Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 22, 1964, p. 13

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ivan- gets the bird all six smallfry squads set in motion tomorrow ey ifcel lew i boston li eoaablelvl sy alr robrt david- lwfi rf fetar pone photo hey look what i shot mo oami aus rievnt taken to skipping through trva uncwbruivh tent feathers ei hut picture of hunter and fowl might indicate the mrtumnt wert peftfold end the plucked pflie it i turkey on of eleven wh rt went 1o wlrner it tha georgetown anglers and hunters turkey shoot saturday yfoce scorns oaf of oaks jermen to meet blues ruggt i wck layoff dua ito the tluallsfivlrik holiday georgetown s rugger tean i thai beavers cam ot strong to amwuy thrash the oakville sunday at georgetown jtrk id ideal weather conditions jtba local fans were treated to fin dlaplay of conitructive sffnaiv tactiea and crisp ball handling by the local bver kicked off into a bghl wind and soon had poe- la hm oikvuu son ki moved th ball well but just couldnt break through the lough oakville defensive finally vint jfy cunnlng- ban crashed ovrf in the cor bear after th ball had passed tight along the tucks the eanvert attempt wai wide and baaver led 30 oakrille cam storming back and only lorn fine defensive j work by cord l and tanily alckenxia kept them off the acftrboard the only alher tore of the first half cam when roger newman removed kl own kick ahead after the oakville fullback fumbled it lb ten yard mark he went l over for s pis the convert was missed and at the half beavers led m ixt th kecond half it soon be- csme twldent that reavers rapertor tltneu wu folas to im the deciding factor aa oak hht beoama increasingly wea kef dd la tha systematic noun ding being administered chief ly by bacham barber and klelasiuher beavers wore get ting excellent service from 1 half back cord lee and ai i result gerry cunningham bull d d m way over for another tyke hockey tyke hockey aturejed thi year would ilia to accept oil thai completely of sou joba wright kerin thoav ciena stockfish bob bui- boy who want 1 but w arel c giddina oeve wbld- doing the beet we cu u the l s d perry stoddard cery hunt tom feodley detroit jobs ktoorfaead bill bradley steee pltjrneurice tom alb oieurice cereld wuliuu dre lumlltoii bill turby cery nil devid ajmlu wee oliver leter col deld york web ud becker- wontrzal uerk jw bryed ctty hubert yeeto jfoho herwier eun cord jobaeoa jeff kree- uooe ooy bloor oteve brunner krvltt brendford beony turn ht kelt conoely jobooy ttob- ll hi kim rhn uur ltn nkw vokk ctrld lt rul kllcy ulki urctndlw ted kewlry wiy ua jobneoti kilke yorbr cuu hid ii jtf iniui han mc coeh ieler hurly brutu uer tine alun iwaeaoiv tad llil uer lin symr help end ice tine friday october 23 e weal three teem at ibe aeoe lioo treat torooto end nem york at 9 oclock at 6 e clock e leant c3tlcao boeton and de troh mayere without beljbeij will kiot be allowed 00 the ice here are the lineup chicago larry tvttrreud luck kpeu dead lpell benny oconnor bobby smith andy lotii cery buteddea llyld kioi hob hamilton bleke bbortlll al lawr tim uerlla lkruj kieter doua crawford tohonto klcbanl mnduy charlej v way hick uckleeter wlke in ber arthur taylor hkky arov atrona deony zubet bob air bean doua lurlow dele hlch- inond kelt fattullo alike kim peon irry sunnuckl hob webeter kid hockey fcatah uhira otf 1 u4 j a skurtui 3 st ulkes 1 niagara 3 ulph 0 othaws 4 si kitts 0 imerboro 1 ottawa 0 am uk lc providence 3 buffalo 0 rochester 6 sprinffleld 3 llershey 3 uonual 1 toronto 4 td rollowing tome nest pass- the convert attempt ralsd ajjain from a bad angle with the scor now do in favour of vt georgetown krom this point on it wu steady procfuion of scores as lei judge scored 3 td mazer beechaid ona and brucr kleinstuber two ueemham scored his first leaguepoints steal deep la oakvilu territory rvom a liftnil or lb 3 yd una he jumpad high to anara tha tbrow ia and then in the ajuoat molioh twistad around hi mid air and lov over lhs roal line on lei judge i 2nd t d h showed amazing apd and ability aa be ughtroped so yds down tb sideline speeding pstt 4 defensers all five converts were good 3 by trev umpson and 2 by las judge this was beavers 5th straight league win against no losses and they have amas sed 128 pts with only a total of 12 against next ainday they expert their toughest test yet as they meet the varsity blua n tor onto the lo mowing sunday beavers will b at home to play a return match with camp borden cleveland 3 nhl bo ton 0 vancouver s winnipeg 1 new york 3 oct 34 u4 dru g km amst laua 8 43 7 15 34 springfield va baltimore 7 13 7 43 47 quebec vi lurhry 7 43 113 s4 wovldence va pittsburg 115 843 47 buffalo va rochester b43 0 00 scrape and hood nhl plttwiom it qurbee ll vvinnlpej m cjljiry kick off sunday pia games with dixie beehive match the dtaaa beahlee of the klatro junior b laafna will be la towa sunday afbmooo to five tha junior c baaeara their qrat pr e axhlnluoa competition beaver preeident scotty paaaraoa antmmirtreih the match tueeday aftamoou the beehive played here couple oi lime laet year when cearfetown ope a the b level and even then fbey provided the locau with aomo of their atitfer bppoei tloo the beaver t ha been hluled tojourteen player but obe are till at ataka and af lr this tenfle the kuoeje- kent will likely have uod lodicatlob of tkeer chafee cbaooe in the hew c leaaua in pel the beaver have thrwe candidate w rual- brook from atarkham and and trnle jercw and john qulna 6f town the defenae cocoa loclulel gun cooper and wayne hid- dall from tail leeaon i club ind hrent telford and i ualrolm frum the lpe34 wld et club thi ocoetoattoevm hcjtalo tkovwiey oiliku n ia4 pace 1j the forward retained in dude boo lane don norton and hoof selby from laat aaa- oo a club jan topeil and dare sheppaxd from the atld- eta bruce fendiey from the juvenile and toronto player bui lubbiu beaver official aald tthey till bone to lure bill camp bell and john coy of lb ibrjj be beeerr team back into uni form wayne bevlaon and laddie llalnr of cleoayiluam and hill klano of acton are alao lood poaalblliuei to auit up with the beever an uanemed defrnarman and a forward from turvoto area wllf llkly join the uam be fore the ached ule ktart sunday exhibition kama alert at im johnny lombardi presents direct from italy and ed sullivan show rita pav0ne nicola pa0ne sunday october 25 8 pm dave clark five bobby curt0la monday november 2 8 pm maple leaf gardens toiohto lady daktj joe 10 cci 10 original i 10 terra coua a community furniture 7 all 6 goldlitm a s imperial 4 111 la 3 door prue wlnnrr linda iurr 0ha junior c schedule away friday friday friday frldy nov nov nov nov a new hamburg 13 slmcoi 20 ulltory 17 dranttord o0 1030 47 uontreal vi toronto io o moo jj detroit vi vancouver 1 1 00 1 1 40 47 boiton vi chlclfo 1140 1100 wipe and hood j a 1100 12s0 s oihlwa vi himllton 1j30 100 47 st kitli vi ottawa 100 130 5 mlkn vi mifin 1 jo 3 00 47 marllri vi gurlpb if there li anyone interested in tulitln with the referee- intf chore on sat laornln hockey would you pleate give your nam to rtferealnebif garry perklm tel etfo0t baturday dec s preilon tueday dec 8 hanover monday dae 14 pin sunday dec 27 hripeler wadneaday jin 6 dundai thurtday jan 14 orensevime tueiday jin 10 hanover friday jan 35 uilton thunday feb 5 orangevill tuesday leb 0 hanover thursday leb ib oranflevill fndy lit 11 milton how i sunday nov 1 new hamburg sunday november a sltncoa sunday november 15 milton sunday nov 22 preilon uindiy nov 29 brantfofd sunday dec e dundu sundiy dec 13 parli sunday dee 20 hanover sunday jan 3 orangaville sunday jan 10 heipelar sunday jan 17 orangeville sunday jan 24 milton sunday jan si hanover sunday leb 7 orangeville sunday feb 14 hanover sunday feb 21 uilton all home auai sundiy 130 pjn jr grifweri outlucketj bdd break cost them two touchdowns gvvryon played a ood gam we were juat outlucked gerry tbompeoa eoech of the junior bljb acbool football uaut cocunenled friday alter they dropped a eloe one to cuelph john f hoe junior 12 a tha junior heb fumble gave the jolin f roi crew their tlrvt good chance and they touk advantagi of ii scoring a touchdown in two playi junior rej quarleruck la- vll us short paaaei to move hll club so yd and turnbuil finally aoorwd tha using to lavell ran the ball ovr for tha estra point and junior heh took a 7s lead they ealanded it to m in lh third quarter when a long pum by turnbuil want for a single point gurlpb scored tha glme- winnlng touchdown momenli liter when thay blltied the klckar and blocked a punt in tha junior reb end of tha fild redmond turned tha break into a major score for tha second tlma cuelph missed the try for the extra point rebel made two strong tildj to score in the laat quart ar but john y rosa msda successful standi to protect their margin rebels have royal treat hammer john f ross 4118 the re belli georgetown iscora at tha quarter 140 high schools senior football team put together on of their best efforts in recent autumns friday afternoon to steamrol ur over john v ross royals of cuelph 41 18 vjnd of scalping party to celebrate indian summer it was thrir second win in three starts 1st quarter rebel halfback jan popell opened the 1st quarter scoring a drive play for a touch down that waa converted by cowbrough late in the same quarter a alat play found day light and popell taking good advantage of his blocking in the secondary ran 05 yards for the major score cowbrou git s second convert attempt wu also good making the coaches look before chopping i 2nd quarter rebels showed good ball control in executing a march from their ewa so yard line early in the quartet that cllm axed in hep pes cracking into the endione the convert was missed and the half time score wu ubls 20 royals 0 3rd quarter playing inspired football guelph made their bid to frsse the lead in this period an li tereepted rabel pau was r- tutrtd to the georgetown 43 and royal quarterback kent ner directed a march from thare that finished with a touchdown by spurrell mom ents later jeans causht kentner pau in the end lone both scores went uncconverted rebels added a single point in the quarter whan popell cau ght the guelph picot in his own end for a safety couch rebs 21 royals 4th quarter coeet6jrfl fullbacks bob wrlgglesworth hammered for short yardage to score a rebel touchdown early in tha period which was converted by cow brough quarterback laddie haines nalnerd another rebel sustained drive after an exchange of punis and capped it with a keeper plav from the guelph 3 yard una cowbrou gh converted whtfelesworth in a defensive roll killed a guelph march and turned it into aunt he fl points whan ha picked off a kentner pau at centre fld and went the distance tha convert waa meftd tha royals struck back with tlma running out again via tha aerial route kentner towlna to pox for their final touchdown l peter jane photo midgets first to change sports calendar esomitowri mipottte wait with sticks poised for rebound that didnt come during this scramble around tha bramp ton real tho btrrva wn an exhibition tilt played here friday the first hockey game of the waton in gestgerown mermorlel arendt both brampton and georgetown cosdhki uied it ea a teat for thatr fringe player before starting o trim the feem to alia glen cooper el beaumont jan popiel junior c hockey storting this sunday and every sunday 230 pm georgetown arena sunday oct 25th exhibition game juniox mavtets v mtnto uaouf dixst vhhivs junior 1 league schedule games riomc echfouu all sumo ay 3m pju reovwaevm i tetw hammuko novtmbm 11mcoi reovimm is mkton novtmeal m mmstom 40vtmejm m mar4trokd bcctmbh 6 dunoaj bccimsu is rakii mcuuct 20 vunovtat january 3 chlanosvioi januaky 10 hejrtu janumy 17 offjknotvttjj january 34 mkton january si hanovot mmuary 7 oranotvllil tmuaky 14 hanover 1 rawtuary 31 milton j support your local boys abmliuoni adlhrt tie nkh schooi ttedtntj sfte chiidin sx 5thtout akela gets gilwell neckerchief on wednesday october 14 at the dlatiict scoutan coun cil mr john roa colter of 3s mclntyre creaceol waa pre aented with hi guwell neekv archie and wood baada he b thevkkeja of the 5th georgetown m pack and la ihe flrat of that atoup to earn thi award it waa presented by the dtatrlct commissioner via omm rtjrainrai m mam warmth comfort svirv7 j fttl

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