Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 10, 1964, p. 9

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beckford business scuttled by elevated railway crossing native of magnetewan district- new glen norval home pastor klv rov irwin krv hoy irwin li the k irwin sprnt his rr1y hw minuter f the v r il crs at magiietawan and al lnlltd church charge of nor in drd ilijch school tn niagara vat glen willlami and home kailu thru altrndrd toronto unlud miurchea h hlr college and kmrnanuel couefa- of victoria university u vh onuincd la 1m4 la 1m1 h faunricd marion doujxu of himaod creek she ia a grand alee of rev herb doufua who w the finl norvaj uniud churth minister lollowinf union in 1025 rev irwin first charge wu at horacpayne about 300 mile north ot sudbury they were only threw on year but during tbia urn wr bl to male tb church lf support in from thrr thry nt to alaniloiilia uland wbrr they pent fiv year at ailadem oya lbc to jtrvu london ctledoi kl and south river while thrrt the rin err ration built i lot fly rvw rburch yith a sunday kvkool wing and a modern kitrhrn krooi south rlivvr thry hinv d th kdnerbvillr rr im tx hrr tb- scltiwl for the iv f at julleville as thr younktkt child ukty wi deif aj thf result of 1 very high unpciolurr wbn ibv wit 2 fr old mary now h lnn lritirrfrd to tit sbol for the deaf at wilton m ihrv kv hiovd to ihr n rwl charge mi they ran w i ear utoujth f r her t te h unr or wrk null kraluri aljrv thr trwn i liit r three miiu hie oldet buy lwuglii u ui the air tore llv wai married u a strwardrts alio in thr airforcr shortly 1e fore thr family mowd lo nor val with hrv irwin performing thr ffrcmon tltey arc h th sta i u nd at trenton jim wh thi ckokgbtown hi thurasuy stfmw ifc page i ib la an honour bob 14 will both t gwrstunrn hid nash and mcdowell puimaom nd m1atimo waw softaaan wav sytfctma auautra i ahararlam tr 72842 rosedale floral fl owers for all occasions wlodlhlo atgawgtmlwti cra0 a ipaxiahy cut flow ft and furwrl deiifjoi v wr flon w attxsr tk goort to kr isolated from tha traffic that u his iivrlihoad by labyrinth of irmrr road td ftwkford u a rry worrird man air bcvford nwni a motrl krvlm atalion an a mack bar on highway 7 5 miln writ of gorlown but hr won 1 for innf in a fw wrrli hr will hr alttlnx at ihr rnd of two rirari end road i witchina hia rut tomrr flah put on a new evrpau ovrr thr nrarby t ml ii im thr new nvrrpast kilu thrrr wrtii with nnr ttonr tuo arr th irvrl rroulnjci on highway 7 and thr third i inr llir third u ur ivckford bum ri tusinkis doomkd ur ftrckford haa no dnuht that thr bypau will ruin hi bualnriu thrrr yrara aao hr stlmatrd hi alur i j2s0 000 today hr wondrra if an inr would takr it off hia hand or 1000 m ii clnic ihr cli pump thr day thry rlnar thr old hi fib way hr aald thr motel will probably limp alnnc for g while with my old cuitnm trt mr ftrckford anarr u kurd on thr frrhnji that hi buainru will br dritrnvrd by thu tsl of rnmnrrrinc rut hr ii chiefly angered hv thr total indjffrrrnrr utith which thr rrapnnsihitr author itlrt virw hr annihilation of a huilnrix which hr hult him arir and hat oprratrd tuccrts fully for 24 yrara 1 hav nrvrr hrrn apprnarh rd by thr finvernnirnl on this h malntalnrd llat dknialk thrr yrari ago dipartment official in hamilton drfmitrry rfenlrd that any project wis planned for th corner iast all officials in toronto prom igrd kir itrclfonl that not hum would happen t hire for five vein i in all his visita uith tl deptrlniint of hichwaya mr bckfttrd haa hirrn unahlr to it jat enclneers thev now show him the plana for the project but deny any reapon aihlllty fof iu riwign hit rueit for help from hi hnemlwra of narlinment hav been equally iiarless in early july bmce heer m x for litel county ptnmiaed tn lonk inln the iltuatinn and contact mr heck ford in one week he la still wailine mr tleckfnrd haa met peel a upp william jjavn iwice and talked to him on the phniui several timra knch lime he recalled mr davu promlned to look inln it llut i wu never informed that thev were jointf head with the job fghtjrjft rlty hall two tnrnitd lawycrk were iuked to taic uie caae bnth dropped it aald mr reckford t when they realized they were flkhtin city hall imprnat oil ltd whntr gat mr reckford irlli hat done little ur reckford frrli that it too ii reluctant to crnt awordi with jovrrnmrnt ur reckford feels that the fovrrnmrnt a decision tn tltt troy hit business without fore warning ant without com pen ution is not quite rrltish juilicr 1 would have no argument hr rxplained if they wrr makms the road ssfrr hut i riprct to ier four fatalities on that brlgr in ihr neit year one insurance adjuster told me that hu firm would put camera at both ends of the bridge to catch the accidents as thrv happen he would like lo know whv thr department didn 1 huv hu property and krrp lliehwav 7 in a straight line if i had known i m was thr altrrnalivr hr remarked id have arcrpt ed an reasonable offer mr rrckford nti he h seen a telegram from the mm lightning strikes herd killing prize holsteins lightning ktturk a ircr nn the farm of j m frasrr fourth 1 ine i- near hultnn lllr frtda night aug 2fl killing hix prue holstein row among them was spring farm fond ilea dam of spring farm ttockrl n a hnlilein hull hat tnld for jflooo at the royal winter fair a few years ago i mr frasrr estimated the loss of the cattle exceeds 12 000 the cow were among a herd of llnlstrtn that took rrfugr under a huge oak tree during the peak of the lale night ftlnrm all six cows hid jheen exhibited at the t and i ian national kxhlhition during recent yeara one hilton farm talis i arl hud just returned from the cnf where the d placed ninth in the milking el as jfir tirsl working farmer hfccnme president or the cmf mr frnser la kerving hia arc ond term he ha ratahluhrd hia spring karma llollftin fvienan rail a among the heat in the wnrl i cottle from hi farm h we been told widely in the ifnited states the argentine italy and australia mr ffjiaer waa thf firht canadian tn be asked tn judge cattle in australia and a is judged at all principle cattle ahowa lu nojth america tstrr of hlchwaya explaining that thr drtnur was huilt hr cause it li govern mrnt policy to hpm lirtr cnmmunitir flrckford i is in i iraiant communit ft nsisting of one church and two homes pop ulalinn f 25 the nterpa ha it ansform rd thr onrrslraight llurd line int a series of dodegree turn when it is complete a motor ist crossing higtuway 7 from tnr south will make the foil owing ma nor u vers a sharp turn left sharp right turn stop sharp right turn nnio highway 7 awing right across thr tracks then awing left then right again onto the present highway a 00degrte left turn off the highway an other sharp turn left and a final sharp nkht al reckford i opto the present third line pittance covered ai the crow files and the mad used to run is a few hundred fret nazer watercolours next showing for house sol from sep tern iter 12th tn sep laprslrir and a painter umber m gallrrj u uise spl j- or this hi a s narer did 4 charles sj eorgetown will m admirable water colour of have an exhibition of water r il ouri bv marjorie naier the librarian miti suer w urll known in this mmmuniu ot flowers m s saier was born in kent in f nglind she studied music first and started to paint man people know ani weave after a hand injury that she is also a designer ot she came tn anada 30 ears stained gins windows norwl ago and has lived for several anchcan thurchi a uravrr of ear tn rorgetown township of esquesing road closing you ii see the exciting chuckwagon races in georgetown park saturday 1 pm sept 12 the whole family will love it bb4l4v concreti gravel ulldino sand t rdadoravel hu nd top toll stonework cln wllllm t j303 prrimrd h ti tn mthnr itr thr rhiiine of part of thr oncmal road atlowjncr hr twrrn ihr raat half of lot jo anil ihr ral half of ot ii in concession tl in ihr aaid township hy arfmramirrmrnt 0 sfli acrri hr th aamr mnrr or irsa notilr k llullnv clrn that thr council of thr t orpnr allon of thr tounship of r qursmc proposes on mondas thr fifth dav of oclohrr intu at thr hour of ft o clock in the aftrrnoon flr aa aoon thtre aftrr a it mav drrm ailvlsahlr to authorur thr rloaing of that part of thr orlcmal mail al i lowancr aa drscrlhrd aa foil i ows al and singui an thai errlaln parcrl or tract of land anfl prrhlura aituatrr lylnb anil lirint in llir towhihip of taquralni in thr lnunty of ilalton and province of ontario am hains rnmposht of part of thr orulnal ttnad allow nee hrtwmin ilia coat half of lot 10 and the rut half of lot 11 in conccaainn 11 in the ul tnwnililp containing hy ailmeasiirrmenl 0 583 acrei be the name mow or leaa anil which aald parcel of land l more particularly heacrlhed aa followa fltfmisinn that the centre un of the hydroelectric power commlialon of ontario rlht of way croaalntf pari of th fast halvea oaald lot 10 and- tl haa a hearing of north ii heerera 57 t 00 in weil and relallnif all hearlnsa herein thereto covllmvnlinc f thf wrat antic of the rait half of aald lot 10 thenle norih 30 decrees 21 fert 10 in vjil alone ilia north vvrat limit of thr rait half of tald lot 10 brine alio ihr aouth cast limit of thr said original hoad allowance 3fl0 5 fret lo a point thrren t1ilm k jorth 0 desrera ft o in wrat acroia the laalil orlcinal itnad atlowance 07 no crt more or lrsa lo the i point of intrrsectlon of the inorthucsl limit of thr hald lorllinal itnad allowancr with thr linr of a frncr running north wrstrrly and marklnfi tile rxlstinc north eat limit of the lands of the norval crmrtery tltvnck south 3d desrees 23 ft 10 in west alnnif the aaid north weat limit ot the aaid original moad allowance bolus also the aouth eaat limit of thr eaat half ot aaid lot 1 374 22 keel mnrr or leaa tn thr aouth anftlr of the eaat half of thr said lot 11 ti1knce south u desrees 43 ft 40 in eaat alone the centre lln of said eoncetalon 11 being alan the northaat limit of a given itoad crogaing part ofjjir writ half of aald ul 10 bb35 pert more ormeaa t0 the point of commenceitient llie proposed hy law and plan showing the lands to hr affected mav be aeen in my office at it tt 1 georgetown the council will hear in per ann or bv hia coucel solicitor or agent any peraon who claims that his lamia will he prejudicially affected hv the aald bylaw and who appllet to be heard dated this 10th day of aug ual 10a4 kf u lindsay s clerk township of ksqueslng 1 r the most thrilling race program youll ever see 2 hours of thrills and chills more than 15 chuckwagons and 70 horses thrilling cowboy acts and other entertainmenf all the thrills of the great stampede and the west refreshments etc admission i adults 150 students 504 h sponsoredby the georgetown lions club

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