Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1964, p. 3

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curtain comes down on summer vacation schools vacation ii1u school for ballinefad eree churches ended recently with display d handicraft by the children children com melville churchill and balllnafad united quirdm aheaded the weeklong sessions the mombes of tha untor class ara shown below during thair project period second left lo right ara gordon miller with a plastic fmggybank and donna short ii making a plastic beach bag teachers at the back left o rightare donna shortill and mrs leo jamieson at kmmt ovin ctanelamd posed as dr ben casey when he nung out hit shingle during the bellmafod summer vacation bible school above are members of the kin dergarten date during one of thair play periods left to right are shelley wilson as the nurmu john thompson she patient receiving needle from the doctor nettt patient vicky williams and the doctor the children anroyed games and craft as well as bible lessons dorlno the week james warrens bangkok diary bangon bangkok and bananas spraying can control gnfate of strawberries deformed cotiaced itrv- berries kav beca tuuauy abuav duit lo coaunerdal ttinft or dm put fw yew many rowers lo ontario kav r- eotrdd lowed ruaaiox to thou ujke i ootlsv j starvm expertaentj at sim- com by uemra hlklcw and wcnr o the vlseund h rrb uttoo cuu ivprtl qt of agriculture bw u rovvrvd thr came of rstlauif ad ua tootitd twy find lisa i ltiwmcb fro injury may run toim tispfonimd fruit by j ur tw katuf tt ll rud by lit ttmubdtjlmii but- also that uw ktaqtijit bt deuufcd mit ru w xrmtif txliccd ty ad live7tvil fcpray if tk pji pcy tiro a hrw iimiih iri hn r t kvrrrh u tliil luol of ti iimkgs to tb- wm ti ttl- rd y the vry km jill twiiului form of tk tinuhhd punt bun the- ar rilrteiialy dif fwulf tii filed wadm tby drop lit lb fcnund 1 booil u lb punt tii duturbavj twr youtik bujt liiilfh fr care ud in the stnwurry puiil la early using by bd uli pani but hit have bv mlrrrd in the irilarry plahting or in iurruiinliti ffiy areas one spray of di1 or thit uh kiv gikkj rohlroj id the i ploli a ftw other iult lata alto gave promiia2 f suits thr wrrl of jujij ron- irol ml4l vine land swrirbttavti ti to snray thoroughly just ih vf ry fjrmt blouanii tfcrt i in iwn i thi cboftorrowm hrratd twrwajy t i 1h4 pack s i comito l rastauranfr m male tt i finest chinese amd canadian dishes fw take out seraiae call 8779791 rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wedotno juuahotmimtt ttn o pcutty cul flowvt rvj furwal w wlr flor 33 alurt tt 73h3 jimei wirrvn 17 with m is ipttidintf yjr u dtwiin cotuuluut to the government of tluiuiw in another of hl in urttiiib tirwi uttcra hr tells uj of he arrival of hit family in thu ueki instalment of hu liirj 10 auijufcl 2x07 huddhiit kra iiu mjju the kina ha h wive 61 cluldren and at ht present limp 3 concubinei thus it appan but loo plainly that the print kinci ar great tlyiiilifti virtue ran never bav umch sway in sum nor iiy likm prospent until poly caniy 1 midi crime by fiov- shltmcbt- o uyi th anwri cjjd uutlohstry ajwljtioit in iti snxvok calendar for 1sa3 atlsevher h nolet for april ird ur- lonown an kn clufa udy comiumct service oj ktovcrruu the children oi bin uajly uu ttrtt kinj of si am she will prohably liav thirty or mor pupils of little pmc or prmcetes all brother and sitters who have tlalned to sufficient me to hw uuitht the rudiments of an kji ghsh education the warren menace li a lit tie lets extensive it dtves how ever now boait one wife klor tie who arrived with one prince and one pnnrru on thii airwat flight no 605 vt toronto vancouver tokyo and hong kong and the royal houtehold has been increased 100 per rent iungon the rook and chief bottle washer is now assisted by one upah laun dreta and cleaning maid to their majesties with hot nes arrivail life il 0 1 south s thorn ho d hai regained thr eivtliud tranquil quality of numed life less of the rough and ready quality of an army barracks fw th benefit of our lady readers if readers we have lo ceiling window front ami any it may be of interest to hack a lilh brick uall prov describe the household routine idei privacy ironi the hrj and some of the more curium stnrt traffic imnmlulilj in aspects of railing two children front the witrance like tir in modern tlmlind rarport is at the rrar i pitain our houw it a new fine and ue have wo bedroom each we are its firt occupants iti now bjting an air condition architecture n delightful an er one i hate divided with a open stair rite amidhip u iput hamtuio icrccn not to ove a tiled pool which divide much to give the children pn the living room from the din ac at to pruvidr a no nun ing room attached to the 1st land between their jciloml ter it a modern kitchen uith a guarded hauri of the room lnt refrigerator and a hottlrd built in trak warlrotwi and gat stove alio from ital modern teak furniture hjr strung out behind the kitchen thoughtfully hern provided are the servants quarters two by our ljndlod one diwvit t bedrooms a hjthroom a stor mention such ihinj but there age room and a kind of pjntrv are also two tiled tuthruomt with a washing sink in iu one on ecli floor so much for terrain floor formed in the ell the letting ot today s adventure of the huui ami tlte sen anll morning begins atwhit 6 30 quarters paved and roofed with a cool shower at 7 00 carport is separated from the ilangnn rings the servant hell house by l tiny japanese stvlejto inform us that hrtjkfast his garden our living and dining i been served itacon and egg rooms are lit by day with floovover lightly then a lemurel cigsntte in the ratlin chain on our pulio while the light breeie rjivi i a grntle ringing of ihe bran temple belli hang ing in our rn ighbour i girdrm at huo my drier arrives and i am w linked out of v houe reading about tle war in 1 jo and viet nam in time through luiigknk s traffic at home tina and iivtd begin production of marble pots and sculpture from the greaj clay of our compound hanson tiring in h r dail account tvook and 1 lorne goes oer the menu and the shopping list for the di iggi uuill durk eggs are 3v a doien bananas three for a mrke pork chops are seven for tuv hut milk is 3v qt and a small bottle of maxwell house itntant coffee it ft5c ljrh ilem on hie lit is eon verted in the mind from luht lo ents 1 luht v tents so it is not so difficult ilangon disaptears to change from hrr sarong to a more practical ikirt for slupping and home settles down lo a goiut laook from the imted nations information service lihrarj a minor crisis arises when our little black kit ten ufl is pursued by our neighbour s dog another is av rrlcd when it is decided that ilavid can play with the jello packages if tina gelt thee which contained italhman s ci garettes each a part of a recent i duty fre shipment from hong kong one of the deligmi of working for united nations 1 continued nest week the key to a carefree vacation hfc trnekas twi i bmtua yew toaae u hal w ik uklef i n ii li ii fcjii traaaeewallml i -s-v- report from ii n seminar human rights code needs support from every citizen lk dovltuft nancy hunur hal tons dairy princess eliminated at the cne iuh wutmt ks4sy tf m4 tfpajf r frw4asrsta uwtm issustuy t- mtc asm aaour oritur ix fsajwisscsf at low fiasoor katt housbwu hnano hsuss4 t th utprt hs lwl luna club w kad tfw ptmi hrtdlrttj tha un smlttr at tk cmva rrv ymca fm l lak cthrhlchlntf tuth ef oa war jaipply lntrid by what v- larnd thr and w wuh tm thmrw hill wprutum wlht yja tk follmlthf la ths ftlvtti 1ft a aua l ar ticle baud wt h dlffarht toput that ww dlicuaaad thara the ontario human nights code la i familiar tight in far lories offices and apartments yt probably there are few peo ple who are familiar with the text of the code towards the fetid of our stay at geneva park we were exposed to thii collec tion of law ani shown the ttrobleraa and reiulta xtl hi en forcement we were first addressed by mr herbert kohn or the onta rio human rishta commission he explained that hli orgmiia- tlorthad been founded in 1001 to tiahet- in protocuve 1egi uon the llaclal dlscrlmirw- tlon act of 1u4 established the principle that everyone is free sand equal indlgitity and rights vregtrdlej or race creed color kutlonkuly ancestry and place oi origin the present code tm- bodlw this ldm with additional measures when the cbmmusion receiv es a complaint it inveiligatei tt then is subauhtlal evidence tot the complaint the respon dent w urged lo change his policy an unwiuini offender is put before a board of inquiry and k found guilty is sent be tore a magistrates court for punishment besides employing the law to fight discrimination ihe commission usee an educa tin program hr arabtn bor- tvw a ovoy 1jsmuuve secretary of the toronto district labour committee for human rights advocates two fuhher tactics to combat discrimination in prl vate issues not referred to in the code the taw cannot be used nonassociation with the discriminating person or group of people will allow you to hold your head up and also show the people who are discriminating that their policy is not utisfac tory to all since djscrlmlna uon is such an important sub ject it should not be kept bush hush publicity scsrei the familiar canadian bigot who says he like negroes and jews but csnnot hi them in case the customers object if a re portfr were to summon a sales nun who had ust denied i house to negroes the home would soon be occupied by the negroes a bigots fear of pub licity is extremely great these committees do not aim to force ui to like negroes or jews but aim to make us play fair mr borovoy outlined the ob stacles which his group encoun fere in us struggle for human rights there la a lack or sin cerity in the world today peo ple meet in brotherhood group going all out to be nice to each other instud of being franlt thu il injurious to the fight for human rights since we can hide behind the words 1 tike negroes and jws when in real ity we just dont care todays alogan seems to be business first a person gets ihe idea that if a nepro u hired all his customers will dis appear leaving mm to face bankruptcy thu just doesnt happen people arent goip to rush o a store three blocks fur ther on they accept the ne gro furthermore the employer is violating the ethics of a civ- iliied culture just as a lawyer can violate the elluca of his profession then there is what mr bor ovoy terms the cultural ignor amus this peron assumes that he is living in a perfect socie ty all other cultures are prim itive ur emerson en anthro pologist at the university of tor- ran to eiplslned to us that s society is judged on how well it satisfies the haic human needs are we in a position to denounce other cultures when our society is changing so rapidly in an attempt to m fil our basic human needs these committees can only take definite action when they are informed of particular ca ses they most certainly do not hear of every case of discrimin ation la the province because many people do not kbow the teems of the code they may not even realize that they have the chance to beat down the discrimination there are also those who do not with to make a big fuss over the issue they feel emharrd they get the idea that if the commission succeeds in acquiring the job or apartment for them their new fellow employeei fir ten ants will hate them for it and life will be unbearable thu ishiot true the prejudice of canadians is just not that strong when they discover that all negroes dont smell nd live in squalor as reported they accept the person the cause of the greatest difficulty is the middle class nice guy this u the man who is mgaltts discrimination and for human rights but these atti tudes are not worth the sacri fice of a speck of his social comfort he is the one who speaks the familiar words i dont want to get involved he wont give evidence in court a negro may suffer but he does not dare have his name in the paper he objects to certain policies but a boycott is out of the question why he might have to walk a few more steps to a different store or do with out a certain product for a few weeks if even a few of theie nice guys would sacrifice a j little comfort the fight for roc i ial equality would he greatly enhanced the ontario human bights commission can he proud of what it has accomplished there ha i been only one court esse in its history all others were settled out of court yet there sre still aivas of prejud ice in our lives we have been accused of lack of participation when your chance to give help cornea will youi be at home please consider the f ollowlng problem some day youway have to a mixed couple itusbsnd co loured and wife white attempt to purchase a home in a new subdivision the builder wishes to sell to them but u afraid that his other purchasers might object to a mixed couple in the subdivision moreover he has not yet sold all the homes in the subdivision and is also af raid that this might nvk more difficult for him to do so he finally work out a com promise proposal he will canvas those people who have already purchased homes and if majority of thent have tip ob- our mixed couple b he will sell the home to jectlon he will sell the hometo the mixed couple for occupancy after the last of all the other homeaare sold the couple approaches you for advice avto which if any of these alternatives they ought to accept halcoa club fetes mac sprowl bride newlyweda mr and mrs mac sprowl were feted recently by members of the halcoa club at the countv buildings in mil ton the club comprises mem hers of the llalton county government located in the county building at milton the couple received a dual casserole set complete with warmers during the presents tion in the cafrtena county assessor ford rogers acted a master of ceremonies and mrs dave richardson made the presentation on behalf of the club iunch convener mis marlene mason and her group promded a lunch of cake ant ce cream roth mr and mrs sprowl expressed their appreciation for the lovely gift in the next 12 months if the current rate continues 120000 of canadas farm pop ulstion will be invdlved in ac cidents of which 321100 will result in injury and 2400 in death reports the national safety league of cunaiii the national safety league of canada halton county s reprmenla tie in the cnk dairy im j ccs competition uu elimm ated in first round competi tinns attractive dark haired janelte 1innie of hr 1 horn by wai defeated in the com petition by wellington countys representative khijhrth raw ford who finished runner up to the titlut lat year the competition at the cnk ennustrd of the judges interviews speeches and ihe demonstration of milking ahil ity mis kinnie reports that she was nerous hut i enjoy ed it very much 4a otm street fat telephone 4575020 slew canemmt it 1 j nash and mcdowell humbin0 ami heating b water seflaneri b water sysfeirtt iasalrs i allartllent tfc 72842 u hmtom coomativt medical care plan e dechirs call ssla lrrt llrsl visit uusr milul e lye tail hasllk nsnilksiuns all surelell 0rstun 4s afuatlkatuu tarvua tmkoyit okouk raoardlail of sila yeu may entoll at any llnte ef ike year ayes only 1 10 so far men family 500 llu payable quarterly or annuilly v nauon cow lyiimcai uvis sen 47 mlllon yal 77h i i puase sand ma infemtrien ne ebllgitlen i name address forms erestlvojy planned lo meet vo require menls can save time work and mone let us show you what we meanly r georgetown herald 22 main st s i telephone 8772201 theyre coming sept 7th free draw will be held for 2 tickets to see the oeayles t in person anyone making a purchase of si 00 or more uejmble to enter for this draw binder pencils fkfs aj0uitimi tie coiouk mcyunr or the mayus with each 350 diy cuantno okber hiis tt pen and other school supplies chahotod bus or maple leaf cardan for eealle ticket holders leave barragera atji35 pm tickers available frem both delrex smoke shop deutex piaia barragers cleaners dyers it main sthtt s v

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