Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1964, p. 15

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kct county could be ontarios big apple area mce u twiauy to j 1m4 thi siorottown hatlalo new management announced for entertainment group committee important cog womens cancer service tul alro- production 14 ow under bvw laimfment trv fr f blf owrncrutip of tb ra lcrtauntoedt buaitwaj tarn budi rrcrnuy frptn ry hrowd u wiliitn wnju wiiium tulielt kl of tul4irt in tuking th in buifitrmrnt fcld that tlltl mr i wright baa prvvivtu eimwart i id th enterdiaiuent firld tulbro will b febl to offrr i vn trtt en iff 141 mr at both kt utiudy lwr pahy and lu ii rhurtilrnntnt bvltjri u tw utter tlfrti pri c8 lltr jofkryt mri tt lrda fcod saud yumj for w fcrw v but w ahould e spciuoj ta georgetown jclcktcut knowledge tw job ccntly t mealing of th ciu we a auppod to b doing lral count irt utalrict council dutrict rrnp4lin chairman canadian u jwkiely ur wr w w cnfritb kliobcrg j uckkm atrad the import reported tb district was in larf of tb mdmi fcrvjcu 1 puilvmi in 4nlno in romanltlr b apr fundjfauing fnl it u th humanitarian brt pilgri i ui tb proful touch the furmaljirt of fiv nw wr wmh extended to lt pope uoiii wu reported by ur ft kww w really cr th area c houtbgal mrwtavlli who that plca ui in lcrihiedlau li dutrlrt vice president tttl rotate t b tatd retention rhajrtitah mr w i wr urhw who ti pridertl hrker woodbrldge ul mitlrd if lllrbmoiwi hill unit dtl id- for womrti swvire roii d the dull of eifeuliv of tnlttrrri fuwi u hu halk i ublinly rbnlrmsh lira k lutttpn b tail vbunk okfcvlm nutlir fd having a storage problem call fs moving storage 7741m k hu istlmatf packing shippimc t clat1no uil ullr turtle bohaj jlnj plpjrf ly onllrl i kwuu louriumttit ainei ilee kino host when i th iwiitr iir i br fulfil hi mr unthl arv kr4f litaklhjf bihy iiii pfovrmrntl id hwir tnuhii hv trmd ullrj liimurri rrfwrd itlk rhitiri r buw wllllt ruktutii will newbankbranchopens iwmi inrri u ann kuwinin a kink tliff ol ik cihidun imirul j r lud ffr hftk of oitimtrrr uiuitri don v inro i ja uruilua llftdd h op ifctturdjy uanc rty winch tiunl of nw bink branrh it vrtlrrdown riday ninif thr bra neb in i nru tvup niaikifttd by jet fcffikintjnt at thr downtown brinrh br iwfor bn promalinn i smii yru ahijt o ouk iyk slierry trmbuy 16 in hal ion orchtfd baj kurfrufully operated for 3 yri in tbv kamptan oranitv im will clung ita uwatlon ktirtlnit wpi s th trn djnei j pi will ftwmg in lbjuhl inarn kin w 1 build njj sinre tb nrw hill id 1 br dancing arra uill b biuch larger than tb prmui ball dancing will b mart taii fthrlablf and for thoi in lb trn wt tbrr a big ituw ffjtunni many top mnt bindi j unkd on 1hrr ndi by hut uwn thr thoukanrti and yielded iio mm bushel uhlrh in t rrcording itari on s- 1 fcaf lurmolt of flinging mt ihouunli of nuiti imporim brought in 370 100 temir 12th yw0 cidtecmydwn min j chtury nd th grw ant from hrihan hrlgium llnll n i indicslimii xa xbt ihim with kmaujyoh hand dut t1 tnwtu there la an in aid lint oi nlumbii ill nr nop will b n k mk torfcmowh ihjreil sum diiary in hilton county that male thrir impart opening if nnl btlrr iwipitf num plctllc juppcf rdcs al tll k to mrampton t b ptrtwmt liml a new and lrapcrliinl inihh lr of liwal orrhanii iwing af ft i xwld th mela nmrtar and lor the prownrr fected b halt the preienl 3ldllddtd rroducli 1 bntki mother nature a to reirh perfe ti n in api ie ipll of rainv wralhrr it lfrd o a large extent b manufart irr and give bu idnk m vt re n it proudlng welronir rri a wider variety to rliome planl n t standard proitueli employee tht of freahneai in the from different lpa of rooti lirly apple are now ben g in n r f made it a of apple tree ate being grafted together picked hut the main rrop will f ilurdiy they pirk xttwi and irrei of the tall one concern which it terl ti harnled about the m d llr leiadjy pujt iplavhed b the oping thli tecbniqi e locall ll of v trmher yoinaf lint of burgeon ns expecting ti have new trrn coiwg down it grace thji d ilncl which ready for gelling in ihe rail mlh k the apple i tulr k predicted b agricultural of 63 il pecialinng in the grnvn lg the number cf iufiorttiei will produce one production of daarf apple pr miming them in anv miqiatt buibel within 10 rar treei a tpe becoming pop blrtg rfcrritd out lion kuwtklrti on c anrer and smoking will b available for fcfhiw it in september smoking trend are bing i irveyed in tecondarv tchtmtla in hrampt n strtuville lnoktville and nib t li una i it 1 1 v i 1 u a 1 rep rt b unit hrh ihr fun day rwently and jinier thomj ton are town ratldrnti the bind took the v iter loo challenge cup for the third ncked racednvr lime aml i tt0n at the red t valley conerv l v thiele memonal cup refrhventi were wrved at prelntallvra bowed that in tba bank following a tour of hllkl j u tb building and lalw ur and pralion between the hed ura king vfiirrtainm friend cro cancer soruty at their new home i president i ymin anriarmn of ontario division will be guet spker at the annual dlatrict meeting on octolur 21 attending the meeting from tin area wer ur shd mr hon iowrri ura reid uri k wick ura uaud acanu jack itunham ah n m keg broom he fcd of ergetowh of tena lurwi won ita rlau at the cm two bj r d nd all within a ismile rad ular in ontario more of the irs each n v onr ual planta can be 1t count cnuh become on acre there increasing pro taripi largeit apple producing ductinn mn imalk from hire i isqt hoticid i at the moment about 23 001 ftjoat reidentf of tlaltnn 000 buheu are prcwluced an i ajkacar hot to reilue the devel nuallv in anada including ljnd rr peot which 1 taking pise 4 000 000 buhela from ontar llnufl a14hgid the growth nf mech in eorglan hay la the largeit homeowner quantitiea eem to be gnrultur krinian ime grrmrr aeein i aw j from hurli ojkville because of ln lrk 1 tm tolu and climaxed the afternoon uith a picmc upper tht at fair wai ipontored by tha re creation committee whoia cof frr financed free refrehmml for the revelhr iljnnv ucnrill arten dale harlev ro ault iluvid turnbull is and 14 tirli uhel hal uel ijntvi lurles pauline arnold rathbun sun liu op canada j hlvly crt hhaurton puo uimh be sure to see ontarios largest steam show 3 io dayj september a 5 and 7 at milton fair grounds ftur woair mjta ddy crairt tbrbirt0 law mill ofrtitort yrip by lum road kogltva ahltqu cr parade llaha fron htu alonff main si t fair grouncta saturday september 5th i 30 pm u iuu to sa tvie gordie tapp show in thf aktna at t6d pm saturday september 5th dimi yuliala at mjiiri yravl urvxa ah lru hp4 kwj kaal katala halioei coop chamber frf crrtwrta offua and lrtftrttato4 kufh adults 1 b0 children sck yulh al rft door adult 1 30 children 7ic the dehatahle quetion t who had the better time v hit ham ho hill oi borne carl parker gliin children or adults oungter jim 14 lii el 16 trl sindv ad led e iwrnm ng productive area here reaping intrreled in ipple growing a r0o0o0 huvheu a year a hohb dwarf applet iji1 year the burlington and tn he the mint populi atmlnily iniignlficant ppla akville dutricl repreeniing advertised by nurene tr4c- jr orchard acreage from the toddling tagr to u h hl cnmpete1 in the print but tha l r krk rirt cln ad ilta undoubtedly provided the turnbull that bevt entertainment jim turnbull waa judged the aomal induitry ihioat everyone leemit tn jktf new building iteinz vrfttd but fail tn recngnne tot reautiful wale preienl nf 10 000 aid i 7wo accidents 2 injured weeks toll in traffic ballinafad woll mike and vhubetb schuetx pro teem m th mo- uianlfd egg beit g throuen and ratchen mine he iaing excellent in hoe throw mg and ienore parker won the cinderella ccnleit by a foot ann oalnel waa the spot t onteit winner uike and rji mr phedeli snnw and u nheth sbuti doubled their janie fiven returned home on winning in th uheelbarow sunday from a but trip tn the c rirq gil loped home firt in th race wet thev viiiled with rela for fu live in calfiary and t dmon oung winner were on 5 and under paul arxenault susan south kathy ijmeront ft eara janice pearaon kim mr and lira george llalea nnhinnn ianne jordon boya from lindnn were with their ijnnie sunnucks kevin mctl b 7 yn dirlt cheryl ucneil jamei n hancock nf owen round imr impart hirthda partv for mr na t i v ttanjy kmu 5it w th mnftr knnckwl the kyle car on to the sr other guest at the manalj uoseill william sviuth cyc1 1037 gmtm waa com kn the pnmlngo on sunday and monday were 10 and under flirla dabbla planaly wrecked oamace to 5 r w etmted t sa5 v ln ttt fi cdnatable noy hendrmnn in f nf tn far hiotorcylut hand pres mia pailvahacheco wa tak lfl of r ii 1 george en to hospital with head lacer town suffered injur to hi ation following a two car r iotk and fare when hit motor eident oppoait 23 guelph st i ym coiiihmi broadside with saturday morning frar making a left turn off he was a ptaaenger in a tosfl ghrlpb st onto queen hevrolet driven hv arloa polica aairl prewood wi dommco b fwing st which woatbound on gualpb when he hit the hack end nf a parked ani r on hlttho car 1 1032 dodge driv car owned by jamra kle of sunday tlie occasion r mm taxi 24 hour sarvica courtaiy and promptnan lhomi 8774817 owned by kd and wally mj proclamation wusiiat tk grqtown i om club is prov h nrj outstirvd ig anterta rvmanl for ttia cit en of georgetown during tha wrek of sepfemhar 7 and whikiat tha exc ting nterta nnient of rodao by thj service dub w ii bf ramambared in he past as amract ng thouva ids of v utors to gaorgetown yrtfrefojt to comply w t ri the reiolut on pawed by the munic pal council on august 31 164 i do hereby proclaim tha week of spt 7 19a4 ai western rodeo week in the town of ceokoitown joseph gibbons mayor sunday mr and mn mr and mr vtshigated tha acctd 1qj1 pm ab elizabeth st wan lnn in dnnmni rnt al onriylnm pollc cnnthli- ornifr rhrif iml nn rnk ll ihp f hn nrhl nd duih sl grr rfamict at 1300 to rarh car murry srhra ronnit htnnvraon bar charlfi walkom p mycul hirky arafnault dahlrl nl 12 irl ollon noptr tftldl of ijmtllf wetxyftack to thr gaulyf f how proud thiy will m ooino hack to schooi ok college with an ib mwomrol95 hwtlgih sportsman compuuly shock mililoht and wolifprool tuch d low low pncalool newtlgih surlite la jy wolcn tkot s rt indson sbock rvuttdn unbakobu tnalntprino loot wi4 mh j rj wt boughton jewellers s main si n 7vs s w way i7k3p to jacksons your one stop centre for iktorfoel complete backtoschool wardrobe for all the family shoes skirts sweaters shirts coats pants jackets for all ages pot thi oiuls bulky knit cardigans ldl for starting back to school zipperad fronts in lovv mnga of colours sims 10 to 20 sfiocifllly priced at 498 pok tht xoyi wabasso blue denim jeans quality tough 9 oz an forizod wabaiso denim sizes 8 to ib bargain priced at 298 shop where quality and low price go together jacksqns 28 main street n bargain centre 8776881 ivmj

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