Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 10, 1964, p. 14

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v three rs of want ads readers recognition results phone 877220j to place your ad jilted rates woftd ads let lnaextloo 5r word txainiixtum sldol additional iartum 4c minimum ex classified dltrtav 8115 per polujnn iftch mkmoiilamx t 00 plus 10 f warn une tf uctry cajkds of thawsis 8c a word minimum si tlkthi aaasietlacsts dcayus iiu for sale slab wood cut in it w rihi dcbverta ceorr bird b77m20 u surge diry farm equipment be aod od bum fan auuv in mfi tui uietti- b unix aini xaerj farm hm- wr morsec tomli no 10 11 wy u vicuinj fcwbft- dwjlvaltiilljclcri sal and iwrvw ud tnihw paltry and tulry vrntiutor by vnl o malic hntupuid milling ind wrm iuiuly tcrjets i- for sale 1959 pontiac nothing down lurry on payment of vhorfj month 4jm1w cokkkaf tailus foria alu ktrp ublrs uvfclu book khrlv clrnu all fccoutlf fchd dlawconlinurd line call al iwii lvu fctory w hivf drive for sale amgue btu for utc ull ofjt ttryleh bur uolfuml hi 13 worn once rrt- 3mc- j kajly pig4 lewlrc win vok urt utb old 877 11w isoe oldsasouiik 4 door hardtop eulwutlr call ms- 2attto vw1 dry luldwod maple and wrh any lengths phone 077totju if lve4 lovtiac custom sports er lully equipped private tale bnuio owner transferred iw cnevot stay low wacom take mrr payments of sju 00 per month 4s1 svrt jims service centre ftw td ale colj frhgltt ihahifning heel uowirs jim pakkkk 4m4sm rh brmtwi corner 2nd une ueil and 50 good used cars oscaji clirtom representing milton uotokt ijs7s5s buiiuts mini disc jockeys available fv amiiu weddine receplterts office partial dances uusic lo fcuit all orcanoni tto lial l lunj rraumable ualfi yor information contact yulkro productions kill wtl11 s1 sn bill yuluh 4s94u4 used refrigerators irt gotj who ordr iui ms wigo tv appliances 1959 p0ntiac automatic rhbli prit u yfcu ovr vwm ivunlhly o unnrs donn 45m3 ii- h jit cliriiift uifu is whool if band lufeikw roiidltmn resujn sbl w1 iuifi i7 u1kv0iat rcb 6 in imvd coiidlllom i23 or bckl 0 i w7 31s3 onk vkir huutrtn cow tnd one ihifrr tu immediately jimn t hfid h r z citor ittown 1631 tokl julf ton ulcliup trufk with aod motor and tim plywood rack lbon hilton bid 6730 tag a uisg tent trailer lov ulr nw thii ipring off the ground model only 225 lui5 hu1ck hardtop in f celltnt iiirrluniritt conthtton nefdi mmt uuy work jim good usjvd and new lurniturr on tale daily tradri taken aihworthl vile roomi koxy brtinpton s0oi80 tf onk ulllx trailer or wlr or arnall car cmwt condition w all tiiei of reinforced ce ritnt tile 8774000 tf oconnor aluminum products alumuurt wluwt and dofen awrtlrta td sumo 177wm tf used tv sets cempulaly raftndilunj alartlne at wigo tv appliances passports advlh and uuitincr wilh toaaporu of any nationality 1miiiii yravl sarvv w m ial cut t yeo rarber henley ltd ulu st- 8t7 i2h uiwwu 1 yravl any good new and used furniture buys badruai sultai new factory clearance 3 pcci 130 bik drop front oak 110 dlnalla sulla colonial itylr 7 plmfl tjo card yabu sat hromrtonr 5 pi 34 2 plca ckaitarlulj wool frlflt uo for sale jahuujcjs amall lotxlh seat lovable doca kully iarutca uled cbatoplooajbjp ktock wyotlcld kcoixli iud no 11 sudcnaj rn4o63 ot bom uonnbqtk ttoadytilay tul wu well developed binla apply bremptod uium and rw supply brabiploit isl i7u lhllbarjb aflllni us- uot or hyde sultry y arm lxiodm ua halt 17 wanted hotaky auction u pick up of llnni for nnl yrs help wanted kitchen staff maid tnd ixreillehcfd waitkluks rouurd bjr terra cona inn thi oaoaarrowx huau tkurwey 10 iw4 pace i auction stenographer rquirdi for jttchockamlic 4 llmajtlaw dotilt tbon tft7 sixrv or i vjkclunt worklnjf cundiuoru contain ofhoti uukhtlw- w fur ruh lurnituiv apphancci putuit utliuf etc asb j wurtbi kgtvroabu urampton ciu iiftoaao c tf kttkk hkyoval of dad rr diublcd firm ftnliiiali old bortv u lb uc ibd rp 04 01 c 64 1tconl ivaditock krtuoval zkultb u70a 24 hr service i wantu aktilus suira- hik iroh ouuumty auc tiom sai huuftehold con tents erden end fchop ott antiquet china and lilatkware rurchatel for caili or acrepte on conijanment contact alf spenre len wllllima d 10 land wanted i1j acre liomeiite in oakwlle georitetown strretimlle arrj 10 arm lluttunullr area fred giles ltd realtor 0 10 bayties farm animal service haly ton pickup truck 10j uc rlfcthlr iile box nc paint excellent lwxly and enc ine 3 like new tirei 2 fair sb03 8770sj2 loperalinb new plant in guelph m1u1ihu pupp one male jdutnrt top pncei pild for born july 4lh ileal beauty frrih dead duablcd cowl or terma aiailalile ihone now honei old horaei 5c lb tanhardt henncli heed ii it call guelejt ya 4m1 callael help available paw time lltxt tnlltbl ay use ull mm7 day caws avattjuuj in any kvame fur one or two colkl reo h3aa geortelown 877 ims i ple satllanal sat tlwtt sultan new 5 pioca blond oak finiah laiaey claartute furnaca floor type gai oil uooo pianos organs by baldwin galks and sfi1v1ck ineludibs piano tuning barber haho a ohcaw co 1 juul st 14 yk 7s41j 1m vualr btl s 9i ms if dkw uohms for tile no 7 hlchwa silvercreek bhell station lio at art hoy i r ii i georgetown from now until the uvw fliei 017 ucijods ined furniture 2 mill st acton cheiterfirldi and llectnc uaihms machine klectric sioes dmsera and chrome outfit 0 10 company paid llopluliiauim ind utlical ilant varian associates of canada limited 45 til ui- ojalgktown ovtajtlo packaging mechanic leading manufacturer of cr rals and cake ulxti rulrei qualified 1ackaitlni ywlnic who hii hid mperlenre in uto nutic packaiiinii fuipment thli la kteady tmptoyment thift work and in opportunity for advancement t further information may be obtained by contacting general mills cereals ltd 1s60 iaturve read reudale onlarie attention mr r llobini imiosk ai mi policemen applicationi will be received by the underlined until monday sept 21 1964 for pom 10 ill of constables cecchetti ballet lessons w telifuom kjj4306 transportation wanted tkanloktatlon wanted to arrive vicinity klnv and bey su toronu around 830 a tu leave 1u m 51u for rent 9 bzusoic wnm tag twu z- tuy food d a bom or re- tubl tenmau buay conifer lrk vtu do btrtvacboj children ndkrvnecis rwjuirw t77uu for jippotuitaiasiit real estate attkajcttve ft room brick bungalow carport 91 odd down jaytacat clo t kvbool bod ausoppiojx o7t 2200 brivced tt ttw 4od 3 jn tf kldk wanttd ceorurtowd to yonife and kilmton to fcrriv 80 aju return s pu could join wr ool tr774j8 fur tf p tn transportation available oisw to morula lor our varation coin on a buntiutf trip uhy not take a tvivel trailer for an economic boll day ity the week or by tb i month 7023o 101 accommodation wanted ukuaumlm brkk bunolow ull keeteo tidiaked reoreatiod rooaj low ciwil payment wltn oy tooftial call rrriooo kiter 7 xi pm j two acltrs oo eved vd fur ele land eleamed but tnny kuede lreca llrlvewey 111 lrtllcd well fekccllcnt dalnake ytila la an fraceptiuiully fine piece of property call a kykta en lend bkauyirul s is acri lotj juat oulaide ceurgetowu lw beee pe n ott ltt 4jlam 10 former model home pok sal locatd om lakck lot eaj 3 h ea laxea t caee ex w yaed pwmed a clew w kuli d room and bojrd wanted rloae lo wnfisleiwortb school by lady teacher 8s8167 alter 6pm accomodation availble roou and board available for one gentleman 8774319 am stat iniuranee full eirclp protection uto home eontenta accident ilckneii life acent w ii scott taylor 4 1303 guelph phone collect tf colter department applicants are to give full particulars as to education health marital status and police experience if any and mutt be si least 21 years of age year old hens alivr or drksskd for prlkziit ureme 210 hi sj tf wanted by walnut ranch crlppud and dlubld anlmau 24 hour service wu 91044 lki ha nsftps tf applications to be submilteil in t t e sealed envelopes plainly gibsons dead stock r hksiiam lerk municlpil officei 38 main street n tieorcctown ont 0 17 koovi and board available for one or two men phone 877 1187 tf room and board for two ud lei teacbera or nuraea prefer t llawt lmmutl conveniently located on ilwy butude of georgetown 865- baoa after 5pm for rent service up to s for fresh cows and hones c lb for old healthy horses at our rerfius plant can determine the cause of death if desired call rergui collect b132240 or au 2510 or itrampton 451 3 w7 uc 261 c g31g8 itp 63 brampton community furniture 7 hwy bremptm 4s14s30 open evknincs stop at oui ifus owick look at our ok ud c listen to other satisfied customers who buy cars at reedredfern ltd at r 1 milton hwy 35 south m suf 3 building i i hand name feuildino products at wholesau prices direct from manufacturer to you windows doors hardboards plywoodsj 9 arborite counter tops v trim and mouldings k porturtriair information call bob huising 774251 no down payment 1m4 vftlliiwahr deluie model has window wa hen white wall tires padded aun vlsora only ii per week ims velww cuttam real red leather aula side view mirror padded tun vis on and that extra gas heater moo pr month is all that is required 1k3 vslluwapan tmluxa you couldnt ask for belter car low mileage white wall tlri gn gauge only iso mon 1m0 volkswohs two to choose from only istum per month its v6tbtwtth doluxti with all the exlrai including a radio only s6m pir month 1h7 vdlhivwism two to chooie from bo lb tn top condition only 13460 per ttonth as is specials 1si pord 0 per month 1w0 valiant station wagon white 52 per month l9st morru mlmut a buy t 111 monthly iho austin cambrldoai only 32 per month and tl4rnwnbri no bow pttymiint if your credit u koodl sals dept opn from v lo v pmu monday hiru rtdoy faturdayt 9 m to 4 m cv- motdrs 5 room apartment for rent immediate potkculon ptione 877731 a on owner apply 47 atgilvray crisc iv17 hare realtor ltd more rooa need a mortgage arnd sbart ajvd long tru periods advice oa mortj problrms fred giles ltd realtor 010 tllti lnunarulri brurk boom ttj tor v4j buit ulvnt ruuoi um tnrtf bcadruom fcx all u xood aii wtu an eat in kiicbcn ail tads and a rlnubed rctii4mi fxmmti ux cloa0 to bospltxl 3 tniuulc fruow ovwulowii ltt tjowt trtmlful beurjebourbiod fiv u a tkll rljtbi awy oa tbik bntf jwllllii below tb- fco- iag price how about this iikautlltjlxy ubdciil ful ly ftiwcj yard go witb ibis 5 bedrixjiu brick bua tbi a boii hfci un wtji looked fcf- trr and would make any ditv ecrnlhi boae khtppr prvud of owultlg it- cto4l tx wbtjiil for tbe youni bkinuri of your fmjy luxury unlimited 1 aux you lokla fur a bom witb ritri bedrooms bd a two fitnily dnuina tbia brick uitam foaluvs a 40 x ii rcratioa ruom a stflo k tf ity garagtt will ifcrtdjwcapcd ut urge living room and tbro firepuccd this hotii la an repuooal buy at hy pric- olv us a call right imw to bot to be left out 3 acre bargain 3000 lb all tbat u roijulrvd for this 3 bedroom fratoa ttomo fj in the country on a good ed raid well linucped in k good area lifement well pa ved driveway will crry for 103 monthly including principal iblerest and taiei bo0 down will handle ackht mrs june walker j iuum ct- trtni uaiick 5 roomed available oct lxt 20m apartment 877 deal of your life i private sale j yu save kjkwe awuuae we pay he imi kille peaa r yean old 3 bedroom fully detached brick bunealow eitraa include fridge xtove and freejer caltlea leu than rent smoo monlhl pit ll pull price down payment can be arranjed 741u tilrkt roomi and bath for rent apply 30 victoria ave tf help wanted appu plckera wanted 865tmo after 8 pm hone 0 10 wattiiess wanted for nluhli and also a dlahaaxuer for rdshla phone 877 2470 gihi wanted for dairy bar in georgetown fer information call stecna dairy 877j421 arple pickers wanted itarllnc sept 1215 for week dayi and week enda a ferrl fitu8202 010 wanted dependable tirl or lady to live in interesting work no nurains or baby sit tinu for full details call 877885 between 8 and 10 p m cash in on the bin kail and christmas selllnt season rep- roaenl avon in your neighbour hood write miss zlejler don 141 guelph uawudgii buslneta now open in peel county trade well a- ubllahed fjtcellent opportuni ty full time write uawlel dept 12148s 4005 richelieu si rl henry montreal farmer wanted for faden wtllequlpj hariri in mlllaivaurllnalam district hralthy middle aged man given preference mixed v arming fef cattle living accommodation stone cottage 2 bedrooms living room k lichen and bath modern conveniences normal farm duties ploughing sefding harvest ing and care of animals must be able tn operate and maintain mechanical equip ment psy going mtti with cottige and hydro included good permanent job for willing worker please reply in writing to 0x ii thi hfcwald filvlno lull delta iii 3 room cottage for rent herb lunan 15 side road mile east of stewarttown apailtuhvt for rnt 4 rooms and bath suitable for couple no children please 8773703 tf small 2 bedroom house for rent behind 12 college street apply at above address or call 877iflai 2 iu1diloom apartment for rent immediate occupancy wm y sunnucks ileal lslate 8776601 part ok building for rent 26 x 50 located downtown pos aeulon oct 1st call 8774106 after 6 pm basement apartment 3 rooms and bath with water and hail available immediately apply 20 mary st private secretary to pttesident op acgrhssivb company should have considerable ex perience in typing and short hand this l xmubm op portunity which will way stood alary to the successful appli cant reply to box no 80 herald mouejph si 177451 r tor quick results thy hirald clahifibd female clerk required for business lfke of thai georgetown district memorial hospital for duties as follows 1 aecount receivable led bert posunt and balancing 2 typink lelttra and etato- manu 3 monthly and other buunf 4 rellcvlmf at switch bosrd and admlttng office 8 counter work persona applying must have air typing speed accuracy with figures and pleasant per sonality apply i h j sicklngton business manager njllntsllia apartment for rent nultable tor one or two ladles centrally located 877 3428 alter 5 pjn private 6 room bungalow attached garage paved drive 11300 full price 1000 down payment stisosl bachelor and 3 ltooued apaittments for rent stoves and refrigerators included 8776847 t wellheated apartment for rent downtown for infoirrna tlon contact john cordaro 45 ualn st n wo country home 4 room mick mooern water under pressure 51500 down asking 510 000 near acton acton home sims down room brick landscaped lo full price only 510700 carries for 503 monthly yka eiv henv must be sold we have orurs john r holmes steelier acton 8531150 youll be proud of this home a well kept back split residence with spacious kitchen dulae rni and 3 bedrooms living room festures 2 louvertd bitold doors and mahog any panelled wall aialna jm660 4th bedroom t1us well kbt bun galow reatukes a 4th bedroom and extra lsrge ree room with bar alarms n screens paved drive and hatefully land- txaped full price only call stfesl now fer phale mls 111 sw p f unnucks real g statu 331 cualith stiwel ceorcktyowh u7441 tluuib room apartment for rent centrally locted adults only 500 monthly phone 8773340 ava1lahuc oct 1st six room attractive brick bimgalov for rent 100 monthly phone 8772200 between a am and 5 prn tf for rent thi oppicis op thi lay dr h pavl four rooms and washroom cen- trally located ppry herald boat 75 or mr r paul 30 mill street 1774511 eoumymv ksyayb 14 acres rlora and pkrous arra 1 iao500 new room bouse with msiiniflcent alone tont fireplace healed grle eparate laundry room u situated on a scenic elevation overlooking iw jj socked with golaflkh and professionally landscaped lawns ind hardens esceuent water supply from wells large jankctn new condiuoa sulum tor horse also green house with separate office soil is of w ff beautiful estate sffords prlvscy yet is tlnsesl to ahotplmj schools and church sehion is a home wuh so blllcent shrubs and perennisls fver offered for rlce owner is leaving ontario snd is most ensioui i to 11 aswng alofjor calh to one open mortgage inspection by appointment only s choice of seveftal 10 acre parcels in best of location priced from 5323 530 per acre rtrlyacy ouy w buss ill phoni iw4m main y s oborvjltowh j a willoughby sons ltd realtors 44 rsjllnkor av t toreaifo 4 bedroom bungalow only 13200 rrasonajslr down pavmiht mis lovely home is in eaccalumt eamlltlpii ffied rcryon m to i- w f hunter rem estate broker 1 8774441 1m ouiaaph street ptvwali77wlfflhrv v i f 7 ux sphp

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