Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1964, p. 6

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twwt x 1n4 tmi oioaorrowm huald y j3 union church marriage scene me h- p btutraneoe jficu ted at lae double tk hnd- eoy od saturday aucuet let at j oclock la union preebjl- iefia caurch trhed betty jeab juamod buxmcr ol atr tad aire clarence anderson terra cotle kxim tb bride 6 dam edward ctrberry boa ol tr and kin sluart ictrberry ill alalton saudarda and beateu of wild rat udioli and wbju baby knucns decorated its church keassetli tt harri- ebd waj the organist tad ac- compaakd ilh llarry crl wherj aba w1i 0 perfect love weddiim prayer tad lb wed dlnf hymn 11m bride those own of rrooctl teffeu ftlbioned wilb aaood neekune eaibroldersd with wed pearls una quarter laaftfa sleeves tad a uxbtly f il iad bodlee wilb vrnrh lace applique it the waistline the ekirt wti full length and bell akaoad wilh t abort trtla she carried claude of nrlercllffi pink rotes tnd while atephaa- otis the tripl tier elbow wafta veil fell from a liars of saad pearls ska wi iven in aarruxe by bar father mrs robert howes b s arthur eoualu of the bride ni the matron of honour tnd use bridesmaidi were wise ed- mb mcdonald terrt cotti eoaain of the bride tnd uiu docat dolton tt k 4 george town all the tttendtnu were c a china pbola gowned alike la pink orrsttsl with scoop necklines abort aleeves and uered skirts with plain eeersklrts of the time material they tarried bou qucla of feathered miniature twevlone pink ftnutiona roy wrubt h h x uow atoad wta the groointmin tnd dive anderson terrt cotta brother of the bride wilh alvin ctrberry brother of the groom at r 2 llano uotd were ushers the wedding reception wu held it knot presbyterian cburfh georgetown where aire anderson received n a ailverblue ailk broride gown with matching hat bone ecces- aorlh tnd t roruge of pink delight roses mrs clrberry ta slated wearing a light green lined bouele gown wilh beige aeceaaorlea and t corsage of talisman roaei yor travelling on their hon eymoon to lake placid new york the bride wore a two piece ensemble of pink tnd trey ailk with matching pink linen coat black hat tnd seen sorles with a corsage ol white gardenias and atephanotia on a green leaf background mr and mrs ctrberry will live on hia farm at r r 1 mil ton ah will he on the teach ing staff of rramtlet school guetu were present from georgetown rramplon toron to london kitchener orange- vllle uallon and terra colli glen georgetown teachers wed in guelph ceremony a double ring ceremony la kacat presbyterian church in titselph united la rntrrttga heather ucaula tnd john wil liam snoddy in a setting of white tad yellow gladioli tnd etatica tha bride li the daughter of mr and mrs chester graham aaobaia and the groom u the dad of mr tnd m john il bnoddy hav rorbaa thompson par- termed the ceremony uiu bar bara gundfleld ting the wed ding prayer tnd the wedding hymn accompanied by mr afarild j bauer of raekwood civea in marriage by her rather tha hrlda wore uorlgl- bal floor length wedding gown of french peau da faille the bodice wu highlighted by t aballow scooped neckline tnd elbow length eleavea tnd t band of delicate french than- ilriy lace formed a eutnmer- twnd affect jl grteefuuy con trolled sklrtiwes enhanced by t acalloped bald of thanully lace ajtwntaajoltoni and a bouf- tint detactisble train cascaded from the back waist to ford a chapel train a weddlag band heiddreu of rrenchpetu da faille and chin- ully laoa held yiltuerigth betaffant vail of ailk ulutloa wilb bandraued edgaa tha arlda carried a cascade bouquet of yellow rosea with turte ol white lace and ivy the maid of honour was mlu mobaln sister of the jibgld and the brideemaku yivafa mist dan snoddy elster ipt tka atoom mra brian ruddy rmillm fw hlnea they awwnad alike id original gowna of unpsrlal n tha tleeveftsa uniaead by ihtl- fmculbev and the jdontrollad long white ptrsttdt- jlecea ittrrlad white gltdiotl with fern snd matching streamers the beat man was norman saoddy of hamilton eoueln of the groom and the ushera were mrlin dlack london ted clare rrettan and ted burbidge for the reception it the coun try club th hridei mother received her guests weiring t dusty rose tilk chtntung jicket dreu feituring t lice bodice of identical shade matching hat with while tcceuorlei tnd a corsage of white end pink rosea the grooms mother wore a open blue silk shantung jacket dreu withahoea to match a white ostrich plume hat and white tccetaoriea tnd a cor- atge of white and pink roses on their departure for a hon eymoon on the ettt cotat and in tha united states the bride wore a pink threepiece linen stilt pink flowered hit tnd white accessories ind a cartage of pink roses snd white garde nias v mr tnd mrs snoddy will live at is strgent road george town he u beginning hli sec ond year u t teteher tt glen wllllimi tnd the it joining the chapel street public school etiff harris floral akkamobmanti 0 vaitv occasion daahjra cut pwware waddlnej- ataejannto lb main ft nt 7451 halton holsteins garnet honours at cattle show the halloa holsteia club placad 44 la tha county herd at the cnje an wednesday august ifttk this final class bs the holauia eectiew f s by peel county fol lowed bv york and waterloo halloa had an eaeepiioaally good ahowiag of holsulas this year wltlj thirtyered head hiklud by thlrixn disirr eat breeders- arnold kiah oakvllle uh 1 showed the winning twu year old buu twinholnl citell paul this hull wenl on to win the tseaerve grand cham pion ribbon othrr top pier lags by llaltod breeders wrre md follows hoaxav dinner party linen shower hornby bride tyre jim hnow entertained ata dinner party in honour of uiu dlaa wrizglesworth a bride to be 1 friends of dianes gathered at the koysl oak hotel id oakvllle on aug tail the loth where everyone enjoyed a delicious dinner of chlaewe food following dinner galnee of various kinds were tdayed and biana was showered by ad assortment of lined gifts she was taaiated on opening her gifts by her sister marilyn and julie snow dune thanked everyone for their beautiful j gifte and cards of good wishes tnd invited them all la her trousseau tet i vtlerir kile enioyed t few days recently tt the bom of mr tnd mrs hughle oag of jamestown ny junior yearling buu if craig raid mlltoa kh i and valor yearling bull gordon r sinclair burling ton ind senior heifer calf a g hunter burlington mh junior yearling heifer barbara v royu oekville rr and two year old aury cew george and l ii leaver campbellvlll iiwi three vav old dry cow cevae ej l ii leaver snj- kuur year old dry tow ii craig tflil 2nd wirt j uennell hurllhgtud uk i jij ashvlle larnis uj ulton lit 0 oil two year old heifer in uik lhonus ii- mrge korvfil it u i ind four year old cow in milk wirt j lun belt mb lrogeny of dam ii craig held 1st must bf these winning ant- mils will be in rompelitln st tha county ulack tnd while show st the milton kslr on saturday september aath 26 halton junior seek judging crown at cne on rridajr september ath iweatyatf clf and junior eer- nses members will cumprte at tha cne judging competition there fcrw appeosimalely 00 coaoetilors taking part ln this com petit inn j section one uf this comtvli- tlon is bpen ui junkie parmer tnd 411 membefs llleo u sevenued years ll tge section two is bpen lu thus eighteen ta twenty lis years of age there are tour sections in all in the llveelirfk acctlon palilcipanls will judge four tleuee of raltle sheep and swine rarcssses ud answer a uulr in the horticulture sec uon classes of large seell small seeds potatoes md ep- pies will be judged and su identification uuii in tiie kn glneenng section there will b an identification of trietur and machinery parts general safe j ty uuir tiul a quij on ecniwm j iral and safe use of marhinery parts the fourth section run of awartla foe thoa with the highest on the other three the contestants will guwau of the kshlbiuod paw pfttza usts lunch and at the evening i grandstand show there will auo be lr tins for bart ol au pair prise tha afternoon at the for grounds tjjxus will be off use iweehv end this township of esquesing road closing ur and mr lri rutltslzr rromivinihj thr uttrri pr 9m1 ur ind ur inin wall ob vftarbtion to juult str uirir uklheal oliver enjoys j v ration with mr snd urt ar thur flint ur and un km kill and valrrir pnt iw dav- holl- djytb at uk placid ny ur and mra cam i hodn randy and kevin pm a day lut mhk klcathk at fort kilt and kuirara paua uni and valtri ella viiit- d with ur and ura roy kmhul and family or loadon oflt o the wkftd felrt day itttlnki to ricky tutldij on spt 2 chrutln leartrtont on spt 4 ura rill tallyn and ur edward rob- rrtion on spt 7 to jim ham ilton on pt i and ca0cri 1u11 on sipl 0 th lloraby clrla wn tklr firtt gam ol the final arla en thursday nieht when thy defrattd onuith by or of 157 uari uereuf wai th winning hurler ami marilyn wlthnell wu charcvl with the lot tha august meeting of st stephen anglican church guild wai held on tuea- ntsht aug 18 at ike home of urt uargarh cooluan with eight wambara praiht tka ptfetl- dut urasjhb buitll open ed th mxting with the guild rrayer the sutuhlne commit tae report wu given by ura u cookaon thauik you cards werarad and lut of tkaa who were riasmbrd while 111- wu read auo it wu de- eided that the guild would as- alat the sideinieti at thfelr booth at th annual steam show at ulllon a dittuaalou waa held oh whether to have booths at the milton and georgetown rl kalr it wu decided to hfcvd one at george town but th miltbn ylivaj left ovbr to decide at the next tnoetlng a report wu kived on the thurcb platea which had been sold and how many were aull let to be aold the knee ing eloaed with the lords iprayer and mn 1at mppttte thanked th hoateu for the use of her home lunch wu provided by mrs ken fella and aarved by mrs john btia- ell and the hoateu u mrs tlla wu tinable to attend w the many friends of wlllard shier will be pleased to hear he is improving at the won henderson boaplui hamilton timalfss idlplclt ahdant peravlu aasons created buildings that have de- fled time and oartliqiukee and their walls required no cement o perfectly were the bricks ottodsl 9 propoaud bylaw to authur 1m the cltulng ur part of th eahglnai rojvl atlowbnci tx twn the rut half of ut 10 ad th etut half of lot 11 in coomuloii 1 1 in ihr uid tbwiuhlp by admuurf wenl 0is3 arr be the umr bior or iru notice is llkrtuy givon that the council of the corpor j auon of tha towmhip of km- quaring propoi on uonday the fifth day of ociour ifim at the hour or 8 oclock in thr eftehtioon or ai wn thrre- aftarf ai it uty dtem adviuble to autborita the clnting of that part of the original road al lowance ai deter bd foll ow j aix amd s1ngimar that rehain parcel or tract or land and pretaum aituate lying and being in the towmhlp of lfaqueaing in the county ofj lultoh and province of ontario and being romposhl of part of the original road allow ance betweet the raat half of lot 10 and ihe eut hau of l 11 in ooncfeuion 11 in the uid township containing by admeasurement 043 acres te the aawe more or leu and which uid parcel or land i wort particularly desarribed u follows premising that the centre line of the hydroelectric power commission of ontario right of way croulng part of the east hslves of uid lot 10 and 11 hai a bearing of north 81 degrees 37 ft 00 in writ and relating all bearing heraln thereto commencing at the writ angle of th east half of uid lot 10 thence north so degrees i3 feet 10 in fit along thr northwffct limit of the eut hau of uid lot 10 being alto th laj lath it limit of the uid original road allowance teflm keet to a point urln thkmck north u0 degrers 43 ft 20 in west aerou the aaid original road allowance 8700 keet more or leu to the point of interaction of thr north west limit of the uid original road allowance with the line of a frnce running north westerly snd marking the etuiting nnrthesit limit of the landi or the norvsl cemetery thence south 30 degrees 23 ft 10 in west along the uid northwest hmit of thr uid original road allowance being auo the southeast limit of the eut hair of uid lot 11 574 23 feet more or leas to the south angle of the east half of the uid lot 11 thence south 44 degrees 43 ft 40 in east slong he centre line of uid conceulon ii being also the northeut limit of a given road crauint part of the west half of uid lot 10 6633 feet more or leu to the point of commencement the proposed fly law and plan showing the isnds to he afrected may be seen in my office at rr- 1 georgetown the council will hear in per son or by hli councel solicitor or agent any person who claims that hit lands will be prejudicially affected by the uid bylaw and who applies to be heart dated this 10th day of aug ust 1064 k c undsay clerk towmthlp 6f esqueslng maher ii main sl s shoe store 8772821 all text books that are required for high school are at georgetown stationery eomwitt nut or pens pencils drawing and drafting materials brief cases leetw zlppaeaej tlndere of ushilg duality cmhar supplies binders mills notebook- ale everything you need georgetown stationery and office supply 773452 m main si esquesing rsa parents of public school children please note school bus routes stewarttown hut rautea ramalit rka teeive ai last lams aacapl eke but ae rk yth llite la ise aafatsoae harrh fa murt aulsan and a tsew but rout froeri let 8 an yawn una tautb le lal s watl ta 8rb una ssarth la 10 sldeniaj weal la 7th una tauth la s ilderotd was la sh uf norrh to 15 sleuraad atsl la etheal ctasses stakt ay 140 am pupils attending grades 4 and 7 at stewarttown school will be tcrammodaud al homby sthael and grade s pupils will ise eromntscleled at tka new municipal offkas 7th um until aueh time at iha new addition al sfewarhowri u completed speyside and umeh0use kouraa remalrt tha itnie at last farm hmehouu classes stakt at 140 am skvside classes stakt at 10 am v pineview but routet remain tha lama at last term u classb staph at 10 am the above scheduu it la apply in all inttaneat wtbjtiejsaj any taylluna the board find necessary following a trial pervar jta hajtyie eiianeaiy parantt of puplla affeetad will be rwhfied by the atwel j tsfeii

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