Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 29, 1964, p. 18

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coming events lenity saloa opea u umiiwiu tor a call 77jol lutheran church auoooiuum guxxph snuanr disc jockeys available onto rrtu i at tale to uilt all occaalone u ble i eor hxiorxoatioa caolert yuleulo moooctiomi ml wrkak timih sin yiwt wn4 halton plowing match saturday octoogk 11 oo ira of j m taylor appleby line eoulb of no 8 llwy i atari el it ant afternoon program include queed of the burrow competi tion horeeehoe pitching cocn- petition bore ehow farm ma chinery decnonairetionj and uhlbiti masonic 1iall milton fukmhzum in moaval presbyterian church cborch school 10 00 am public worahip 1113 am mlnlalee- ew k d or mr hullpi nmt memben for all kectlooa of the choir will bo welaotne alactlce taaxraday o pm- sl johns unmtd dbuch caorgelowa ool allnlllcr ttav unmfumlwj organlat and choir director k h harrlaen ajbct jlmt mjmoay nov 1 1m4 morning wonblp 11 am no evening worahip dance tulo mioductiomi satukday bancs pakty trlstnt the shamokins coming events sat oct slat t 4j0 paa b the laglea ball milton vary friday to st gagas partao ben tus pm geod prtaca teach aponaored by tba wa u taa aad baaaar at union preabjrteriu church os satur day october slat zjo jun a baking oandy etc friday teoecmber a pea tor eeqneaifts agricultur al society oucbxa jn stevrart- iowa ball ato er bazaar anglican pariab halt norvei saturday nov 141b t to 5 pju every- thing tor chrettmei giving 1111 dont forget senior cldv cna bakevale etridy october ota to tba united uaistore main suoet sooth georgetown 11 em don tola the annexing agricultural society vuchrw u slewvtum 1uu avlday nov alb c pm good prixea r- rreehmcotx adxuiaaiou 00c ua to atiaod tba chittst- uu ball wpseared by tba uoapital auxiliary oa friday tm 4th a pm 1jo am at tba njlera uarvcy omltba orcboatra auaanaaa saw aod hale sale at tba kir hall on stur dy octobrr slat at 10 am uodet the auaplcea bf tba lad tea auxiliary of tba tire d- partjeat 1o20 coioa tod fcnioy tba truxalc ol cwivlu ceotral uaptiai cburcb cbolr riday nov 6tb s pxa in st faula uaptut cburck mououluvlew uoad caorcelowo unictdv cnmat cardi ara fto on ula at tba y of- flu uoojiy wadoeulay krl- day from 3 s pm yburiday vnln fvool 7j10 tt p m 14 l hl s 1113 yuca ywca okd tb- itt club dabce in wrixl vortb audltonuu krldjy oc tuber vhh s pw to 11 so pbl daacluk to rvcords -ad- uiuloo ssc y wroibfri 50e nod y yalarra no idoiuiioh uoleia auiuuy drud 104tb aoblveirury aih- krova utvllad church sunday no ht 11 axa kv k uad oco mooreflald special uuilc by tha church cbolr aulated by mr laldlxw and urx c ly s pal utv lia rlrminc georgetown utlhel united cburch cbolr ciuu wad- uhi t- 1 u 4j td 4 w i4s xm at kaa ckoech kall nm awekart in ill j 1sas yrenapavtt- hafl and baby akhua avallabu to jen art if roolraj t taw a rwvuaam tryasi lis ad craea 3sh aalwraary pltlal bm j trf mualc laav at rlnaanl wrll wtt audltarloaa ykorejay oillif it a i xa akarp pil utlira valutt- loara and b doner ara cor dially invited ajuh knly plaaaa na cklldrm will ba ad knitted 10m ahcr a eocccaafu axhlutiod called prlotnakera pari 1 which featured five well known toronto artixli callery llouaa sol 43 oxerua st ceorjclod hrtnli priotnlkkerx pari ll froal october 51 to november j eoeinber of the socrly of ca lit 1wh jnxjixo winter ktcbrri and kji tbla abow axblbua ux work travera ol xix priotmakera worklai la different print technique taonolype woodcut and etch- luchjj ctfxing wai born la tba united suua sba xtuj- t sat oo 31 alio to nuka great thow oaelor our swinglnq dsejay briah kent admlssioni maaalaant ji00 ma 1js uampton junlolt fakmeis uiumno reaft to brampton arena tea your maw lalon hall plrj tvenl tinea ranovatlanll cat yaw tukata etujkt away for thai annual remembrance dinner friday nov 6th 1964 fcoyal canadian hi ci on it 7 pm turitey suppr tjanong leeloa tnetiibert khould obuln uckks immediately t tk hall to avoid diuiapalnlment consider local bike chegk basis for national program a pmrui lnvohrtiiaf ustiaf of young faik drlvcrv has bcm la ettact la garttown for tin accordiajf to herb uuder director f th hjdl- too astomblk club mr uu der waa eomakantiuc oa ressnt reports from metro toronto and ottawa that uxtdy otthl leh thero waj an tirgent need to liurodttctt a brottrmta to lest tne kaomvatm of young bicy cle drivers a paroatajn of the type d- u already iir eifoh lo your coaudunity mr hilder lajormed th rteraltt the apofumanlike liicycle drivera ttnfrmjn whlclj mr uuder referred to involve the cetpaatfalioa of polirs depart- a9eoua kcbooi uarhers pareau mua eyluis- youajstrn fexttf re- printmakers part 2 is coming to house sol tha upatain gallery ba toronto in 1b04 bolt meyn la a noted ulua- tzator and graphic artiat in ger- bxany ha atudied at tha ae- qulred to take a teat to deter- j art f ilo tbetr taoled of rub j c t of tba road at tfaa aame time aanta haly xtpiroxtn oalaria canada aod p taaaifoad by lhair pareotx rjathktratt la a native natreeing to diadpliaary proce- of toronto she atudied with durea if unry fail to drive in borothy stevcoa and aba bay- a aaie and reaponalble nxxnoer evaky amoxvf ottvera sba exhl a file card la alao prepared oiled in many xroup ahow and giving detaila which permit a member of the society of police departmenlx aa an op- canadian painter klchera and tonal program to conduct a engraver vehicle check if they ao de- mary ann watson wei aire born in auixton ool sba gra- mr llilder advlaed tb4t arv dueled from the ontario coi- oral roromunitlea in the club lege of ari in toronto in ilus diatrirt have uaed the pro- and wax an art teacher for gram alnce 1u inception aaveral yearx- she received the w are very pleaaed to re- j sterling truat award la 1b64 port that the local program l she ix a inciur of the can- now being considered for uoa adlan society of crapw art j annk ma1ue wikskh wai i unn id germany and tame to cfanade in 11m siie gradualrd i bast to aba ajaabnlajico aervioa in aa raffort to brjjag arocact aad finally tocmd tympatbetlc lietenera at the hydro office a hydro eaoployee plucked the terrified ubby from bar by the time a man can read women like a book hes wear- log hlfintju sl thomas times journal thi gftttftoettowm havald pagjc u ible dcvcloptuant hi al proatram be juld- tullon earls 7 hours mom tugl wio j xjo buea ymuksoay pjn pgloay t l jo latuhday amale rwrtlena fish chips 50 from the ontario cotlcgv art toronto hi loot ska recel xeverl ackolar- 1 vrmik x oj hipa and exhibited nf work la mauy group ahowx led at the kanxae clly ah iii etuute and with nlcoui lleeoyanxky and culllirnlo sll- va id turonto she exhibited 1 x tl rr widely and reived the steri ihydro to the kescue lng award id 160 she ll marooned pole cat chips cone chips box 10c 20c ciu kuplomdly tiv hint- llvi but uir friiidi nutii- ut fr mor llun lbt tint whit on feline lrrnd whrn kayja jacous grew up in fc of rriiv anj tiidiill kxl a kk ihake ntuitlon wtilcii krukitf cittaaxy aad jujtoiltvu sve studied art itt karuruhi cw- taufay and unimeu lwlluiu si catjia ta canada in 1603 had bid tuij biiu abow at social and personal alx john tailolt 4o hewaan crexcent vlxlted in uonlreal recently with her aunt urx ii a hclellan mr and rx waller ulihn 2d queen sl apent the week end in sarnla where they vie lied with dr and mrs telford ttithn kecent dnner ueats at ter ra cotu inn includa mr and mrx w r lulaett chirtei sockett mrx william jeffrey mlxi il burry ralph and au mlesackmalmy mr and mrx chgrlei jonri mxln st n georgetown with to announce tha engagement of their daughter gloria jean to mr douglxj kdwln sinclair aon of mr and urx g k cole bramptnn tha marriage to lake place in sl john united church georgetown satur day december 5 at 4 oclock wreaths now availabl fob rkmlmmance day pleaae canlact j g colli b i77m74 ftar ijm pm be cengbous wear a poppy tatuhoay nov 7th vail your health mokal and hysical attendtrurnexr youth forum id tba lltcion hall sunday november 1 vs0 pm mx and tub yctnage filaas brino paper and pencil to lubmit written quentfoni ba informad be forawartied aponaorad by manch 110 oval canadian legion rvoajroaalvw coeiaervallva annual meeting and clxcyions ror lvos oakvllu uejloh hall friday nov 6th 1964 815 pm ho wau meialeltfi formerly ulnuui health and welfare he freshmen u dancing everyone welcome atmy robliuoo uv rvruik wlil- tmre aiid uarbara lfeiliaj clark hu recently re turned from a thre wk trip ta kurope amoriit th placet vuhcd vrh uibon uadrid hatv naples and 1aris while id rom be was privileged to lave a papal audience at t itufa in tha vatican coln- by way of canadian pacific air unee throujeb tha aaorei he r turned by way of london en gland while there he attended reunion of memberi of the hax squadron he served with ceaorgrtown deputy heeve wuuau v hunter and kujlwi- injf councillor ceorg leille with their wives attended the dominion good roads convert- tlon la montreal last week at i tba golden jubilee banquet on wedntaday evening in the j quren kliubrth hotel prime minister lreter r pearson wai tha guest speaker at this dlnj ner mr roy smith of ojkville halton county road engineer was presented with his quarter century club certificate j ur and mrs k ciddings 4 stevem creacen have had mr giddinga parents mr and mrs harold glddings of march cambridgeshire visiting with them for tha pait tlv month during tha past month they have also had friends from london hn gland with them j mr and mrs r hopper dur- 1 lng their time in canada mr and mr hopper had a wonder- ful trip through the rockies and together with tha hid ings motored to new york city tilly kiiawrrteti lla rtimung kpcrtai aha scampered to the top of a hydro wl and then couldnt gehown th punsy waithe objfh of everyones attention in the hale drive allen road neighbour hood tufakliy afternoon con cerned hthuiwlvam cjhed every kgrnry frtmti the nr- depart- rwi u yei oru- 8779382 xwtbem fuj chicken diacentlnuee houk kakgb hti rnpku soc ape sik cherry iu ieet colj so earls afs 4 mau u m3 hospital auxiliary opportunity sale in the arena rose room saturday october 31 10 am a variety of clothing for all llw family children tkatei and ikit canadas best values m madetomeasure clothing are featured in ilvers mens department tittop tailors anc saviller0w we will not let you wear it unless it fib pedettly bingo this monday soo f m at ths rlvta in nokval jackpot s500 ui in 17 rihs admission 50c free bus leavev archi girardi 730 pm to riviera via main street water street gcoakjctowr oku hpf sano 2nd annual highland ball at tlia nokval kiviima friday nov 6th harvey smiths orchestra floor show dancing 9 to 1 for reservation tickelt and information telephone 8772415 or 8774593 coupie 400 dress optional skate exchange new and used skates and boots for sale complbts lins of rlockey quipmbnt skatss iharpinid crest hardware is main it s th 7u01 free free free halloween ice party saturday od 31 7 pm at georgetown arena fun and prizes for everyone young arid old 730 pm costume judging prllet for belt drafted children belt drelied man and woman bait couple pecial priiei for oldeil and youngeit portom pretent 815 pm skating races priiofor 5 and under 7 and under 9 and under 13 and under 20 and under special veteran- race far ihqie over 40 this free ke party is jointly sponsored by the lions club and board of parks management please notei you rnirst be pn tkal and in eoatomo to qualify for a prlio orlhi friday from 100 pm to 900 pm saturday from 1 1 00 am to 600 pja chitbkkps rlanmxuettc pyjamas slrai 7 4 6 wh they latt mens study good quality w0lk boots 87 687 mins pum woot sweaters 27 ladies dkess shoes 177vs4i7 save on hosiety seamless mesh nylons bbst quality 3 pair for 4 pr for 100 1 last chance to contribtite to the worthwhile ymca d ywca gaatpaign a if you have not been ol cacc nuamc q77 a1ai mon fyed or frid arernoqs contacted for your contribution lt aoc rnvjin t o p i oj or mon and wed evenings v campaion ioaoquabtihs 14 main stwet nohth campaion oenehal chmiman hiv k c johnston laaiao ftifc i t feitelwiiife viv a it jtz ik i fl ai- i ljrinftyv iuufrtiiwmfcauu iiiisa

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