Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 29, 1964, p. 10

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at the end of thcirrainbqw nm eacmtorrown mirald u llir ocm4w it 1m4 pack 10 trophy green blazer to ggcc champion pa pullen to ann tlnunku and bob sat- urit i aodal time aiter taw dayi compaction a hundred and ttlrtyaaght tlitaded the bolfet and 1m turned up or tbe eloaiaf dene po by tfae tioa prcwcnuttoa of tote bla j oihr award wariof th ordj cjra- ko laiarchjaeul ua tjolf and country club champioa kttd th tuveird gicc trophy to ulktf ul ui w lh blah poinl of that m i mrs ladle bm- uoa chaaipjojt and njoncrgp mrt shixuy wlwatl hiht oaiapioil wyt dhvuuo c vlijjht chfe uv cbcyn my ray owen and publicity bairmap bob mcmrnetny terry banga a member of tbe board of director chaired tbe election the club a mixed tloalfii day u h14 saturday ocso her 24 when a mixed twohalt concluded the aeaaon veriu sebenk and bert gtoeklinf wwi tbe first croaa priie june ev mns and john dunlop won tbe 1st net prire and other prue went to dorothy your end lurotd kajle for 2nd low ktoss and auof clock and j 1 ut wn and air k caap- erie timlth for 2nd low nr bell tbe club taiaed twoball chmplonhip rd wj- rr 2 jack hooper ad cora molrd irt cruhuwt and ray owu and the runoerup d uaoa and art n mondays bridge club winners t club a tloajoa dinn khd p- t lundirap tournament clum ibrvntatiofi tujhl sjluray piori jwk ttrmjahcatd and run bill ijt prtidnt lh mr up lrv i kccim- arid lr utmi suon mad lb- uj- r korniilng ldu hsndl m latino vhlib rvmwcicrti a cp hwilid mr wyrtu gloat tli 0 trophy awtr fid lyiaomii run tin up vttar low in a nkl tww hum r a o hbrty ltdut ulnavr ltorklall hi ur iksyirlfd lit- kurd vliinrri ur rlilh u brtqurt latyr and ur ttalmai aril tlti vfrtl lent if ur ijiii junior hami i hi trrry uy sltfl ur win hi ft tb aid tri 11bli wn srfrduii pmldf r t hfclr tvn mn wllon wrrrlirv taiaii uf tk iktrd of uinriftf jiiii jowt wsi mtilrr of rr- hdwrd t fclon kiut club klf uu iiir f l r pjit iinnt pro- pruttfuital man rur all ritu mom utf yo itlcht a bob uy dv amioag butt uffy norm skj koy brtlbnv e hu vf cf tu k 1 h iiwm urvl ip a dinrt c r rlud f iw v meccwtnwl ed tltltqr rvd cy bottm wtvo itfuck rjoid tt wok wkr irop ftl w t idsd oui t lw f in ihi- i rl ttblr hint fiofth hallon krt club rir liniarvouie ttv pvrt oni were mfrde after tr ie lonqd hftrx vih tootludtd itve points rct tiulu johmky lombakdi al iouska otiy l mtson dave clark five al bobqy curtola i ail slafe cuppokring smow si a maple leaf gardens satutoay ovum irj jo p m uta f at tlckkt ackncikk they karted home the winners rewards plans fade for maple leaf hornby stadium volleyball teams seek titles in cwossa games 11 t thu in wl h thf umtitu tramt proirftwl mv ilvrt thr win urn f k n l in r dulrirt pliy off 1 from duirlrti 7 to 13 10 rlutivr llir foriflcn i gli uhwl girl vnllr lull trim bat won thr vossa it tc uraamruli hornby stadium i twossa a luurninnl ciwii will km whfr ik kvink pollwl fnrl min k for the liril lime torunlu lliulall uiplf llli ut o lh toronto jl 1h drtiblr flllry w firn dillhl hlir pliyl llllj ranir out in wil llu f slurdy whfn in ih n rk- ui rk ibm for hi 1111 niir ibt lib li lul huh luwl1 lra i l i comlrurlion of a 1 uou duo way ui ll kprlii eimr in llir dalrul 1u tour peatute si gutdeni lnly ihiuiand ial major i a wrk ihr hoard paord naininl hrrr lot uiiii luo ualtuf iljillum al hornby wrr tonllcl jph vi la and i rorf w h rnrlr u n t uni llmll park hnrl l a vrlim f ii r i rorlowo u whirh hold thai fair of thr ly uoul llllv c ln dominati n cf ihr ic ri anrnt nrtt m i ij mill ll it for llir tail lui yan mnntna i dave clark five is closing days elections end golf at north halton svrnly two urn last il si thr barnjucl thr cli b cap- golf amt ifl ilavrd f r il nnrr tarn it un urry virrrap- al thr north halt n mrni sff tain rjir lltui irrrr ary ra tion li img day salurdi urrr dob ellirr handicap wlubrr 17 fommitt bill lalimrr srtd irlirk on thr la nl jim union wwial roimuitlrr wnil i ii m it inrjii jim un rranli wallr td wnrrall ion llarv happrl llny itkh llfklbury lutb ururnr vaiidrrhon aid jarli llannm n for lop in- iria iro tli jj jj g wllhier hal nrl uorn urlr rr lr 1 v miltci rrn i kart rate windup lain ji hn dunlop hrl l hap r wan an i ih olllrr in all llub l w w aumr n priif rrr ajr ird nor h halton karl r0y1l 1i0pse show v j club a iraaon corkrr buajay si ir moon october 18 cirj un thr fraturr 100 jp race property ranrrllrd thr grand alrurlinj a dam in thr ark rrr irlth cl anl j hn r 1 krly that a n mlw r i othrr f thr data rolli t krhfttif uhrn thry approved tttt iu it p rl particularly trxjphirt rnpprd in t u ryi jjah for jkw infthall dia n w lri thr j n r tirlt urpprl ip h throughout thr trav n wrr- vl rv motfl on part nf thr land and lournry by 1 ning j hn nrraenlh tir uinnrrt i how nt wllb hu sfur wwwl p rnttte piiture fir an annual t ni rra durinff thr iri srn ft nnllral uirir tlie lar lark vur prr fof a rrlht f nj iwrll rrntal frr of 1200 wlntrr but could hrlp prnvidr triumph away with a 33 25 ur hapa thr nh inch h gro ip to th llu runnrr up llarv oihrr double nnrr of both thr action apparently mrint hrltrr watrr facilhirt or nnr cinnn over cv1 ijrwrw mimr f ihr trrnar t happrl ii 11 vhenk f r b th em cf all bon f r a mj h u y srho i rttv juackrnh sh anl pt jr lrajil- bawrhall ludium tbr lumhy area ijit april pom ihe dreamnlof atadium be lloard approach thr onri itandoutt irik constructed in tht area to authority togetber on thr oorcrlnun h it ii r t ur attract a major lu tm p or proj nry nnrr over three r wii aeriotujy diactiued i the cwossa a tournamrnl the feature racea aaaon a poinla and thrir cum petition den ve fraturinjf kita vavoor m irouhlp makrra ik ciillrr rala 11 tin rickrra 10 aurv cad 4 junior noya cnntfta 37 martlana id lucky slnkra 1a orhiti 13 rmbuatrrt 13 salrultra 2 trrnasm tomr hlcka 11 kcbola 2b arra 23 horror 24 wild onra 23 ihr tlrsl 23 hullfr ranj ib alley kali id jcutonn 10 lrnnicau 7 srauin afra5ra rantam clrla marilyn sitrurd ann 131 hantam nnva vrr nraumf 134 junior flrli janrt xtnnrr 1a3 junior hom ivrrk ililllnstnn ibs senior i girls joann fiarhrr ira n lor llnji ilndy hiblvrrt 214 tmith stohk ltd mandlne irrr leader 30 ulellilpi 30 attronaula 20 iuatlr 24 uorkfli 24 horoeu 23 rlppera 1r duitprs 14 mm weekly llilrtl triple r a en w u v llellv doackeol sh anl i hhl title anl runner up jm e compftmn b pared the rn r i hs jrrni j rl were keith llunler in cljaa 3 ii waa itieled that tie orrr jo barber ehmpon and runner up liar hler in tla 5 ibilly nf rrv hoard and ihe sfh nl j r f 42 cll old i-ji-le- hnlirn rhmp n armalrunif won the ther runent eoncert i ur the lr ro nrl runner n led rare but ihe point low promote h johnn kenninj anl lntermelite henej in thl ne event w lnmbrdl who filled ih r rhmp phil hlo ii ih l h i inlo sunja lr an italian re the hen section elected dlvijod nd their nlfirer lor net irion phy went to ituu urry harvey docktleatler waa a warded the trophy for ihe moat pninl in llati 1 char llaecormark wa runner lai 2 and roy uroekle waa runner up in clan 3 keilh hunter the rlub prea- on saturday nikht ortober with these iwim the lee wee idenl pretenled the awrtla 4 the luiv of the llornhy w under ihe uperl an etrellent frowd witneu cihll t i lnn w knherlnn a the finale allhouth the minor soflhall team n i fojch im jhn wi mm o rom1 ihelr parent were irealed lo a p d pencil et he racra will eonllnue to a party at the hornhv orange preunted to earn nf ihee run wetneulav niehla under hall tn wind up the hall aea men with jvin meclure he light ta ions as weather green 24 rill mcdonald 23 llandins tied rcalher 3d n makml ihe prernlation in permit eric ro 23 charlie jenner 14 knol kali 31 hyint saucer 1 eenlnlf trted nff wllh john anil hurray llrownndje action on the alleys i j i ard hornhy managers coaches honoured by ball teams 1 irlii till tl tail ami nail il w it th bed way tn apt tec delivery ol your tickets to u hoval the royal it a diamond amon bona ihowi ttal latanutioui jumplitfeincwnbhihlillcompeutioa ihtjrur arpniuui uruil meilcd the uniud stjlei tad canada anil b laptt- unltd tl ihe royal by lop hour and horwrwt soom tldan will coma lo ih royal duedly lion uu ohmoat can ial tokyo an added allradion ihu yal kill be bw bona taadaat alhlbltion of rorult tiding and jumping by tba umoui ux pirlofnur iuum hnwi t his is tha mat you ii lull want la bt then when cfcamomanl compau buka uiit you hv todd uau buil ut youl ticvat tw del today ceorceyowm youth ivahiah kowlinc lkacuk howling lkatu i standlni harry ilaylock team standme junior girl 33 kellh huffman 3d ron fnrndo 23 new one 20 ladiks tutsday aitntnooh hoyal aaicultualviiittajai hj ci i1 ta h c jjv a li ikmu huljlu tuvow k km tat n 14 a moo ul ttov ii u tljoo mumih al tme vwuaok al 12 to fh nov 13 tal hi 14 kua km it tua hw 17 wj ti ta tku uw it ik uw ul tlm 21 i incline lmj tkaaua tor uaut iddatss pla iu4 aiua4 ail w4imm4 k laaa m aael imj attatat femblueac lofdirlnatflftjov14of wtv1metlraeialt bite lurtuta waaj da tat if poatlblaj men weekly hlfh triple 130 mounlaineera 20 swlnj three lilm which were hown pretentins hdward the aquirt ray addy 713 with hdrp lnj sn 27 ha re n 11 hy john wallace one film v team which wa run by dave ray addy ijdlea weckl country lou in 22 von on ew zealand ane on akilnlland iran uhe alio pretenl ihoh triple nev rreen 710 iltrlker 20 n teller 0 and one cartoon which i al d their manaeer and coach wllh hdcp llev ilreen s21 vaeer beaier 2 ijille weeklv way the mnt important to ramly howden preenled vran men weekly llich single i high triple anna i wen ihe children a ery important with a wall plaque and tfcry ray addy 311 with hdcp 6m with hdrp penny nnr part of ihe evening waa when tyner prcentcd dave with 713 udiea wwkly high sine- ion 73 ijdlei weekly huh manager and coaxhea were one to match rran thl wai lea rev rreen 280 wllh i single peggy norton 118 presented wllh wrdj fnr ihe a great urprise tn ihe man hdcp noreen jenner 303 wllh hdcp pecty norton ork ihev had done during men seaaon high triple 340 udle season high trip- w 1 ray addy 713 with hdcp lea mara spire 741 willi the ml for thi part of ihe ron green rsi ladlea seaon hdcv helen ervlev 750 i evening wa all rrleden who high triple rev rreen lludie seaon hluh slnclc congratulated ihe hovl the 710 with lldep r31 men peggy norton 3011 with hdcp i managers cnache and their reason high single ray petgv norton 340 averas parenta for their lime tpent addy 315 with hdcp rayea rcrnlce rmond 207 addy 3m ijdie seaann high uarg xpire 203 slnglea isntven jenner 2b4 with hdcp doreen jenner 34s averagea lharlle jen domtab ner 20d rev rreen 101 standing 1aura trehle 31 makrixd couple rob lltalon jo ruia miller 25 marion blllolt 24 shirlr ifera and cnache and they all evpreaed ihrir thankl in thn children the evening ended wih hot doga and pop fnr the children and coffee and doughnuta for the parents ly jllgh triple retty gar vin 713 men weekly lllsh slnulea nick rrown 323 ijdlea weekly high single jlelly garvin 270 mn seaaon high triple plmer vcntl ley boo ladle svaon high triple fcv irtrdock 735 men reason high single nick rrown 325 ladie sea ann high single carol hah hum 311 average dan mntmn225 clint hawy 211 john llulme 204 kva mllnlnck m7 marie hulma ir0 tllen haaledn 1r0 attlnisnttoderwc j crirkettolmtrsl ceokottowm mbns major standing provincial 21 georgetown dairy 10 chubhs 17 preslont groeerlr 13 exchange house 12 vohert real kslale ii the nurae it clerl no 1 10 ace b dum durm 7 klrby b luckv slrlkrb men weekly high triple c barlow rl g barber 771 high sin gin c barlow w wer ages c barber 247 t gra ham 234 b harrla 22r r coullghan 223 l bratuugrd via h brandford f nur w sajlit ill kornera 22 uunter 21 aldem sia 51 lucky strike 21 struggler 10 tiger 17 mylng dulchraen 11 sur tarltej 10 the argue nut 0 men waekly high triple 1en ward 72 ladle weeklv high triple anne nlrhnl on 711 men weekly high single ace bailey 301 lcn ward 301 ladle weekly high single la verne ryder 288 men season high triple w slrlnke his udle seson high triple m dutrhburn 743 men season high slnglea i ward 310 udles season llllh slnglea m dutchburn 358 averages c nurse 222 a rallnv 220 l ward 315 m dutchburn 218 m spires 208 s kxard 200 haton peel intkttcounty a teams standing streels vllle 38 rramalea 20 genrgi town 20ljikbhore 23 village bowl 23 oaktown 10 bramp- lon 0 b team standing ltke ahore 40 streelsvllle 30 vii lage bowl 20 oaktown 21 georgetown 20 dramilra 14 brampton ii high averagea a taaue j nitchln mrio 158 b lejtle si 12 m fllllniim owlnip b goodie 217 1l 2m likes g 2i ftbjujr h7 i barber b 24 sfj ft r 1 ales knrtaek 18 kris union 18 jock qulnton 14 1 nrm hunter 8 ilen weekly high triple jim lolden 710 wllh hdrp jim olden 774 men weekly high single boh iowin 300 with hdcp hud haines 310 men selsi n high triple jim golden 750 willi hdp mike van slerg 701 men season llkh single jim golden 318 wllh hdcp rud halnea 310 lad les weekly high triple laura treble 858 wllh hdcp glad scratch 758 udles weekly high single laura treble 285 with hdcp glad scratch ladle srann high triples barb lluner 704 with hdcp gall lc nrrvh823 ladtck season high slnglr rsrh hunter 131 with hdcp t- rarb hlmler 387 ladies auxiliary rcl standing get to ueuiers 12 tlyers 0 udles weekly hlghltrlplrs terry chepeka 603 weekly hluh singles terry chencka 281 ladles season high triple terry chepeka 728 scnson high sin gles terr hiopekh p8 averagis tirry lhnpeka 200 j express buses greenwood oct 3 hi ta nov lllh uavi cioiqitowm dibectfcrthe tracr saturdays 1 1 os aja standard tuna kalurrt k 280 includes admission retukh kusts start loading after iast race tickets and information stans restaurant s wad anl phon 17x4521 bill campbell del beaumont coach datunorton h wut junior c hockey this sunday 6nrj every sunday 230 tm r ge0rget0wn arena sunday november 1st league game junior c beavers vj new hamburg league schedule games home schedule ail sunday 3 30 p m january 3 orangtvllu januaey 10 hespeler january 17 oranoiville november 1 new hamburg november simcoe november is mltton november 32 preston november 39 brantrord december o dundas december 13 paris december 20 hanover support your local boys admission adults 75c rtoh school studints 50c childrent 21c january 24 milton january 31 hanover february 7 oranoiville february 14 hanover february 21 milton t

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