l fair showing church ladies give 600 for new rectory furnace wallace trophy to kathy heaman kus frank walxacf preterm the mr and mu freni wallace trophy lo kethy hee men of oakv lie alter vr v dory in on of the jump ng ivori clauei a the fe r mn wallace n t wend mark wit one of the competitor tn the cleu instal mel tamblyn as odd fellows noble grand ori monday s i 2ux the omcer of orion udie no 1j0 loof rk to n imlalled h dim l j mc kemie and ilaff of uajle 1ejf stcwahtyown campbellville rector stewarttown preacher trie he d h jeffare of camphelhimr and auaia wea parish u4i the km prearher at t john t hurrh jiaret thanklivinil knicr sunday evening s mr john ottaway and mr yhomai uarne jng a duct immediately after the opening hvifin and a special anthem hy the chnir later in ih senire wilh mrs otlawav and utu janet walkrr taking tolo part tlie church had tieen beau tlfully decorated for the wa slon uith tnut egetahle rnrn cram and flouerj the mall loavei of read on th- altar were distributed anion g ihe older members and the thut ini of the congretation happ birthday to alice rri vho will be 0 ear old on lrkj october oth uulye oring wile sjjler tn the etenmi i m urken lie iruke to th brethren on behalf uf the rand ma trr or ontario mentioning the high mights of the rominfi jrar j the brethren thrn adjourned to the basement of the hjll for refreshment i the ollnuini urre the ofti cera inntltr t ohle rand mil tmmn ice rani j mjcdonald jr iisl rand a spitier h s hunter m j tollirr trraxurer some warden a cranl con hictor it dunn chaplain it vveilanri h s i ioulh 1 ss 11 hancock it s v thompson i s n i ihrkrnvon it s j iresiuood 1 s j shield j ijman o h allen alert banks more counterfeit bills out oca i hanks hue been alert ed to a new hatch of countrr feit hilli circulating in this area which lark the jnr m defect of the previous batch the don t miidir the new uae of had bills ii in 1h and t2qt i softball league title won by glen williams men wtlhaiii won the hal ton county itural softball league crown tuesday k jhl hut the way they did it lint recommended anyone with a weak ticker the jen raptured the till in ux eamea losing the firit two to palermo and then lak ing ihe nest four in a row lliey won the championahlp lik in 1061 pitcher rob newman was ihe game hero in ihe final win he hurled a brilliant game and aided hit own cause at the plate with two hit that scored rum it crucial point the glen i mi rein wai 11 lo 3 jim vrank and ken lleamen contributed the edge with home rum the len took oer series lead tuewu september 20 with an flfl triumph ewman tarted that one hut needed help from tom peivoy the fm th palermo took an earl 10 lead but walchrd it anlah a the glrn sluccfm limit an ft i cmhion palermo relaliatrd with 4 in thr hird inning but could only manage one more icore from that point the len downed donilar 4 0 in an exhihition game sun day which mi the unofftna opening of their new park nn the credit liner frtiiiriflminl of fuiriu look op ue aula portion of to rofuur oif llm of tbe damffe- ten of lot cburofa wtkco tooy in uw poriah hall of si goorta aafucas church bluoat expcodltvra will be for tb oow f ortuc laaulwd la ivetory o0o00 wu l lotted lo noet lhla comoiil- wlth the buoc lo be pld when fuoda b avail able tbe laur ooaea to the pariah boll wlu be repaired ajid r- laiabed the dauathtera uranf to harv the work ooo end i pay for umt one hundred douaxa waa vot lo he aent oo woollea bfao fcu u be mat la tbe tndiao mluicd in puanichy ak aiao the mejbcr ars living ontario dry cleaners choose barrager hej doe bjrraji lrlw of georgetown bueineaa which beera bi bam u lh i preeldint of the txy clenera institute fa onuritt i vtcpreiddt ut ar he vii ejected to the top tau at the abnual roaveotlod lt we k kt the rerk wu hell to- roilo he wee lottkluj in uat by tvuriug peldot al vii wrlfbl surnia and hla rt duly wi la teent a fcllvr tray ta ur wriiw fir hii yeara of aervtce ur h rr itr and tbir rhil dreu pat and david ware it tbe city to attend lh diunrr dance tht eoovnlten wu the beiuttrtided in the hiatory of the tttxip with mb rglaterrd atnonj the apeekc wai d dorothy i yl from the nat tlonal imtilule or dry llntag who hu authorrd uw book koeua oh vfcbriea bow yard f reanaaala with which th lodlu woatea will he taaiflbc how to ew tie argaoiatioo donated innrr te th boy scouu tor ih purchaa of regioool bad- mra charlee haxri coo voner for the september buf fet luaohooo coaipleted pi i for thia after the preaident wr a t l alauxhao clmd the tnet lag e pleaumwt half hour wu pent wr tea and rhe kalxlemfad 4um scout mother ajohuit hod it at goorgetowa ajad bu die of tbe church win be rtv epooalble for tbo booth at erin fair mr and ktnv a kelr tad family were in montreal for the weekend when mn- keira parent left to return to their scotland home in mv aik rally day service for church school a special aully day fcrvu wai tmrcd on sunday witti js huadey hebool joialn with the coexguon the junior caol un ed fenlheni and eth cuae ul witb iwir uckr mi baua inlrudurrd the biur uu for the hw eurrtfulum which w bo juplay the theme fa the fir i friea tf bouka i od and flia pur be atuj it u ipuimicd fur bdult chrialiau kdiuki u wll a tor th children 11 i hoped that tow famlhci will bmake ue th niaterlu in the hootea aa aujtxtvd in the program of the tiw eurrifulem ur dob smith the aupcrin tendnt hai all the booka on hand now and would be gla 1 to answer any ebauirti about tbe literature available congratulatloni to the ttall inafad women i inatiiute on winning firat prlie for their display it ullton talr tlie pro ject wai the night before lhhatuiaa they alw had the refrrahucht booth lhre and and mrs morgan madlll arrived home on saturday night to malton afler yiuttng to north houywood california for two wek with hu brother and family the scout croup committee met ma monday night for their fir mli of the aeaaon with nine prrnj gai footoall ichldulg viobr mb gesrgrtowi at bt jrrome a october 16th john r luu at georgetown liid catgelowa at guelph october joth st jrtumwi kt cvorgrtown kovrutlxr alb fectnl rinal november utb klnel c0rreqi0n an account of a aliovcr in last woeknherald was la error when ii tulad tbo thowar waa for tin kenneth salea of mil ton mrs salea hosted the abower which wu in honour ef gloria bala of tlb 1 cueata attended the aurpriae miscellaneous ahewer from geonelown baldwin bich- meod hill hamilton le- wood and toronto mrs sales was assisted by her mother mrs uoyd boyd in serving lunch tmi oiocoitown hbbalo thunder olahir im4 i page 10 ownik tftamspimiid 1959 chev inpala 4 door haewlwa steady peraoo wauled to carry oo paymente of il a moats no caah oeedott 4771717 ocjou lets play bridge by bil1 lomis ballerina wins dance part with russian company deanne jjy 0 yra 1 wai one and tuesday f ihe lucky children 2a0 one week before the open young dancer auditioned rbo ing night dcannr wai rrcjuir ten to dance in the icningrad ed to audition and ntudy thr kirov ballet linderella choreography all of saturday which uai performed at am all of sunday and the okeefe centre on uonday then follow hu up with a performs at i lie okccfe rr with russian ballet company a yjjfono georgetown ballerina has a part in the cinder wmlng staged by he fabulous kirov billet company russia at the tokeefe centre deennv lay dancing daughter of mrs vicky iky 58 maple hone of oo ybung talent selecled from 250 for parts in fr6nt of russian ballet master last week monday was opening night rlsii rvrtytiy of the wrrk ii was not until wrdnrxlay hut thr final rut harls snd choirr was maitr on sat thr had thr thrill of rrhrarslng at th o krrfr crnlrr anil mrrtinif thr prima hallrrlna and prln rlpal malr danrrr of thr rus plan compan uho witrhrd the ouni danrrr so throunh their pacr thry told th children in runlan which wai fortunatrly inlrrprrtrd that thry had danced hesutl fully and if thrv do at urll on the nprnlns nisht ihr company would be wrll plratril sayi nnnri xtolhrr mrs vickie ay a icoritrtown dan clnjf trarhrr what mr em enoff the iluulan ftallet mil ter snd chorencrapher hat brought out in the ynuneitert iri one week has amazed and touched ua almoiit to the point ef tears he is practically brti ul in his teaching approach and yet the children adore hlm as opposed to the rather severe criticism that has shown itself in the toronto radio snd newspaper itemi there is nn delightful hicltstage iinry rftn cernlng a six year old called christine no one worked harder than christine to matter her steps no matter whav lima of the long day it was christina would be seen jn some corner of the hall practising and prac using unfortunately chris line has the physical stature of a four year old mr bemenoff had to tell her that there wat no costume that small avail able and alterations were im possible but to show his appreciation he one day brought her a red rose and asked her lo be his special guest and ait in the audience with hlm on opening night thus turning what could have been a scarring emotional dis appointment into a happy fairy tale ending m when playing l trumps contract it is often importsnt to control which op ponent should grt ihe lesd whether you esn do this will depend oa ihe eardl held here ii sn intereitlni band lltuitratlng this pel rurrrd tail uondsy st the ac ion iridge club board ho a dealer vorth botb sides vulnersble lurtk a k iii 1110 nk q ck o 7 s watt s qj 0 7 4 lla kjts 411 d 4 3 d j i0s cq s j cl 10 seutk h0 7 3 1 na m ca 1 4 sucsvltftt bidding marts leulh weil c psu 1vt 311 2s psu 3vt psss 3vt all psss vou miy not sgree wilh south a first reiponis of 1 nt often there la a problem of whether lo show aull or the number of pointa held i feel that with a balanced hand nt tjpe hand always show points if possible over one club a int re spontr shows 011 points and this deicnbes south s bsnd how south playa the hand he pendi entirely nn t west de fends south can isle four clubs thrae diamond snd two psdea fir nine vlrka s long as the opponents don i take five tricks fl writ ilsrts wllh the heart ace heart king then heart jack- south must plsy lo keen west off the lesd a low club ii led snd if west plsvs low the sis is plsved from dummy this keeps west off ihe lesd and as long as siuth takes the king- and queen ef dia 1- monds before hts club see he will uske 10 trtrki if however weil stsrlf wllh a low bert declarer mutt plsy the 10 from dummy and there after keep eait off the lead we know now that kilt hsi no wore hesrtl but how could declarer be sure lesd clubs from dummy firs snd cover whilever ksit pa snre the 10 comes up lbs on ly hope is to plsy bsrk to dummy s elub king snd wish that kust had only two clubs aa it is declsrer should mskc three ho trump at the club two bid three no trump but neither wst successful usojaya bruee mmuiis 1st elrl emend urs joi gibbons 3nd duke wilson urs will hunter 3rd ur snd urs jack hooper october sale retread snow tires mf sim must co by uov 111 t44 alio on special this month only new stop rust under spray fre bwvftu rexway cities service 318 cuilpt i i7734j install now before winter sets in km tboubifem vlfwirso amiad let ui install a samson tower just look at these features no nfjuy wi rtqu red ho toftcfeu roquirod tower anther id ihe houm quality conitflkt on witrt hvy duty rjalvan ed it i arvd weldd bracei hfio fom 30 f lo 60 ft will i at for many many yeart from as little as installed coflle itulujufi all hardware iitunhi uouh wire 49 kwwounhfvyja c television 3 sales service tvuy uakt ceenlr i77ul ruee4 cle iu- with lk wiu cklavet wilt fltva yew tl lees tiw ttnsl iwaflgtwj wlallf vw e aaawbhm urn i wft kvaatckuiom zfjxyz tiuiiawi zzu twe alme beval see the harvest of fall shoes coimgdons shoes two locations to umvl you 31 main li ceectelewa 14 heli ii brsmet 77 mil 4j11m6 j get festive a foot for thanksgiving in shoes styled in the latest fall shades ikop wun sehsfeefien is a cuarale r h7tkompson hardware humuhro t htatino view the years most ekciting car the vtlv 65 4 vlewmount rambler cranio st sewth neer the hospital milton 8783441 warmth comfort became texaco the w chief hecrtfaacj oil u refleed to burn its premium in quality like famous texco sly chief gaso line and havcjine uotor oil its culaxea auakiino do oombusrjost odors no smoke oo deposit o put oil lioei j- blll bailey has his own oil burner repair men order dependable allwinter warmth now i savi monfy ttoubu and worry our automatic urvfci kbmyour tank ruu without your cau bill bailey imts- j tac k tttm n