Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1964, p. 4

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georgetown herald pubutimd by hawna nmnpmi umuw 22 min strt s- gecxgaiown ontario w c uihn pubbaw page 4 thursday septembfr 3d 14 editorial comment iisw readers guessing itt week i hsfdld piclijfel wre iom- mlng of puzzle or reader imo h win hw gutiinq conleit- uc pn of thc thing hit lomt ml happen to k ncwipapaf no vni hur how tervmly it u icrur n itd before the fin fainting on live ticni page w th n ham 4 bout mr hobrt lane 1 n nt oth bnhda wi young maj in uwo bljr mn uv ppearajd on pog 6 captioned ai a bride at union church bride and groom mr nd aai i cerbfry were mm ng ato- qothor and than myilry man wai the hw ball nald m n iter gorfje bate wrwate lory apewed on page 7 an pnation can be alrnoit at ompl cated at the muop itielf but for thoie wlo are wondfirvg hre go the herald u typeiet and put toqe tkr at the georgetown off ce but the ac tual printing it done in goejph tdur ere reproduced by photographing e po- ttv on plattic end ere alio produced in goelph tarly sch week pkujf it there cremly labelud wlvon the ho id pegei re compound hae in ihf hop ip cob ere allowed fo the picture a cd sbard mr iinede of eech pege he p ture ipecei coded end me nt ten to tle cjo ph office where they ere cit in metal age n for the printing poceit the plattic picture ere petted in m allotted tquar at the lf ttege in pf epil ation there alweyt e chance of error but uiually not to g unrig a one it n latl week t uue thit week we reprint the three pc tufoi with apologiei to ell partiei concur ned and w th hope that our readen will now under lend tome of the problerm of produc ng a newspaper sakcveouimtch meomfaeam ateu ron 196 cure 0my0k orcstmte choolife sumluh wis mouth sugar and spice things were hectic 1 1 iw margin for error barry the best dressed man not only do editort qet grey worrying about p cturtt they have n ghtmarp ion e timet about the wordt which appuer m print each week mr and mrs john jonei tpent last week vtf ng n montreal w th mr and mrs bob brown and here it what can happen 1 the copywriter can misinterpret h notci nd have mr endrmrt bob jonc of mon treal vititing etc etc 2 the typesetter can mike an error in letting copy end have the tirm coma out like thit to tlluitrate here 11 one sentence mr end mri john jonei spent lait week v tit ng in montrael w th mr and aari bob brown 3 the proofreader can fail to cach the error end the item will be reproduced with the error 4 the proofreader can catch the error tend it back to the linotype operator who sett a new line of correct type which then goes to the composing room for correct on the compositor can replace the wrong i ne of type so the item now reads mr and mrs john jones tpent last week visiting in montreel with week visiting in montreal w th 5 when second jiroofi are pulled the proofreader can again fail to catch the error or active hockey season ahead 6 he can catch the error tend 1 to tt e n ach r e aga n tor correction and at this stage a the linolyp it can make ano ther error in resetting the i ne or b the compotitor can replace the wrong line e second t me it would thus be pott ble to have the item end up read ng week v ttng m montreal w th weak v t ting in montrael w th week v 1 t ng in montreal w th 7 at if th t isn t enough to make any ed tor t ha r grey thit nn t the end each news desk extras by yefry hetuy lljny brokvfi window rvauit 1 from mifonif booms fro hltlery pepar william hendji inventrd thr the start of noihr school trrm for itudmti anil tearhen u the onl tlmr of th rar when a tentencr comn at the erwl of a thori period thry biulually reard the switch n on of thr educational trradmill with reluctanci so who doem t you say tlir connfiiucur ol thr bljrodurt f the brain itu fling protest line of type it a separate p e e of metal and lhlt who ru collrcior of if the conipos tor dropi type when he is the scholarlv fhihi known transferring 1 to tt proper place one page th hoy howler u j unlike the hesitant pjrtic the ines can be iramposed and the tern hf rftlnli the trrai can read mll a an astemt u i ne of f c papei georgetown herald ktuufcej w home heweawre luitej georgetown ontario wslur c kwh publisher cahuu wtcllvrsy lroduclloa superintendent automatic washer terry harley sir valter italeigh wii a n j rich sailor with a folden hirul president uncoln was called honest ape berime he was a good man but homely ttie pony i xprea waa a ktem worked out to send p mrs throuch thr mall alleen uradlry accountant use doufilas advartulnji alsoajier exam paper goofs that tickle hn fancy better thin any uritin staff of danny kiri irmcl with ottrich plumn err could we ofr the follow ir c tarn plrt mr and mrs john jones spent last mr and mrs bob brown week v s ting in montreal w th 8 and as e final pott bility the sot al end fertonal item can a get mixed in w th other type and eppeer smack in the mddle fnt ingluh grammar oapar of a news item or b get lost or ttrayed what it thr antnnvm of woe in the shop and never appear m the paper et all that the herald hat tuch a low per centage of errors m the thousands of words which appear each week 11 e tribute to a hard working staff which checks end double checks at much as is humanly post ble while still maintaining the necessary pace to produce an issue on time rduup poultry has a lingular known as rhickrn iood punrtiuti in mr n not to be latr from nature study papar canada and australia have two thincj in common they err both in the common vealth and they are both far apirt until thr mliiionane came o africa the cinnibalt ate each other frwf literature paper robinson caruso met black lriday inusw jjion wji alwjyi looking for the coldrn flrsa 1 juliets halcon tiecame fa mous urs william grgjle clerk tyout anna curvle iteportrr peter jones photojraphrr uille clark dive hastings u gilson j ucclemenu jerry uihusky ucmbar ol the canadian weekly newspaper aiaociatloa and the ontario auoclitloo hoe i envy the fellow who baa 2 week holidays he lakes hu h uy to a col fdour bip or out tnpinat end thei u ail there i to it he een go beck quietl end aajtely beck ia work thiat are elwajre pretty hectic kxuuetd ouf puce ia the trf but thia was the hectkeat a a leachei 1 in almeat frantic to ttbool tu atart 0 1 cap et off the ftrrle wheel thie weeke unmf btwtw bckel r4wh tawee weeks el lhren hummer milf tokeel iw rk eu leey twe weeks el temp v kim ywe weeka refreeke uirm ui atrt- ellet end w week h e wee kly edlte tie m now thia dom t sound to bad wlied you ky it quickly but ell thcae thluis were jolng oh in different place at dlf ferent tlwi the heetilt ww a eompinatiod of the crnd prix uuslrsj chairs wbos bn meeplrik in my bed and ut ureak hie hank uy wife ifu bow vry sa lurday night heda for the bmeht with a huge armful tw soiled elothea and we don t see her until it 1 time to get in thr car late sunday and charge off once again in all directions b it sunday for tha first lime in six weeks the four of us were under the same roof togvthrr we were all a little uneasy at being with thassw slrini on hugh th throoih virtually urifccalhvd despite tka irentb- line and frslfatlei el hit pa- rwrtts he latbed ui ui exten ding hu slay at the summer schel ffm three wks te live in e lhr entphaslilno the mn- iplrallen ke was tehltve there aftrr dcrp and midnight con aultations we reluctantly sent off thr requisite extortion for the extra two weeks skn aftr another letter am rd in this one we learned he hajl been out for dinnrr ttrak and mushrooms chlanti the works with a yank girl whoic father was an tnglish teacher was divorced and was having an affair with the dau ghter of the bartender in the place they d eaten hugh s momtai wis ready to call out the militia declare war on the u s ind invade if necessary to snatch her boy bck to safety hi father w trying to sooth her uun and at the tame time remeroberiast with not a btue sadness what be u like at that kfe uovever be surprised ua he arrived homa the day be waa buppoaed to even more amazing he had soom money left completely aatoundina be looked oeoy illhuy depreved 1b those five weeks be bad be come if alien in love at leeet twice bought a pipe and tobac co cooked for mrlf for two weeks living mainly bo pa blunt and cheeee and beed in becca ioiot none 0 thu botbexed me too much 1 though hla mother gave him an interrogeiioo thai would have done credit to inspector aiauret peaepe the me mpajej twe wales 4 t4m wnwiw were tbeee i bent e a weekly edited if ell keen with e wwein mf rirfi end very smrty ev td wltk e kimer j mue and how doubly devastating it u to be a weekly editor m bmirlat town where evrry old friend cotugw within e rd of io uilii u hll bent on wre cking your niaxrlage your con atitulleo and the neat day with his bcpluliity oh well the worit u over there rauliu only a gritting of the tth girding of the loins and a hardening of he resolution to get thrwigh the ltt week of sumnlef the weekly ntwipapers convatition when ttul g over and i come home a shanihling hhedow of the fine healthy young fellow i was on the first of july tny plana are made i phone a sari tori u tu take my 3d days sick leave and resume living about the end of september a bible thought for the week h dan and thre weftt with htm band ef mn whese heart cd had 1euchd 1 samuel 10 2d there is no substitute for heart felt religion and no last ing work without jt tha number of drowning during summer weekenda ia a tragic reflection on canada a regard for aafety rutea never twlm alone don t swim when tired or within two houre after eating if you aec a nomwlm- tnr but enjoy getting into the lake be sure to wear govern ment approved tafaty jacket business directory vow that thr dinosaurs are f health paper safrly dead we can call thrm i u hc3lthy t0 i detp clumsy ami stupid pnga are much quicker than people in le than tuo months they are a rar old prem science paper ly before you expire scurry ia a disease caused by too fast living lllvei ere caused from fool ing around with bees with both intermediate raiders and junior beavers making plant for the new hockey teaion georgetown will again have plenty of wmtor tport for arena spectators the beavers with one season under their belts will be in better shape to appear in the win columns thit winter they made e surprisingly good showing last year matched against teams which had ben organized for some time they will be tfvo earn lo wetch this year tha raiders after a season in the wei- inside eery molecule ere and musk many manv adams j an oboe la an instrument a vacuum it an empl popular with poor tngllab apace with nothing in it folks you never know how a rock ready to start creating again et will behave because ihry class as ah wilt for the go through stages i bell tern ontario league are returning to oha competition their oppos tion wilt include some familiar townt which have not teed teams in georgetown or some years while fent will miss the milton acton nv airy they will look forward to again seeing t mln- cfnf dlofl ejrrura n ecton dundes preston fort erie w ohterence ikjxjjh hetpeler and pant are also in the loop coupled with the usual omha entries the saturday morning hockey league end the inlernetional bantam tournament hock ey will provide a good share of george town s winter recreation anniversary for stamp harley to halton weekly observations by dk harry haruy mp fo haiyon 1 1 i wu ultunit in the home of commonj the other day 11 in cywltnet9 to die now iraoui blood throwlnir incident the hon georje nowlan a former mlnliler jn the conservative cabinet had ben spcaldns a few ralnutea at the beginning of the debate for that day jll wat after orden of tho bay when the house of commons was full the prime minister had gone to hli office the lea der of the opposition waa leaf ing through some papers the house wu quiet suddenly onaeuiing looked like o rolled up pajier but brown or red in colour oame hurtling down from fho opposition gallery over my hoed aj ay kal l lower 1 down in the chamber and thia occurred jtut aboyj tb middle f tha hmifd li commons i w got apkahed tf were sev- irl liberal member ai this container paaud bvpr our heads the gallery had accidentally nient dropped something it crashed in the centre title in front ol the lion george jowltn he looked up paused and said it a not hit heart a blood its his brains after a moment of stunned alienee parliament wont on as before as the pro tectlve staff moved in during the dinner recess all evidence of the red blood wai removed from tho green carpet 1 think all members were aurprlscd at the mild sentence of 25 fine canadas hlgheat court of legls latlon compare this with the 500 fine just hahded down to a performer at the ottawa ceh tral kihjmuon for having her performance too suggestive the flag debate contlnuos un abated ai x mentioned last week monday through thurt daylidevotedto the flag and united kingdoms history friday to the eatlrnatee ol xttuufn at itnt omeoim in some department of govern at the present lime we are discussing the amendment re queatlng a plebiscite and a submendment detailing how this should bo held there have been two pleblscltet in the history of canada in ibm pro hllbluon waa the subject of t plebiscite tha majority exespt quebec were in favour of pro hlbltlon but no action was tak en by the government in 1042 conscription was the subject and the government wis per tftcr this act of contempt of rnltted by the pleblaclte to conscript u la interesting that this plebiscite took 78 separate regulations roquirod 30 separate forms ant took 3 months to complete i a plebiscite is out o keep ing with our system of parlia mentary government there have been no plebiscites in the in a new five cent postage stamp to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the que brc conference that led to confederation will be issurd by the canada pott office hept dlh at was announcid by the lion john it nicholson fnilmaskr general the stamp will be the aoventh spicial is vue in the lwtl program in announcing the stamp mr nicholson recalled that it was at the quebec conference of 1864 that delegates from the irovlnces which ore now onta in quebec and the marltlmea hammered out the seventy two itesolutiona which eventually formed the core of the british north america act of 1bot canadas written constitution the constitution was there fore one of the milestones on the road of the creation of the canadian nation the q u e b e c conference stamp followa an earlier la sue which commemorated the charlottetown conference which took place a month pre vious to the quebec meeting and at which aome agreement had been reached on the prin clple of a federal union the quebec conference lasted fron oct 10 to oct 27 and aaw many political and economic obstacles to union removed the design of the stamps a design holding a pen tnd t mtple letf aymbolltea the reaching of agreement among the various provlneee leading to nationhood the stamp la be ing printed in red and brown by the ateel intaglio process designer of the stamp is phil lp weiss of ottawa who also created the original concept of the charlottetown conference atanip and haa a number of other canadian atampa t wt credit a total of 18 million stamps will be printed our system members of 1arlla tnent re elected on the basis it bat bean auggested that te of party policies and program met i might mention here that in haltou this part of the platform waa discussed on sev eral occasions the parliament is then expected to make loci aiona in the national interest based on the platform normal ly it parliament decides it can not eupport the government on any matter or policy it refdaea to do to and a referendum in the form o on election ithold this is not true now of the flag issue it la a free vote tnd the government will not fall retfardlesa of how the flag lasuo is decided in discussing these mattora matter be referred to a com mlttee of the house of com mini for a recommendation to bring back to the houie of qbrnmortji the government haa aureed provided that eome li mit be put on ue debate when the matter la returned to th house of co mm o ha and that the committee ipend only a atl pulated twnount of time on thli tudy if thia la not done then we hae done tip thing but waate hmeto begin the end- jeaa dlsctiselotti all over again unleae aome thing la to be eon eluded to aend the flag iaeue to a committee ta merely bw cranunatlon ol valuable time and effort chiropractor donald a cay dc appointments made dally call yu 73401 3 main tt crel6wrt chiropractor caralj w cerlxl dc 0mt dally by xr atifcmntet houievralle arranged ij1u31 ua main si klrth o y walker bo do st optombtrisy 12 main st s brampton 4s1m74 ret 4jig243 hours 0am lo 8 pm turtday lo saturday friday 0am to 0 p m kvenlnga by appointment cattk wdlywood orilaru land survey 118 mounulnvlew ui s yttlanou 7mii w h carr at wattwud ttt yum ha ytt 44144 robt r hamilton opt am trial 116 uountainvlew fid s carreul bldg lor appointment hon 8773971 dale bennett latimer baines iurrutre av uilcl4f douglas v lattueh terence r ba1ni3 nuangle 7j31 u ulll st curgttown dax developments limiykd atulluh fliw hw prop walter pacholok trr4jll r mwi barragers cutmrahlrt laumlerara t tjim 18 main s 188 guelph v all wwit iswm an tmntuea wallaci tmompjom 3rj dlvlalon court curk a conimlstlonar tit v2tt classified ads bring results massage aaurl h mllor r m 9 cleaveholme dr 774090 or vws house calls by arrangtnl monuments rollock t camfbill designs on itequest inspect ix work in greenwood cdmetery choni 4ji5to 03 water street north 0 a li prank p b t c h licensed auctionkeb prompt service p 0 box 413 th 7834 georgetown i i oioroitown animal clinic 106 gaelph slreet v zavlfs dvm dr k b oaakln cllnju open 88 pm moft lip wu amruy y ii km george c hewson barrlibr and fcllelter us uountainvlew rd x carretal duildlng georgatowu tr 7 mil frederick a helson lurrlaur and iollcllw 116 mountalnviev rd s carretal duildlng georgetowa tr7aofl m e maufjerson qc barrister and solicitor n mill st goorflelown tr 72444 tvansicklerba aurrlttar gollcltor natwv dr wlultma bid 3d main s- th t4ui raplan orth- aurrlsrera and solkclmra 1 sidney varlan us mounulnvlew ed i carretal bulldln i u i rri tt

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