Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 8, 1964, p. 3

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i dynamo lime kilns may be s ply g v c authority foundation jake spence carol goodwin exchange wedding rings vows ik credit valley on area- 1 4iml1ll1l the aattiag ay at a rnsrnrtrttcsi ta k nthtrr by a hy it opcastos use are use alblea bilk oawiajlmi school f biff than are buoy verth u la the brree- wateeebed- t said in ma mb re part eluso september eaeet- ilag al use cvjcjl this eaa desse ahmotlln re fbondatisa lino to spend v mr hardy ia ctestrmaa ike bliurkal bacarda a4 rlaory board at ike ajatlsbrtty edlr with thar report east axil pointed mr hardy aad asttheamtroee ear ity caaurmaa boy mcmtiiaa m to work with the ta esplaiabes tae foundation mr hardy tram liana aad latttraiuals could be acrerplcd aad grants traaa ar- aaabetioat who base rands or wee aa projects use an tbarity may plaa ta undertake uader u preeent aoiup do- ay not be accepted mm we know dos give of hlsuarl cml nature he eoatlnved end they are the ludfeo of what la or is not la the held of pun ittej historical beeords advia- oty board is starved for funds became we tet no mats and it would not be fab- to expend lane sums of taxpayers moa ay for these projects among the things mr hardy morhtnncd beta worth pre- aarviag ere the ume khns liassbouae replicas of indus trial plants net op ia eonjuac- tioa wttb ftood coatrol dl ba the watershed end hydro geoeewdag uaitj bo longer ia use but atlll la operating ejiejeiete iryclre pwwwe fee u koy k mcmmiabv cvcjl ollmow w u various snots luiif the river donations either in money property or equipment mr uerdy said will u deduc tible for income lax purposes when the foundation is pro perly set up he slid tint he had bora in eontset with k- ersl firms lolb local end ni- uoiu la scope snd ail had assured bita of thlr intense liumi snd of cooperation financially in the venture id concluding bis report ur hsrdy said it li the hops ef uie committee to have the foundation in operation this year to the point where dona tions tnay be sreepled from the idde income is a pontile rtnf ceremony ta st albsas aagllran ourrdi acton on saturday afternoon september 30 the hat donald west united ia merrisge carol dumae goodwin and clarence wilfred jake- spenee jr of cbrvatnaaasl the bride s reciatcred nurse is the daughter of mr sod mrs bay w goodwin acton the room eeo of mr and mrs oarerjrv wilfred spent ss college st georgetown is e barber la brampton the coup le are fclg their borne si m main st n bremploo the bridas godfather aimer perrott london was organist for the ceremony yellpw gjadlolt decorated the alter of the church with stan- darda of yellow lads and broaxe mumi at the front of the church end while satin prw bowl wl fere end uow flada the bride wore a floor- lehth gown of silk organza ovrr taf feta od princcee lines with lues ulypolnt aleewes the bell ailrt was panelled l the front with doctors rasa all ao al ontario and bpper mew york ttata at at ending lecturers tmmnmm0 res babert kidd of toroerto a friend of the ym ushers were mel coiliajrvood alfred spence gies wullame and wluieia spenes glen wuiiema eil bro there of the groom there were many fuesu the r in parish hell from london niag ara fella mkcbell eutchener guelph mirkhem btouftrtn mswmarket toronto cooksrillo oektille brempw colungj wood oengerlue glea will atms georgetown end acion the brides mother ehoae for the oceeaioa 4 peacock blue set- la brocade dreae with jecset matching peeu de and puree white end white orchid corsage the grooms koather ore e mink bruwu aatid brocade dreas with jacket with rnatchlng acceaaor- ice and a whiie orchid- special guests were the bri des grandparents mr and mrs alfred yatas newmarket fend slim clabes coodwld mitchell cnewf and the dba in addition to days pecked with eceeaiioc tacturee all da signed is help family dorian keep ebreaat of the pace of tnocilcal utu doctors are fr to t a broad range of technical aad smentloc hlhtts the meellnl waa held at pace sv aitrow lutkbnl eew sust ufnj tw canada bbampton khaeae 45i4m pays tribute to student most waste ive seen the funeral service wes held wednesday september so lor bobert senderaoo 17yeareld grandaoa of mr and mrs ales sanderson ip charles sl and epbew of mr and mrs george greeaaward th guelph st- who was killed in en automo bile accident sunday sapum ber xi the youth a cr la student et blakelotk high school la oekrille was fstslly injured when his ear collided with the reer of another and turned ov er throwing him onto the highway lie was run over by a third car another blskelock student josnne dick is who wss s peaoedger ia the sanderson car escaped wllh cuts and brulses senderaon wss a youth who viae liked bod reapected by fel low students and acuity he ss a betterlhnsversi ecbolar served on school cpm uittees and was a sports standout blakelock sthletic director bod uegel summed up sand arsons death simply by ssy lug it is the nw waste ive seed ia toy limited career liege last night ssid thsl aeldooi does a grade nine stu- dent make the junior football teem but bob did and ha was a starter the athletic director said zlegel noted that seldom had ttgbr er thad bahderaoa wss tie simply loved bodily contact sshderaoa and two other blakelock football standouts ralph mcfeeters and terry herroa started their grid carl leers together end had moved up the line to the senior club this tall boh and ralph were twin fullbacks behind terry su s- loog zlegel said and the tesmmsue didnt confine their talents to the football field all were mem bers of blakelock track snd field teem bob wss a iprtnte- snd us ually rsn relays vlth theie same fellows mcfeetari snd llerrod zlegel said bobs athletic crtr wss mhtred mostly sround football but be did play basketball zlegel ssld bui il wasnt his swe he played it the same way he played lootbiu rough he added bob wes also proficient st baseball snd hockey he slto played hockey with midget snd juvlnlle tssms snd hsd plsyed sgslrut ceorgelown last season rob wes president of his color house si blskelock snd treasurer of the athletic as sociation and he wss a straight a student he wss the son of lloyd sanderson bronte snd brother of john the service was st knox freibyterlsn church oskvllle conducted by rev t m mc- kennel interment wss in pres- byterian cemetery col u tig- wood local council of women to support mysore drive georgetowns local council of woolen agreed to add their support to ths current vsm- palgd for funds by the mysore project to which tby hsve been regular contributors id the best the members voted to back the campaign after they heard deuils of the drive from mrs jesse wystl mrs wyslt wss one or lev oral members giving reports al the meeting the first of the inquest finding sparks move to stairfjarrjiiation during the investlgstlon fol lowing ths drowning tragedy st terrs colla in s pool operated by credit vslley conser notion authority in auguit chairman mcmillan reported it wss found ihst there seemed to be no recog nised uniform standards for ssfely protection la swimming sresa under conservstlon au thority jurisdiction a reeolu tlon wss psssed asking the chslrmsns committee which meets st the blennlsl confer ence si imidhommes gardens in october to bring in recom mendations for standards to he a guide for conservstlon sress with reipect to ufegusrdl equipment snd regulations in awtmmlng areas bw term it was held krldsy september 15 st the home of mrs r t psul others addressing the meet ng were mrs starls nodwell or social- welfare mrs jack icerr on local council of wo man sclivlues la the fields of elnems snd television pro grems mrs f w johnson on recent findings of the csns- dlsn association of conium- ers mrs johnsons report deelt with recent tests snd investi gstloni into the use of mar garine in rooking relsllve vslue end reliability of differ ent brsnds of toasters snd snslysls snd findings relating lo iplees not offered on the msrkst general discussion followed the consumers re port the meeting wss opened with silent prayer following which mrs wyslt welcomed the members bsck after the minutes snd treas urers statement by mrs nod well mrs tsui presented the correspondence much of which dealt with the work of the nations and provincial coun cils both hsd recent conven tions from during the cereroonv snd vei raiaed to the neckline during the reception delicate swus lsce in narrow bands enhanced the waistline bordering the gown end ths train a high plllbos of pleated omul edged with seed pearli held her bouffant ahoulder length veil of silk illusion she carried a csscsde of yellow roeebude and green ivy she wss given in mirrliye by her father her four sttendsnls were in mint green carrying yellow and bronse mums uslron ol honour wsehurs aln grant acton a friend the brides maids were miss joy mustard markksm a couiin and two former claumstes st st jos ebbs llomitsl guelph mim sylvia usln orsngeville snd mrs larry porte acton their street length shrsth dressei of mint green tenliss were topped by floorjength ov erskirts in the ssme msterisl with inverted plcsts si the side and bsck sreented with a bow st the bsck their wedding ring headdresses were fashioned of the same msterisl snd they wore matching shoes snd glov es they carried csscsdes 6f yellow snd bronse pons pom the couple left od 8 trip to t i lek placid snd the eaalern watlesu train loed st vo the honeymoon trip wide bow st the bsek yj wor u blu boucle knll suit with while hil nd black accessories end a rhlte orchid cortege the bride graduated from st josephs lloepltal cuelph in 16d3 snd has been working st lumber memorial hospital j weston for the past year she will begin work si peel memorial hospital in mld-oe- tolier a trousseau tee wss held ksturdsy september 10 st uie home of the bride mlsrellsn- eous showers were given for her by miss joy mustard mark- hem mrs alan grant and mu msrjorie gough held s shower jointly mrs alfred spencej glen willlami end mrs ulllin kvsns acton mrs lurry beth une scarborough held a kltrh en shower dri martin tisompioii attend science meet dr j p martin and dr c a thompson are attending the se cond three dsy scientific meet- lng of the onlsrio chspler of the college of general prac tice as part of their formsl pro gram of taking 100 hours of pottgrsduste study every twa yesrs more than ooo family photographic contest credit valley conservation authority cnio aitrv consiifvaiion uthotli v w three categohtt a contest rdies 1fuke essher u ve euet wh cclt l pketee will he ledww ua r nltue ayklett leshw bad iliaeieehee w nw timnesw ii 1 ail w buie u w seem la rhe oull viuy weleraed lm eh b ji leu i all emee tii- tke efy ef the credit vslley c eaeverua aurkeetry- mdil tttis coupon with your entry to crfdr valley c0nfrvst0n authority terra cotta ont kame i address j catkcohy it thi thoth if we make the best of little opportunities we find ourselves more shle lo accept lgrgar ones xitonatic tv becomes a reality forms eratlvblyplanned to mwaf your raqulra- 1 monis can save time work and monoy lot us show you li what wo moanl am imittciwn herat mmairjsts 77m01 wswwww sk it now i philips automatic raivuion hra faatum of the futura ilka our ayi tblt pwilpi tv automati cally adusls itself id ths everchanging lightfng coridlllons giving you corrocl picture contrast sacond by lacond 319 with your trado main srrmt eorth teuvision and amiances north heltons largest tv and appliance oullef t itflie canada sawngs bonds now on sale asv to buy you eon buy canada sayings bonds or cash or on instalments st work on the payroll savings plan or at banks authorized investment dealers stockbrokers trust or loan companies they come in denominations of 650 100s00 l000 and 5000 u to a limit of si oooo per person simple to cash you can cash canada savings bonds atany time at any bank at their full face value plus earned interest whari ready money is required all you have to dp is complete the redemption form ori the bond and present it to your bnjik you will receive your money immediately they are lnunt cosh i good to keepyou vet interest on 1964 canada savings bonds gn nov1at each year 4v4 for each of the first two years 6 for each bf the next five years and 514 for each o tha remolnlngthree years giving an average return when hold to maturity in ten years of b00 o yonrfjioyre worth kabpingl m 4t6iiairjfc iiihkkikiimfii trftfafc- i- jilrrtcm yiaj

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