Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 24, 1964, p. 17

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hnw go i- jkftiyi svsfj peter jooe photo removed for highway widening utwon dutch h disaei knd k way of pogreis hit illely lm on gulph st rmr rwey cwlvw feted to tell belo its lm he wofkr it ind clear at ih tre ttah lo topple trjp jvwner a hqrrop vsff s tie united nations the aetna h calf andl th tool tear in th acton drain dab achievement day 4h call 3ub lor tha 7r plac wara hold al the acton pair led lot ftuaaall murray w on strarr lath and lath tod tlo janat allkeu and bui tha alevaa aaambers of the acton j train club axhlhlt- ad a nock of borta barley carl sinclair placed brit nor ma loalla xnd and bob lealle third in th total standing lor tha acton 4h grain club t aitkan had high score of t1 point sh wn follcrw- od w keith aitkan 8fa way ne aitkan m7 rtank anthony mo fred anthony iis end ob laeue b04 th tareotyflv taeinwi ol tha acton tti call uub were mini by de ruaitad united cooperative ol ontar lo dave u a tenner 41 club member in halloo and plat preelcuai ol tha junior farm- era association of ontario huaaall murray we lop la saowoilaaajn witt janet ait ken second and raid krink thin th tawae war platad a follow junior dairy ural marjori johnatn 2nd ordod vendlli third hoy llrtxaa senior dairy cll lt huaaall murray xnd uur ray fett 3rd prank anthony bwl heifer 11 hob lathy ind hill uaby 3rd leahy im th robert laalte tan sth alurray feu m th katth aitkan 678 nino braid tha 4h club 1 to bo complimented the accomplishment of i 4h china hoeuwy procedural bytaw now rules council meetings th s klmoast a touch paper in ihi j u th whole municipal aa caquacnurl mayor gibbons a uvi third redlng of a procedural by u w concluded at uondmys cowncli meeting the lengthy by uw which pud tut ft 7 3 vol will guv vri council procedure frorrt hcjw on a url avup forward aviid ma elliott pajuutf nut that roundl frvt be ulk lnf kout it in m1 httf 0 heve a c nun- htiv kw uv wklfh ro iv tolnt cbarvad tr ikin til volv ilnat it bavcatll- hourtbo wucb of it bilnifu m teams present gift tomrmrsthompson on 84ttvdasr nuhc spt 1 th hornby barj and girls saftfr tmsu odd bocui crtaeriiu c to puyr and thir uaoim kt the hornby community part ti even uhf ujiod off with gmtm ol ball with both youal and old partictprttinj kouowiaf th bll javme everyon gathered around a huga bonflra wber a buflat tunch ml acrwd la cbidil barbecue cbkiv vri wit aalftda dicaiam roili ck aod coflee the chickana ra barbacued by the cbarf oi the vcblat jtba ttoaox fcautiat ad by stap wiuawv rouowin thti omatovtown haoulo ft 34 14 page xt iqach hoaoor wt paid to eormar hornby cafupla mr and mrs wilmcf thoatom tyho balped in many way to kacp the community spirit alive when livinc in the village on behali of th two ball teams dave leab presented mr and mrs thoospeon with a lovtly star wall clock and they both extended their sincere thanks to all attendisf ad invited everyone to vult them in their new bom in mutum hun aiclluib ratertained oiu afchool friends at his horn on knday nlxhl the ftrt part ol th evcnlnit wea spent piecing kams followed by a com roast caunbrtauiom to mr mrs paul may dm wriggle worth who we rted at hornby urritnd on saturday sept 19th fol- lowing their waddlnc they were taken on a tour of mil ton by ke howdeav wiw wa drreing an aid are trtsek owiv d by oarnet howden the truck was decorated with pink and white aiwacners and pwpcr congxatu lation i to mr and mrm bruce rvwtraas aw syl via grchaun who wn marri ed on saturday sept 18 at st- stephen anglican cbercfe uurnby hy j k maawell oacleled the wedding 111 st kn 2nd lt wsyne alt david danbir 3rd hob uthdevey um t msvo wbo w ton d b cf jim yttung a bis op- frosts didnt dent quality show aglow with blossoms russcl1 murra showmanship winner at acton fall fair secant ffoatl had no tppar ent ailed on reducltk anlrlu in tlor aho- u wrlmtlea- worth kchool teat wadnaeday nltht th iho iporuored by tha caoraelown llartlullural society uhlblled tuch lurt ling array ol bloom in all 20 elaaee that the judae htarllyn oldham l norval owiualad on thlr nuallty rirat mnd and third priw wlnnara in the varloua tlanei wen aa allow koa 01 t simla wa fcw bi url atarjory alun mra r- ii wrlaht o8 11 t s bloomi alia bala bird o moral jara harry scott brue liar jy koa grand vlr w ii b mr b wrljht vlr ii soott dahlu dw uri w norton donlld dw david d dahlu cactua vlr w norton vlr n dverau dehlla baak0 david dew mr n devereaui dwi bouquatl mr j dullleld broca harlay vlr w norton honla 8 bloom ur c b dick mr ale inul bruc liar ley mnill pom t bloom bruce harley mr c 11 dick mr r- h wright zinnu car tin 5 bloom beg willumi alter double s bloom bull mundy ur w b norton mr w stringer alter dou ble 5 bloorn tuall mundy mr w b norton mr llrry scolt mum bouguet b- s barber mr b 11 wright mr c b dick glad 3 tplke mu phyll hlggi vim miur en lllgg mlu unda huc glad mlnitur alen hum pelunt lingle mr c b dick mr llirry scott mr b wright pelunl double mlu fui bird mr helen mundy marigold amnn ml bale bird mlu mirgot willumi ben cue mirlld french ben ce bruce llarley mr w stringer cilendul mr ii scott mr w b norton jun cai snipdngon mr k ii wright ben ce minalura amngement mr v golden mr a sutherland bruc llarley floral arrangement mm k h wright mr j dullleld mr g y moore conage mr w stringer mr g v moore amngement junior clm mia anna golden miu laurie moor miu connie alin point i tor lit 3 lor 2nd and 1 for 3rd were allotted winner in each elate aa in tha society ihow held in june tha winner of tha blgheit number of point at ihu ihow wa mr it ii wright with a core ol 14 piite wlu be awarded at tha october meet ing to winner with the high- oat aggregate of point at the two ihow specill nrlte of roietta ribbon war awarded for pro duce grown by children whoi jiad entered la the society garden competluon carried out with tha cooperation of tha gtewarttown public school winner were a follow zinnia 5 bloom junior jan let nana mirgot william beet a junior david hall ajobart hall janet nurae car rch 6 junior margot will lam david hill janet nurje further ipecial prize wer awarded to children lor the ahownianihlp a chalrnian ii care ol their gardan theaij herder on bahlll f tha were won by david hall haukoeiety thanked mr oldharn raen neely and hohart hall or her judging and remark with honorable mention to alo robert barber lor hfa ut jantt nurae and commend terating ulk mr and mr uon or mirgot wlllllmi and keith webb tor dlretiug the mary annalrong while judging wai in kach tall aaveral tripa are praident of tb norval junior awarded to outatlndlng junlar lnltllute farmer acro ontirlo 0n bill uirahall mlllon hh1 ol the uioit importlnt li ihe i hi repreaentallve on rrovlnrll leldotahlp training uhe junior karnur soil ind ihow and ill other who hadjcimp it lake couchlcwng ud u y through pro willed in my way september bih to isth ttililout dullarln boult slmcoc yoiire invited to a preview 2o -t- the oc yeir hilton wu renrntid by rrey ind bruce countln will il hlrlev ungevln mold ind vultid seplimber a 1 at to ipeclil reference to varutlsi apeclal leiturai a plant e llrold thompin milton jth under the guidance of colour dim rr 1 shirley hu mmpletad tn cropi science department greu robert barber give in he lunounred that llluttrited ulk on tlulci with tober meeting would ha change ul ind with twelve 4 i homemiikng clubi oac ind u vlveprldent ol the mu inn u inn uai ufen an active larlon junior inilllule llirold ind ii iki yeir o tliompuin hu completed nlnelr 0 the hilton 4 ii c ind general cultural treatment following the judln ur of pun oldhitn commntn on th t nihil in a genrral wy ind v book gave mhne uelul polntan to through the courtery thoi iniloua to improve their onurlo tender fruit initltute teen 4 11 agricultural tluu l ml li vice prrtdcnl ol tint illermo junior lirrnen tha week it leiderihlp trilnlng cimp li detignfd to prepire theie young people to aaaume more reeponilbllltial both in their junior firmer franco club end other communl y ctlvltlei go the reeve thli week september 5wh 26th th united nltlcnl guelph hii been in active 4 1 iea orn little motors ko 7 highway east acton 8530430 ambassador american classic to start construction town warehousegarage cr start on a town gtrifla will niay hiv a deficit be made thli sit at die old got sngo swag disposal plant property two weeks on main st s said w were in fine condition to council voted uonday to flnsrvclslly hu my td 000 tour is being held one juimor spend a budget 14 000 to been spent on something else irarmer from each county slrt the building he assed lrseli to nlsgsra kalu we 11 at least get four walls and a roof and be able to store some of thr town equipment this winter laid property chairman bob i- raneis whan reeve flliott tried to stall construction until the end indicated the reeve pointed out thst gettysburg iteltsvllle usry antra coil for acquiring land land washington and to new for highway widening is one york with th highlight being item not budgatad for 11 a tour of the united nsllont promised he would vote for aileen lurrop norval ur2 the building if no deficit is hss been ehoean for this trip of october claiming the town nurses review summer events at fall meeting soma 15 georgetown are nurses members of the gear getown and district registered yokomto man winner nursaa organisation kicked off l mowthly draw ur d i to represent if slton cnuntv at this point mayor gibbons laileen hss completed nln 411 said he could not continue his clu ind u support if it mesns a deficit i the vote csrried m with crs jhie bousklll s 60110 powers and young also oppos ng construction thalr new term with a meeting thursday september 17 miny attending were new members mrs mary simpson presid ed at the meeting st the home of mrs w ucmurray 113 main st s reviewing events of the summer which pertsined to die nursing profession locally occupied most of the meetlnu time however one item of business was dealth with star ting this term the membership fee will be a straight member ship rate as opnosed to the former system of rlisrging at earh metmlnr the nurses wip meet strain october lath the meeting place to be decided a toronto man reid is this month the lions clubs drsw the draw was week mr raid i no 101 arnold rathbun fcaavreeanfatlv ifun mm p camap 47 stavaly craec bramjton ww 454030 tea this is the time to plant evergreens dutch tulip bulbs now on sale webbs greenhouses twmitarsouhor uqrvat dial 5ai58 in acton fair contest jinle bouiklll ol glen will iimi wis runner up in the mlu acton fair conleit the georgetown high ichool n ituilent plaead aacond to net winner in tie tryurnlir bbj acton 300 club among the is conteitinti ind hecime a lody in wilting to the made in queen in the ceremony which ticket vii climaied the opening night 1 program quick summbi caisaole xt- taxno cooararr j uahatkh coummv luuia you con lohlfy m y0 for acd and botoraat during tha warm month with ugm dellckxu roeolohom ruh mod with cryitol torm inilonl waihad bororoai ihu aorylonrenor coaaarola i tt hoaiamakae draoni com tru thar i h crubblng or paallng or mining ol pokloa yol alga u punh el potolo in ttil dlth to kan tha man in ihe lortlly happy th ham aconomlthi crt coinollon company untiled luggail yaumrea maeohan purl whh a laid talad or ocaen vacja- toble tar tha ulllmai kl d wall balancad maol potatoiham pup uub w 1 ubvihau 14 acaee ckajja tuall 1 uompaaa y mlthw nv wiaaeau vi vi ear vm b tva aif aaua laaiueirjaeai laeaeacw eetaflaa to aockaaa lndlu mn butter in frying pan odd onion and try until lender and golden add to mcuhad polotoal in large bawl boat in cheala ond mudcrctaaaim yolk unhi thick and ughr fold ag yolk and horn into potato nuxture aaat ago whltaa vnhl ihm but not dry cold intel potato mixture turn into graaied 1vt quart coiierala baka in 330 madarata oven 43 to 50 mln- ura sprlnkl with par jay u datlrad sarra immadlplaly relax find what you want by reading and using want ads do you know of an aaler way to ahop ar aallr whan you raak eur far kit appointment to la the advartlaad ham want ad do tha work and qulcklyl want ad vaur marketplace all you do i place your ad and wall far tha phona la ring and ring it will or all back and enjoy ceding ihe want ad thenhona phone 8772201 georgetown her ail

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