Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 24, 1964, p. 2

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well lopkwhoslnkp tte hhmmtim da lirtlaw aaererljr wuaon william weaaaraa die u m farw axpcrvine thay kp ma rauftfn mowafttl wauothbswoeitm public tchool tatacmaub mia llalaa a carrla adam eathy allan seaaa baflay lortaw sallan tin dal brtaklow allcbel bock cathy buttrey jimmy burn bobcrt cleaye jeffrey kl george nta hayee bread hartley kevio hyoe paul martin valerie srken- hypl mow barry prou a barbara tejnpiaaoa icuo toot dean wljgia pm caaaa tbachga kuee kalee aw ronald bergem tarry brew v brant collier lynn coourly way kngleby xiebtu cll anore neoey meaaluo capel mlmer bowie kally diee kcynoeraley jaaele lawturj ail mack iham marabau juanaau ahltxm mirk korloa debbie liaagiail lawiea u widy style jbilruy kwnrierk cyir im veaaenberg tady wit jaw wrlgkl douglaa wlleea atonal liar wood etarylyaa park teacher mn jaa dwyec david barber katherlne rtullp clark julie jama letiibert lori draper mark feoning john barrb brian heatlngi anna haw kuaaell hegaa rhwsda ialll sandra krby areon half i- fcwaao eteel mm alebea wyn kecaci aucauley ifebra n aiellu- una allddlitod mctaii klilla mich eel mo it fever ord scull rniue cfury wkeeev diana suaeayi eodly wall il rick waodi pamela vegan narraton public ajat cllaa teacher mn at xrwfx john almond kuth attt tun llerkunm hobby lu kar glen huwriar hrta carl anil suaeii carlson 1 yen carl wrlgbt carol cook peter crwirk warren rwfuw kurk hupahy milk xu jaaqurllita urqufcfcl mlrllu diaim uwe sampaoa pj claaa yevacmbai aire t aninl ma daniel aldhem trudi brew er may bunu hilary catling shawn cluncy tracy dakia terri kletcfcv billy clbbona cheryl cunby brett lfaa xob- erl hill c nihil king kexk newmaa barbara hnbertaoaj murray alia retwrleoa ma ry doaald xobenaoa daniel k traeey spicer jaa- pb aulb hater itephee ueniia sutherland kimmtoy public school yiachei kui m tuney david baua laarie broaaw cwool lbllly couke yvonne carheil kelltjarun miekael dtnadall preacmi fawnler roy ctrardt thawii lunnon janice joih en marie 3oret dwlaht la u cmiaw luvejl cafof uneti usyrle oibomf wlncy prlcv duab kllk daniel bmllb lluii ioulli eric strlrt col ien siiniiucki martin true jljh1 man murrl wtt mirbarl ark lna h ciriulne lliiiahan ladies heres your ounce aaam raally aasdarful aetata m offend la the ladle aao uaa of geucjetowa fair if you haven t ajuixe jlat at one quick and enter your bak in taaey wart rtewara ata ao that you eta eaah la on th aawt hualo t pf w pace charel st am cum yiaxmbal u twky cieem allan larry auatln warner baker kaeeei kealeda kulty naaan biudd ylaatity hevini larry beit jaesel claney jay dauiel jaiae kimb skerry rerari kuaky cnfcu ut atlax merkel tcwif t- aur occ jiaatay ttuv id tyaey vyne kevin uaa dlake fereis ilea phllllpa j ale k mart kwbiaaa janet lul jaeoala taylor domli tn kad hallyjane wa1 hfal ufaulinl fn nl uurle wrven llraaan aknn lain ikeed tol laura sim ywjy 111b yr 1p k tiuventi j iph vary ladlr urrtb your own cuagl ty pm 1 ybavthba me bvetky oreeel ahrahemae joyce afnew barry aine larfy bond bryria boumaan dertena bratku diane brunakl strph a anthony- davlx mlrkael aluaott mary a at fcaiaieraon am cllu if ac him u a bruee auutrona kilinunda david fllu kirhird vruby laell criu suin llirrunund daniel jarrett klin jrnkint jame moove rarth urljman hlla falterknn ynihtliy i hllllpa larry loyntj scott itru handall reyic lirian uori yiachia mua arr stephen archibald liulaako larry colllni david david huey deburk ariwirvna mary arthur jauri beckatl muaiu cullur ytry kallowa raig i indlcy dlany kuhet jane rokkina doald iu1i mark mlckinn n kuj uauihan iulkr mr conavll urlan mcdtoiu ii ther babertkoa kalhryn hob dunellfle crll kdmlindj bin uaberl hnl dun lullna union jlandra kitr ichoutrn klin sndr mark mlehard untl cheryl lea huli 01 i n klaekllh mllhwl terry uu lonald xharon mc thitikin lnan tluckn iowll ferry mtoiii michael wllllam ward david wurch ucmenley hentl mcuuirhlln lin llrcer flualietli ulrhi ac clau lw i iittffinn laura yaachimi ue a iiy ihuaael linn lcarlkiroueh all klrrn ball duncan bank ton tailnr oikcr tuchrl imanoa uoulalrldu llkhael ethv vjr martin hrmen tlrjanl john hurhinin will la debra cnulnr clnlv dlt lab challanacr catherine ty ohirori galloway michael clark barry irawlmd jilfry uthria jrnnlfy harold mirk dawn joy olaai ieyihlfer- krn diuon timothy 1llii drbrl ilirru fany karnlldii nohert denoa alia at herbert lyna fwlie in loilar jo ikert kalhrrlna kitchinar de diane baere damael john- anw carakoue chriitopber nrah matrhell brian uluin aloa karen kb- ley micjiele harder carol llruilrr koch lleathrr vtnrtftn kenneth t ann kitchener afarxaret jarle- itlle larmotu- jrlfrey lock ten mlclull richmond april uriateian brbta meonee wood derrick uahonay khar vjcca krll ednre slrpherl lanrle norton timothy rob od hole lavrala hatu liana krwell dean ch keren im arid slepkeri awlfrled cvajf ttaaaaelun catherina ranattln fcler danny thomptah nu toipt symi uoddart iyn ipaul atewart randall sfwitier wncht jtiat a aample sundarc breade special ftha of m 00 3 0t and awos fee the beat whit braad baawn braad llk roll daaaa- naaa baaa magic bakia ao dar aaaaul s 00 bm tat tuoo lot the beat atafla layer wait eaxe and for uaa aaaat point in doeneatie adaaca a slood voucher there are d4 daaae tn lad le work with prue rasnim up le nfx for firat priae plaja aaeay ipaeiau and a 10jm cask paiae for mec aetata in tbu eeetloo ccnl prize ar offered for the flower ahow ao all in all bo finer prttr hit h been offere1 a aawcial aeetlon la offerwi for junior girl and aaaay a trie have already been recelv j iii he tod uu igatiier your lleau and aliow ibini at georgetown kai pesticide antidote suggeited by harley di lurry lfiruy m tot iuhcd i ml tbjlfmn 6 ih tlimtiury cammku on toixi fcrui drufi uld fl4f daty that mjiufiiurf of drugs will pirdti thould davelop ttldottjj for ttawlf ptvaluftj he iniciinl hat the rout miller hid recorimedded tvtud li of th ffi flf ivilrld od bun fen and wimlif on b tblffkvclion tv4lwfn druji and lflrldi and ulvlllnf th iloctor uraed the kimeril c6v frnmrnt lo make l mandatory for all vou nunif to be official ly rordl ir ikrlfy a itantrt caw after nvnitnl offiriau lit t h e caaiadlan atrluturl clifmirali allocution had r dutd tbt ert ilid tvdu- lit la n u the uu 6f plicin to ptmnt i6lviiai of biimgaj ahd wildlife in ciridi wae and ujna of prowof ing the ufe tut bf tw hail- tmu wft- thwn diuoaatw wy in uu tal of the iumdu lurtl khmttdv kinouoaktin mofmrw claj labour council asks members to boycott metro newspapers dalagabm from ceorgatown burlinftoit curkaod mlltsa and oalivllla at lut vveaki ttaaunj at th oakvllle and diatrut labour council votad ovarwbalnllngly la reoomtnend to uielr reapecuve local un ion mamberabip to cancel all aubaaripuou of mhro ncwi- aapar lnvolvarj in the toronto rintar publlabar dlapute the delegate raprtaantlnf 8200 valanlata in llallon and south peel countlei took thta actlbn altar an addfea by brother bay tiling who aerved aa a aumbar of tha nineman he ayrtiating committee at the toronlo typographjcil union with the publlaber earlier thl yaar brother ernie luih of kalton and william sherlock at oakvlll of the aam union altt atlamied the council meat ib brotnar dllng- lit hla epaech atatad that th toronto newa- papar ntmlamn praclpttaud thli djaputa by introduelng new work rule that woum hgve been arwtrartly wtcod unto the union he further lutad that th i metro publlahar if reapstu ible for th continuation of the dliput and the aim it the at- alructlon of the toronto phn tefe union he offered evidence lo the union delegate in hla apeech by ehargltig that on july 0 al moat to the minute almultan eoualy ib men were tired b cauae of rafunal to work under the new work rulei mr illlng completed hla pechby aaylng that the un ion hit no honourable alter native but to fight unloni buatlng employari with the utmoat vigor it the local dlapoaal hajtbadad with the coun- cll delegate to aupport hla local union in th tight agalml their publiaher by nerving notlco that the globe and mall the dally star the week ly star and the telegram are no longer welcomed in the rea- ideneeaof organliad- labour people marshall winner in junior ploughing matcri th hilton junior ploughing match took place at the farm of claud meketl br 1 geor getown on saturday septem ber 12th there were two claaaaa in thl competition clau i open to thoa it yeara and under and claaa ii thoa under 31 yaar of age of epaclel lnteraat to pee tatori were th two girl whs were competing in th junior clau all eonlitan aupplud their own tractor and plough and were aaalated by aeveral mache standing in the junior see hon waa aa follow 1 roy may rr 4 milton cera tbompaon h r 3 mlltop i s janet taylor rr 1 burling ton in the senior section the aundlng wu ibryan mar- hall rr 4 milton 3 bwlgnt may mr i hornby 3 larry plckott it ii 3 gcoruoloulrt bryan marahall and dwlsht may will be hilton county representative at imevnation nash an0 v mcdowell hjjauuwo anal hfattem m water sahaiaar water jyeee a tupalr 1 allaraluna tr 72842 i wm i i i i chch tv i toa itr o ntltm swvt rtcuu 74oi tint swifts stew 285 luncrtaoh miat 1 3 or una swifts prem 285 swifts spaghetti 269 a mee klli jewel shortening lb po 29c swift baby meat 3 479c cmoki ntw txatahd lajava iau i maxwell houit 56c off instant coffee bitty cockt dltuxi cake mixes wlvw piexiat rd hemt mushrooms hglmz tomato soup caowh corn syrup maz0la oil iooi ar 139 0or pltfli 39c 1 0oj t na 35100 10oj t na 889c 265c 320 ar 79c jello puddin pie filler 98c walker cowklaa 16a pig chocolate chip 45c tker cwf wkei w half leg olamb wkele leeaveel loin olamb laeakln i gaakaf reeel cheee ktew front olamb 23 swifts premium wieners 45p alua u swifts premium bacon needy la let tenekej swifts picnic shoulders 45 29 69 43s a hsaarry ilov kxmt ontabio no 1 okadi m potatoes 59 tfaaiteur 6irjh rwiu t frajim u1a cn h 1 brusiel sprout 25c lettuce 229c a deluleui deuert ee can na 1 cr 3 ib lag hon dew melons 49c carrots 229c bl- oimrtj ut tut 8 hi froi 14- at pitf mild cheese c 49c fish stix 55c hylcriim lnt ana lie suave haib spray 74 suave hair spray da lite extra 434 onus lhs receivs an ixyra u00 tap ocart eke jalada tra baos pink lellen llould v8l detergent minute rice receive ah extra 10 tape will jeheulea baautlllear ot pkg a liquid wax u receive an extra 13 m tape 3 can na 1 crad 3lb ma cooking onions ban 14et preieel in iaui looi pa peas er mixed veoeyarlei kkg ytklarlt illcej aaa cook id ham pkg price ahecllv up 33 34 3s 34 we mlerve rtia hahl to limit ejuanlltul weekly special pbameal cottage rolls 491 al ploughing peterborough lo 10th match held at october ii irvrfflnq-to- anyone your tnvekpe houldhow ijigaunifaia raaayeuar imlirtltui awutkrtuit tbdttanu of ted crju ao tttmm apartment or euauem tfactaajat jony clfyfamorviyaar aaetboatolkm- iiatlei l yoiir hairi ana your eomplair tiirtai m at unjw coraarv- plmm dont make thj postmsn guesa- bt sura to writ th cdrroct vddre 3 loin the 134th week of the iga weekly shopping spree win a weeks free groceries full details ay the stobe winnings to date over z300oo this weeks winner iuckv hopper mr van kllnk it 4 oeorlown 32 00 iga super bingo winner mrl juno pord 24 young st georgetown was a winner of iga super bingo there were aevort other local winners why dont you way you could be 1 a winner too i mn pord ia ahewrl here with ioa sup ilngo her daughter caret end vji

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