Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 1, 1964, p. 1

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georgetown fait this weekend is countys oldest 118th edition whan georgetown rail fair accepts lta tint admission u rrow nlht it wul he cum- jsnencinf lu hundredth annl vcraaxy as a chartered fall fair a lad kngwd fact la thai fahhoucb the fml aj ohxinally bald in ibm it waa not unul mm that charter was filed tha first fcaquin fair waa at slow art low a th ball there i uad fuf dupuy whjl th flr it ttt4k t j murrays field behind lb prt t school boum at the top of tha hill hooltrd ruju knitted hiitu and socaa llnd the hall at tha first fair aa district women vied lot hoaour loaves of home fnada bread and buna and home made aauiaga were aotne of the display conspicuous by their abeence theae days the fair waa toved from stewart town to georgetown bout 175 and waa held id the market square then vacant but bow bordered bv uarktt cnurch fctilth kfad hark av jthe one day ahow was shielded duo the tioct payinjt eurloua by vhilh board fence along ihom ktrru and whiu thii wu the fairs homf o old drill bull thav atood u the vlrlnity of th library houid the dis- play tha fair waa first bald on lta present ait in georgetown park in 1880 around thia time the fair being townahip fair alternated between acton and member of the continues the pattern a new midway au canedl i shows has been engaged by the eequesin agrieoltttrai society promising twenty new rides the awardwinning geo rgetown citizens fiand will ahow why they deserve the canadian kational exhibition trophy during the afternoon as wilson life society- it will be the same mr car roll who will officially open georgetown rail fair thia sat urday afternoon at 2 30 in an georgetown and it was not tin- address in front of the grand til 1b0o that the ul eaque- lataad vlnce atounliord wfao lag valr was held in acton ibas become a fixture at tha in 1940 the centenary pytoa local fall show will again han- atd flagpole waa erected in die the microphone duties the park just west of the arm- i georgetowns autumn extra vr oury to commemorate tha one aganxa has an enviable rvcord part of a program directed at hundred atiniveraary of the iof improvement amoa ewd thoae in the ttsudaund and eldest annua fair in the cou- munity faira- eve tin the ii i ty mr j a camilj superia first one hack in is kvt i tendeot of fah fair dedicated aucrredlog show has drt a a hor trotting- if the flag waa rued by may- rotrh or two utter than the recea will alao hold the alien or llaruld cuave and w a one heiure abd this years tiod of the seated crowd ads that pay yh a place tm u ltm meniere claeemuj ky uka tk hmm la ln will fin mm towtw yw georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown arid district printing publishing tk q hvtu k mrvvd cwiiiliiii mtj du lut w riohrs t fuuuwa lfe pintinf end t f umu 0u bl i aj u fr- tmt j tk ivt vuu tkurly 0ui ik 1w4 4 0d m yn sui cy frlc t cu plr jonej litoto when dozer goes so does ripple road nvhlu moimlhu bill nd dannlt ctrr check urvy hnu bulljalf dnvir in lie background 0 p- pjng up gualph si pvament i ihs rcantlrixton oh down to brm lickl councils reaction to letter brings another from school board au ilra in lt ck h- id iuuiik hit uni o coun cll wre mld t not bent caasulld on an aimltlon to tbe hlsb school broutht forth another leltnr tw the high school hoim tutlns tint coun cil soy hve ovrookj the utt tt n which n oflr to errens raeins srlth council or iny committee ae mule the orialnil letter hid re- cjueited the ipjirovel of coun ell on the iuuince of tita 6w debenture for in eddltlon to tbe iuh school the totel cot u eeumeted at tso0jo7 with the grant being ti34- coun j kmmertort atated the inl that allj me wl tbe lilctt school boanl didnt invite the mayor or the ttn nee committee lo alt in on ttbelr dlacuaalona after all we have to find the money the letter la trying to e plain the chir made lit week contended coun llllde brandt ao lala not waile time leti meet with theae en who have been choaen to do the job of running tm achool reeve j klllott agreed aay ing we allll have to get on with it or we will have port ablea on which there la no grant we ahould meet immed lately the mayor tried to pour oil on the troubled walera by re urlng council that he waa lure there had been no intent of arrogance and pointing out that they were a group of men who gave their aervlcei gratu itouily ernrit korgrnve the secrc tary of the high school iloard who had been in attendance merely at ratepayer to uae hie worda aaked if he could apeak upon receiving permlaalon he auured council there had been no intent of arrogance on the part of the board he e plained that the letter had not aked that the debenture be laaued which would not happen till next year but only that council would do ao when the time came the depart ttient demandi the aiauranee both municipality kaquealng alio will approve he con eluded the applause of 400 is payment for musicale cast your mail may carry industrial sales pitch represent five of local in dustry the chimbei of com merce industrial commission member and council will hear i department of trade aiirtu- fcry officer speak about ways nd means of ittracunft new industry after dinner t the north llalton golf nd coun try club october 18 the din- tier u project of the indus trial commlatlou tha ipmker li one of wo from- whom- tha commission hopes to gain assistance in learnlhr how to put induxtry on tho towns vacant industriaj gltej lite chalmtkri of k prom lnent ujodbtlon of industrial developers will address tha commlaajonera i at future meeting a new effort to advertise tbe town as good place for indus try to local u being made by the- local commission at last session members initiate pouge meter sdver tlslng- which will stamp every letter leaving georgetown with plug for georgetowns in dustrial facilities the commission b alsoob taining prices on signboards to push industrial properties al ong the high way through town during september two utt- dlsciosed firms anowed inter est in locating here and hive been given information about the towti st andrews couples start with bowling nite bid robins end mrs and rew kkhllnfi rolled the high triple scores at a st andrewg couples club bowltng party saturday at georgetown bowl the group relaxed later at the areef home of bevvand mra kelvin toplace an ad in the widely- 1 johnson where refreshment p aurvey of markets and were enjoyed cheen and thunderous ap plause from an enchanted au dience were the tangible re ward for those performing in the hospital auxiliary ipon sored rait uuiicale last fri day night in thuiplemlid ex ample of community coopera tion all participants donated their fine talents free of char from gus kantux who wn responsible tor the smart pro- gram design to producer ukt peleschak who pulled the fin al curt sin one of the highlights of the performance was the glory road sung by tom trouten i never have these ears heard tyouten ting so uibgniricently tribute here should alio be paid to ralph uriel whose performance of this extremely difficult accompaniment des erves high praise sandra grelg thowed ho versatile her style can be in her performance of people rbut she was even more re pealing in the second half of the show when she appeared sheathed in powder pink wear ing long white gloves ilnglns as long as he needs me a pleats nt surprise was in store for those who had never heard the georgetown barber shop chorus this group- sound more professional than one would ever expect to find in t small town and their rendi tion of mary omjne waa per haps their top number the added attraction here wes the oakvllle barbershop quartet who filled in on very short no uce the delightful variety pro vided by the kopplcata with their iklllfui timing and high jinks and by tbe high school band under the ab direction of ivan long resulted in a well rounded musical evening that would be difficult to equal also on hand to help out were ian casa as m c bernard sbrubaole on base and chria fisher on rghts the flowers were donated fay boris and hakim both reach summit uiss lsura treble of tan hirdt kennels reg handled two dogs to their champion ships over the past weekend boris anatol samoyed own ed and bred by mm j w hobaon rr 2 georgetown was first open dog and win ners dog for 2 points to finish with a point to spare st the nurllngton kennel club show on sat srpt 26 on sunday sept 27 at the scarborough k c show at don mills arena tanhardt s hakim was first open dog anil win ners dog for the last two points needed for bis champ lonshlp it is interesting to note thst hakim picked up his first 2 pta toward his champ ionship at a show held hv this same club in the same arena secy will advise accepting 80000 cedarvale almost towns social and personal wbut omb has final say mr and mrs h itautlrsrri and mr and mrs m rtrrero o new bedford mm mled with mm ijllun wiuon usin s u dons ariiutrong of raltiinorc marl- ll11 bo n visiting her parent mr ami mrs r red armfctroni 1 1 mc nabb si while on vacation from her position with johns hopkins hospital gerald w corbelt dc attrnded the convention of tha ootarlo chiropractic awocia tion recently at us tark riau hotel toronto mrs ldns hlaclrwell receptionist at hit main m ohve wss also in st tendance for part of the ban bru sessions guests from georgetown baldwin richmond hamilton inglewood and toronto attend ed a surprise shower for mrs kenneth kales oi mlltoti last week mrs salea wss aultted by her mother mrs lloyd boyd in serving lunch mrs w r forgrave 20 mur dork street celebrated her 80lh birthday last week quietly at her home several friends and rela uvea cslled to congratulate her and the received many gifts cards snd flowert- one or the pleasant surpruea of the day wss a wire of congratulations from george kerr m fj for hilton mr and mrs a j scott were in banff last week attend ing the fada convention ljtrr irsvelling to vsnrouver to mt tlinr dauihlir karen wtio u a nurse st the ijoni jtc hoipilil tin y also vihi ed mr and mrs allan law and son vernon st parks wile on vancouver island 1 uinr llnlilnson i mrmbt r of the georgetown girls iipc band left for r ngland recent ly where she vail stsy for one year she was piped sbosrd the train by her fellow hand mem hers on sunday her aunt mrs clifford norton 31 arlrt ta street gave a combined birthday and farewell party for her she sslled for kngtand on her birthday cpl honald and mrs king and daughters dswn and sharon left last wednesday for trenton whrre they will fly by it c a f plane to france mrs king and the girls will spend some time with her parents in corby england cpl king proceeded to sweib- rucken west germany where he will lie stsuoned cpl king and family visited with hi mother mrs j a ilrochu for the past three weeks squarf dancifts comi to gkohcbtovvw fair the directors of georfletown fair announced this week thsl a treat in store for fair goers kd hsirlla junior squsre dancers will entertain in front of the grandstand the dunces of the town ec quiring hie tedsrvsle school i as thir ccntennisl project in rrrssed immeasurably uomisy night when a letter from the secretary of the hoard o kvan lrliim of the united church i itev j llord informed council that he ai secretsry would re commend the seceptsnee of the iso 000 oflw 1our seres at the north east corner of the property will be retained by the united church leaving roughly twenty acres to the town the offer la sub ject to sn ontario land surve yor giving an accurate estimate of tbe acresge owned by the united church of canada snd a description of the four acres lo he retained councillor w smith chair- msn of tbe centennial com mittee was jubilant at the news in the future well look back and aay it was the right decision we wont use it in its entirety right away but many org filiations will use it service club little thcslre hockey associations 1 csnt think of a better purchase for our eentenniai he con eluded the question of who pays for tha survey was raised by de puty reeve hunter the mayor replied that a survey was paid for last fall by the united church and councillor smith agreed saying the church have agreed to pay the survey eoata still unsatisfied deputy reeve hunter pointed out that in the offer of purchase tha vendor agrees only to prodace any survey of said lands now in its pourssion this means if they haven t got them we don t get tlwni he contended after a further hsisle m this point it was referred back to the solicitor for instructions despite this point of confu sion the by law to authorise the mayor and clerk to ngn the purohate offer was given third reading with deputy reeve hunter coun don tow ers and coun j emmerton op posed the deputy reeve pointed out that a debenture of at least 000 will be necesssry juat to buy he empluslied v e might fitve to grant a mill to operate il if you want lax re duction he commented wryly don t vole for it this is an unnecessary expen diture claimed coun power we dont know the coat of maintensnce of this building and theres ho wry of it carry ing itself in his anal argument coun powers painted out that the on tario municipal board might not approve in reply reeve john uliott explained that it says right in the purchase offer that it is auhjeci to the ap proval of the ontario uunic a si uoird accidents that wont hnppen rbc ontario department or transport lllarrta floral charge salesman with attack on teenage girl a youn toronto tttagtiln aaleamau appeared in court yeaturday chawed with attack ing a crippled 10yearold georsetown ctrl friday 111 caae wai remanded until otto ber 21 the aaleamau waa arretted by georgetown police after the alleged attack ilia nam waa not dlacloaed the girl told police ahe wa alone in her home torhett the man entered she wa crippled in an ac cldent in october 1039 when aha waa atruck by a car after ahe alighted from a but glen draw radio to garnet howden a clock radii lrat prl in a lucky draw tponaored by the glen wlllllm softball committee waa won by garnet howden of hornby thia week the draw originally to have been made at an exhibition game at the new glen ball park sunday wai made later became the game waa rained out keataurant proprietor sid iw made the draw a look at the weather sabtember high lot w peter jonea photo the defect detectives found drivers willing this wa tht scenb st ihe deportment of tranaporfi safety check lane el the dolrex market centra last week whore iocs i pirlvert took advantage of defect detecting equipment and advlcolrom local gangsmen to discover utt how their vehicles ivate in the safety department getting the chock here is mayor jo gibbons car from left are garagemah perc olney i don edwards of the department of ttfnsfitacs highways branch mayor glbbonsand cpl ted scott kneeling are depart ment of transport inspector leo molse and garageman robin thompson 23 wed 74 62 24 thura 87 60 28 prl si 44 28 sat- w 27 sun m 2b uon 88 s3 28 tue 62 31 high or the week 74 low 32 preclp 60 1 alicia f g scott a k rv m i-

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