Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 29, 1964, p. 5

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a ooidoi mtpomo annivnlafty was clbtd son- day efsswnodn hjicwi centennial manor by mr and mm joeo hoars former teildenli of gln williamt tlwj have lfived at the manor for the peat three years 1 50th wedding anniversary is happy event at manor forvmf ifiitiaflu of ouu winunu mr and mr jo lloare tj halloa ceuten- i baad maoot celebrated a hip- yy totb weddln- atmiversary um manor 611 sunday aflr- loo october 18 urruunded y friends and ttciirttbon and 4 boat of kilts and good wish- tte tppy couple received front i covccn and vfttllir frool ottawa halton uim george a ijcerr eueudej the auniversary u lament aeroll from lyeftv r johd rnbahs end the on j tari c6verntaelt reeve john xllioct georgetown brought ptreetlnx tn behalf of the hal i tea manor board of manage- eftenl tbe womens auxiliary ser- d refreshment capably as- lilt fed by several girls from the milton kangrf crew a lartf anniversary cake and floral bouquet graced the head ta ble ur hoar a defccrnriant of oil of kkqufiinui early plun- eers farmed at iot 22 con- ruian 11 near glen williams all his life until retiring about 12 yean ago the couple lived in glen williams before they took up residence at ha ton manor about three years ago uoth were active in church work during their pait years at glen williams and lovd and respected by their former neighbours from the glen dis trict there are no immediate relative but several relatlona and claae friends war among the visitors to their sunday open house grand jury inspects buildings recommends no major changes grand jury bombers w i tcerorauy impxrnml by the ewerall eopearaiice and main- v of ih kalton county adsainlstrattori toaluung when i they inapcctad llmlun county i bnlldliui oa um bae line on 1 ayhsrrsday the jurats tldlfel kat the facilities am ado- ejuate for future extension but offeml armral su- tiona for iribrovina condhlohl ineludad in their siitecs- tlons win the following jury ttooma be sound proofed to avoid transmission tilce conversation to wll- nee rooml e jury wooma be equipped with tut ahadea for comfort of jnnn durins prolonged eon- ddaratlona m doora jireaently nron- ped open be kept eloaed to fulfil proper function or alter natively be equipped b nrv per fualble link arrenfemenu i t permit aafe uaatfe while in fen uoaulon the doora to the county atocorda vault located in the ant floor area be maintained in doaed poaltlon to fulfil their proper function f landscaping surrounding u adtninbtratlon nulldlng be brobght to atandardt neceaury is maintain the dignity and enhant the appearancea of llb property suitable window screen- ituf be provided throughout the building old court houm jail the etaff of the jail llouie- b to be commended on the daanllnfetf of um building the pruonera and staff appeared reaaonably satisfied their re port stated tb maoulral court tlio court was not in wi- lon howenr the gwral ap pearand and maintenance was ajatisfactory juron noted ualtoh canlmuilalwmanor wo wero impressed by the extreme cleanliness and the ef tadent n in which the building is operated and the courtesy of the staff in con ducting this jurys inspection ur kunley allen snd staff are to be commended they reported ambulance runs the geortfistown voluneer ambulance service had five calls injhe week of 18 to 24 m uoiuiy october id 1030 pw a trim port lion run georgetown to georcetown hospital taken by r broom hetd and j bennelt tuesday october 20 050 am a transportation run from from georgetown to george town hospital taken by it rroomheici and j bennett v wednesday october 21 420 pm a tranaportation run from georgetown to st jos ephs hospital guelph taken by w thompson and g green wednesday october 21 700 pm a transportation run from rr 5 milton to george town hospital taken by d scarborough and ii shortlll saturday october 24 1245 pm a transportation run from milton hospital to mr- phersona rest home in hills- burg taken by d tucker and d ward announce nov 11 next red cross blood clinic a blood donor clinic u be ing held in georgetown on wednesday november 11 ac cording to an announcement in this issue of the herald the georgetown and district red- croaa lrancb provided the herald with the following re sume of way blood donors are urgently heeded have you ever required blood tranv fuiiont if not yoti are indeed one of the morfortunt c- avadlen citiini- fcvasry day of evry year countlaeea thou anda of canadlena deceive or require a blod transfusion the tuaoiu for urarufuslon verted but cecil ftai tb ne el li vw tin pr-r- vstioa aed rouugatloii of life think for frw moment i tx you irhow of otirw who lbl belong to gb of the fol lowing gtoupay l a cut anoiij cul by vr htrinui-rbaar- uul ly accowpwiiwl by abock tb r- tuilt of an aectdnt aurgrry priwatluo of h gaatric ulfvr or abortioti to cite tkumplti 2 luctiiorrbage or blood lim4mi to uiu caugory u uihg biiiiiophilis uukriiiia and vruruj tiiaiigtunt diui uj toxeuiia tveuuceoniu or iol4scuou in ui blood turn are but i le enaiupwa of the cojuiitiotui requiring a uaua- fiulon and tbei can affict and have afflicted tlie ciuina in uiu couuiiuinty uuitliiiej gral complace ncy is known unleu one is im mediately involved there u al- mj a great unawareneu of the prevalence of theae conditions if you wri to check the lo cal hoipltal records for the paat few months you would find that someone you know 1 or who is a citlien of this cotaaiunlly received a blood tranaiusion as part of bis treat- bienl for oil of the sfurr- named conditiona no one can foresee the fu ture therefore no one knows when one of iheae conditions may afflict you or thee you hold near and dear thus blood taiual be readily availa ble in ytar pej a blood trans fusion wu a cosily matter and aometintee duaory wre diffi cult to obtain the rftiran bed croas trmnaf uaioo sendee hava overcome this and now provides blood rke of cu abce- you fellow dtiaen can do yottr bit to to rein serve your family and cootuaunily by do nating your blood at the next blood donor clinic on nov her 11 1s64 who need a blood trana- fueioot u could he yjquf lets play bridge t by bill cbatts terra cotta woman was active in church groups funeral service was held oc tober 20tb for rulb annette douofl 33 who died october 17 georgetown hospital daughter of mrs hutchinson and the late dr f s hutchin son she was born in brampton and attended central public scbool and graduated from brampton high school since her marrioge to her bert dolson in 1040 she had liv ed on hcraldo farm lot 23 con 6 chlnguscousy mrs dol son was a member of union presbyterian church and bad a wide circle of friends in the ijnion district as she actively participated in the work of the choir the missionary society and the terra cotta farmers club surviving are her husband herbert her mother mrs y fi hutchinson brampton and a sister mrs j it funa4on freda of brampton rev it duncanson conducted the funeral service at the har old c mcclure funeral home pallbearers were james doane william ostrander john lyons norman russell art hutchin son and murray mckaehem flower bearers were clarence anderson art mckane leslie young harry moore frank and donald douon doug mc clure elsworth arnott george eaon albert hunter and frank vetch interment was in hill- crest cemetery norval one aepect of lb gam of bridav that u little understood by tbe wrftge britigv player u sacrifice blddibg there u a good raoit fu tbu at rub- br bridge altfutth kritke bidding has a plae it i not u obvlou4 is it la at dupiku bridge ubat u amrrtflce uddingf suppoivr f uppoiafttu are vul- drrsblai and have ut bii un ipidi you are iurv tbt thy can make thu conlrct- if you do nothing thy will kror tao points for ue sum siad iw points for us tuadet- tbis is a total of itto ponu plua wbit tbey uae for tbe rubbcr- ifyou bid uvrti dlabaonds gtl doubltsl and go down 4 tricks not vulnerable you will low 700 points actually uwvrr you have galrwd 230 points un fortunately tb opponenu arv allll vulnerable so you cannot claim points there at duplicate bridge each hand u scored on lis own vul nerability is not carried from hand to hand hence when sac rificing you ran also include tbe bonus for vulnerability a good example of thu occurred last week st the acton bridge club near j ne s dca nor lrr north th south vulnrra nartk sk q 11 a j 0 8 5 4 dj 8 c 10 3 2 bit wsl felt r 0 7 5 4 3 sj 8 2 ii 7 0 113 f q 5 4 k 0 7 8 2 c a q 5 ck 0 8 6 soulvi s a 10 ii k q 10 2 ij k 10 3 cj 7 4 ttit north tats 3 it lan bidding estt sauth im lit 3 nt 4 11 pais phis all wail im 4 s pais aa you look over the hand im sure that you will realize that four hearts can be set however this hand was played at four hearts three limes and every declarer made his con tract it la moit difficult for west or fust to lead club ear ly in the game when north jujcj lo three bcarla- fcaat suepedj that they will go d game and peeparea for a ajrcrifke hi 3 bo trump bad m called the unuaual he tnamp- it rvqiauta perioc to bid hk brat minor uw ovtf four bearu bowwer wi tan ud fcpadce abd et whh toieraure for aivadcs call leave it la if south is allowed ui play 4 heru and if he tnakra it be will asfoe 1120 politta- wvats out evade rootrrt doubled vu set only two trclu tblj was 500 polnu to north south and uuile a profilable aacrifice for vlkit writ limihoutc home economist gives on budgeting mrs- couoni home eeonoin- lt comluctd tbe flrat of a ser ies of meeting on m ting in the local school on october 10 two more are planned one on food budget ting on nov 2 and a third on nov 0 when a speaker will discuss wilts and insurance etc all lsdies sr invited and may ask questions viiitora with the langridg family a week ago sunday in- eludad mr and mrs gordon hanna and family of listowel mr and mrs clifford tapping and family and mr ami mrs tapping sr of port credit ur and mrs norman mc dowell of brandon manitoba have been vititing cousins mr harvey mcdowell and mrs oiburn and the lawions snd others mrs- robert lane has been in the doctors care the pat ten days but w are pleased tint she is improving mrs w mitchell underwent eye surgery on tuesday last week at st michaels hospital we hope for her steady im provement mr and mrs a c patterson attended the golden wedding anniversary of mr and mrs cecil patterson burlington on saturday says oiurdt unity is faith not fvumade unity la not ammtflrtng man create- in the ehnreh started the re john juilfner of geo rgetown in bis review of the hook lie shall reign forever and ever by meyer air kiiffner la the pastor of runnuaumael f h n ft church it congregation- be was addressing the weet- era ontario lutheran pastoral conference held in st johns lutheran church last thnrsy unity cotnee about of itself through faith in christ when we heliarve in chris we have a oneneari in christ the fcnl- fying force u the comxdoe love tn christ and the reception eg word and sacraments k fctav bad we moat ever be careful thai we dont preach around the goepel but truly the goa- turl itself namely the gao4 fcewv of eternal salvation b- atim of christ paying the pen alty of our alns kutfocf fur- ther auted 1h hu review harley to halton continued from page 4 languages could be cbanxrd only by the federal rrlumbt and all the province agreeing together one day was devoted to further dehau oil the -redl- trlbution bill aa i have fam tioied previously lullod will aunoat certainly be divided in eoue manner as tbe popula lion of halton is now appro- imauly 1u0o0 the daya dd- bate was one of tbe better work days in the house ff cora mo nj with all hartus work ing actively to improve the dutch bulbs rosedale floral a almky it rri bol several amendments were awopoawd by both government and opposition and were car ried unanimously tbe contro versial el inane dehng with the sppojotment of the eoav miasioo and the percentage of tm 6akmsbtown mould ttmraslst oils as 7 1m packs tolerance of tpvm were nf the few resbadjiiac rlauaee to be pa seed the evelyn shoppe has many styles y jijf cjwt a to choose from ivsie this one chiseid princess hand jtiktasad skapax hajxik tlwe quafiei 1 leh kleeves in borfi twin avd bipple k kml vah k gofttei in ft row gerenlurrt b holly berry crystal blue ft eeite black b brown aui oiit- er ihedo tool 1 7 trkhassl b siiei 10 to 20 bbqile fkva 1 1 2995 to 5995 ill the evelyn shoppe 7 main j n c774u1 m you probably wouldnt wor ry about what people think of you if you could knnw how seldom they do ohn miller i nash and mcdowell rtumbino and hiat1no vitar softoiwr v wats svslaws tacvalrs altaratlon tr72o42 feal town of otouonown is your name oi the voters list last date for filing an appeal november 6th 1964 to ddtermincrlf your rismtf is on tha 1964 voters list check ths lists posted at thai following locations clerks office municipal building 36 main st n post office corner guelph st and maple ave delrev smoke shop delrex market centre in case of omission or corrections enquiries may be made by telephoning or attending the clerks office 34 jaaln street north tr 7ov81 between u0 am and 500 pm monday to thursday and 900 am to 400 pm frldaysrfrom october 23rd 1964 to nov ember oth 1964 to be qualified fa vale at municipal eledlans you must be 21 years of egei british aubecf an owner or ten wit or wife or husband of an owner or tenant and your name must be on the voters list or added thereto by an appeal mad within the lime above mentioned mease check now to ascertain if your name is on the voters list appeals must be filed el the clerks office s6 main si north on or befou november aril 1964 r c g benhamr cleric end returning officer need 5000 till pay day try allanllca thrifty hfly 5000 coals only 23c till pay dsy call vaughn motuy at atuntic finance tiw1 12 malri si s from barrage s new senrice shoe repair pickup and delivery your shoes picked up at your borne and expertly repaired by joe babic shoe repair phone 8774279 or bring your shoes with your cleaning to one of our handy locations barragers cleaners and dyers ib main st s 166 ouelph st georgetown what do you want in a new car quality styling reliability guaranteed service plymouth valiant chrysler has all this and much more too no delivery problems either for example heres a plymouth and at maveal motors you get dependable personal service at their convenient downtown location mavealmot0r sales ltd yqur authoroh jnymouth vauant and chryslmblauht main st n t georgetown j j- c r t- ilifcil

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