d toronto catholic womens league ask clean up television three courts setjtcw record tms c hktalo twrwr oilitir 1m4 the october imcun of holy crottf catiour women a lmuc u held la huiy does srbw auditorium wltb kev father otic oeeoc urt k b ters prrawiel said 50 member u iainl urv j c aap rtd the minote- of the prrri- otis tnlit aod uui fcubrl cha x treasurer re port- air john pijiutelt ribpoxtrd on the kimceuiul hrirvt fur udi juj uuuot celnwu kctrel tiou id lumillixi hod ftci iw kll ix tut k itr tkrr who u lil she tuitde4 u liilr pjimnl ihjl the fourth bun day of virry taoiiln it gtwl lukuiuuuiwil butmjuy for tb cwu mnv john uiltfiii olivrt tu uavrni dlllhrf of novrtil ur uth fu the laiiwjkitii vri lort wdatrti t auilury who w hottllnjf a urlmay ikubrhtli um tit st jt offtrj to roovrii the animal ci uiuiilon suihr fur the holy lru ctuohc youth organta alum on suudy ilwf tuber 61 h urs km tvuj riiwrtfl on the prottru of thr txisar to le held on novfmher 2it urs uofcj a werd jrvn tint en e described the forthcomini advcruuo otvertxfe 1w the w ukd umrfced o the rxrellebt coopera lieu of the local of wr erica dead distributed twkeu fu lb cxnd xraw lt be held w ruo juorooo nb the cvitmu court sittings made a record 1b hattoa thia w sgmujuneoualy the sup reme court county court and division court were all held in be county court house and adminiatrauuo on the baae line officials believe this is the firt tune la hluu a his tory the three courts hv ton veaed in lb fcu buildup on the um day having a storage problem -cau- fs moving storage 77410 fot fkb estlmatt dunfre and pallrtizd storage in sp ink system waekouke faooho uorrtno catjno a dwuratloo try ciidln wotun wm pucd out lo the nctnlimiip tut klmlujes ttili dcurll4mtl u a ea titrt to icad up tanaduti tv ll tuu that the c u a publicly owned uk eupport j curvjuod wbirb mk j vllwbl euntrlboiuwt to oof cktiadiwi wy of hie haw of i 1u pruaraititej are bt romoieo- dbl julity and tvntfxfu huwvvrr ik topoitloil of fcuod prr tntihvi b ba tajlly dltiitiiuib the rvt fcum litilkrrtniliuliwe um of kl knd vlulracaj of riiurtiiri bmiit u uiy utituajtollvf and out of ilte it is dtruf tiv th tlffii tt wh r flirtcj utrouiriout our hu aofisl blrurtur tit mttiny rluwl with prayrrt a lunrb wai wrwh tv ur l r hand uri uark lit run ur 1 lw and un s r wiuli bydevaate ml amd mlts jojn bytiovaale hqh ttie reg uter lollowmfj thair marriage at tlte chrut an refomted chufch in toonlo tl bwia u live former joan maralyn u nghni daugh if of ms rrnklin bingham and t4i tale mr umgham trd the groom v th ion of aa end mit i bydwvaate georgetown tlw couple will retide in gaoigelown insufficient knowledge blamed for curriculum misunderstanding gordie tapp tries luck in county plow match feature increase your interest income 52 lnued ii even candidate among guests at ndp social evening sooie btuundfrktanding ofuluro had tuddrnly twvn fuivl the united church i new cur td unon thrm lr whitr ral rieulum locally hai broucht a rasponae from uev ian firm ui 6f si john a united church guerpb st and rev krlvin job tut on of st andrew t u nltcj church sinclair avr they fl tome of the con troveray atemi from an iniuf odritt lutowledc of the nrw curriculum by iti critics for that reason thr local unitsd church clergy have made avail able to the herald newt re lease dialing with the tub- jec the fallowing kr the moat infarmalivf cowmenli taken from the relats b ta thr editor of dally and wekty newt pa pert bout the united church i nee curriculum were for the most part from people who reed their newapipr rellcioua- ry ahd their lllble intermit tently the general council of the church via told recently by cordon white editor in chief of suhdsy school pubh cations m within the church the nrw curriculum ha been quiet complex and lonfi rmnee project dr white told conunusionri from acrou can da lt aroae in the postwar yr those yean taw the church membership explosion q thie continent a theloulcal renaissance among christian cholera a new underttamlinx of church in the youncer churchei of africa and asia and the formation of the world council of churches the biblical meuacr wan rr- discovered by a world ahtken by 1u own capacity for ricm k onlc destruction concern for a more ade quale programme of christian teaching was repressed by church members and finally given form by the fifteenth cnfaal cuiinhi tn my tv j whit laid in rcvirwing the history of the new curriculum in answer to thoa critic hot united church member vbo claimed the new currlo of ultra fiindanirntalut erkua sum thai ire ktrufiglinc for po ed the roll of an army of con ntj n ty attarkinf ours in t tnbutors who have twen work mot cvrr rue these en ics inu for the past twelve ear have no knowledge of the con tvachers pastors biblical tent of th new curriculum or scholars theolojjani and art of its one crcat aim of com i ists were enlisted tour him mumcatlnn he ntjwl of jrxuj dred lay- yeopli and 4 mk chrt to this generation the hilton uunty i lowing uat rh is saturday october jlst i at the farm of j ii taylor 1300 applrhy line senli will gfl under way at 10 00 a m with riuit plowing rlni tlte afternoon program fca turn the r urrow queen com us hrt porter fr7 petition younit women be sirtrnt hoad were hoat and tueen tlie akes of 18 and 23 hostess to the ew democratic i will be scored on their speech party georgetown area roup on plowinit appearance and last saturday vening iplowine abiht a nrw compe hit worship uayor joe gib tition hai teen inausurated bona dropped in to say hello this year ii rr shoe i itch and had the honour to present me to mr and mrs porter a plant a special attraction inn in appreciation for their past young peopjr uhn ohintrrrcd hie i nurd l nurcn nai i i ii i sr will be the competition services to pretest the matcnil in takrn all mmmrnli and criti iii rwi t -r- n- i t i 11 bttwrch to famous haltoni other guests were mr and mrnimtriphtd rm r t rldnl cordr tpp nd ur w oillin ur cillm i 1 grr s alkin ih provinci1 cndldu to ich wk 30000 popl n nu and i rrply nt 1 nfw p u lint bk oi thr srv umr the nrppr n n lvldu i id rounrllmn boh ihr 1 irlrr n a r urtrou and oi i hnilrd i r rand of ward 1 corbtow ronvtnictne vav however it toronto mr martin will be a buffet supper ws pre 1 1 u almost tmpoksible to cilrr v sunrf iiru mt la iklnn pared by mn helen cumpstv world and mrs joan rrancis and ulum the hord and way dr white said we do not think the list is suwm iiiipksiir 10 nirr am word hai been spoken but we up with such 111 informed iml t hl r f do believe that through the destructive criticism as thai new curriculum we may open which hai been levelled ajaimt our lives to the living word the new curriculum actually of god no united church in my opinion the new curn member need be uncertain rulum speak for itself and nor embarrassed nor apologel i needs no defence i am suie ic for the teaching programme that ten years from now ue of the church he declared have forgotten these mm or irritations and shall remem tier only that because of the sound preparation and writing that ha gone into the new curriculum the level of nihil cal knowledge and christian conviction within our church will have been raised lmmeas urably in letter to the minister and congreation of thr united church of canada in ontario last week hev krnut e long scretary to the gen eral council of the i hurch said in the united church of canada we are rejoicing that moat of our congregations and sunday schools are now using the new curriculum material already enthusiastic report i are coming in of quickened in lerest on the part of ten agers and adults who are find infi a new relevance in the scriptures and in the teaching of the church to their oun needs teachers of vounjjer children are likewise discover ing that with new texts at their command their task in the church school i more re warding and the attendance in creased some of our jseople invr been seriously disturbed be causc afrtawapapor cumefej serting that the new materials u not biblically sound and are teaching false doctrine these atoriea have originated with ahull sectarian group plowing match in austria thuservrd to jfl other guests from past summer town s pastors daughter leads oakville choir in concert thr choir ot crntral nap tint church in oakville will present a procram of choral music on vriday evening nv vember 0th at 8 15 in st paula raptm church in eor firtown mrs jean thomson thr dir eclress of the choir la a daugh ter of hev and mn w j baxter of st paul i church tills is a oluntary effort on the part of the choir some of whose members have had eorv- uderahle experience in orator io woalt and in presentation of gilbert it suluvan operas there is no fied fee for admission to the concert but a free will offerlns will bo to wants the bulldink fund v sergeants mess dinner cm mthuk coorek pip and brumihon col j- r tartar ed c d csm pot chambarlaln of georgetown axchange greetings at the recent sergeants mosj jijnit2 the lorne scpli hold aj flramplon armoury v arnold rathbun rprs4htitlv sun l1pb of canada 47 stavlv crse brajitton lhtm 103 6- always ihere with ready cash pot- bill consolidatioii or any good reason so2 to s niagara finance company limited 240 branch from cot to colt 9 main north 4 ii eoit on 31o 5 yjsr cunitij l-ivss- 5 fpr 1 and 2 yaart odd aroonti from j100 ji00000 lvtri tsaid kawy4y by cki inveitol includa many inturarx companiat muni pat ties uocieuix chuclves cenvtery truitt eitatai elc legal invftttnwnlt foe trust funds savings accounts 4- tnuiext pa d reckond on liva mlrtlniurfl tfulrtrfy lauru your paid cheques irv at receipts and may bi otl ned at th office each month ch idren s accounts walcomd 1 starts an account ask for 1rft dim taver save by m i free postage paid envelop tuppl fed convenient office hours moty tkuruly 00 5 00 ftldiys iii a 30 your local trust company hal ton peel trust savings company 35 main slfn milton mgr leme skus tr 8 2034 31 main slrml 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