Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 3, 1964, p. 9

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tf ylaureria i ih4 nm efokorrownhnalo mrs robert lane 90 years a resident of limehouse gl5t3tiiv l txiol 1 ij a a i mr robert lane the forme catherine srott lime bouae celebrated her otb birthday ou august lhh when she wii entertained by mem ber of her family at the hour rf hr daughter un harvey norton limehous it had been planned that the rewbra tiod would be at a family din net party at spot on 7 but un fortunately mrs isne wai not well enough to attend mrs lane was born on the 6th line on the arm now own ad by mr and mrs k a iter limehoute on august 5th 1874 the daughter of ur and airs jwlliani vcott she wai a pupil at the old 7th line arhool she wai married in 1d02 to llobert lane thtir children are arth ur of toronto un ted mar row toronto mrs harvey vor on 1 1 neh ute and kobe it bob of eorirtown urs itne has always been a buiy prrvnn an 1 it itill able to do hrr own h out- work and work in hrr garden for many i years she was a successful competitor in the roir in the dutnet when she rntered her lovely quills an 1 hooked rugi which were her hobby weather damaged area crops no government aid coming ford bramlea parts depot 8 million dollar moving job the largest moving job ever to take place in canada will b completed this week when the final transport load of parts arrivei at the national jaru and accessories depot on h ford motor company in bramalea the first parts were moved from windsor on june 20 and th plant in rramalea com netuttd operation on july 20 aiuu form director of the bramale plant explained the moving consisted of 622 trana port trailor lojuli not only from windsor but alto from th toronto plant which haa bfi combined with the nation aj depot for amoother opera- i tion and also aome 200 rail road box ears in all 200 000 parti worth 10 million dollars have been moved they ranee in alxe from minute pieces of wire to caba for trucks two hlfti have been working un loading the parts and placing them vn the vlant bramalea was chosen as the ite of tha new plant mr for n tald for several reasons it b in tha area which la the huh of tha transportation of the country it is close to malton i airport and the company does crest deil of air frelcht the rail lines also are centred in ihu area and the company s major market is the toronto hamilton area oimti mldoctour the cost of the building movement of personnel and the parts mr koran eatlmated would be over eight million dollar the building mr for n said would be officially op cned in mid october we want to be proud of the tunc hon of our operation as well as the building before we open he added early in september a movie of the bramalea ford opera tlot will be shown to the deal eh to introduce the new 1063 can following this the film will b available for schools and organizations which might like to use it mr foran ald the 550 employees who work in this new plant enjoy the lat est material handling technl quel in canada a trip thro up li the offlcei and plant reveals this am ail ne new trend in in duatry the oyer is large with a comfortable waiting room just to the right of the entrance on the floor u bright red rug which givei a friendly warm glow to the entire room straight ahead as you enter la jr the circular staircase to the ir third floor you aclmjly entef the building on the second j r floor here in th centre of the stalrce is a mosaic tile foun tain which shoots water about is feet into the air music is piped into all of the offices and provides a pleasant back ground in which to work after an order is taken there will be according to mr roran three million this year and they wfll weigh some 40 million pounds it la placed on cards by key punch operators and then taken to the compu ter centre which is the largest in the country this machine mr roran said will tell if the part is in stock gives its loca tion in the warehouse and when the orders reach a certa n clanger level will automatical ly order the part retard ordr one interesting part of the placement of orders is the el ectronic machine attached to the telephones which enables a dealer to call in his order after business hours the machine records the order and the fol lowing morning the order is taken off the machine and sent on its way mr voran explained that it is the aim of the company to provide parts for any dealer in the country who is near a major centre within 24 hours of receipt of the order in the storage section of the plant is an electronic machine which enables those unloading the parts to send it directly from the untoadlng area to the correct section of the building where it is to be stored a complete trip around the build ing takes 40 minutes at a cen tral position the cars are load ed then set and run along the track at the back of the cart are numbered metal teeth which are bent down to wrrei pond with the number of the tiding where they are to go when the truck approaches this siding a magnetic switch shunts the truck into the correct ild ing where it is unloaded by the workmen when they are finished they reset the truck and send it back a master control panel keeps a check on the trucks and when one aiding becomes congested more men are sent to out area to help with the unloading two door the unloading area is alio different at the ford plant many plants mr voran explain ed have 24 small doors for the unloading tnwkto go out and in at the bramalea plant all trucks back in through one door to their respective ramps fend then leave by another door local farmers will not bo fit iztxsl th fsdcrtl cover bbol rcfnt sjmouikztncnt that komt tsrmcrg nho crop have been affected by te weather will rceiv lintcwi aid uodc lb fcchcta only ur uvriri in klta otiuno will rcive help in tbu rr a druught hj playrd havoc with tii ttoi ikd many people bv suffered hcvy ftutmuj laj hay normally rrvd fur tb winter months has bad la h xivu to rattu and it u undctlood that the govern ment intend to ht auppllrs uf bay shlppd into the ara tfau bwi was given to a ioop of uct fkrttiers it a rting u it week later koy coulter chairman wid they would not bnrflt bfsut their rropa had bn de by uw violent hall storm whirh rippd through the locality ov rf two wrtkl sx tlirn over 120 farmers were affwted and poo 000 worth of damage was caused apparently said coulter inturanre is not available lo covrr a drought but there arv insurance provisions m rovrr hail damaga tlie farmers were nol cover i fed by insurance and they stand to lose great dealt of mflny if compensation is not forthcoming it wai with this in mind thai a svven man delegati n re pre jaenting the farmers met agn cultural minuter w ii stewart earlier this week i ite suggested that the air ruers arrange a public colli ft ion campaign and promii 1 i that whsteer amount thry raised he would aik the pro ivinrial government to make a grant of a similar amount but at the farmers meeting it was decided such a campaign should be held outside the area this would take the weishf off people who ha 1 al ready had to bear all the bur den coulter who organlied a meeting of the farmers immed lately after the crop destroy ing storm said they would wclcuiuc attyontf who was pft- riud with lhuranc policies pred to liwllgst tb csm br dclarrd adding mp are pijn ibug taken towards th end cuulrteblitig upod tha rati couitrf intlmatrd that tb toate of tsbqjbwi crop tlainjge of argiculturv b laid h rrgarded thu fjguri would b cuiiurtcd kld aakrd as ratbf coilmrvativ or lhtr virws on aurnrf i think the iloui uiade fr polirir to fovrf polblf sjui tnrrri rraltie tby ktould 1m hr daugrs bent rar family dinner celebrates couples 55fh anniversary a couple who hv un and t oiuld on 23 mderod prttime rrailents of it h i w i dinner with theiu ttiit tby crorgeluwn for the oakt few itisrkid thfir i5lh annxveraary yars marked their wlh w i ur amj ura klluuwi hptus ding annivtnry tuesday t nr winters in california mr and mrs o kliutton where they have two sons ar sptu half th year with thnr ihur and il aiul two grajid daughter and son in law mr children karen and ary and mrs charles it i- l v 1 ttie knutums are origin grandchildren robert itifky from rdmontt n bob alexander halton pasture hob alexander georgetown it it 2 hsd the lop wore in the 1da4 halton imture mi petition sponsored by the hal ton soil and crop improvement association lloh was chosen from twelve enlrir b the judie mr jack alhn s ill and crops llranrh url h the main points noted by thr judge on this farm were thr et cellent management in ll phases of pakturr minikrmri t fich pasture field wi frrtil liej according to s il i t clipped anl hsrrowrd f lloir k graung and weei free thr top scorer competition filly hud of h mnn milk riws uirr r tjtrd immii field to fi it di jhl mjtth u art n it it 2 i tin winru r of the it wtch in tin- t oiofh li tlun fur the competitor li i v i n l 1 wore ni i ha int jrv iouly won this ajt 1 i n whi i nrcretary of the halt in jersey lub ha 1 lhirt s x jrres pasturing on eleven acrrt of regular pa ture uinc rotation s ne altrr math i now iwinj uvr 1 all pjxturrs h wid an a but iancr nf excellent q lality univlajiryoi toronto royal conservatory of music ov4 tl dm forma this year became of cxccsaim rainfall other eoo- teuou in the com petition bot ranked lit order of stand ing are cajvln aitkefl acton kh 3 ceorke bird core town htt 2 hugh uely mil un ujc 4 kajpb cunniaghaot coorcctowii hlt 2 kun gl llornby km 1 tbomaj koaur cairipbell llu hh 3 johnston netund hornby k k 1 ikred nurw crortowi kh1 ii craig uul milton uh 6 ijack ii taylor hurlingun iucauk iw effrcts f mnr or thklan nuty wesr offbwj for- all wngr of bug dsotage is uvfr tb krmrth station u now tlitlk bori realdijtf kpray niitrruli tlut ran b safely uwd in a ivond spray aftw the fruit hi fortoed rt and thifhlan runot u used after the uiouamuj ooeri because of ibeir pouonouv r-a- uurl it is now esieteii that roinuirrcial strawlwrry grow tr will 1h able to prrvvnl bnut rf the rstfrmg dgmsee jto the berries by a single early teaton spray with per i hsps a uc nd non rvsidue krsy where the i uz are un i usually ahui dnl fall time table khiiv upfmuf itti u4 leave ceobcetown to toflohto 6 25 a tn r sit stin k hot 6 4h tn c si ii k h 1 007 j m t ir soi 1 ii i itl ks daily 0 13 a t j pm 1 1 4ji ti t ill p m 2 23 i m bw p m l5 17 p in v n sji s in i r ii 1 1023 p n sin j k ii i x trip wlln tr i c n s n la cl ihr uili ilamjtht timh far sarvica cualph kilcbbanar stratford leihtaa sa tlma tsbl na 3 tickets and information st stans restaurant i wade anl pfcum i771s2i choose i secteti accouhtdig 10ecdtive career this way mr roran pointed out the activities of the trucks are covered and the plant is kept neater looking from thr outside but all the new advances are not in the warehouse area or the office the cafeteria is one of the most modern at present the cafeteria is serving 150 to 173 full course meals besides the other 550 customers who purchase sandwiches coffee and other items the kitchen in the cafe ter la has an oven especially for making pies and cakes anoth r oven for meat steam tables which take the full cooking pots to keep them just right before they go out into the steam tables in the cafeteria which are also individually co i trolled so that no food is kept at the wrong temperature thus spoiling its taste special cof fee makers make 12 gallons of coffee in 12 minutes an auto matlc milk dispenser gives each customer eight ounces of milk quickly and easily and ia the kitchen there is also a special icecube maker which gives an unlimited supply of little cubes and one final note of a mod em plant the garpage from the kitchen is kept in a refrlg crated and ventilated room with an automatic garbage can washer fall term opens sept 8 comprhniv trlnlro in all mutlc ubect individual instruction cispcilcoura or ttlor uuxxounl principal school ol mutic 373 tlloor strt wt toronto i touohona til 3787 am 30 tm moncuv to frldiy fall term your school ol business doy school spt 8nighl school sept u uwru m wrurtj juw arffcuf juur liwtauw prflor h i vrv tyu m 4u tfcum4j r lw y fcrfc how you wi benefit puinrki pruvuk irv41uail rwanl lo iulr1d i wul worn uy nw arfouth crhnih ud kl tnrxtunanli w- m1j r vuu tlul u wy b lilsrwi si rua wllk buy iidluj hmrllli pld vsfalloni k 1 uve airiiulmurfj olflrm lr i our t wnrnlly luv rlkr ol lhll timt v ollrr our illtcmrol vrvlf blp lo iii iu irfclulu u ui prorr nrwr then r 1i n l tr fuli builm luuudy uuin kuuiihb im tnj nualrrhr lullioo u w tu u rvrlm no v ill b hl lo romnula your coun wiy uu- ofnu irk oalirru lira turrlcular kllvlltn iux iniu iprjkfri ca mill mala many irwodj u you will gaia rooldore at you saia ivllli i ttmc h short act today hip ihe counob below asd mall it itb your aaaw aad sddru lor a ire copy of our ism catalog it ulls iboot biulfi careers our lime vavlnf courses and our frw rucov rvvce ouill ant this lnformstioa belore ym wvi s umber plank brampton business college 11 uain st s wul rfvd mf rurr a nn 1 yr 1 calaw kaaua always thoro with ready cash for back to school expenses or any good reason b022 to s00022 niagara finance company limited oao dranchaa trom coaat to coaat m a dafoe manasar v main north 877 m36 youth ahowamc important notice for parents at tha and ol satatnlw tha lint daynunu will ha trtada undar tha youth allowance act lacanth pauad by padiamatit ii you hava a child who la 16 or 17 yaan ol oa la malntalnad by you and la aithar in lulltirna attandanca at achool or unkraraity or 4a un abla to attand by nuaon ol phyalcal or manui inhrmlty you may ba allolbla lor a monthly auowanea ol 110 wis au0wahce most b appued for it will mot be seht automatically during auguat application forma wora aant to tha paranta ol chlldran alraady 16 or 17 or who would ba ib balora saptambar if you hava a child who meaty tha abova requlramantf and lor any reaton an application haa not raachad you you can obtain ona by writing to tha regional dlractor ol family allow ance in your provincial caprtal tha appllcallona should ba retumeda aoon as- pouibla in ordar to anauia prompt receipt ol tha llrat payment dcfahyhent or national healyh jf n t vlrteliart silvers for quality back to school shoes savage shoes 89 y ftlack and brown oxfords c and d width girls bbown 2 trap and black patent in c widlh packards boys buck oxfords sculf toe iizei 11 to 3 d width girls buck and brown strap sizes 8- to 3 buster brown boys brown oxfords 8 to 3 guis r6dand buck strap and nylon ties 598 t98 78 ii

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