Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1964, p. 18

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coming events it suiting friday 4th 1s pjn in st georfea pariah hail good prttee lunch p by thai wjl tba september ueetinat of coonetown a district memor ill boipiul auxiliary u1 oe bold on tuosdiy sept of 8 is pjn lo th bopu1 cafe teria milton filnjo milton at ne overy wednesday at b paa bua leave lluniy motor at 7 19 pjo card for coo a bundle for information call miaa u valca ywca fcd tn axe clxib becv wrifxleawortb auditorluai saturday sept stb i pra to i1j0 p in muak by tfee citur admiwon jl jo per couple 11 00 tlnr no admlulo uaiuj auiubly dremed- yt klnrtu club of gsr lotowii ar ivoklhi tut iitidt player udlra fcrout and mled couple- rur more infor roauod runuct mr k fcllliw brttart or un t moore 774140 jh oaokorrown hrrald tfcuredey t 1 id page u j new ballinafad minister trrxs jamieson mr and mra eric ja r pleuod to announce th arrival of a daughter 7 lb 1 vi oas on tbun auf tt 1m4 at the georfura and blitrlct mo- knoriai hospital knox presbyterian sunday school will rcottrd fur th fall trrn sunday sept 13 at 10 a ii immamuil lutheran church howako wliectkswokth school audiyokium m cukumi struct wnkl urvk law ia ti lulil m a m j kiiumit 1attor beauty salon open nllfil country sauwi bit opened al atlrr j hiliu a fim 4lb line kfcqurilni ror appotntmrnlj call ctjool nail iutff lrwortler o bowlers wanted for ladies akteknoon leacui ww 177tto tirllry hilin will deaths boyd amelia ellen on wedneaday september 2nd lecvi at jliltoa ontario am tlia uled bod of ceorge- towo daujtbter of lb lau william richard bod of hon sjrm and de uur of al fred k abojd kellnr kl tb iliboui c mcculr kuor1 hume m kdlih st ceorrtown tohera funeral acrvire will tx beld oo friday aftetiieon at 200 o clock bllrruitnt in greenwood ceroe toujyhry artliiir al iuuny wouk utaapiul r uonday auiiut 31 1m akhur hut irty in li hath r vry lovrj hutind f ccrtrud 1- lliutli ourdn 4701 ku tburkt mrt toronto lov inr father of wiic ur g hurru toronto kvlyii ilr uoyd uuutt wurtun ijonsld of vttorti b c hoy of cxjruelwri kdns cur hon jidiy klilburni fcnd dr ifrandffethrf of fourtn krandrhlldrrti luitiril wr vir was rondurted from tht wkhhiifton 4 john ton fun rral horn 717 queti st tat at kroadvlfw tlaa af ifraoon ttiurtday at one orlofk intermenl in 1inp hill cfmrjpry iarlwrouch lrimt jfuoea jhola mr george bates soivimo a mysyuv for read n ttw gentuman wfx ppared on trie htral tu t paq wtk unanrioud cud i mr gtjofye bales new ttudfnt m n iter at ball nafad charge ol the un trdy cr urch ha w ii be iludymg at em manuol collegt wh erving ai rn n iter at ball nafad social and personal t 1 h 1 a im ukmottlamj mr anil llrs 30 tluptl si 1 in hnlidjy jl dome llitr itrn srrj i iii mm mr 1 lloiilp t it i lav m ii ri lo liaj rrturnrd munlnal lrr viiit in and djuititrr in and mn it rirrd social tosonal uias eoen blehn 26 quecq st u io london this wek at tending the niajira aaxucan leadenhlp conference at hot on collet mrs- a u suthrrund and children john aikd dawa 14 hals dnve hv relumed horns alter apendinf the aum- in the we indict ur suthoriand flew dowd to b with then for hii vacation they vuiled in st lucia with her sister uiv uorothy s juste snd with bli brother and ftmiiy hr aod wrt lvrciv sntheriand and in trull cud with her mother wr i-ulmj- st juste and another wuttur capt un sutheiiand kii wif and tsmily it wiw ttxir firt trip borne aloe rvtnln to can ads leu yra ago htennetb h lurruon baa re turned iruni a thrw wfk va cation in bltalh wlulf llrrr he vujud frieikii ijld vclilvr4 in cluk- btadiuxh and lvirhrri in klinturh hr attended tht military taltu and taru of tb- ijftubutth rytkil whilr in indon he tuutrd tttr ukhlf of ixindoi i rd ittendod to ii of thr itbtatrira tcrforiuaiira ir strnrarr bi waa th ifii t of ur and ufa j mcduffie aiul sttcmtrd liiwlr allvrr wedding annlvrriliry and danre held at uc north wfkt tallc hotel ur j urgaren itudiuwrh wljtowiiahlr scotland inter of th latf siniuii lurriion has bttn vultini ujdi mr llimuin and family at thflr home 16 ltain m north whilf hfre iltr rfoivfil the id new of th patiinj of hrr tirotlirr ur tom marriv n of carluke scotland i1ii ts in loving mrrmiry nf our drar parent i and tranil parcnu uary hita who pa- vd away sfptrmlwr 2tlh 1057 and dolpti 1 tilts on wptrmrnt lit ids3 we often think riaa iwtirn we were a 111 family chain now rut rticmnrlfa uill lir forrrr ta ui thfy har not gone awa nor h thry trarllrd far juit entered god inli rnjl cat ur i mi n it ii i llatt th si for the pjsl un k mr of b loi totrthrr is brt krn mr and mrs i orchard llli t mr ar i mr of i k rd with llirir sm in lw mr collil i ilkl4 street b t u i mr anl mr mrr and v n 1 rtun a i n ian hal a thr in mi t rn i n iinlinj 10 norlt n in ci nt hi li lay trip trd alfcoi juin 1jiu and otta rd ai 1 an 1 mr t 1 rk u u it irh ha 1 i rd army navy air force ckottckyowm unit 3ss announcea the winner of home and left thr sale ajar i irt i ioinly rememtierrd by daurhter dons mn in law jnc and erandchlldrrn i th uacdonain in lovinv memory of a dear wife mo her and era nd mother who patted away september 5th 1063 in tl ilalifv pjrn u murr1 llrt n i 1 11 r anl il n 1 jl mrn mil ft n nt mrs j m ii and mr anil rt dndue kit 3 h ve rr nt t ri turnnt m ue k in dor trip to l si nit harlc jihr j he st sjr citizen of tjie month nme j j jeffries 38 umngton crcsc ueiton salaky 1000 submit ted by jrry wmiv talamy 1100 joint services y johns united church and first uapyist church will be held in first baptist main street h it 1100 am sunday ie ft ember 4 speaker hev ian jleminj rll 4 i tin ir lk tt i c r maximr j r i thcrt sa a nr m an 1 an tl er eltr and in r hi sjwi r alt hi n cadet quclrr i jnt t inrt i frtrn er k itjv in ottjua i1juht r an 1 in in v i mrs it mol iw both wa t engagements mr and un john m mar ilull of norval are phail to announce the rnairmiiit of tlmr daukliter millnd jean to mr john ikniija iurn tt 17 hurth st 1- llramptnn f n of mn j a llurnrlt of orkdown and the late mr i llurnelt the inarnaie to tjki p ac saturday srptrml r ti 10fi4 at 3 o dork in orj i i ruled i hurrh sorai mr and un ko ri in nf acton ontario u ih li an nounce the engaiirni nt of their daukhter irole diane to mr clarence v ilfrrd spnrr jr ion of mr and un clarcnte spence eorieon mil the marriage will like place on sjturda september euh mm at 3 00 o clock in itir afternoon in st alban anui can church acton ontar o when does school open after youve shopped silvers ilvers one onurtot r dpshftnl sl6ee i ready lo ivalp you tend them back lo ttva claiv- roomi in ityl coniplem aiiorlnwnt of qualify brand riama mertliand ie auuici better appear rca finer fit longer wear silver i moderat price ply i 4 aaty wayt to buy cavh lywy 30 dey cksga and extend atharg makei bcl- toichool eiy on any budget so mk silvra your headqusrlor for back louhool whether it a for kindergarten kidi or tla college crowd a iit iporta attraction li the jumping horve elai at rorptown r- all 1air oct s3 disc jockeys available far banqualt waiina ftmapttaa office partui dua muvir to luit alt occationa the bait in tuw uraaonabu ilatea vor information contact tul8r0 psoductions bill wrifiht 4s1 511 bill tulutt 4s0u4 1mi fr m teara tn ulenre often flo or memory kccpi ou near in oriw kamtlti i v ri a uiev t tno ou died one ear apo at actinolile viih mi i i i tin fer remembered y r j hi in i d former wi huiband john and family own rrti lenls who now mikr iheir hnme there lliv pretlt mr an i mrs win it ii mill inn r itrld t in t ri d ri un for the weekend lo irn hit i homo cards of thanks mr ji i mr- nir adams w in ii t lurl s dine are h im fr n a lliitr w k trip t itntian truellint in jet tel in i otnlon and the wi m c inntr and with mr dinn nu ther mrs eorce driins at southimptnn tliey ilsti prnt a few dai m paris saturday dance party mammon junior camrs kuildino imkt la oratntitort aunt the fabulous fayne and the cruisers saturday sept mh alio to make a great how greater our swinging daejay brian kent admission mmnbcnu 100 nmmbni 125 oiapiin i would likr to thank all relative and friendv who remembered me whhe 1 waa a patient in georgetown and dtitnrt memorial hoi pital a iprclal thank ou to dra nehenek and vhiu taker and to the nureei who were so kind o me mrs lllen chaplin crawroftd i would like to express my thanks and apprr elation to the staff aviocla tion of domlar and alio to local no 474 forjhe bcauti ful eifta and fiood withes tendered to me on my re tlrement maccle crawford doyle we would tike to express our appreciation to friends and neighbours for the many acts of sympathy and kindness extended at thr time of the death of bur be loved son brother and eraudson special thanks to it otcer and the mcclurr luneral home the doyle family iaacrossk assn we vould like to take this op portunity to think tha gcor jjetown minor lacrosse assoc iatlon for the loan of equip ment and itl the help which waa o willingly extended to ui erin minor ijcfossc axioc uu on leslie sincere thanks to ill my frlendi and neighbors for the many kind enquiries viaiti cards gifts aiul flow en while a patient in peel memorial hospital their ktndnesj wai much lipprecia ted george ii leilie mrt i un ht an i her daughter mist i- dun i urikht from siouili llurkinkhimiiirr have hi en spiiidinj the sum mrr in town 1h are ms t inc with mrs wright- brother and hit wife mr and mrs chariot daj 40 ont no st i line with rljtios here for a unks holi li hae been 11 th and hrfrj adann hon ui i djiihtir of mr and mrs don aiunu it r 2 wclbnd thi slaed with thi ir grand mo her mr dean llarley h john st and uncle aunt and r iiisin mr and mrt itrun lljrlt david linda and lleallier ri spi t lit cl your attention ple you are abnesuy biquested to attentt a meeting at wrigglesworth school tuesday september 15th 1964 to help make an important decision concerning your town please come and bring your fnandi j kmiu inpiltk s umm ust war turn uft on hvomway 1 at hmbli uku station thurwlay rmjay salorjay solmotf 3 4 5 all tirilvlcolor miow thc th1u of it au dom day jams gtfnr cunfioht at comanche ckuk audy murphy colleen miller sunday midnight to dawtt skaw ttqlnlcolo iht mummy cukit of th undead cutu or rut wwiwoif i pi ami r nonalif 1 kim ik a 1 ami their rlillil rrn ojun an i mnrtin arc lv limp ilh his molhrr and mr anil mri mix intlivl 5 vdirr dnvr ianil thrir vi jim hac 1m n holiiljjmi fi two unks nu mjnil hillll i land uaini nl rrinuli nrr mrp fulhi r mr and mn jos llay anil makmi tours nf ihi ih ilrnrlin nt it it 2 porir- iiland from llirn jim had as mn tpl kinc and family hl cursl tor a uiok huh i m hair ixrn ttalmnrd nrar qur wond of calrdnn a u how sculu hrr cn mil are now coinc lo dllcr and thry roimi d ihr iv irtinirkrn crrmany on port in ihr beautifully rlrir ft t 1 dllllis khortly thll water and eeured a nuinln r will hr his second tour of duty of food unilrruatrr colourul osersiai hnvinc returned be- camera shola fore in lira cusses for expectant parents bejjli thursday sept 17th ror further information pleaw telephona halyon county hbalth unit tjjlty 010 back to school then go back in yhe height of fashion take advantage of our spsclal back lo school our regular 10 00 perm for 6oo tuesday wednesday thursday only a beautiful perm designed for the younger et to head you into fall with the easiest to manage attractive hairdos neat and haircarefree j call for appointment tr 76761 we speak english dutch french getman chrisf ells hah styling ua main s our gougoona tr 74761 bingo this monday 8 00 f m at the riviera in nerval 16 games 490 in prizes free bus leaves archies girard s 7 30pm to riviera via main street water street dancing classes for children in ballet tap musical comedy under the direction ol vickie lay mistd england member canadian dance teachers astn will resume at 16 main st north upslairs on saturday september 19th par lteulrllm pma and kqulru4 pkon keitlaryl mr barbara mrwrt ii parkvuw garatmni tthth richards self serve shoe centre s3 mill 5lrt owdrgetowri open friday from 1 pin te 0 pw saturday frrini 11 hi te 6 p hi ladies shoes 187 287 387 mens shoes from 17 to if xv i nylons 4 si 5eamless msn p you are invited to hear williarrl l hull the man who made 14 visits to the cell of adolf eichman st johns united hall tuesday sept 8th 815 pm topic ceuamlling man murjarn adolf ekhmth sponsored by st johni aots ueni club silver collection s fui nomlrm junctkn highway 401 and 10 ijyiuow briar inn on shl av wl lax oftlct opn pjh show start al auo ton all family owl thurly hw saturday john wayne maureoh ohaxa also mlintock color scopo my poo buddy tunjay 6nlyl advonrure and actlanl ceiar romero thi castillia color soopa alas cool a crazy adojt butorulfunonl hfiunday tuesday wodnaaday color cinemascope tnak sinatra dean martin joey blafaop i

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