Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 22, 1964, p. 4

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georgetown herald 23 main street 9l at otrterio wcmuhi pagc4 thursday octomr 22nd 1964 editorial comment gmiuryefservker i ttw bad cross branch in geoqtown and district in omtciajly marking 35 yart of mrvicv this vmic a social mting on monday vral awards wr prsnted and pn octobers 39 th scjfty will lay thank you to blood donors nd others who hv0 ttiitd in rd croat work with fm film ikow of the popular hhvw 1u music mn work of tha ted cross during war tima u too wl known to fe-hefele- but igrrw tunes we r pione to rjlols over the voyday festivities in wh ch tint human lf ian oganuattort pariic patat in georgetown particularly blood do- no dm tit are held regularly whan cilijeni herlp maintain hoip lal blood bnkt at timei of mor disaster it it comforting to know hyat an oq nidation lit whkh un go into action at a moment i not ce and often the red cross g vet a hand wtori an individual o family n4 htr in hma of trooba a loan cupboard too 1 in fiom nur- hug flnt id nd waw laiaty inauoc- lion among tha things hponaorttd by m group actually georgetown a participation in sad croaa go4 k much farihs than this olftcial quarter century during world war 1 local group waj active in peper log ovara parcel for fcavvlfrnan and du ng me tecortd war the was e partic ularly njo4ewothy group which unde the sold ar comfort committee unt count leti parcel of clothing arid food to rnen who ttill remember them fondly tlve bed cfoit teeru to drew dedka- ted nwn and women to it tervtce ri the present group it no exception community fhanki it extended to the able men and women who give tlveir time to keeping it operating imoothly and efhc ently no wonder were worried tlve foolishness of hve american pol icy of not recogniiing red ch na hit home with e thud when tlve firtt nuclear tett was made by china last week coupled wtth a change of command in russia the u s government wat to con cerned that it preempted time on rad o and television networks sunday for a half hour apeech by president john ion but the president wai somewhat hanv atrung for ha offered only vague general lltes about the drvoer ct a fifth nation poieitlng the draded nuclear weapons while defending the pot hum that the pre en t powers britain u s france and ruts a constitute no menace because- of the r rec ord of stability and comrryon sense in deal ing with international problems the sad fad is that the us w th its dogged insistence that the only riqhiful qo- wrnment it the small nationalist group and that the seven hundred million mainland chinese can be ignored it now in the pon lion that it mutt be able to d tcust world problems with tlve communist chinese go vernment and some form of rcogn t on must be made if there are to be any talks t ell the nuclear tests came as no surprise it has been known for months that china wat preparing them yet government apparently tat like ostriches hoping th s natty business might go away certa nly tlve democratic world has had enough experience by now to know that it can t be buddybuddy with every other country nor can it indulge in wishful think tng end assume that the democratic minded people behind the enemy curt a n ere go ing to have bloodless revolutions wh ch will change th ngt overn gh politics is e nasty business at best tlve t me is long past when tlve u s should have found e diplomatic way of recognlx ing facts it is now being g van a nuclear push which can no longer be ignored the new models abe here news desk extras by terry hahey the a is worth supporting georgetown and district residents are being alked lo contribute towards the 7800 needed lo meinta n an active ym ywca program if you read the program planned for the next year which appeared in the her aid recently you will agree that thn is a vary conservatfve amount to accomplish to many worthwhile things since its inception three years ago the y hat proceeded cautiously along the path which ma someday lead to e build ing and a full time staff the group has worked on the theory that much can be done with rented facilities and volunteer end part time help activities vary according to commun ity needs and at the present time there are gym program planned for young people e gray club for boys e coed club which sponsors dance and other activities chil dren s films judo ski instruct on and bad minton particularly interesting is the plan for a special club for handicapped persons who are sometimes overlooked and the y has been active m organ zing a club for senior citizens as well the organization has proved its worth in these initial years and citizens mutt now recognize that if it it to successfully continue it needs a bit of yearly financial assistance no one expects any individual to stint himself a dollar or two from most people an extra few dollars from those who have a bit to spare and bit more from industry end business firms and the campaign will reach its objective georgetown is better off for having this organization in our midst let s keep it that way by supporting it with our dol lars harley to haltok wmav osuwtvatiohs y ok haw tukunr mp kh haiton v unknowingly ami unlulrn uonilly the herald pliytmi david in a david and cot lath situation which was brought to our attrition this feetk by the coca cola com pany in a ltler frm the popular aoft drink makers we wr politely but firmly eorrtttthl for using he trade name coke in a story in a september issue without cap- mulizlng the first letter the company a sharpeyed clipping service rtedr use spelling which occurred ht a alory on satlnf habit at the aih erhoel eafttena heeded up not all the kagar eaten in dog yom commercials it wat brought to the attention of the coca cola front office in toronto and the lettrr was the result on the surface act on by such larfle ftrm as the co ra cola company miv irrm petty but the etnlamtinn continued in their letter con vincai us that it inn t the coke people are just flably concerned ai the foil owing paragraph from their letter indicates lower cailng and other utasi uch ai pluraliiatinn nn tie had the honour on man lay of being presented to her majei ty queen elizabeth ii and prince philip the reception given her majesty in ottawa was most enthusiastic it la un fortunate that the antics or a few separatists ir om quebec gained such widespread rover age in the news mentis which no doubt fjfttoursrei them to further activity all parties in the house nf commoni una nlmously praised her visit to canada tn my next column i wll tie tall aome of the labour legis lation actually damaging lo our registered trade mark coke coke dutlnjulshea and inden tlfirs only the product of this company and w must terry llsrly of necessity be diligent in safeguarding it against ira proper use lest insdvertrntly it iomi its distinctiveness and significance the point they re making is that tli general public and newimedta are hurting brand products by using brand names as though thrv applied to a complete tine of goods and not one part leu lar mike one of the bet eximples is thermos a vac uum bottle put out by the itiermos company but a lible which people tend to apply to all vacuum bottles some of the brand names being absorbed into the ian guage despite campaigning by their head offices to keep them known at brand namea are jello aspirin hand aid georgetown herald klurj by mem newe luthee ceargetowh onurte wahw c publisher chicleti breaker nicolor kleenex dixie cups ulnd tommv gun tech snnonlz krlifidaire and scotch tape but newspapers and mag ailne editors hive an unwrlt irn rule that nuke all the inmanre qurvlonable can erally thrv prefer tn ute an other word or phrase rather thin a brand name when writing copy o if the min ufaeturers demand capital uing the flri letter of their products editors will use substitute word such ai fa rial tlnue gelatine desert ad helve bandife and others and the manufacturers can kin millions of dollars worth of free advertising goodbye turuu mclltray product 16a superlat indent alla bradley sews editor accountant hie douglas advertising uatuger urs wlllum cegfja clerk typist anna currle reporter petar jones photographer islia clark dave hasting u gluon j ucclemenu jerry uahuaky uember ft the canadian weakly newtpapm association and the onurle asaeclauaa a book on the way r daddad to wiiim boot not iwcsiim i vut to mot l- ttub fautatd of oiag u utt acfcooi aad bates m tw i hava a n not ba- bbau laaa and fjriaf ataadr i think utaoa artd btto tka book iti ba tba lalilrr d wta wba a tbatr udi at ha aa a publiabar i laid tattla bra b aanua him kuadnda oi daofla oodar tba iadrnxxm hmj ihwmndl had aaka4 ma arbao i m talng to prw duca a book mada up of my columaa tbu u a bu lat at oouraa tlbiak tba to ol tba qoariaa a batwaaa twalva and thlilaaa m ak ia it h unh ai ha ami hut lavd a a kl 1 u i aavm hva 1j00 tum i uj ta bvy t lr imy ta 9y truu ttka ba nlia 130 r k a akat rata h rkav mu a rum away t tttgllt iumll 1u kgraad tiiat th wuolt taint waj a rvt idea ktir auma uhr luukbcr uut be mi of took lha ataaiti out td my acifckutii team ba cama out with tbe logifi gtatm li a book u wurtb publulilt tt a worth writing ivis li th aurt of thin iub- likltria att around thltikinjt up whtn ut ta not worrying a lout toroa of uj irvat wntert ifattlng iwiy from tbam wblrh they doat aaerd to apcrul an ta cu of tlma dolntf xjnforitnat- y wrllara ran t fukb back with if a book li worth writing it a worth publishing ulknly barauaa it iiji t trua whar hv kai ao la u abtf wil ikaa allll tkailau aid fccrat lut b4aua i dant hpaaj luaa vi aftr uahu avr a i oy arr you aver going to law ikj al bala at tka 1 borml reading about tka laaal library t kw lk1 abtlma thr two iiln yrrolj glrli llakari will alma1 any rornrrwl mr la tha trtvhouhi of inaaaa a aatabaa tba ab- faraa aaaf b m affkaf aad a fiaar aat aaat havba a bau mm rba than b mj baa to ba a aaaay pataaaa aatallacrual aw aaabrrtu av tba wla w aauatta caav lih inruad of aparding a yay lo a mnatoriam loalog laughing luylag cbraa and raadlng la tba book 1 u apand a var la a mantal instilutian whh a gan a prrvarta alklaa lunklaa and i dorti r itralgbt out o kdgar allan v lrutd of trroniillg a wrrk y tilllor wrhthy abo il awira ihi iucii in tha book i u br aa adv hiring tikutjva wllb tliraa mialrea no worrli and tn unlimited aiiknaa amount lniud af ufooilng a doclla kngllji luthrr toddling tori phon lil inulrt in tha book i ii ha famout trlrvuion brr loblllty with graal ulant arj no irruplaa wba oini tha wind of hla ii taorra with rlrv- trly duorulard lrarlal traudlra and aomnlelrly undlrculacd rommvrclala about armpltj haw jm it aauwrr vi hi itr ob v jat wall u that aia i ii lu1 kw to wrlta a aull lnalu kv abaot aoll ikutoa lk1 rmlky nd kiunl ma or tha lima i ftll in love willi tha brazilian ifirl in tha drad or a ctnadui wlnltr or tha tinva tha od riittltavt rhiaad ma throuah iha mow in bar dreialng gnwd trlnp to hit ma with a ih iht d vanktd off tha wall a iha tlma i waj btatro up by klrwj af aarbapa so if it girbaga they want tin going to mika up the big gait library garbage pail thtt hai avr bean aet before tha publk u a going to ba tram mad with u violence dalin quent teanageri corrupt poll udanj dope fiandi alcoholica doclora rowboya how to raitc ll a prtr zlnnlia favorae raclpaa and all tha other ingredient of the moil lucceuful bookt it will be autobiographical of rource at tint i though that might ha a utile difficult ivt lad rather a ihelterad life than 1 raalliad that all 1 had to do wai decorate thing a lit there it no relief tie gild tba btlly to to ipetk repentance weekly bible thought sirt 1 will be srry fer awy 4auu u without business directory chiropractor bomalo a bay dc appointments made daily call th 7mol t main it oaaraafawii chiropraqor 6arald w carbah dc ooa dally by aamlritmant llouu etllt arranged y4aji 11 a main tt north 0 t walkk o oou oftomithut 11 ulln sl s brtmploh isiu74 ret- 4ms2u hourt dam to a p m tuclday to saturdty kriday dam lo s pn kvanlagj by appointment drive rarrfullv think of our rhlhlrcn when approach ing mine news echoes from tha penal ol tha rurald 1954 and 1044 since our laat column tba houae of combtona has dja cuaaad yurtbar eatimaua tanv porarily changed aome of tha rulea- of parlument mat the qdaen and apant two daya contlderlng variotu aapacta of labour leculallon at tlmaa tha speaker of the bouas of commdna la aaked to djoum the houae to tuapend normal bualoou for that day to dlacuaa mattur of urgent oaiblic importance the speak er haa to role whether in big opinion the matter la urgent and that no other opportunity for debate on thla eubject it poulble in the near future hla rullnga have been appeilable u aaaat once each aeaalon the boom has decided that aa rial for tab raft of the aaaslon ualrolinga tq anch cue are not ancj wftlpoed up tba work of mutfcri itage iwlll be xttecmea ihmm previous lo this the debate could go or indefinitely and be repealed on second hading of the bill this change will limit debate on the resolution but ml on the bill itself so that free and complete debate will 011 be poaalble without curtailing any members tight to participate in the debate i hope that eventually the re solution stage of a bid will be removed completely theliouse of commons has always had to ask special per mission not to sit on s nation al holiday this explains how parliament sat st easter with out a recess even for good friday no holiday even uiatmas day has open rec- doei not refer to vacation hall days the amendmfcnts to the crop insurance act have patt ed tha house of commons it u hoped that every province will participate in a canada- wide program this isnt a sub sidy program but based ott sound insurance principles thevodera coveniment will reinsure 7fl of the provincial risk and be paid a premium for this by the provincial gov ernments in the event of complete farm fsllure the pro- vincisl government would not- be pushed beyond their re sources to pay the farmer as the pedera government would pay approximately 78 of the that will recess the house of commons automatically on the usual days raoognltod aa holt days this of course refers on ly to national holidays and ogniied officially bv the house eost this la unlikely however of commons a motion was u completo crop failures are passed the other day effective the federal government until the end of this session will pay claims out of prem iums and over many years this should even out and not coat tha taxpayer any great expen diture ac halloas representative i 10 yfars ago e hurricane hazel virtually eliminated the pheasant popu lation in this area accordlhq to hunters emerginq from allday ourna without havlhg sighted a bird el irwin nobla 1 planning to build a new dairy on guelph st on land which h4a purchasing adjoining normandy blyd his offer far the townowned strip was accepted at monday s council meeting flt a rrleeting was hatd in chapel st school in the interests trf forming a boys band those present af tha meeting included mayor jack armstrong bandmaster alf par- rdlt sgt arthur herbert ern forgrave and ed pet ers of tfin lorna scots band and school principal har old henry who was chairman e plans r proceeding for formation of a rotary club in georgetown for several woeks a number of men in terested in establishing such a club have been holding meetings and at a dinner monday he president of the guolph club and members of that group gsve details about rotary its expected tha inaugural meeting here- will ba held in early january 20 yiars ago e several students from georgetown high school are en rolled at the university of toronto thlscfsll mist betty grant a graduate of varsity in the iprlng ffal returned this week to the ontario college of education fresh men from georgetown include richard crlchton robert lawton misses lblt nielsen barbara faram norah cleave and beatrice brill car m wistwooo onlsru latul fcirvayart us uounulnview rd 8 yrleneb 7mll w m carr a wettwaad tr u66 re t 4414 robt r hamilton 04itetrri lie uountslnview rd cirrhal bids for appointment iw 8773971 dale bennett latimer baines rtrrbtara twiuttars douqlas v lattvikr tehknce t baino tttitngle 7x18 b kllll st caorglowk george c hewson rarrlitar and oluiw us mountauivlew rd s csrretsl building georgatown yr 7mli dax devuofuentaf limitid stulldars plas hantaa prop waller pseholok trrun vnu barragers cuanarashlrt laonderets yh m7f 18 ualn s ibd guelph all work done on pretnltee wallaci thompson 3rd division court clark m ceenmleslener v triaj cussifiedads bring results massage maurice h malkr k m 9 cleaveholme dr t0vo or soss uouta cslhi by arrangu t j m monuments pollock campsill dksians on bkqliest impact our work in firaenwood cemetery phoni lljfsm ra water street north oil prank htch licensed aucrloneeb prompt service po box 41s tr 7884 georgetown mokoitqwn animal clinic 108 onelpb street v farlt70vm br h oaakln cunlcopen q 8 pm mon wip ml frederick a helson rarrlttar and salulter 116 alountalnvlew rd s carretsl oulldlng georgetown yr 7mot m e mandersob qc barrister and solicitor il mill si georgetown tr 7 2464 tvansicklerbjl barrlatar ollcltor notary dr williams uidgt ss ualn 8 tb tm kaplan ord barrittara and salichere sidniy kaplan us vnuntalnvlew rd ev 11 n4tsa r-jv- w tf i

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