Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1964, p. 2

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came played and conquered m v jnoftval r 38a ol aa ii h pour jone hiuio heres what all the blowings about months o ttacyrcf pid off n pre i nd ti why boyca trophy for th geor dakwn ci i lions band in tortpm on at th cadin national enhib 1 on thunday di0uylrg tk award mbumalic of clan 3 tupremcy jr band prrndnt j ml f iddlr ufl fcufttjmalu art milliard and vice prai idanl garry tomlmi a boy and a sailing ship together again a ly uui a tilling ajiip re twd aa old tnjuiintaie lait k bob qiikly tha k it 2 cormlown youo who iptit a ttimtttrf on th windjammer chmtjjii kadieh si ihr inviti lion of king olav of norway lat ear wj runiled with ihe korwflat ullinf skip a week id u64dy when it docked at the canadian national kxhibi lion bob took hn mother mr kdbart qutly sr to gur her a pcraiul tour of the training vm frort fctiauier ri which tad tfc tii- oj ug ciotnu bfotitt too vie windjammer it wu th4 mm that in pj red bab ut writ the orwfyin acintf eipreuing ku inlerett in 4ini the thip first kind which led lo kjnj ouv i invitation to urva qa ber ihipi tuptjln captain huh at tit cnh bb and the an rerilled aome of their local manr plane on view at cne ux w ray youmane of hot- vtl preidac of uw eparim- aul pluw amil of out ho optat coaaidrbli tim in tho ostiquo car exhibit upatoln l tha autoattotiva boucubs at ta4 xc when aaaoelatioa kot boos displaying bona built air- fl 11m ooo bqoipwtud olr- enft on display wu parade by plerr dep of ft s 4 ooorotowa 11 uj alafla teat qodoplwlo and om flowo ao- out so hoar un norman sununarvtlu of port arthur too form ctbol hyatt vuhed ai um horn of mr and mrs soooclr wluos for mvtnl day ud wita bo father whjl bcr ah attcodod tbtf wtddloi o john wluos and vrt ariel irt brvai i fcuo vuiud r mr krl hyh wkd u b pt knt in iwl urtrikl hospital t unit 2 of twval utiiud church ucw fci- buy j pahni fot ad vnlai l tb ctuirxrh whd lhy ontario hy dru will pritrit quirk trick with im ill ifplisiirei it will lw hrl i oh 11uridiy evening tpl 10th thrr will b lunch and pru all ar wrlcom v f n tommy irihity n vmtmjf m aunt and unrlr ur and mrt ii skrldon of hridgroorth lilt hrnlhrr paul tpvnl a week huh ldaing with rflallvpi in urlph jaolon mr and mr harold spirit ihr weekend of soth at hitham ijobi auguit llrjther vnur hfr hnlidat with btothr un a kirkland lokc pending hfr grand llriton of if t writ wuhfi rt rxtrn dfi lo mr rtliur ilarnftl of le rii own lormrrlv of nor m who it a pjlirn in forgf 1oun uoipiul the cmristiam haoich robert 0u1glcy month to mlanlif family has recepfion robreathaliertest n asul a compulsory attorney patents 40th anniversary llalton trown attorney pft ur and mrs gordon a mr tliqmpon kirr mri coyne of waterloo hfld re iun pulling of mrnh nr in caption for hfr parrnti mr dljni other friend and rrla and lira f ijvfrnf thomp lie urrr from i nionillr aon 21 rjllh st cwirfiflown scarborouch toronto union on sunday autfint 23 on thf burlincton vctin rncluond ttccaiiod of thfir fortieth gnmihj brampton and gror wddlng anniversary getoun some eighty fritndi and mri tom mcdrr and mrs relative attended to extend maurice huid poured tea mn food wiiliei to the bride and hoy thompson mr wilbur groom of forty yean ago itir walion mn alrx lune m received many cardi gifta and mary mree and mr ii weld flower on aerved refrrkhmrnta mailer the setiion of union prea jimmir cojnr wi hyterian church presented and mr and mm ne tbw wtlh beauliful ruby reived ihr gurtds rd ornamental vate the famil prend thrm with groom gift to the bride waa floor lamp rhineatone and ruby aet the among thoe present i the coc children of the clmn r urre pcial gueita of the ural prebtrrlan church us on turwlat uut lftlh in ihr rhurc i following the opening hvmn ihe children put on a abort program mri i hv tl e north nld m in charge of the coc the worship service consisted of a praer bv mary clark scripture reading bv donna benolda and praer by mary mcclure iiia ucoure read the minutes of the predion lol meeting followed by several er mcwllharm ha augkstrd at mna h thf fh coroners inqueatv for the in th reit of the afternoon wai three ean that drivers tale ip on tfiorl on the church compulsory hrratholurr trm uwn mbbir trnoldi and following traflic accidents bnnrfle rerwlley were in charge metropolilan toronto i chief o lh eimfl f t children coroner ir morton shulrnan ani tn enjoed a con hai also announced that brralh fll p b pjt lrawfortl analms tnm should he made a lovely lunch hroukht the compulfcory claiming that more afternoon lo a cloie with mri trun half the dnvrrs killed in t mciee and mri a clark traffic acrnlrnts in ontario im t lunch committee twren last november and june werr affected b alrohi 1 mcullliams claims that hit slvbr wood atthedoor record over the lait three ne rr how that 10 to 40 per c rl i of all dnw r inv lv rd in llalton county were under the tire f iroini mruiihm moose hunter at 83 allens drink 3 8 8 trams fancy iavi ji r f applesauce 6 f 88 tomato soup 8 88 omo iavi o e detergent 88 ptoduct or uia can seedless ho 1 oiabi grapes 2 29 brussel sprouts j 29c fresh celery duchess apples can il 1 cjj 14 cm crad 4 1 uil 29c 59c pmsh otafm a naomud kyimo o koajtino chickens lb y hlth chicmn cuti legs or breasts lb 49 ihciai g comitlnarion omtt wieners one yakubii akio one ti- sausages cheese slices 3 88c a4ple pie mrv 3 100 premie ring monday september 7 th 88 mn isa iucky worn alln 37 wlrtdur lead 17 11 get your w sikico caftos ay iga and may suffk binco for vaiua1k prizes daily prizes tlxtriol applincet 35 00 ch prliai hundred f s3 iga fj cartiflcti weekly prizes evpana p id trip for 3 to luch amcling tlilinlmni a nw york world fair tli bhmi etc grand prize at all four tv station 1965 studebaker wag0naires chch tv hamilton 10 00 im to 1 1 00 a m monday thru friday tomatoes f ql ari iusk1 i 79 engineers wen pi cr i while consulting and the ontario water he source com million have rec ommanded an overhead water ktonige lyitem for george towri opinion imui to be divi dad aoiong council tnembr on whethar ihl l an immediate tooeetaity council some tima ago irull rated m intereat in financing th iw0o0 expenditure under u improve meat t loin pun set up by th provincial govern went a portion of the cost would b borne h the province tfau way but cr charles hudebrandt pmucularly ihinks it would till b art excel va drain on thai lown traury tfca mailer wa dlcuued on monday when council wa rem indod that if it u going ahead roqulattion hiut u made for tho loco in the nornr future council baj already aiked tha ontario municipal board to ha often prrsentrd bis rre ords lo cormurs inqui sts mr and mr are wilson mcvvilli4mv id i unui and son dill ft it i forge l li lain m r i m te i n all applirant for ilnrr n rcnllv vahr1 with mr lirrnrr ir rcqurrd in ennv t m c w0n z to tkr hrrth iu trt r m car of aocld mr vr j0 n hr h11 rmiiull wiliam thoiuiht that hroalh 7 w i r il silrrcrcrk trt hy pot chrck urr a pr1 annlverary thli aul mr woulil hac in l clord in a cr matlrr hut adrirri i oulil mr yr nd i larcrr lln inat illnl to hrlnu a to any method of chrck i c ma unllnj on water inlown and polnlrd out mc drlcra that will top ihr soptrabor 15 and aaya council opinion divides on overhead water storage that cflumccra rnoninicnil hit nccdlcaa alauchlrr on thf hlnh hrln homr m00u upply clnic lo he huh ol own iwji r detr cm hornt thf mrwllllima nolrd lhat sa ikf nd do hi own juldln r kalchfwin anil ii nf thr unit a trip throush thf ppor jpprov pl ifthfy doclilirvolllne eaat on the lihwv to to abajid water cbidrtnati lowerl vwnu to wait and if th oub approve then coun cil can ukf iu atand cr kllde brtndt uya the debate should take plac now and if the plan la turned dowrf by council it is isamaterlil whether oub ap- provea or not while cr klldebrandt oplnei that it will coat the town s200- 000 cr powere aaya do per cent of the cot 1 aelf lupport- ln fiavlng in operating coal would liquidate the debt in 20 yeere be says cr jim younf want to welt until incroaeed induatry re- quire the extra war etorege tie u not told on an overhead siywd vluojnysitlmt wi nderfrpund atoraje m st the id bhvirereek re- deht bottom im not ursuonlnc pljn hut thr tost tjiil lllldcbrandl pit mtfahavf irjlal jtinn of lrw r lh hi uucilnm thjl prm and ithr typp auecratrd hy dr hmmlna waa an in con lir diciisrd j i h jtir shiilman trrealln part of the trip han romimttrr nirctint ii jilopt rd im aklnu all ihr walrr ptclalmu in attend aald racphall i llflfl tlrjuj i thr wllann trutllnn waa held chairman power ddseddll lulky uraw m1on au m jnd the wlnnera of a lucky drawiatlvea around mla area attend sponsored hy thr crorcetown ctl intfrmrdlatf naaehall club correaion in an accident report which appeared in inn weeks herald poalllons of the two cira were rfveraod lle itfn ahould uavr read that a car driven by lira a sklllinj 7 campbell date was and turning into georgetown dairy and a car driven by howard campbell milton waa making a rich hand turn off maple ave to to east or guelph damage eilimate to the bkll litis vehicle wa 280 whan iwyhe ar uuug a horn ba junrlhal it k wired lo mnt lu requkamnn ol lha lad aal standard of wklog- georgetown hydro i7j17s and hlch winds prevented any annourtte winners in 1 baseball lucky draw i on thurda july 23rd ilia h mr lack ijtukon former uas thr rrtipicot of a pi rs in trarhrr at llnrirroe school rllrlc cllt priml cill shower hy ihr stall at tin tom lluntrr and rrnir airs dufkj rdlll rilciiu ollll rtn ti o arrangiri andrr prcrnlrd the tahlra af i h thr supervisors at uhirh trr which lunch was served she received a presentation nia s mother mrs ii van from thr urls l the office arkrl of main si n itrampton mrs mac llalt was hostess t ntrrtined at a trousseau tea at a misrelljnrous shovvrr on t n august 13th thosr pour aukiist 12th uith aursls ivcinu inc tra durlnc thr aftrrnoon rrlatlvrs of ihr lljalt inliri mrs s mvilhrw orval mcllrlde families mir was as mrs id t 1ate mrs ollie slated with the lunch lis mrs misnn mrs o llearn o mason mrs lliikh irslie mrs j a srltrrfirld and miss and mrs wm llatt mime willis at of itrampton on ausrsl i thr old pli i and mrs i rnnk wilson mrs firovf school section ss o 4 s noliln of tcoretown sen and nrlihhoun nf the wilson inr werr miry lnn hvall family hrld a social rsriunc sharon i rshr mrs graham in the plnrsror hall anil pre rtrcvr allecn llarrop dtannr sentfd dia and lohn llh two vriileswiirlh audrey lames lovely lamp tables the cni and ilia a three sisters jennie ins was spent playlnc cards rvrhnr and flrtty after which mr alan llarr ip knllnwini ihe unlilijk rr- aa chairman called on itn hrarsjl on vrlday rvenlnt john and mrs t mctrr to avicust 24th mr and mrs come fnruard mrs mrfrr spencer wilson rntrrlftinrd the rd lovely address prepared u editing parly at their home thr georgetown herald thurujay saplbr j 1m4 were declarfil at a same in deorcetnwn park 1riday aug uat 14 they are lal jack slmonl 1 minerva st dramp ton 2nd ron archer 24 queeh st 1 1 3rd e henderson so some people ire born lucky thli time ii a radio mr clare wilson won a game call ed play ball on rarjlo on aug 24 included in the prilea waa trip by plane over ihe exhib- george st brampton 4lh f jtlon on saturday evening from rulvlllr 14u queen si toion imalton to senior umpire mike tim threahlng hla atarled on nils made the draw several farms in thla district norval trousseau tea concludes round of bridal festivities rla vanarkel of brampton was gueat of honour at several showers prior to her marriage to john wilson on saturday august 28th in grace united church brampton mixs cloodhew mrs j a setterfleld ami mrs ed c page wcreco hoateues at mucellalicqua ahower on july 14th at the homelof mrs good- hew itn e norvalgilets were frlenda and neighbours of the van arkel family m a miscellaneous shower was held- for hla and john at the home of mr and mrs guy bus- sell of georgetown on july 28 mrs krank wrrton assisted the hnsless gueals wore rela tlves of the wilson family and friends mlses aileen and doreen harrop were hostesses on be half of the norval junior dutl- tate at a kltohen showern august olh it pays to come in for our economy a 3 qt jug of milk homo 60 2 homo 55 fri sat sun special toastmastw ham and wiener fih rolls regular 29c special 23 part ners milk satoon located i op hit op ioa tori togo 40 new mercurys meteors comets to make room for the 65s we not- only talk good deals w make good deals tooi we pay top dollar prices for your rjood uudtsrr exclude tha umoni wa dont tell them and wa dcnt want to buy them ueciaii 1957 pontiac laurentian 2 door hardtop and radio automatic iranvmisnon 1960 ford 4 door aadan radio s4o0 no money dawn lo approved credit automobile kanlal sy yhday or by tha yaar websterjackmam ltd streetsville mercury a good place to buy wi nltd ooqd usio camano trucks 826462 opnk 277451 ivanlng until l6 salurdiy urttll 4 bssmmswamsszw x

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