Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 10, 1964, p. 5

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joint really jumpin teachingstaff numbers 37 in esquesing public schools the eequeaijqi board of ed uealioo has seven schools in um charge milton height umebouif mrwrtlorn bpy aide clen william flnevicw and norval mn grant the secretary ui the board ha announced lb lit of ike teacher for icb acfaool milton heights ha on u stljf two teacher mr jlrul connor i hi- pjiicijul and at i t jglish on the fctfcf of ijmhoufce r uric kalkhwf the pruci pal bruce uacphrrmu un wmcla wwy uiu jn ucrliua mr llflrrt fclugnvalii tud and wt urlcn tnilm slewkrltowii rtrhrrtf are k hruot cibbunl tin principal courtney jtiudfn andrew ellailj ur utrjfarrt mekrl l vey mlas hilda boy mis barbara whltroee mr eleanor mckeowd and mr tbelma hern the uff at speyude u gary daw kin principal bougbxs i baztnet mr vtviu smith alra kathleen lswton nd mm jrannette baguette at cuo williamj tbe tcb r ar ralph kikwn priori pj john snoddy mr mary iulm mr wfy cuu mu urn duff mr ev irjwd kod mlj afofl tumuill rltlevlrw terhrr fce ale c diekwn principal lurd jwkurt mr rthe rlddell mr vutri simp mu jnit kirkwuod and mul shirley crren tw jiff t f rv1 li jack tyed frinripil ulk dwrrl ku- wrlu n siut urt- wltogen cid len sjebsqsa barbershop cuppings attending the singing bv bq at centre bland oo wd dcaday auguat 12ui wmrv joha ar matron howie ham ikon and dun thoouun tor onto chapter were the but freaidcnt slcamer bsmrf ioa baa appointed a hooilnjtlng committee cxwudaling 6f bill burrow kod itcfc hacker tbe forthcoming election oujcmtb 1b ottobef auguat 1mb weight 7 lb 10 dile to ue fad that ao many board member were away oo bohday tbe ezeeuuve meet ing slated for monday august lolh wxj cancelled tbe text meeting will be announced by steamer hanrcnoa duties of citizenship outlined to ucw tbe high school boxd hwe accepted our application for uae of the cafeterta on mon day hltfil the dmu of ciunge will be ktioouted by stiilcr for kmidf nod of i buictw of uujc1 atiivi ttrt bob jol rjton u coming hecivd a lettr from bob i along title klur a bout with powell cootah ton for th wrl bptilij ifvmmdinrtm tiarbrcibop qunet trom wayiv mjfbt a md ou ucowdua will u gau tby bave ben apprringtnkd awaiuw to chapter on chapter how throuithout wlu woulf hk to kbow it to tbe mlrbigri vfrlrih ko our uir ntttuberf or pkjt y chapter khow ibl might b to other iroujl lu their foiiul jui tw coivdy qurtrt for itiuiuttfi ur progau i b r i iftii muvaill- a inmlmr there ri iota of rkrilcmftil at of our ct s ttr from arton the lutnllton borne lhre dy will be umtn tiling ovr a it wj s boy for howu tud iirlor f t f f orirliwn do tut lucuiltoti born viturday fttmri he i jl th ciokcrrowm hiralo tburwaw tiiiiifcn 10 ifm fagk a ob wnitnai day antmay mta ib members and tbeir vrc enjoyed a cornroatat hosted by tbe elobicoke fp and held at ibe borne of eric end iaar- raine smart aoeadinj wen jck end jeo arnutroaia kalpb and joyce barton law jbernecbe kea and kay nmtg ton cord and aiieea carrie hugo aod jeanette dewlnter walter doupagnc steauser and muriel emmeradb hawu and dono luoulloc chria and naory jeoaen joam and lor raine alenscdy jack and jean mccoigad de morgui har old am bella ouen dick pack jim knd uinoo jope dune kd kay tbomaoa um turn bull wbtd uaing oojoo kprars to drtroy lnctj or veda do iu aprey into tbe wind a that the vftpudr cornea bck l otl suull rbikdren and peu kbould be kept well evay from the wri lndoora tloe tne ipjy roooi for kd boor uifti ojkn the window a w any dor to the ouide peter joilel i hoto no magic involved just loads of fun summtr had tri uri and dowki for k di n ihe gerey dr n qhbourhood wfere art ellii gerveroutly allowi ttm uti ol hi backyard trampol ne s nee they d icovered tfte crazy catapult vicin ty imall fry have made ihe til i yard the r h pp ty hop i cd quarters here tynda maneely neti all the ement on of cathy clark ka en sykei j m ntchojton allivter aaoore j m boland and dav d weldr ck james warrens bangkok diary we produce a tv show continuing the itory of hii life lu bangkok jim warren tclu u in thii instalment of produing a tv ihow for the government mr 11 t pending yeaf in the kait at a denjn vonaultant to the thailand gov emmenu loinch it uually an all can dlan affair of hot dog chrete nd soup fortified with crack era all to be found in the am vrkan ttyle super market in tbe foreign section of bangkok during the afternoon upah peda silently upstaira in her bare fet carefully placing tha dally wash whiter thin while id gloriously ironrd in its ispective drawer or hanger she speaks not a word of rng slab tnd will reply even to our thai greeting of aawiddi kop nth only a shy smile hut he is our pride and joy wash lng every thing in sight which is not put away i told home that i was afraid to come home st night with soiled trousers lest they lie snatched off me before i ran get in the door at 3 30 the car has brought ne home again and there is the usual post mortem of the day i activities that will be familiar to every father david ml discovered a new theory for explaining the craters of the non photographed by ranger 7 tltu ba made furniture for nr ken doll appropriately ba ked by the sun tbe furniture ijot the doll met the kitten discovered that my folded nock makes a convenient gymnasium rlorrie has recei yd telephone call from a thii friend vichai hutasingh coufln of my counterpart she has been invited to a coffee party tomorrow afternoon with am thai and american ladjei 4 ahe wishes that har friends in- georgetown could be there oo dinner is truly international our neighbours two german helora are playing in italian on their patlo this is uw aural background for bang hiingaruvn cabbage rolls with irvench bretl e influence in the cook- department 1 noticeable it hf delicious after dinner coffee la served on the pstio and i for- lt with good beotch also led through hong kong mixed with soda from sing at 7 dark n cmt moves in the suddenness of the tro- eg and by 730 the mosqul have arrived from wher- they hide during the day unatelx they are pursued jthe unylturds which ct toe escape to the comforts of buman blood however to make tbe patlo uninhabitable and we decide to abandon our out door living room for the night with evening comes a ritual which is peculiar to bangkok that of securing things egaimt the possibility of night visitors tbe city a thieves sre notorious ly skilful and every door and window in sight is locked and bolted oae kamol as these gentlemen are celled was good enough to pay us a mt just two days after klorrie s arrival at about 2am iungon knock ed on our bedroom door ob viously in a state of consider able excitement she had heard a rattle in our storeroom juit beside her bedroom her move nients had frightened him off but not before he had ransack ed several cartoni of hand crafts which 1 had not yet ar ranged in the house a quirk inventory showed that he had taken only a hrome paper knife disdaining the palm leaf decorations that i thought at tractive nevertheless the ka moi problem became a reality and within two days our land lord erected a barbed wire fence around tbe property a lock wa on the door i bought a flashlight and the lockup routine was established now lights burn every night around the bouse a perimeter and we sleep soundly once again last week the quiet routine of family life was interrupted by motion picture cameras floodlights and tha patter of unfamiliar fet one of my jobs la to advise on tha prom otion of handicrafts we had a half hour programme period scheduled on thai television and decided to produce g film allowing how handicrafts cin be used in the home my eoun terpart vandl wrote the script while i planned the camera shots we borrowed a earner man from another department of government several design era from our own and we were ready to start a bus load of handicraft items trad been borrowed for the occasion from the government hand i craft show some of which had provided the kamol with his booty they had heen arranged about tha house in the best tra dlilons of better homes and gardens but with thai books and magazine on the tables and with an all thai cut flor- ries friend vichai and my sec retary acted out the parts of hostess andi visitor respective ly in a series of carefully re hearsed scenes that would have done georgetown little the a across the eel lng ofthcpj ire proud we dollied the cam tina counts thirteen or rra on a caatorhng desk chair intent upon their prey moved in for dramatr4 close- each other enough mosqui- ups and squeezed as many the v w meeting was held tn tuffcdny evening sept it in the church bauinciit ith preiident mrs w bird opening with a hymn tod pry er secretary mrs hob lunnlng bam rriti the ltt months inutes and rslled the roll hieh wis ahwwered with a vcr on i raite it was an oodnnd that ihe i reshyterial ill be held on i l 2wh 1 clrkion with uiu audrey ftavkim s kpedsl speaker tb devoliojjl was in char g ot mrs c ii dirk and thr theme was the i ight the truth and the wsy coopers uon li the way tn the home and church and we muit walk daily in the light i a iplendld paper on it u ennhlp was given by mn wilhert clrave she i t it s like a gardrn of our live doubt jealousy envy and hse are weeds thst mutt te dug out hy the roots m that faith love truth and laughter can grow again a thoughtful key note li service to others citl lenihip u right ordering of tevrral lnysl tin we mm if at our hrt at all times home li home the world over we all like affection prsise and ronmtrncy and prane re sulta in an even belter job done next time she concluded we are everyone a part of this thai product ins our htm jnd fuwbf i eie mr john bellthldy gave a knv ivk fr thought on stewardship frctive and the next day we r dd um taun on t those who had taken any part and tbe meeting closed with a hymn and ihr mirpah bene tu uglai ijijuw of sorvsl lent he weekend witb bis couvin john surwe mrs harvey nurse and daughter janet v lilted vjlh frteiuls in cliatham last week wejtoti man wihncr ol 1000 lucky prize a weston resi lent is 1000 richer j j jrffriri apt 002 89 dixingtun rrvrent weston held the lucky ticket when sn aujtuit winner wax drawn by a vibiting executive frxmi its mil ton at a mrctinj of init 355 army navy and air korcr veterjni t he unit i raising money for its building fund recently the unit leased the old town hall on the highway and plan to improve it si a meeting hall arnold rathbun rsriantatlv sum llfl op canada 47 sttvaly cr brauptom pkim 4s14os0 our desicninj office illuihing with a convincing display of modesty i allowed myself t be thrust into camera range lecturing ihe designrri con ducting a design conference while the camera flitted around from table to table taking candid shots of the designers all carefully staged all appear ing to lw hard at work but we had done it we had made the big time on tv diction hour followed hv a social do you ksar lightning most people fear lightning but therr are a few w of avoiding accidents in a thund i erstorm in rase of injury a tuesday morning hearj the uhool bells calling tnts and teenage hack to their hooks and mother wan busy making lunches for little hands as they made a last minute dash for the bus bnvs and girli who hsvr had the freedom of the wide onen ipace for two whole months will have a cramped and clos ed in frelinc for a dav or two all richt summer i a closed doctor should be called at book now h wm fun wt snce if the patifit n con scious he should be kept quiet warm and comfortable nd given stimulan i if he is unconscious and breathing has stopped artificial respiration should he given at once pre ferably by a press ire method it should be continued until breathing start- or i ntil the doctor arrives it lasted and to lie sure thrv sre once anain eaoer for xrhool and a hicher education miss jean bird r n 3 genr netnwn and her friend miss barbara kilpatrick of guelnh have just returned from a let plane tour of the british isles and lurope yftfjta formicrea vely pltnnsd lo meet your require merits can lava lime work and money let ut ihow you what we mean the georgetown herald 22 main st s tilptwtw 17230 the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth about home heating ar you eonfuiod about home hmtinr fncli what with vrrytior1y and hu brother telling you how economical convenient quiet and automatic hu particular nyiitem in you must feel like flying koatb for the winter but if you have to ntay and face a cold hard wmur like most of us better read uiftie cold hard facta wood and eoal are probably the mont economical fuels to buy- but they re alno the leant cflicient- and ftooner or later you 11 set tired of slaving over a dirty furnaeo then what you ean fhoooe between a liquid fuel or nocalled flamclofts beating or natural bus all of them claim to be the boat who ahould you believo initial installation costs are higher for liquid fuel equipment than for gas a gas unit has fewer moving parts needs less maintenanca and therefore lasts longer in order for fumelcui heating to compete in operating cost it requires extrathick insulation throughout the homo if your home had extrathick insulation no matter wjujt kind of beating system you use you d naturally cut fuel cobts with extra insulation or normal insulation a gas heating system means immt fuel eosts by far yoo never have to ordr natural gas its always there a good oldfashioned canadian snowstorm cant stop natural gas from heating your home storms ran stop trucks they can also knock out power lines and very often do unless you bave your own generator flamelom heating con give you the cold shoulder just when you need a warm house lets face it nothing is as itjmdobu as natural gas with flamclmm heating tbcretare no filters to replace there thnxm be with this kind of system there is little air circulation bd way to prevent hot and cold layers of stale air from forming no way to remove dust and dirt particles from tbe air ao way to control humidity wouldnt you rather have a heating system that took ean of these ntal functions even if it meant 1frnig a filter occasionally t when you get right down to it vnodcra automatic gas beating has the edge in just about everyldopartment but if youre btilt not convinced maybe this wdl help if you install a gas conversion borner in your existing furnace now or evert install a brandnew gas design furnace you pay absolutely nothinguntil next october whats more well spread out tbe cost of uw installation in easy monthly payments over 6 years if need be unless yon know someone wholl chop your wood forlfee prlou wont get a better jdeal than una anywhere i why not maw the switch to natural gas heating right now uited gas umited 1 wrujdlljwukiimferi

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