Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 29, 1964, p. 4

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georgetown herald 33 mln straa s hmtmwn ontsrlo wcmhmi pagf4 thursday octobe 29th l64 editorial comment twisted philosophy whrit he cbc irxwrd mvkj or dimervtce in tetevairtrj en irtlevtw wirh the kead of th aracr cn k novni sunday nghf could be detd the nk bjoodckilhrg inevtew wfi p of rtk challertgiig itey l how thi hoof hei dy w wekhj witi tit fiing in like pil of our i1omch l a rtt kodkoftk5 yiuimj min fanplairwd wliet tte would do 11 hit party gjirved power in the sletel lile many btolt ive eimi at commut-v- utl jow tiuj rwoi blakvat hv wo id i problexnt on hit itumi pt hald likervi hit ur to chmt ikj himself to st paul ami dlbounlt at ubflcaltort the dreadful fact of te nuremberg tfiatl he would have a wofld lod by what h tefirtl christian white if the only poo- pte with ttva int 1o ruu w don t think the inlevviaw vriould have been lelevned suptweiiion of hale literature u being actively pixmed el pro- time gentlemen fluitved with hit iixceit in promoting third raid group into into nation i pronv nervce i he matter of sunday night lelevn- ion ed sullivan is applying live tarn of- mule to other briiih import with duaitroua eiultt two weela ago an audience of teerv qcrt ward noted to luch freory that they played havoc with the rest of the sullivan how cauied a major comedian to reach kuch a rage that he thumbed hit note at the audience and durupted the act of a clever imperionatof subsequently comedian jackie ma i on i contract wai cancelled for further ihowi and he n now tumg the pro gram for damaget but hat cd learned hit tenon no sunday he produced uimethirtg called tht rolling stonet whota lead tinger it to dittaiteful that he might have been dug up from under one of the ttonet we have accepted the beatles reluc tantly their mutic it to bad their move ment to innocuous and their cottumet so ludicrout that we can believe we are at a election looks lively municipal elections are always spark ed by a mayoralty race and with three can didate already in the field this year could let a record in interest seldom has anelecjion battle been set to early back in the old days civic poli tics decreed a uggling for position until the very last minute the sitting mayor would never declare himself nor would any opponent at leatt before nomination night gone too are the day when a coun cil aspirant could be accused of causing an election and men who will run for council now have the temrity to come out publicly several weeks beforehand to tay they will be candidate with at uait one question vole and tent i makes no sense that while one goverfnmertif uwpartnttnt canes u mailing box psiviuqvs e government subsidized company like rha cbc should disseminate ifw u type of thing to millions of tv viewari t our attoicen klaii ffiervd is using hit ur tacticts t1i a m so ly that a petcerv teg of peeople will begin to beleve it ttere are rho w4w watched the show wlrf would lay he must be right or tluy wouldnt dare to telecast it thre ar som who may have rwver thought about the subject at all wk could be enticed mlo ttwj fold ajuj there is that vast msjoity of hu man beings none without guilt whet pre judical minor m hy migm be can be fanned by sucli flames now mat trie program has been put ented ww hope ministers will make a po nt ol disassociating memtelvet and their church with this movement it is the very antitrvetit of christian teachings halloween social with a quartette of high scrioolert indulging in some harmless shen anigans the rolling stomi are someth ng else agam trey might have emerged jrom the toughest slums of e large city they only lack switch kmvet to om the corner gang to encourage jiullible youngtlen to scream and carry cur like ninnies is unbe coming for a man like ed who purports to admire cleancut sporting typei and he it doing e real disservice to the hordes of talented entertainers who would give their eye teeth for a spot on his show we ve carried thu business too far al ready if sullivan wont clean up his pro gram himself its time network and adver tising sponsors iteppecr in for e conference perhaps the new british government should use tlia time honoured time gen tlemen end stop exporting their shoddy product and send us a few more julie an drews kay kendalls george formbys and mr pattrys do wives really have it arwe of ay baa trtaab an tlaa his news desk extras by terry hariey imcw ikt rounm couple of uutfimi which arc i just wacky enough to rout tin- fire and eolumne cunoeily one which started amok thsl dot the streets tl gemtt turnlng i the follow in old caorgetown these nlghu muat appear to a stranger sj a tn from t cecil h ueuilu widescreen epic if he squint ed just a little he might evan imagine he seea nero pljjtnj a hot strad when residents annually perform the ritual of we suggest to who evrr hu the job at your boue of ans wering the door oil hallow ru night that tly cut the treat in half for tha filler who didn t bother wltb s wuli ta a white sheet but figure an eymask and thopplng bag are their llcnsi to frload cmon kldi gjve tke shell ingout adults at least the sst lifactlon of knowing you re sufficiently grateful to go to the trouble of dressing up for bone ere food jokers oos- ensre food eoafcen meet wee e treat fmd at caawnee aanee jtor idm very raeeoaa j heve bjr ead let that w be led or misled fate u frswtraboei wsd b by a few buetnted voheppy euje arletore- tvr rears 1 he bee bjm lag a battle it be been ede lie of aklraiaihee in meedkee fuuacew etlkciu in tbl cehueba battdtauad combei tllji but old lady ob mm occasional 1 have been rovted lay banacrs utter ed tay farcea la diaarray but bay ideal have remained intact lay cauae unurnlabed wlu ive wm a at a teey he evlnfc u ini em wl rvekej mh s tke wers k e fc w aae taert i doat rrt b tnibul bt tb kttg tamfiaign the baly tbli tbat hial drwud tew kaj brt th utenae tobcuneaal 11 and agaia i have felt like a lot tubrol nit tif frou all relafur fvhirtj wtnyed by allies uut my havrt uaped in my brass wltb iw bojhi the other day wbau i rad aa article in uscuaua bugulne kof the first time in a decsde or mor i felt that my huii kquality a b a the troepa a ayabgl o daak apd eiaa tnerva boc mmca left to me tmmm neewhab afclu eart eavamkeivety eboed tbe apcr his tf e fa bnay frtday altfoa vttb bar little tbetra tb tbe farmer useabea pisol for taree yean be wlaf wttbta bla deeer aad caabla baesde tx abeoaaad beesemaat il tou es btaaw aad tbe ftvea of x bsea i mder u w teeis f ukuld ea a hnian hmiaf a ha drofm anoihar quarter la th eeis mi but iti saturday bubc aad hie wile uue u watch the morle tn tv uomt ol the dainaja baa heea wo by a comparatively tuu txhv of banidaiaat who have pnxlucvd a vert labi udj wrve of uxjka msguioe aru- clea o tv dlauiheri au with the satue theme tf you are a hotiftcwif i ud are bakkecipy and lruatralrd b youre a sub becaiue youre bot but wwhiag or writina a boeel og sculpting a sculp 0 sett thing meemel uille kaaew- ve beew fthle f uyet el aseeiw ww juuu mm vwlttify tvylwej w e tswaeaeeeweja l tfcef tfcey eee ifc x ffnteiro- sw bhlr4es tke eiy tfcwtf im wweriej ehev u tsf wy mi as any wuiua of rl liulgbt knowi u la the tnale of the fv tally whe is a slave to the ta lly who 1j fruatrated tmrulftp led and trapped let toe juota burning up oyr emblem dearl hn lutfd ing frsv of all canadians buy tooth paste but only 84 r own tooui brushes t1i survey al so discloses that cornwall ithem sliows the highest percentage consumption of baty soap i wthr that lndic co vy gjj theuflht wall has the most hsbiei or 1 in freat piles it a oiat kind of pectacle the survey also has ui dering u there is anv relit r on ion i h i desrt 9 we received a pif 0 the fart medicine mat vanity ksltk will news from the onurio luy lh mn tlliier witkh regard m slfaty usgua this weak which wt amonff the lest is worth passing slong th n air refreshener purchsa man who developed radar for- aircraft detection sir kobert watsotiwatt wn caught speed inf by police and paid a 112 so possibility of one or two more there will be variety for the voters too a yearly grant to the girls pipe band has already been set for property owners and chances are they will elso be asked opinion on sub sidizing a local bus service one councillor would have voters decide on whether store hours should be revised but it would ap pear he will not get majority support for this to date there have been no announce ments about other council contests al though we have heard a few new names noised about behind the scenes with elec tion definite for top post it is probable that there will at least be ward votes for council end possible that other lop offices may alio be up for grabs fine with his payment the good humoured sfir ftnhert in eluded the following poem pity sir tlohert watson watt strange target of hii radar plot and thus with others i ran mention the victim of his own imrn tlon ills magical all teeing re en shied cloud hound planes to fly but now hy some ironic twist it snots the speeding motorist and biles no douht with legal wit the hand which once created it also in the mall came the result of a canadian con aumer survey which would pro bably slip into the waste buck et without mention encept for a speaker in the un says cooperation will solve most of our problems we ve got the example that proes it i- recvlei would make a nice cnit of tan if they could only get together j wr 11 be uatching thu sat urday night to see the dir ectlon of a trend which started a couple of years ago among the older trickor treat group list year there was no miuk ing it home youngsters in the lmo 14 spread discovered they needed only a mask to cash in on the traditional giveaway and thats the way many of them were showing up at the door wearing whatever clothes they had worn to school j that day plus a mask wr think the practice la a display ot lailnrts on the part of the shortcut ten and detracts from the bliarre atmosphere of the kids night out iurely cwj will hel hear the at job 13 is pride has no audienee be fore the almighty humble yourself before cod la due time he will lift you up rtiinri of winning ntle of the article wu uur rltge is easy hlreel kor wo man wriltefl by sidney kit it was sober factual refutav- tloa of that hsse lnsiduwu and ljvcreaslntf whine of the um that a housewife is bored trapped a slave to her family and unfulfilled m a human being ur kits quotes sociologist psychologist and anthropologist to prove what i have been saying for years that it is just the opposite that it la the male creature in marriage who la trapped who is the slave to his family and who very often is bated silly with the whole business i have no need to quote any kind ol sn ologiit au i have to do la look sjourid me theres the former tarror ol the unk erp a tljf la tr- gcorgelown herald business directory chiropractor donald a cay dc appolntmrnu mad dilly ci i m 7m61 1 mu tl gbi chiropractor carm w crtvh dc on jilly w hftalntnthl iiouu till tntnuti i77u31 11a mil u ntt o y walkm ko dou 6rtomtkuy 12 uiln st s brauplab 4mm74 ktt 4m42u hour oam to 6 p m tudiy to siturdiy triiif 0 aw to t p m kvnlnju by appolnlmaut news echoes tn tk ft el tha rurtld 154 and 144 h alton wiekly oksetvations v b hamy hariiey m ki halton v there have been thraa maaatirl dealing wllh labour mattera vha ftrat wai an am- endment to tbe merchant sea man compensation act to raise the level o benefits un der the present act to bring them in line wllh present standards and make some ret roactive payments to seamens widows and children the oond matter waa the ratifica tion of an international labour conference to remove discrim ination in employment and occupation hated on race cot- oar eer religion or politics and to promote equality of op portunity thu convention haa already been adopted bv 40 member countrlea of the in- jternauonai labour organisat ion both these measure pass ed quickly the third- matteh is the ij national labour standards 1 code i have already discussed and thll is still under debate 4 h this will affect those employ- in federal work- under takings and businesses there are problem to be worked out here- for example truckers who cross provlndsl borders will come under this legisla tion they often work 80 hour week and a reduction to 40 hours a week a in the pro posed bill would mean a re duction in wage there is a transition period before the bui becomes effective and the bill may be amended of course to ease theae problems before passage in tbe house of com mons dom as a result our conill tutlon will have become for the first time in the history of canada truly and wholly can adian the formula for consti tutional amendment provides that as a general rule propos als for change in the consti tution will become law if they are passed by farllamnt wltb the agreement of at leasi two- thirds of the provinces having at least m of the population of canada in matter which are of concern to only a lim ited number of province the twothird rule 10 ylafcs aoo e0oomada wild raid on dr h a mcculloufllii pm hock of southdown aheap this week which ovaluator noiliqn stark sayi it the wont he haiean at lejt two dogi wero involved in 1h attack- end wfe soon leaving the pan by an employe four pnie sheep were found dead and lour were ao badly mutilated they had to be destroyed immediately in a lockol 44 only two sheep eicaped unharmed death of young english raf member brought aadneti 1o friends in town who remember him at schoolboy when they served overseas mrs dorothy b palmer who was known lo icoret of georgetown soldiers as mother palmer when she entertalrted them at her home at farnborough hants wrote this week to tell ol her sons death 24yearold nigel palmer was killed in a flying accident off the ills of wight a norval native donald russell it new torontos 1s5 mayor a brother of local farmer jim russell he is the owner of three drug stores in the toronto suburbs 20 y8ahs aoo cakk wautwood ontarle land oryert uo uountalnvkw hi et yrisn1 mill w h csrr at- c wstwwd t 7uoo km tk 4414 is replsced by the becent federalftc- the agreement only of those vlndal conference unanimous ly agreed on a formula to re patriate the constitution of canada- this formula when it ha become law will mean that any future amendment to tbe con will be msde in canajdttaalead or by the parliament of tbunlted king- province the twothird v affected some fundamental provision ql tbe constitution such a tbe division of legislative pow er between federal and pro vincial authorities and the uae of both english and french continued on page s dax developments limit1d uulldert l ru henee prop wsllw pscholok 77un t tyymis barragers clunersshlrt launderere tr rs4 it main s 1m guslpb all wk ion en breoium the men in iervlceovertaa end their families have reason to thank mr ben young of terra cotta for his grand contribution to the heralds soldiers comfort fund thll week mr young donated apurebred hol- steln calf from a fully accredited and hated herd had 400 lucky draw tickets printed al hit own expense sold them by hmeelf in a weekle time and hod mayor har old cleave drew the winning tlckt on the municipal hall steps the winner was robert reld norval i the spring revue of the gertrude cain school of danc ing was held in the gregory theatre last night jack thompson was master of ceremdnles end mrs jrene mitchell was the pianist bill mcdonald and his rhythm rubes wore guests artists f- wallach thompson ird division teurl clerk a commissioner yyjj robt r hamilton optoatrisf 116 uoubuinvlew m s cerreul bulg for appointment n 8773971 massage maurice h mellor rm v cleaveholme dr aot7uo90m7s h6um calll by arrangml monuments pollock campiiu des10ns on beouest inspect our work in cimnarood cemetery phoni jliio si water street north out dale bennett latimer bainei ilrrlavr imicltem douqla8 v latusest tacftence t bawia tsuagu smi u uu1 st cmrgetowe george c hcwson lurrusw and umi 118 uounulnvltw rd 8 carreul building georgetown yl mil frederick a hehon barrister and fellclter lid uounuuvlaw rd e carreul building caorgetow nt yjoo classified ads bring results hank pitch ucensed auctlclneke prompt service po boa 41 tb 7iaot oeonetowa m e ffaaboenod qc barrlsmr and solicitor al mill st georgetown tr 72444 omarrowrr animal clinic ids oeelpb street v xavifst dvs be k k oaskln- clinic open 8 jui mom wan mi saturday 11 ajsu rs tt- tvansidderbjl baittster tenches meter oh wlulanu bldgj m main s tb t4b11 tar husbmls had an oould frool the fcrtlru in a survey 1 one housewife said a hurried wuiiien ha it made welcome to the berrusdea ketx you can plu sandbag while i sharpen my tliigrr ta stick it la the dyke co get mm girls- auts itvet u illmhee ceorgetfrwn oourte waltw c slejai puklubet uhuu mccllvrey rvoductloa supertntendesi twry llaruy allien indley news editor accountant else dougu adrerusiul elnier kaplan ord barrtstere anal ieikjferf tldnjy ka1lan f us itountalfitiew rd v carretal building

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