Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 8, 1964, p. 4

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i i georgetown herald mam fey mm hmmmpm ueakaej 3 muln strmt sk oaorgdown ontario wcnm page 4 thursday octobtt s 1964 editorial comment upper canada village a must tacpu in this rafl of ontario parti- culwly who wttkin fw how driv ing dilanca skouid pu uppsf cntd village n hr must iw hat wa ifent ptofilabw fw hot th las wok and wj lmpid vh trsa careful cholt of xkilhu nd th miid loot rvatxh whcrt h goes- into h- crvtoi of canada i early hkry having alio yttitod th colonjal vu lag at wlllumsbofg virginia w had prid lo u a bit dippoinld and to erroneously luumt thai upper carteda rrgh be on 1 fcmatur weal far f it i he canadian exhibili art every tut at y4 vacation touring oof wa o ito road wttkii itarled at mormburg took u to montreal ivan quebec city and finally to ottawa it it a perfect time of yeai for luch an kp4dtlionfafrfcc la lighter on highways autumn scenery it at it beit motel arj rvol crowded and one gu oommodllon et slighhy cheaper rate ui ryost towni among random irnprtjiloni beplacernent of the standard mem st in morntburg with a modern shopping plaid whan the seaway was developed thd shopping area wi raied and mw plaia built to replac it despite- hi beau ty w found thi fconwwtut hard to get uid lo a tmall town utt do in t tttrn right without hi main strwf the building booni which ha hit all th mi0 tilt i evarywtvar buildings re being raied in preparation for new onei highways ana being widened cloveruafs and overpaite under conitruc tiori an apparent ertdleis tupply of monry u being poured into ihopping placet sky scrapper offo complex and civic woki the con i rait between old fend rww in goebec city whe the old town with ihj narrow clutterad street sits near the nw st foy area where one would think h waa on th outiklrt of tomio nothing to do well done wd in unw ci an impov- mant uppay canada for ont rhtng ylv a better panorama of tlf at different wages of lottery a fc tiers cabin rhe hired man i house and tben the ipcoii inrm horve show the stage in whch a frrrer iinpoved htl life ttter i country uhoolhouse and a boarding home io boy i whicti wnt food in vlginla we shent ahawrtpt to detail all we iw tha thrill of discovery wilt be left 1o lloi4 wto travl theie someday lo catcli an autietlic glimpse of our country hltioy ttw complete iraniforrnation once pil montreal into a fivnch carvadian cul ture in the dime ilore a record player blarei hallo dolly with french lyric we tune in on the television late thow in our mole i and hear clark gabu murmuring french endeermenti to lana turner we make a purcttai in a st foy ptaxa usirg our inadequate french coupled with ges ture to get our point acou to a pleasant saleslady who ngltih ii nonaxiitant the remark of our tour driver whw signttfiing wiw umu hws4trallti a group of young punks jnd who summed up hit idea with we hiva a hard enough time otting along now why would w want to separate the absence of membari whan w watched hout of commons proceedings for n hour twenty or to mps war scattered through ma hout despite the recant scar of the blood bomb mere was on fuld in which wve bd- ll lud absence of jtuue u uut la which are nflghbaur to th south are so rkpart the building of a hero it in- hihla that whan tha ton writers and llvlka script wrlttr to iplaslunf rat gflu of glory arouud sarat will fall on the tl serving tha ul eeu to crocket itowia jim brilgr and kjt carson way augment the ficu with a wr no searching of vsitors and we could hk imount 6f mioa but tl dropped one as easily the government has probably wisely decided that whatever precautions were taken there it little pro tection from crackpots a visit lo launer house home of laurie and mackeful king this fine home abound in tnsature gift present ed to them as prjme ministers and in our opinion one of ottawai best tourist fea tures belying th nothing lo do complaint that one hear from time to time the ymywca program announced in last wmfct herald offers much variety for georgetowns young people thl year v gym activities dene ski i ml ruction judo and badminton ant among me things which m y i sponsoring saturday morning film how for youngster are a new feature as i a club for handicap ped person senior citizens already have their own organization created under me y stimulus and there are additional program at bra mpfon swimming bridge and square dancing to name a few which are avail ably to george lownars with this plue bowling alleys the legionsponsored kid hockey league and skating it shouldnt ba a dull winter for anyorve in georgetown inquiring reporter ask 7 about project we re for it say most wlut da you think of tu law miulrln caduvjl school tat glrlj u ceauu bul fuojtct mrt jun omllna nortwl crcnl i think ht a very cod ii 11 tbay in golnjf to apand money they might m mu apand it there mrt m imi kanrey bfi i ta with it lta a valuable piece at property and will be come mora valuabla mra o van lei prince dtarlea ftfa im for it provld htf each group have aa aual chanm to um the aellluu m ewh haevfeck luahath u ti rather tea tha arte aur- roondln the creak between ontario st and the track de- georgctown herald malaara uaahed oeoraetowo ontario welmf c buha publuhar oartem mccllvray production superintendent tarry rarlay allaen bradley newa editor accountant mae douglaa adrertlaln almnafer lira wullam gafjle clark tjout anna currla beporter peter jonee photpgrapher laalla on dave hattlnye 1l qllaao j hcclementn ol thai ftm kirtrttr nmnabtcm valbped bealdae i dont think cedarvale u auch a good buy mtna iyr khelley it lw in favour of it if lta loinf k ba uaed for a recreation can tre but would it- not be cheeper to build one rather than alter the interior of ce- darvau mr c plther uwarj at tta terrtnc at the montaut we havent anything that aervat u a community centre mrt 0- walker hewaort ct i think ht a good idea if it ii mad by the whole community w a candidate ready diet urges this riding sugar aimd spice canada act your age mohumeht to too who news desk extras by yerry huy i 1st the parti they played thair nation s growth warrant fcl fame the unfortunate part u that hutory ktj badly wirped and merit poorly distribute wha the kro maken heat thv drum and turn out equal amount of eyewash about such unworthy autroveha aa wild bill hiekotk wyit ksrp nat uittarsou and colonel george arrnstron cuaiei all now r taimed throufh the anient toll of the hero maker is treat wen of the early ameri tun west and all tltber crook 6f wwardi lutkock and earp were both blffae thlevea and uurderrf than the anwalllaf heavlei theii sloasy imafaa plufged full t lead on rent television aeriea maslariot was a coward and a ehaat a cow town dan dy who literally hid behind wowaru aklrti whan aousht out by a miner or caul drovef who had bean bilked at the poker table 1iu forte was rapping tha fahauaect ttota behlad with a heavy knobbed walklna atiek if and whan the thine fcreeefiud it self custer contrary to bu ima a a bravada wa an idiot who dlohyd orders from hli enferal when be ird hu troop into crlala dth at the little lui worn rivei there u even a tbtsory that l inter dldn t fliht to the last but shot himself whan he real lied his blunder powderburna around tha bullet hole hi hu temple indicating the shot waa from very eloe range and the fart that ha mi the only ma acred aoldiei to keep hi acalp bear out thl lift pulna in dians nvr eoiuhwred it fcrtk et to take tha hair of a suicide victim an injustice too la the fh that canadaa rly hero did nt do thalr hero in 2 in a coun try that jump up and down about their great wn the canadian loll cover the tone of hundreds who posd that magic quality of grlnki hundreda who will never have their namaa on tha up of haro- aeeking canadian kid who have to look acmu tha border for their examples of courag out leader m where are our lyricist catnlc book author and tele vision whtara tha hi lory book ean rord who did what and where but it u through entertainmetat medlumj that polish the hero until he fairly glow the raw tanaterul la t h r kwd i sand m brock biat dollaxd te name a fe and the tnd of tha north waal mounted capuid wrmuy bf the nany u boe whd eooiea to miad had hi own ship scut- i u tha noitawaseisa klver to prevent aknericen ship from entering and uttv with part of hi crew hoarded and cap turvd two aweruau hhrpe of war while they lay at anchor in a lake huron port what pxleeul the u s ballyhoo mas tern could build for aett like these weekly bible thought ue tket wlvwm tmb le wue rrte u- m iim beet time that e mu patla on earib la wliat be dod hi tbe intereit of luavea jiatii aald ye are my wll- ikaaw la eeaa eeeantry in i feci aorry tor b bee all tbe eetward attribute ft fa gaxl laiihie if a gangly b u atrong wellmade if a uttle inclin ed to ok han il raye had a big caeae tta mo ther aad lath er came into a w of prop erty but all the eigne of tbe na a are there tee eaddea uring reeestaest over nothing tbe great deeire to be kfved and made a fuaa over tbe aurllne wheal thlafa doat go right the eollea apa thy towanle anything worth tbe abeorpuoa u ma terial tklnga the daahee of da aad the lmpnlee to ward vaodallam- it aairt i euu rm pected from an t cy another thing that baa duead aay n lea mead fa i threat la the ute of the if aba vtett oaaada em wnieh ahe baa weald that thai aarlveued beoka who threaat bar bad aa much fnadln are not aaade fayl bewlag and acrapang betore rewl yalty but who taaatki of ilaepaiate paucity af 1 1 woold want to harm thbll rather plala retker ewaat lae dignifi aad ezuwasely ajeouf wweaan who oaee earaeat beet in aa extreaeebs dlffleolt rolat the aa kweat mew aad ah the lelii yara tww kw mmm mi rheee w it la waually aad to an a cavalry one loeee turn into a ebuophreole whining with aalfpltv be moment awaggar log wlul thrwata the beat bragrlag wltb ooe brtatb iplalalag with another im talking about canada there u aometblng alrk la our country today and i fa1 for it tbe earn barfled eorrow that feel for tbe teenager wbo baa a good mind wttb be- tblng more on it than baahlng around in e big ear and bmaih- lng tblnga up who hai a fine body wltb nothing more to do than let it go to pot 1 dont know uulte what hu brought ma to thie atate of gloom but tbe flag debate car telnly hlp ah injmlm rant luue inaptly irttroducrd by an inadequate prime mlnla ter and immediately attacked by an incredible lteder of her ualttlvg loyal opposition tele coiplalrt arudually rhat cartade iihle he tkawk hid if reader ut ether hatleae eeotd heoee iiie of the lvntllla thai baa mini aa j bate u hv uouae of c aa the tlaj leue tkey wiu akake thab keade k ewllewf and wvlie ue m ae a hatlea abawt ni lo- ahe of the cenea fertonally i dont care wba thar our wrtl qj mangy maple leaves or baevcra eating tha left i sir john a im o that my coastry abaai i tbe atgna of i i hereby aa that if airaal body taken a potabot at thai queen when aba vtatta que bee 1 will pamonirly call op i crowd of creaky old flgbtm ncl lota and search ea that hrov1 lace i doubt if ww have banner beeaoa if yon told i old tighter pilot to follow tl flag lata action wed tell yoal promptly what yea could da with your mag and b m be painful perhape fm wrong rvrhaagl tbe mlaedtip leenager will meny have done grow a- klop tearing tblnaa down anil a into a rank old reactleev try like ma 1 hope ao tmilo trying to better bla brouaetal gift of a cadillac to hie ff a rich oil man paid tlo for an anuulng mynah urdl for hr birthday the blrd rpoke eleven lahguagea ung grand opera on the nlgbt of her blrthl day he telephoned and aabsb what do you think of tha bird uathirt- delldoua cabm the rapy just delkiout business director news echoes treat tha paoel of tha herald 154 aoj 144 tha ptr chief had a una aag for hie toubwera la hel ton biding but week del g candidate lo the field wu tha order of the rl hon- john fl dlefenhaker aa be rpoke to bualneaantan in neighbouring rval county get a candidate in the field and get him on the job of faahlonlng a coneervatlve fie- tory he urged mr dlefenhaker aald he had no knowledga of when the next federal election might be call ed but aald it la of paramount lmportanoa that we eonaerva- uvea be at tha realty that we be tn the field sorklng queeuooed hartley about the neeu of a federal candidate for balton riding mr dlefenbakex aald the loea of jnch conatlt- uenclea aa helton aaddtned ma both becauae weloat and in loalng loat bright young pol ludan- he waa referring to the loaa of defeated helton conaerva- tlve up dr sandy beat who alnce hie loaa to helton lib erel dr harry harlay hu not taken an active part in halton polltlca like ur dlefehbaker dr beat urged helton conaerva uvea to get a candidate ut the held lie aald he would be avail able lo aoek election again on ly if the halton conaervatlv aaaoclatlon wee unable to find b anjtable candidate mr dlefenhaker aald he had no comment to make about move by halton delegate at tending the conaervatlve con- venttfut in ottawa earlier thll year to have him replaced party leader v it la only mvjbodo that aftet loalng the riding halton con aervatlvea will now work in unltv with victory aa their goal ha atated t 10 yuks aoo tt two new ttoret are openlrv hsii week in the georoa- vlew plaxa on no 7 highway bill girdwood hat taken ownenhip of the hardware tlore built by fletcher comtructlonpand another building built by the lame firm will ba occupied by macmurdot udei and children wear f tom brockbank a goorcjolown farmer in roule for a vlilt lo england on tha ss rvanconl whan it ran into an 80mlla an hour gale in tha strait of bella ilia and backtracked ten miles to aid an american thlp in cultraii the thlp wu linking when we rjot there mr brockbank laid it had a 75 deoraa lilt wa picked up 18 aallort all dead i cant explain how terrifying ii wet f operator of creamery butlneu here for 4 yean morrli sax u retiring from butlneu rhli weak ha hei eold georgetown creamery to a group of toronto buklneiltnon and nick addull will rnanage it for tha now company mr saxe hai lold tha building which alio houwi saxe motors so yeaj aoo i at council monday mr w f bradley end mr i e fleck olnt chairmen of tha georgetown war finance committee for the 51xth victory loan addretied council regarding the purchata of victory bonds council decided they had fundi on hand lufflclent to purchata bondt to 17500 the wa of the lome scoti were given per- mlsslon lo hold a mile of pennle drive on main st end the glrli pipe band was given pormlulon to hold a alreel dance on mill sheet for any ten men and women to apand 218 yeara on the aame job in all the rrlitory of lnduitrlal george town yet 7 men and 3 women have amaaied that total at smith stone llmltedv that average out fo 21 yean and eight monthi each yet thervage age la under 44 they hre fred gilmer bernard armilrong clarence king barney wilcox emle slmion herbert hurley euphomla marfhvjbck lucat nan scott and elsie whllinilth they have an abtentoe record a low a one day tost in 800 worked r chir0praq0r doklald a- say dc appolntmenu made dally call t y44ol 1 atala wv c chir0praq0r oerahj w cerbem dc oaea dally by eaiimlwiliit uouae ealla arranged 774431 11a main a nehb o t waltca ro date ortomitrmit 1 vuln st- s brampton 4mu1 b 4s1s3u ifoun oam 1st pa tucidly to saturday friday oam to 0 pra kvenlngj by appointment cakr wiitwooo oalerle lead lurverera 118 afountalnview rd s talaagu 7411 w h cerr b k weefwead t 7j300 kea tat eelu ax devblorments limitid aluera af fine hamaa rton walter racholok 177411 1 wr attmis barragers c ih iju tr 79xn m main b 198 ouelph all veerfc aleaa ao pra wallaci thomtsom few dmeleo court clark ev ceenmlalleaer 1tk7wu ixlassihed ads bring results robt r hamilton o ltd uouuultvlew rd s carroul bldfj for aptxntjmaiit 8773971 massage metorleah m1w hja 9 cleaveholme dr 774oo0 wrx7s hobae eeili by arrangmt monuments oouock b campbill disions on hmukst tnapectoor work in oreenwood cemetery rrtomi elltsm o water street north o alt f a n k nrcm licensed aucttonebb prompt service pa box 413 tb 74884 georgetown ololtaatown animal clinto- 100 oaelph street v xavlrat dvm dr k s omkm cllnln open 6 pjh mon wbdubi letwratap trll dale bennett l sr bainet barrueert a douglas v lattatzs tkkkncc r bajhkb tblangu tjsal x kull bl george c hewson barhtter bad awuchwr 118 alountalnrlew ed i carretal building ceorgotowa yb 74311 frederick a helson barrteler aad aolklter 118 llounulnvlew bd b carretal building ceergetowa tb 74100 memiiidenwqcrl barrister and solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72444 tvansicklerba arrlawr aallataannaterg cdr wullam bidgj m bum a tb 74si1 kaplan ord mriay kaijkh u8iaoo i4

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