lbaouc hom rum oussm theyre all ued up and coto ioio tbe basse ktrrtcb belrem kitibws swu quino suu versos clary bydevaate axe holding down top apot witb 14 ruoi apime beep cii hiee bad poor wek bittiag wiae aod remains at 13 wbiia ann aiarcboacnt telre om 104x10 lobea axe tnl up wub id racb tbcae are fcn top ft to walfb but not car behind tbeiri and wortby of tloo are bonnie tnlie witb 7 and lock dykulnoora wrtb theres only i tareevj lh tor uo ctusprtitioa tv break wide open- susan baj bad tbe sept in 2 out af s aeries for tbe cbajopioosfaip mfainst tbe winner of tbe superior foods dairy queen is kad has bib but clary aeenj u u bltuojc wr ktride lauly and mmf keep up bee pace ei 3 and 3 bonier a gam la i rlose hod gvod tulrb uke tbu tt wiu be a akw te e u uur the bompvtiuon will frod fct tb roortusioit of rw b to tibu ell tbe fctrls to wst fa dlf puy of tbe winner tt tbe law lte fsrm hitui jum16 liacuk aucuiy 3 144 not out for buggy ride these cowboy guys play for keeps bciax down only 4 runs beever lumber oad cbance to rally and win lb aeries infrf superior keods but superior pilrbef undj faul bad a good koe tbe beavers fidal area so ttrf and tbeu bop went out tbe wtau do the aim ended up 15 to 3 for tboe kuperior koprf lor with tbe acire addiae up to 14 to 7- ii ascitis that werk sfter wk w eiujl linds rsul and pick bj a4 kam its so wby ll thane how she hit 3 hotne runs 4od was lb gum ur team tnale caioj lowry bit hrt ird bomc of lb yar aod blan iwy esnw swy s happy yiitii lady fclui hiitini he ftu tk pitching ia lb junior ugu this yar is ftitsttr if 6ue bd following lb i gue plsy yu ktiow wbo ttny are tiuj you rn be sure tbst ia s yr w two tbe senior usgu will b providing utn of tbe tot ball in tbe area tbe uil part of it all is thai tber girls tre nt only good jpllyrr but tbey are the tail gili iters in lb art of sportimsn- thejtbip you rant 4v mar thin luimiil dairy oot 1 krulis 4 the guys arent out far s quiet bugjgy ride theyll be doing everytbin thejf can to win the 9900 prise money and important point toward the i grand champion ship so apoke ltoa bob urick chairmen of the utuek wagoa ty coeatntliao wtocb ia band tinglne piecaof the caigsxy sumpede which moves laid taw awtuniay scpl lztl r lerrug to the driver in the chork theyre aggressive and once a race is underway its every aaaa for himself ti aeidom an event flniahen without at least one spill he seid the chuck wagoa races and the aporta world champ clitt oacgait are oa a awing east ward following their auccea at the calgary sammpodc north bay crowds will he fetlinj a look at the races and ccomp nyinj wcatera shoe just be fore tbey come her giants need weekend wins to gain ontario ball finals daya game will lh at rlock u qaorgeioo dd- cugtowa uaau who fin ished at the bottom of the beep in ilsltoo intermedial nase- ball puy tbis avaauil cwulj still er ihemsclvrf with gjury before lb uavcj fll but it would uin putting two wins back to bk tb cunu won jut four of it derision tbli yr but witb bom iord effort tby ran b iji ontario baseball auotl- kllna uunodiat a tuhtitp loa tbey are tb only halloa uagu frqtry in lnteruidlte a rompetluoa ad bau of tbr a tb uurray uotora gill iters in lb art of sporttman- srarrity of intermediate lust tb battle but won the ship you rant av more than clubs theyve gone right into war in a real pitrbrs duallhsl k ontario semi finali thursday night uurray ltwk ia u i a t however the a 3 ta 0 lead id tb 1st inning kru1 jcianta need to win ull gamea and held on la a 2 to 1 leij those djiry queens usnl i kunday and labour day through to tb 4lh whn i magic figure o id for 3i lo utrif ft ona puyolf it au 4 leon won their 2nd game with bep by an even wore resounding lead than tbe wtl before tbu game atood as a xeonea 108 win waking a tot al win of 3314 for the aeriea mtti score sheet looked as good or hili ai beepa did bad bpi uaual beat bitter call tries bit 3 dandy fua for 3 at ut ami had every one picked off on the oihr aid of the ldgr laonca ou roulsen had a real byday witb ft bits for 5 bit 3 of them be- in homers ilef teammate unda carey also bit her first homer of tb teeaon uup dean taylor responded with whole team whea aik- d for the game star and we have ta agree- good luck aeries b girl ar 40 ioemotk h tb frank bryanla stal varm ladii turned their 40 to 1ft win over w t sunnucka heal kaute teiw inu a slaugh ter for the total run srie the rum touled 71 to s3 ovr tbo two weeks in an attempt at defence for lb sunnuckm team we hasten to add that tbey hive had a poor turn out of playra thus waking it lough aerie for tbm the glrla who have turned out reg ularly are to be congratulated for ita not an easy thing u keep up the interest when your fellow teammate let you down week after week thri gate ump felt thia week waj a bonnie inglle game and picked kr aj the alar she pitched a good 8 inning hit 1 home run and did well gener ally when at um hat team- mate of bonnie on the state varm team keeplh their hand in tbe home run qun race are cury bydevaata and ineka dykxhoom by bitting 2 dandlea each while susan webster hit 1 watch ibis rare for the queen ai ita shaping up lo a close battle and might even nd up a tf good luck to slat farm ai they enter aerie b flnali against lmitei hair styling for th next t week jackson a rallied with 8 runj tb gain ended at 7 to 3 for jackson with tb 3 week run totalling la u it for wurryy uurraya pitcher lorraine serkioxton had to prcltcally carry her team through since lby found it difftrult ta hit jackaona pitcbrr jill cunning bam murrays 2 runs were did j food job as she held the gained off 2 walks jill gave kruiuri sroreleaa for 4 inr up in the first inning and iie tnc itrenda had to be reckon bad uurraya scoreless fronrl with at bat too ai slie hit then on tb last 3 innings sse homers team mates iwrn 3 p 3 down reconl petcnon ami isabel ijefler ataivdjng for her congratulal each had one this lkit lu weeks running to end tit kruu- ing hyi of the klhede kruli ers in tbu gain tby downed utetu 10 to 4 giving a totsl run series score of 38 to b thr queens ptacwd their regular pitcher itatol llcder in cen tre field and put uremia itulme on thr mound urenda sundaya 3 o loeka tbe aeries a gme woo day will start at tb same um giants workhorse hrnie 1tr suyed in the game for alt but ori third of an inning 11 ran into trouble in lb bot tom of tb ninth when blidlsnd juupad toll hln for tbio hits and three runs tblr biggest inning jim uegill waa inatah d on tbe hill by manager dud lindsay witb two away aad be got bis man la fly out to tb ernlr fielder afldllnd juiapd imo 8 tjulck lead troring twa runs en three hits in tb first fram they added their other run in the 7th giants scored their sol run in the 6th tom james hit safety to lead off advanced on j pair of ground outs and scored wba the pitcher dim ent hobbled a ull hit by danny arblc the georgetown ijom leax- aad of the show from claxxeua ontario representative tom bi shop aa old friend of the dubs tjvwutb his eeeocbtioo with the rodeo apostaorcd by the lb oa here a few year xo bi shop ls a former trick rider hut rodeo crowds probably bat tar remember bis aistcr then lorna biahop a barrel rocifif participant tb how u on four sooolh tons and every stop to data has orougkt out big crowds brkk aalo w wbed its ell over the lop driver gats someettinat like w00a00 tbe chwck wsjod touos is unique- the horses wsgoos and drivers kiart weaving ar- otmd barrcai la a tight eeajrae oo thje lwf1m mad fiiif thjs event by reissing their team onto the track for the final jap when they hit tbe bactatrateav c they can reach 45 mlw par hour- the races are run off la throe heats chairman brick said soma 70 bootis drivers aad othear per- ftarsaara tosipected with the ahow will arrive u towo either the nigbt beiwre er on the mo- taigdt of the race youll koow theyre her he said well have the uisl neis sections crewling with wes terners thm ol m taasraawy ipliian axft fcjtaclc game last weekend in uulland tbe giants took a u dunking but tb hst two games of the best of three affair are ached uld for lb georgetown iark imaxlne this will lie a i game judy draper diane llolotulk total run trirs and will get sherry herbert beth kwbard underway at 630 in the par l son and gail young iots of good entertainment is if one of these young ladiei proinived junior liacui womb hun ouibn comriyition a drlinitr 3 run leu ions to jill on a good try and bel up to 10 in the home nunhen established by isabel j elusion of series b leaving j job well done queen race thrre ahead ofueder over her closest con the girls 2 games to decide on ump jim sunnucks chose hf r closest opponent aim tender unda taul but then their quen j uurraya back catcher jackielljnda paul unda wasnt really a contend two young lsdies who have rayner as tbe game star si he gail young the dairy quaener until the last couple of been giving their all week at felt her quick thinking wept hort stop turned in a gortlwecki so she is rising iteady the score down to 7 for jack gjme nd wound up si the and fait isabel has 10 to her wns jgsme star credit and unda has 7 follow uurraya will b biding their j when the queen and supinr rlose lo unda is lorraine time for the nest 3 weeks with erlors meet next thursday tsrkington with lorraine exblbulom game with the isgood rlose battle ran be expert hll hit a atump brief on we ere of th aeries a pjayof f w no umm have good pit bap and hasnt added any tbi k tbey taeel beaver i chirrs hard bitters and more homers to her score for 3 lumber they will then enter determination to get through weeks now night behind lor tbe final game on lb 17th uf to meet uurray than one ran i rain with s homers each are can break through with a real good night at bat this roum be another clot one good tuck girls the competition will also has end for the juniors at the ron- im- wfk r th uurriy uol i or pitch r lomliw rwldnj i tan ind gottllf co thari itop for jkkmni lurfitn cntr 1 ths eirti wr picked by t thftr rofhft tl th lttr pltyen r ik tftning cuif uw hrr ttmm fa dnwn to tr- frat t thr hindi af lnrrtlnti thmmitfi tlitr l rally j 1 notice to creditors and others im th istata of miss hakttlktt a sraumton all elilitu lnt th eiule er ulu llirrltt a suunton uu of tb town of gfrortetawn county of ilalton whd died on th rd day of jun lfxm muxf ba flud with the under jfned evecjtori on or before the lnl dy ef october 1064 after which date the eeute will be distributed bavins re gard only to the claltni of which the executor ubill then have notice dated at toronto ont this ird day of september 1064 thl koval trust companv and trwhtai arthur oihord sraimtn m king streuweat toronto 1 ontario aecutora y iteaen faaken calvin vucxerale wlllliton and ewaekbamer their solicitor herein j georgetowns own chuckwag0n races in georgetown park saturday 2 pm sept 12 the thrill of the great stamped e and the west mom than is chuck wagons and tmomk thwuino cowiov acts thi mostthriuino fcacis mtooram voull tvcusa 2 hours or 1hwos ano chilu- sponsored by the georgetown lions club saturday dance party cavalcade of stars 730 to 12 pm september 12th at tht junior farmers building nmt lo li arena siarcing thc unsational the charmaines the bigt0wn boys jays0n king wellington bros ron white combo admission ii06 advance tlckitl vllu al lu community ucottn hak uumtfon i a f wconj with each tuwcltau i alio aviilable from calhleen eitpattlck pel componte school brampton or plione 4515192 or 4590334 t w w fa fc ta fafa tari fad fa fa fad w w fari fa fafaifa fa- fajfafafattaj 1 i i i i remember last years heating bill 7 natural gas will make you smile again dow th very thouaht of last years home heating bill oring lesn to your eyes tula heart and look at the lowcoat advantage of natural put heating a mere glance at the facta will bring smile to your face faust tiutaw one modern automatic gas heating equipment u remarkably low in cosl ywican actually rent s gas conversion burner for as little as s2d6 a month payable on your regular gas bill or you can buy a new gas designed furnace for as littleas 380 a mdnth and you ean take up to five years to pay if you wish fact number two natural gas home heating will reduce your fuel costs whether your home has normal or extrathick insulation youll find that your fuel costs are consistently lower with gas than with either liquid fuel or the socalled nameless heating system factttumber three no other fuel is as dependable as natural gas you never have to order gas its always theresaving you frayed temper and anxiety stormy weather that knocks out power lines and snarls up traffic can never keep natural gas from heating your home over half a million people in southwestern ontario arc already smiling with natural gas why not join them t call your heating contractor department store ot guuxapeby toaa united gas limited tke f nattily fad uuu aewrods

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