Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 22, 1964, p. 14

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appreciate established industry while seeking new is advice o magic formula for attract ing industry to town yu re vealed by jack deiajiejr obic of the muoicipal service de partment o economics of the provincial government at the laduetrial cocnmbv- tion dinner at the north hal- too golf club friday night u d however point out the factor which ihe munl- polity cu hud catuvot influence vt b reminded the audience lbt bot every cvnuaupity u potential industrial area kod mcumuy tbx municloelky his no control- r uaoepoctauon cou or uurcn of rw tuatcr- ials be for fcetliog dowel to parti culare be tuted out touhki- pahty which is nice to live id is usually god to urk in re volting id ltrvef- abefteeii ad good uuiur frluotu twe yja auratiplltte jut as kcert fca georgetown tfur industry tid the speaker he felt the ekpartupd of local lnduktry to be mot important while 173 hew hwkitrle lo cated ui ontario during lfttt5 iild the speaker 4t7 expand ed it thur present locations he admitted lh new liwliutry gels fell the headline and the we while the expansion of ett elahliahed industry ii lar gely ignored you should that local industry u apprecia ted be added kaplajning the function of bii depahuiellt he l id we try to mil tli province find uelions and make informs- uon known to industrl ho rvei we ran only tell if you ajlve ui accurate uptodate in formation offices of lb de partment of kconomlce ire maintained in new york chi cago london uilan and dua- aaldorf turning to the question of iriduatrial commuaions mr d lancy eoipbiiued that there u no let pattern in ontario some place have a full urn indus trial cowttusaloner some haw an industrial commission and with some it la s joint project o council and the clumber of commerce he warned attaint expecting an industrial cotnmissjon to be miracle man sometimes work done today doesnt bear fruit till three year liter he ditd to top it all he went on you must have tome thing to mil the concerni of industry ba tilted aa housing schooling medical facilitiea sewage trt blent fair aueuunent eood ux value labour pool transporta tion and a loning bylaw whlcei protects their investment oth er important factors he felt wr insurance rates fire pro- lection water pressure and cooperation any turmoil or political instability will fright ibem off ha mrd discerning geo rg downs loc ation ha felt it bad a eood growth potential was conven ient to toronto hamilton and all soutbwru ontario lower laiid coats and probably had a txwtr related atnwiphre rea- lura not right her are alo ma asev he claimed fa u the okftcfe centra wtlhin aaay driving duunea and iha laka port at port credit soma of the point moat pef- uaetrf to georgetown emerged dunttf the quhtioo period la reply to the question tibould corgtowtrt hsva aa stiduatrlal commlsalon or an id- uitriil commialoner mi deuney answered u depends d bow much you are prepared to tpend a full time industrial couiuiuloners calary rangu row tjjioo to 12000 plus in operating budget of between i 10000 or a total ranging bvn tf000 and 103000 to should a municipality c quire industrial land tb reply was moat roohnunltles who do this do so out of desperation ft uea up capital and slows 3o w iinhtalirrttor-th-wuhl- cipal board has to approve x town oant dispose of land cha- per than cost plus brtprov- wents anyway the final questions vavolving around an industrial commla- aion who should make up tha industrial commission aaked tuava kulolt it la usually batter replied j dalany if tha appolntoea ara ouliid of armstrong is preacher anglican layman sunday service recently named president of niagara diocese brotherhood of anglican churchmen jack armstrong preachd at the rooming services at st georges on sunday it was th annual j laymans aervtce mr armstrong made a strong plea for men to participate in church activities and to car ry their religion into every day affair leamonjv were read by john mills and doug unswortbj j iv jadnbett read the state prayers andsyd pratt the fin- jmc awnal u uc council he cava lack of time among councillors and cootitv uaty from year to year as soma oi the raaaona for this answer ha and bis falllow dept reprcv aeotativ boaa radford bote emphatically staled that tb work ol the commualoo should be coaiidencial tber should b only oo apokepraan mad any adoouncemeot of loc6ag should eould iroca tha laduatry bot from councilmeabers with- log to dmke political hay the last quaation of the ev- ooing w a pointed oof do yod know of any community tht h galdftd industry fend lowered taxes j know of be appreciable dificreoce rep lied the speaker if youre loo king for industry simply to lower taxes i thiak it is p in the sky the speaker was thanked by in member bill cumpsty seted at aike head table were hill cumpsty mayor j gibboos lueve jobs elliott chairman at the eve log and of the industrial com tuitaiw rod lyttl lputy reeve w hunter aod the ha gueu um ludford kad jck deunry i clbm williams honeymoon trip to quebec for mr mrsjd burnett golden wedding marked by mr and mrs j hoare cohjcrtuulimks to itr and un joirph itoare oo the oei- lod of thett goldetl weddaug aiwii verify they lived hr la the village for a outier of yurt hliir leaving the urm krieiid from wre wnl down to the manor on sunday to call oil them mr and mrs w kveron and carolyn apent live holiday week end in windsor visiting fnndi mr uiu wheeler spent thr weekend in new york v down vlday evening she vui- ud many puoea of interctt in- cluthng the worlds fair thatiksglving sunday visitors with ur wuj mrs llert dixon were kev and mrs l frecl aud family of clarkumi ur and mrs h kldridg of ltsanip- iwi and mrs and urt ii vu dlg and rhonda of london in th afternoon the christen lng took place of little baby khonda with rv lveel officia ting mr and mrs g mauln of crtnuby were thanksgiving vi- aitars with mr and mrs c i allen i i get well wiahea trt sent to little mary irwin daughter of rev and mrs it irwin wno is in sick children hospital toronto member of the united church wtmwa attended the film ma hu fittptln maple avenue baptist church last monday evening and afterward gathered at the home of ura ale hunideu titey hd a short buaiue period feiid the friljoyed luttcfa avrwd by mr ilunadale auikted by urv w kverbon iuna were uiad fur the uiiif which u lou held on nov 7th mrs k mrcowau u boa agfeii feftrr a slay ui ceurge- towit ueumirlal itoepiul we hope the coiiuttuee to lmpue in health- mr and mrs paul wagttaffe mitchell and ivtrr spedt sun day with ur and mrs terry butler and family m scarbor ough oa saturday oct loth lome garvtn john and laul wag itaffe and cecil harth aluuded the internationa houghing ma tch near icterborough saturday evening the si ai bans guild ladies catered to a supper for thr georgetown luebal aun la the 1anui hall avac aaeoamvi john auwmctt a beutlful vtl wrddutg was kjouure bj sval vmi tod church awi satmnley ser j umber leah wheel stiured jeaa kiarhau u iw wb uf johel umu breit tw btitu u tw cmtw faf mr aod ura jhe ueery mr 11 bf surval hmj tkr grebes th tusi ai an jm ai j- ut- ur rurwetl uheiy u uragevtlw ilev at trwie w the officiatrng rlerygjma- th thurcit was wa tiflly decorated wttb ilourj wf white khuta dalkiea aad u delphmtubd fur tw dowblv nug cvtvtotwty the bridv gibed us aaarriaay by her father wwv a full length portrait t fci whit peiu u wile with fclwel ckapel train fltwiag ru the buutc back holuv id u4v biuli were eubrwulered lur wad- em held a khouldcr length vrtl id etquualely iher and tdmy tayua tulle gathered at tw trues lota a uttt of itylull rgjmult and aeed pebrls she eaitwd ciicadv of american tieely ho atepiunolis and 1v trails- ua bvvrf ley ierkiiu curk beet friead of tlia bride was aaaad of honour the bride idiid was uaaa kiuunie uackeorie of cawlteoham thay were identi cally gowned in sapphire blue pad de aou with low cut back bvdtctf aad panels falling to the keea uf tfap bell aklrt the alte- vri were- bracelet length ami they worv uutchiiig headdreslei of a uugle ro in the ume huaterul as their drestes tliey carried raucadei of white thai ta datue and blue dctpluniuni with ivy trails the little flower girl wj uits savaron haunuufn of rorgr town gowned is white nylon embroidered in sapphire blue she cautied a basket of white ahaata daisies and delphinium her bedclreaj waa a circlet of blue ii mr arnold robh wood- bridge friend of the groom was beat man the briovs bro ther roes and mr donald hi uer of orangeville were the usbera the wedding music was play ed by ur ronald leldlaw of brampton who also accompao- itd atlas joyce mclean a she sang the wedding wayer dur ing the signing of the register following the marriage a re- cepdon was held in the church parlour the tnaeim waa air arnold robh the bride tstocber received u a gowd of leal blue shantung with dusky pink accemoriea and a corsga of dusky ping aweelheert rueea tb grooms mother received id a gown of vqboad beige rtm with bruwd fcceaoriea and a turuf of yellow butter fly ro4 rot a liotmymoon trip to que bec fend northern outarlo the bride wore s charcoal grey wool buuou suit with vivid red ctet- eoriea and a corsage uf red auierican lleauty roaea out of town gueats were ffuul guelpb georgetown uilton korval lirampton weloti to ronto woodbridge chtluo ham orton orangevlue altod and sudbury mr and ura 1w tiett will live at 13 cturcb st k rrauiplon utlaeio trff okofroettowm h11lalo thavaaley oilifcn m 144 page 14 red by bis eanpaoyer the ceav adiao imperial rank of com merce prior to sue slsdlas kinaman art bad repotted that the rail pair booth had sold approximately 800 feat of hoi does a taot at a time read the herald classifieds switched drivers in an account of an auto mobile accident in i ait weeks herald the names of he driv ers were switched in error the report should have taid thai the car driven by k brandt was stopped at he sin clair mountainview corner when collided with by a car driven by frederic itrown the driver of the turning car was temporarily blinded by the glare of the sun off st and rews united church after grddualion what whether your goal is exciting career or siccessii marriage or a combination of both patricia stevens career college has the course for yon it fathitm mtrchanjising ic fashion buyer i fasiiieu slulckt ft fashum stytitl it fathioa coorjiimior ir finithma provisional madding patricim stvns prmfir you for buecutive positions in k gllnwroch world orhitshlon v soitd tot course brochurti t call toronto wa 11148 enrol juuwkab oootoh tvimtanj now centre district staff instate verdun officers the irutallattoai oitkcer of pau preudcnt toronto i the vrrdua rrbellah lede took i georgetown mrmbcri of the place tueula october 6th i installing uaff were mrs centre fxvlrict laataliiag anne collin mrs llrlrn zer- t staff under mrs kay armaroag lav lev mr peggie whf mr truulled the follwiau2 ajfirerv jjean wing and mrt- ann kid- noble grand mr- plorncertiall kauwi vice grabd mrs joyce i lurton reeardiag secretary- ura julu witua fkae sec mrs- alice jeptoa yreaaurer ur lullian ritchie wardee ur ann rutdau coaductor urv ruth gudgeii chatoaitt mrs marion walsh inaide guar- dun urv dulrie lameront outude guarduau urv vita nor ucleod muawiaa urv fileefl johnhoa colour bearer urv kay fryer rsxg urv helen zeravlev usg ur nellie wilut rivg urv june cook lsvg urv dons preu wood junior paai able grand ur uildred alua the banquet hall was decor- ted in a thank tk vine aaattf for a lunch after thvlaemoay among the diuiaguuhed guests were urs ivari eyre 1muh rurale urv ueeta prrealey past preiideot crtw- aby and urv louise clarke kin to powwow at niagara falls four members of the local kitiunan club and their wivia will be attending the annual fall council or dutrict no 1 of the association of kinaman clubs in niagara fall on the weekend of october 31 presi dent trevor moores and douqj vice president uob colleit and cul past president harry 1rvy and luifclne and treasurer tom kmii antl jackie willl be repre senting the k i rumen club of georgetown the fall council meeting il a gathering of all club ireud enti of the uittrict together with the hialnrt fxeculive headed by governor mait f-d- i gar of clinton the governor j and his committee will lay be- fore the delegates plans for the j operation of kinsman sffatn in tills area over the next club year i at a recent meeting kinsman art kills was elected 2nd vice prcaident replacing kinsman tim charlton who was transfer- i trie municipality of georgetown will return to standard time sunday october 25th at 200 a m turn your clccks back one hour jos gibbons mayor j your jug milk store new low price features neilsons golden grade ice cream bricks ov out and uctwt a icecream r 10 7t value rok dwctist kleenex speciai 7 grade a medium eggs 3 dor 100 or 35 doz 3pkts breakfast cereals 000 3qt jug skim milk 45 3ql jug 2 homo 50 3qt jug homo 55 op 10 j w 10 pjn smn dy wk inclucllng holmayt milk saloon locates 100 pt iast or ioa for quality winter apparel shor and save at ilvers o w miot tinmmt 1nii culuafl tierw tabus ail wool 4 jt winter coats t 16 99 sketch sums r o jo tabitv humtki cocdama dushr coats w ioo labus qulltk nviom duster coats 698 ladus tmx ouauty ml muskrat jackets 19995 lamm au wool jumpers 698 lablts au wool dresses 1095 au wool hi i m hi l stttc cifsen beio 4 pink dlankcljemif siui 798 hahniuttf blankets k 459 blankets lr 6iu au wool ttut ouauty coats ffift lv95 omlls sttietch r sums 7ou 098 ioys and oiks ski jackets zi7iow exceptionftl qutily t 998 hoys and guis d wool hats 175 98 ioys riwi snow suits 1295 ioys lined jeans 4 lo 6x 298 cash yout famiiy auowamci chtouis in ouk childmns tooomy smomc free draw every month winneb foft sfptember tuts kdna south ssvbiiwrui oood lmpmssions staut with a oood idta ii cosli you nothing lo gal pur ido ai to how to males your rwxt placa o printed mal tor rriora imprstiiva mora pareuaiiv mora productlva of reiulti jutt call ml business cards e owici fowu a eopwtb completi mciuna a attbacnyi was the georgetown herald 22main5ts v xt rr lv w

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