Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 10, 1964, p. 2

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bffl one of the best thkfct hralo itawq isas it 1m4 page 3 pete josses photo in 4h circles hes alexander the great ml aldcamdol 1 tocontly won the tiqritfal award swtiubl lo 4h rnemur in the country wlwn im w picld 41 ywgj iwn 4hmi froyti tit prov rk lo attend trw national 4h con in klovffbr mil llclkn fetrrtod a tip of ckpeu from this ttwmber of the jruy ruftd managed by bill and li i falrwr mac ltn auxndr farm i t norvjl harley to halton weekly oaurvatlons uy dfc hakfey haftley ur ki halton symwakftowm former teacher attend s reunion at pllltington mr waller lawod rvnvteed njualnunci with former jtip- lls and fricmi whaa h at tended th rwunloa at s s 4 illunittcm iuuic school on sunday auauit soh la 1016 ai ytu klom ivdu 1w covmuiicat hii trn ir i hive received eiwjuireaj wrd a youth allowance i the iwjun hfrr tawhing cttr trf huuter of ill from hilton reardinu tlu j application form to all pronlt thia achool where the taught tea the fur titue if allowance programme in anada who have a child g sradri for flv yean the programme wai designed aur nxiren or trcntrrn hi s s 4 i the ol lest tchool tw eolrdicurfy term u ukcn l0 lnf family allowance wu pouihle for them to iitrattin wellinfiton county and it 1 lu w are accutrd of programme while ijuile tepar the namra of thrve children now among many of the little fiilikixifij debate by not lprak ale from it the purpour of the from family all wince rec school houirt clofcini to enter mt u tke dvbjtr the torrn leeiualion tt to encourage can ordi thl approach wit adop the area mki brn itcumhi of alio kiii twin if people lo continue ted in order to facilitate the vki a nt down the uiroata of in wliool thereby better fitting niavnii of application by par kriujftrnt one ha onlj lo them for future emplojment enti ulix thit ix u minority go i the allowance n paahle at application form wmfbl that cannot puh an 0 p r month for an child ae thr tr s mpla application mmmiurf baleu it rl support 16 or 17 who rendu in canada form mint t completed tram mu other party or omc it brine maintained by a par the parent and eadortcd congratulation to mr r v ibbom who waa tucceaaful in paimiiit hi counes in child lkcholoy ml fxonomic ceo- lj kraph taken at uniertily of by waterloo thu pat aummer ml tbeir lrmurr rut and who u eithrr in full thr appropriate ichool author canadian oorrnment ha irar attrndancr at ichnol or it it must then be returned mrs kred arnhtrong deana rvc tutated a flaji ittue before unirnity or is unable to a to tin kr nal birtctnr of kii luary and alice enoed two tw kd kaucn was detignatel jteml achool licauia of a men mily all iuancei tli firl ueek holiday at hiliburton ur w cabadun uw until parlia lal or phviical infirmity tlie chrijue for tlictble parent armitroiig robert anil mita bfxmijeht in a dutinctite latter in up of ouni peoplr u ill lie mailed al the end cuitflian flag 1w5 thu wa were included to that wme a september and at the end of oc by order in council of the ilstance cottl 1 be provided to each auccceding month thrrr- xnuu general which mean their parent who maintain aftrr at ve ordered to by thr gov ithem in a mtuat on uhcre a chill nfbt of the day surely a i the youth allouancrs act is cannot attend school by reaion coati ntinni uue get a more bein administered b the fa of a mental or phiral infir 4cmarue dec ui on in a mln mily allowance and old ace init ihr parent will be ent nty eavroment than through secunt diuion of thr tit pi a certificite which mut tw bvrnmebt with a large ma of national health and wei completed b a doctor attesting iw which can ruth anihing fire arrangement hae bon ho the fact tlvat the child i un twy wuli uiahich parliament made by that divmon to for able to attend school of helen armstrong joined during the lecond week them the book shelf by miss marjoril nazi r clorcnown uurarian ambulance calls tuewly of thil week waa a reunion for the ichool chlwren a they are returned to cua tes mr giblwm remaina aa the principal and teacher of or 8 mr courtney saunders a teacher at speytlde last year replaces mr lutinet and will he in charge of grade 7 with ctuies help temporarily at hornby school mr andrew blair comet from weston and will tie tedchintf grade 6 mr margaret uckelvay will teach the georgetown volunteer h crle 5 pmu t ambulance service had f j play pick up your free cards today play super television bingo monday thru friday for valuable prim outctam ju1ct vauncia oranges 3 l cmmu h 1 otmu lettuce 229 u ft frak c i ty brtur ku 1 ba 1 tk i cwj ma 1 ju carrots 2 29c pears 6 29 back to school sale at igai beans with pork york peanut butter maxweu house coffee aylmer catsup ayuw is u itlhm 11 u kiiduvt floun awake orange drink 2 45c ratfuliy ihuukb hospitality pie 49t ay1mh choict peach halves chotd kaknkn aylmer pears aylmhchotc asstd peas avimh tomatoes 69c 4k 81c 39c 43c ir 53c 37c 25c 2 2 u it u u4 mis a kltr 3 c ms s4 channel ii hamilton chchtv looo to 1100 aj extra s50 lo kla iwwi t apm vkta timomuc uutil cxy lmj m so u colqatri tthraxt t u yto dutbkokfir l ill ttlv m m y4ptf with almr cliolm iltcuo tt luutnn ajrlafcr clilcd mas a cakkott 3 13 m- rcu i iumm ftp w4h pirty kauy pu makaadima colours komcxh 8 x chayvau chihsi syokily comm 3 lb poly ytbldutc sxieti holocma 13 at pk poyayoes 10 lb bit fresh pork sale 33 zr 43 kklk shoulder ioasy butt pork chops suced side bacon corned beef yttty fchd wll yuj ywwiiu ffcpy ltuwl iwvwitli 1 w u11jj k b b 249 calls in the week auffuit 30 ta september 5 monday august 31 3 00 p m a transportation run from u fuur ubkriber t the nd son doteovvy the 0 0gtown liwtfy who liv ouulde thcillrother krimov shipley 1 p bmurn of the river del tuesiliy september 1 s 00 villa nurse barrett p m a transportation run from i georjetownl nn arn w wn hnu and n of the jun l t in hi firat year r tubrr sulurnplmn j2 j tuesday september 1 4 so turn c ry this far ceoroetown retidcnu c c i m p m transportation run from ttcct 1o continue hi itudie dnserou game kazantzakls f tu ajoll nfun toda raba uattanl the n xm of georgetown will payj z finetvljaoi lt hand of cod orcxyeorcrtown tf or eldorado hunter budd ifospilal who taught last year at glen willums will have grade 4 at the hornby school mra el eanor mckeown and ura thel ma liearna remain in stewart town with grade 1 and 2 miss barbara whllmae of geor getown will teach grade 3 georgetown u antagonists potter shanne the church 1 ch umlc laurenee boov hazard women s club nble the hair do vmu srm modem surfing a work w nuad the- world jul poul h c gideon a vote bright wings a fair day a wind from newhafer poul by bdinl hikwu ar tjr ult t ll0 nlr mod the world in wanderer o l catt ra caaeron pe golden spy who came in from me campbell golf lessons i cm iie orphans tna sam wad day they l sk r late lfw q e day illsrocv beyond tuesday september 1 8 jo mr and mrs b v gibbons pm an emergency run from and children enjoy a two georgetown hospital to toroil to general hospital wednesday september 2 b 20 p m a transportation run from georgetown to george town hospital week motor trip a far west as winnipeg during the last pjrl of august master billy beld has lrehn ned home from hi holidays spent with hi grandfather at shakespeare the poet a ms background sellman tbo sceond world war mam capita the communist mxalfesfo it other writings hams a dolls house the wild duck the lady from tbe sea frailer five merrie men nw junior klonfutltn ki pitt meet tie in the gar den brlgg king arthur ills knight robin hood ilia i to the paclfirthompson every diamond dnesn t sparkle armstrong square bigger day swift commun sty croup and you ulieh ssfacatioa and the idea of f ayrault vou can your handicapped child journey to the jade breaip the privacy allen the glints dodger swing brown benefit or when a child t do the pflhetujoreat reef lura geon of of discover 13 cases tb no cause for alarm there u no cauae for alarm in halton it u just difficult to t lhallt all 4la llsfllah ihiialtiil fiction mowbray the radio mys tery drew the hidden malrcase roberton ths coajters mate furlonii the school library myatery verne around the world in bo daya verne r 50 000 league under the sea hoban the sorely trying day standon the hippo had hiccups wahl meauuit fleldmouse hoban a baby slatcr for prince kuskln the rose on my cake gahen the alphabet tale de brunhoff babara french lessons ftppkwell paul arthur search for the egg kraus mirandas beautiful dream ilolman elisabeth the n watcher dr seuu if han the zoo in the rise in case of tuber- culoal in halton county in the opinion of dr archie f bull director of the halton county health tjnjt ewart carberry prealdent of the hilton tuberculosis and ileal th assodationjnnounced two days ago tw there are now about is uses of the disease in the county the highest number in two years dr hull nays that there has been ho actual increase in the incidence of tuberculosis when the growth of the countys po pulation is taken into consider ation he explained that vari atlons in the numbcy of esse take plade from year to year in the province as a whole thenunibcr of cases is about the same he eald we are not alarmed about the increase know all the factors involved if cue finding is wore effec tive more cases will be dis covered there hsuebeen small epidemics in few parts of ontario out we have had no outbreak at all these have been isolated cases however dr bull believes that no vigilance should be re laxed in the efforts to jteep down tuberculosis he advises people to have their chests ex amlned occasionally if they nave had any chest ailments generally speaking the health oi the people of halton at the present time is good the health director say a release from the ontario tuberculosis association stales that three small epidemic or tuberculosis in hearst wheat ley and london have occur red in the past year ask the manager about our free 40 cup percolator with 1 lb of coffee for your club or group party manltowanlng land usnltoulln is- happy lilrthdsy to donna slawsrt who celebrates her hui blrthdsy on thursdsy septem bar 10th mr and mrs kenneth wilson visited in delhi over ths hoi day weekend and philip who has spent the past two weeks there returned home with thera during the psst two weeks a number from the vlllsge have visited the toronto exhibition but last thursday must have been stewarttown day for a crowd loft early in the morning and the village seemed desert ed goebelle cochrane chartered accountant grstme goebelle of the lo cal walter 11 pope accounting firm haa completed his course and will receive hla chartered accounting degreo this fall also successful in his final i year of the course waa lloyd cochrane of windsor whose wife is the former ann win grove of town i john mscarthur son of mr and mrs robert mscarthur i 11 church st who is employed with a firm in kingston sue- eessfully wrote his tntermedl ate evams v another momber of the pope firm barry limleck received word recently that he had passed his third year of the certified general accountants course esquesing building permits total 58400 in august a total of j58i00 in building i it to further their centennlsl there will be s public meeting permits was issued in esques- 1 project october lh at 8 oclock where ing township during august 1 wouldnt want to say right all objections will be heard building inspector w hulls now if we plan to use it coin io s letter to council hi told esduesing council tuesraentsd reeve g leslie wed ton county heslth unit ex- dsy night while most repre- better hold it until we decide wistd concern over the or- lf there s loesl project be- loading of the aewsge system fore we let it go to the county lln the municlpsl building ii a the proposed closing of a classroom of thirty to forty rod allowance through the children were to use the base- norval cemetery provoked two ment room letters of protest one from mr and mrs g csseley and one rsoueing township will be from mr e zuber they are host lo the halloa county both property owners adjoining clerk treasurers association at sented resldentisl develop ment ts3 000 wss for a truck terminal just outside oi acton issued to goy cortege the centennial grants apirk- s discussion among the coun cillors halton county museum association asked if esquesing planned to use their centennu si grsnt with th hope thit if the road allowance a dinner in the north halton not the county eould use reeve leslie pointed out tntjg ooctober slst drink more water jmany persons da not drink sufficient water fur tho bodys need through peruplratlon glands ducts lungs and kid ueys the body loses about three quarts of water dsly and this should be replaced some foods supply water but then must be an adequate intake because of variety in tempera tures clothing and activities the feeling or thirst should be the guide to the liquid supply calling all young people you are invited to take part in georgetowns first youth forum a swiss of six meetinos experts n their various fieku will preunl films and talks on th probum and danger involved in driving yourhfttl tullrqoncy daring promiscuous conduct and dlseaso alcohol anukklntj and narcotics first meeting sunday sept 20th blspm ihace to m annoureced iatm subjectdriving and accidents cause and prevention presented by georgetown police department j further meein will be held in th legion hell 10 mill st on the following venlngs oct 4th and 18th nov lit 15th and 22nd sponosred bybranch 120 royal canadian legion w inmimeo skwaisl

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