Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 24, 1964, p. 16

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1965 cotvaitloftsa unique nd sajctsotlonally new th iryhng of tk 1965 covaic typjfiod he in il cocsa sport coop with hrdtop ilyhng thai appears in five doied model th yea th new cori sefles apiece te mcxrie spyder tk all aw covir it owe wd r and tonqef with rw rida end powf poied oft fvw w dr weadt the line of lh unew body are clfi end uncluttered w in curwod l de w ndowt uied for i il in mer eppoaartob evd moj thouldev locn irtmde k instrument panel itoenrvg wheel uyhih if m feeler iuj deficitc 10 ky locling aystom end eat eropeal ng door ee ell now new hubcap rd wheel trim covt compile th all rmw exter 0 cove r rw r de and powvf th yea it pvodixerd by rww body ireme- corvette type arhcuui itg irk n depen doot ic tospemton rtkod fed fro lul peu on nd modtf ed iteef ng iyttm ii meant vpou cr hand i rvg and marvoeu b i ty w rf noeaied ttab lily tie cof velf fo 65 is offered in thre tenet nd ieven model shows flowering arranging to united church women legion notes november is target date end legion reconstruction by be m tuh tlu 1 li insurance against be 1 ikit harry the waiting won i nsmt ttti vf iti i he in i cl the rellinjf finished in aro tills column has been ah tvrht from thew pane duriujc iit iiimituft months du to vacation rrereatiun relaxation and proeraslmatioti lite ho day however 11 ftver as llu bummer dearth of urine 11 130 activities has heroine in u tumti weal tli virtually furring ihb writer wn to pprr l j a u iljtl ly 1 allchsl o id hu name by far the mrn1 momefito 11 item of intwett to icion members u he ocnverkion of tur twautiful old h mr into 1 dusty ihrl rfwmm nj on ant hill after a lhundr iliower woni from thi head of it uirkrniir clan it that thr wv enlnv job wij t with lh wwklrtk iiin fcw wk u cons noasi ron 11 u sat irl a for thr hiorr waiblr iru 1 hu ro rl p of recomlrurtiin thr upttaim trmbrr 2d 11 thr datr on ulurh will have hardwowi flooruia n lomnil liirr the large halt with plaitic tilr wl u 1 fur hl rorn in the imaller nwmi men wf can eat c n the lutchen rtr the walli will il l 1 hilton he panelled in hardlmurd and vl11 r r wuhliik rat activitip will inlthril upttairi to ijrtalte of tiling than c rn it it rs iiinci ie i tl at thry hnnu th te mm n inuve into 041 ocloher 10 ijownitain the fl w r will 1m- terrauo throughout llir wills and crilinc like uptlair will he pre finuhrd turdhoard pan els and arouttira die if all goea well downitaln thrn ih mple ed by noverntier 14th then the the m v p to ivea the tin rsr uaj mr rtis a general meetn k wi i rl t toi nht septrn tier at 8 p ni rr p s i l ihr meetinc to lie i rl 1 in the bmjuaintr i 1 1 1 surround 1 fjpral airancidenu by mn r hurit biathlixhted s st john a ucw meeting in the church hall wdeaday 1t- tamber 10 it ru lb rirat meeting of the fall uuoo la an iaiormative demooaira tioti mr harri abowed varifcui waya uf arraniin llowcra and uavra to produce atrikln f icu typca of container hid a bcmiliia on the aoeclal at trclivcnj of each arrange mcot ut llama illojtud bef talk with coloured aiidei corvatfr wrr fcu f two mridtr cclrwatika blrtbdayf lhi loi tb uii iurrim i tbaliked by uti a header e 1 ml h ugm the vicepr aldcllt 01ned the meeting with tirt hiut which unit t coikduded a davotional per iu1 the devotional opened with the bhiauts of o lord of ueavflt aiw the wfiplur read intf wag fr in st johh i k el a brief toruijfe wai rsj by mrs u iuily ufore iku portun of th rofting cld 1 with the tinyttij of the hymn 0 ixinl or ijfe am r k the am ouncrioenti wi tl e date for tl e net nn eral 1 iretii t oct 14 when ther d fctr rt ciiurcl ei will tie ihvmel to hear a guekt tpeaker kennedy parent meet teachers each other a urg turnout at the fir it inerlif i of the eortf ken 1 rly lltmr and school aaivl ation ukt wednrtday ugured well fir the reit of the ea ton setrnly five parnta jam oiel the room to le welcomed by thu yeira preaident un tl hike llainn tlie nifftina wai informal with the purpo introduc 1 30 ing the trarhrri particularly the new onea to the parenta rollou it the introductlont came tl e aocial hour where the mrmheri and would be memtwri mingled and becfcrae thi giokcitowh herald tkwarday sep 34 im4 pace 10 0nly4dayst0save talk on the new curriculum plana are alao underway for a buffet auppef septembei 25 when everyone u invited to kt f tend a letter from mr lee kin a paat prraideot buw hv 1 lag in waterdowo eapreaaed be thaiika tat a uie inember 1 akdp pin kke rcid at the une nieetinf with fcpecial thaoka to the woiurii wbor ved with her on the executive durinat he teml of bffiee glbh williams 2 ml jirk tawrikm buu- irly vnt nit to pl lhlr irn a dl elsewhere and henceforth all -t- enertry will he ependei to ward reconstniclion a fnm fori l off thought oum la a facelifline n re vene in that the ouufde will remain the tame hut the in aide will he replaced hv far the blugral structural chansr la the removal of the old hull i intra backbone which took he fftm of a twentyone inch thick ilone wall reaching from foundation to roof rlffht throueh the centre of the hulld ing the 00 000 pound of ttone and concrete have been replaced by m10 poundi 6f provincialtou atructural at eel which is ttron ger in jli job than the oricinal wall due to a deiire to keep h main beam from project ting too deeply into the room below a tpecial type of beam normally used in skyscrapers and wrighing r7 pounds per foot wai selected for the job the eircutive for the 10a4 ba aion li 1 resi lent urs m v wt u iiikr llaini vice pren lent fur the who have 111 itd mrs s martin 2nd vice preil riven arc seen k the familiar rllnw tirk dent mr hoyd 1ance rec one week later than thnte or ett of the 50 so draw r here secretary mrs h mcellly iginally planned and the de by explain the format ha trenurer mrs m allen so lay has been cauaed by of all lieen changed to a monthlv rial c nvener vlrs j lwinu things a labour shortake draw with the sane nan e the ul licit chairman mrs iave sports tickrts are now white an i mackrnur membership chair two teams will he journrv hae gnnr fnm a quarter to a man mn m rerfcuson ant ing out of town in the near buck lie loot ha auo gone chairman cf grada mothers future in an attempt to place up ood luck mr a arret the first new trophies on he pew trophy thelf the horse cjci would ik iii shoe hurler will travel to j c new hamburg on salunlav sptemher 21 and pliftfere will go to t coif club in kltch following saturday october ippv in lklh caes he teams wit w hornby not all the eager eaters in dog food commercials so chips and cokes are the dinners l1meh6usk institute 4h club prizewinners at fair congratulations to the yv i la winning a special prlie for their display at acton rail fair and in the 4 11 club girls and their leaders in win ning a special award with their display keith ruddell is rrcuperat ing following tonsllcctrmv uft week in georgetown hospital we extend sympathy to tin culpa in the sudden passing of her father mr realty last week the funeral was at hills burg on friday mr fred gisbv attended the warner nianchard weddlns at church of christ newlnle church llillfihurn on saturday birthday greetings to steph en spitier who eolehrated hit klicth on sunday thewa had another stic cesaful sale of fondi at their booth at acton fair on satur day a week atm they catered for the maan latimer wedd 1 intf recent i nn in the legion hall in milton the ladlei are now plannlnk the annul chur ch anniversary supper for next week mn ted brown and mrs karn attended training school for till club leaders at drum qujn last week 7 bally day was observed at umelioiua on sunday john y mcdonald read the scripture jeaaons there will be no sun rqqt school on sept 21 due to mrtlvqrry ser tod hr alvln karn lcajiatoi london visited pictorial plates project for st stephens guild itie september meeting of tha sl stephen a anglican church guild wai held at the home of mrs vera cramp with trn members attending the president mrs john ilutsell opened the meeting with the guild prayer repeated in uni con the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopt ed mrs jean drew ilrook read the treasurers report a report from the sunshine com mlttee was given and thank you notes were read by mrs margaret cook ton mrs john iluuell reported that thi church pictorial plates wen selling very well a very crat ifing report on the booth at the steam show was given by peter schell of the si letmen club plans- for the serving of dinners at the miton i- nil far were dlscilssrd the guild will occupy the space under the grandstand plans were also discussed for their booth at the genrcetown air it was announced that n hummage sale would be hejj in the early part of november the meeting closed with praver followed by a delicious lunch served by the hostess assisted by mrs john russell thi next meeting will be at the home of mrs pnt flippance on tuesday oel ts fare of the hih schooler cording to the so called experts however mr t hutchi son upcrvifcor of the t or getown hiii school rjf tens ai it itnl so the most popular meal served is shepherd s pic or meat pic complete with vegetables iloth the bovi and cirl favour the same foods with the alove mentioned being the favourite raiin course and apple or cherry pie being the favourite dessert amvinj at nine in tv morn ing the five ladies mrs t hutchison mrs f lo itiker mrs charlotte urquhnrt mrs il mccausland and mrs harvey have lunch ready for four hundred by quarter to twrlvr mrs llutc uson mod estly points out thit only about seventy have complete however in that short time the women have prepared two dinners l there 1 auavs a choice two soups salad plates and vegetables jlggs would be itjppy hrre cornel iwcf and cabbac i a favourite there 11 one consolation de spite the large number of mouths lo feed there are no dishes to wash there is a large dishwasher another in novation whi h might make an ex soldier green with envy is the automatic potato peeler rvrrything runs smoothly and quietly according to mrs hutchison except when a stu dent drops a truy then he or she is tendered a wild round of spplairse and cheering which undoubtedly adds a little spire to the favoured shepherd a pie fruit vegetables harvest dectyation it waa lurveit home krbtival irt the united csurch sunday tuittt liig and the church was decoated with b prvfualotl f fruit vegetable httd howes hug puttipkiiu and tall stalks of corn wv plcd in the ph trance while the fcatctury was a riot of color from thr first red itisple leave to th rrimton gladioli on the ren ire of the ruuimumoii table wjb placed bread and un either tide auitll baskets overflowing with grain 1h roaiplrle servlre w4t bed on thaiikfulnru from the opening hin come ye thankful people come to the two choir selections and the sermon the bouquets 0 flow en were taken to the sick folk of the congregation after the service t a isrte crowd atlen led th community auction ule con ducted by alf speivce 011 rvi day evening many and van ed were the household articles which were auctioned by alf his first attempt in full charge of proceedings and w mi it add an excellent job this was held in thr garage behind the snack bar and will be a monthly event mr and urs bill korxack were clerks any one having anything they wish to sell thould get in contact with alf for the october sale we extend congratulations and best wuhri to jeinelte davies and gordon hancock who are lo be married rnday even ing in st alban s with the re ception in the parish hall the ij1ii guild of si al ban a met last wednesday even ing ta the paris hall itcv jl stubley opened the meeting and the ladies curried on with business which waa comprised of a number of projects which are underway the ladies have flnused quilting three quilts plans were made for the rater ing to a wedding soon the painting of the parish hall is to he undertaken shortly mrs t haines the president doted the meeting allan wheeler played in the domtar golf tournament in st anicel quebec on srpi lat he won s leather wallet during our clearance thk it1m maw to oo jffciauy uxu thtsl lownucfo km thu kfasom dont aloalns cartons only armstrong excelon vinyl floor tile ideal for any room in tlw lvom includ ing batarrventi all you rvaed it sciivort and bruth to apply ca1h and cakrv caryoniohs only surplus cuur 10 plywood 15 sheets only i 4 x i ribbon slnpa african mabagsny rag 9 95 clearing at i9s batik 12 shu only 4 4 x 7 mahogany plywood rg 8 75 cuarlng at 195 10 doors jwly alumlhium combination s doors wiousil rtv tfu 1 each 26 window units various sizes clearing at cost buy now and save for an early start in th sprirvg 29 trellises greatly reduced prices dependable beaver lumber hours 8 00 to s 30 p w fnday until 100 pm saturday 13 n00m ii water street 8772234 rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wedding l arrangements carugm a spadally cut flowortand funeral v daklgns w imrt flowart 32 atbart tt 730s3 is it a big car is it a small car is it a compact conversational french taiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaill tha separata school beard is ottering a course in conversational french to all school children from grades 4 to 8 inclusive rates 75c for 2 half hour leuoni per child 1 25 for 2 half hour lessoni for 2 chlldfan 1 75 maximum per family classes start odober 5th al 430 pm in holy cross school mipu avanua eait student t name address telephone no irrort n school u f- gracfe 7 attended frepcti claises last year enqulrlai 8774451 yes its a volkswagen 1500 its a big car because it can carry seven children a mother and eight smiles or it can hold five grownups sitting down its a small car because its three feet shorter thaji most station wagons and its a compact because we donjt wastea single inch of space the engine is hidden awayteep down in the back so you have a 5 foot mat loading area and up under the front hood theres a trunk just like in volkswagens famous bcedeshaped sedan and our vw 1500 has all the other advantages of the more familiar looking volkswagen it gets better footing in mud and snow because the engine weight is over the drive wheels theres no radiator to freeze or boil and it doesnt use much gas the vw 1500 usually gets about 35 miles on a gallon that goes a long way with seven children and a mother jftftk 4 c v motors 1 89 guelprr street tel 8776531

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