Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 29, 1964, p. 9

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mid of 4 part scries tys polluted water atesontario desert to tto merelri supply and treatment of donviand treatment fry qwyn ktneey lottie and industrial wastes ens review puoi sod approve or jerged la the ltooe kw nwsv 1 disapprove o all crater and ontario could be desert by idpaluiee had 09 money for sewage pfoih to be under 1m0 because of polluted wat watex aad according id d n welkin- i thaw nsomber of the conserve fttpa council of canada and aol ew lor the metropolitan lugm cotaaerva- authority aod sewsge work the tskco by mlinlcipehtle or per war then channelled all money and effort in the one direction cuoktii after the war came a eiplo- ate wetrr aivc period of population d for ontario industrial growth along with roouftt spiralling costs and tnietvst advice coawrnjng finance and oper end vewsmr varks municipehues enrol 46 children in holy cross kindergarten dr jantea a vik i rales i ail thu bol 1 ol iv oaurta welw w d t cagdiiioi muck lurreuod aaaouot ol i jjw coo rvelloo council ha mu u u dispowj of by isoaw rtmler robarta liojol pnu taeoy of whl i w 00 ite lhrar etudvi duat i11 ik vw ajf atr pollution the report tbo attuatloel u woxaaolng ijms tail for boot drastic aod lwattl action oy yriinnt llaalttstry and th puhlt in g- nl rnoemilf jlw dr vaoc thinks k report valuable purpow in tartl lb kubii and lla bill 1 to to scnouaneaj of vat mf oo ha qumilooj of has coaxluauoc bow h daaa not think ik atasatioa la voraenin h ba- wilaf luaourcoa csmanjlabsiir baa baacta traaaen procreaa alava ii wi la hot what aware domth c rlha priaaaas to ucku u r weste dfcpoftjl proact touch undertaken by induury operate laboratory and krercb terrvlres jin canrttctaofl with walr rarwi and indus trial w puhuar carry um a conlinjmi wrcb but would be very costly to h fet rtw ground water wyhti lehd or rplace hrguui the u it ihrt the prwvlnci tovrrnibent tlj utxd to ctfltrol aqubt kt ut a hpcrul lnv k ir aiuiaiir eomhiktre 1 ltttl 1ti td kftjui hi rrrthtn ihl-m- the lbllhmu lit ltod of m fur irrlliiliou the ontarle wete kkdjrrr in if watfr from srv comikiiinfl which brc u 1 of lupplv uoftnt ik- fllolrii v kkykmt ok authority uivdr lh oittarl wlr ftr l j minr ihr tulip fcairrr lartmlkloil art fif gdnuniatfrink tduirtuinif tit1a foitieix local children he- cane holy croaa stparata schoora klndetjarten clau moaday wto they look their places in a new claaarooan add ed to the buudiax this fait up until this term holy cross pariah children of kind eriarten ae have been atleiv int y rlaaees in the town s five public achools- the holy cross erbool has ben operat nt unr lftfta mrs o iteilly hired to uarb the new claas atared indian br duties at the achool at the he trt of ptebr fjbeetv ooinf and has burna yvoao carne thom as diamond kay doucetl an drew drcotera step pmp can scott dwyer lane early brian edward catherine els- lifef deborah ferguson ken aetb riynn ceraldine ford stephen fortowsky william freesnao laurie harrlnttoo paula hewlu shelley jeffrey dald jeffrey kent kennedy joyce layton donna mafdy btuert htaluon gregory afartin konald weed lurie milof paul alauly gerard nelut- fl afarianne nesneth llobert leun lend power susan flilinworit until pnngle rawunaon paul now largrn scott iteord petricis hr are the toembers of the i snivth judith stnne rirkkrd rfrst holy cross klndrrgsrtrtt i htrlle uargarel tiyhr kliu e v tetl wilcox cirol ann ftrav allcharl holf tlvw tuthjaaxd hreie myts derrick bm konald houwbuit lufila mahony fast coast honeymoon it mr mrs john wilson auaults dewty must apologize ray costs an okviue nun was placed oa probation for two years ami ordored to spolofixa to the dep uty sheriff he was convictod of nssulting when be appeared for sentence in aiagiatrat s court last week uagiatrate kenneth u lang- don also ordered the man to keep the peace and pay court costs of 130 the accused was convicted of ass lilting mac sprowl oa octo ber 7 sprowl testified the rrf cused had knocked him down land beat him wheo be attemp ted to srve the man with a wrti of summons to apoesr in divulojl court we timminj druggist optometrist 45edrj a orugglet fend optometriai in tlqunris for 4i years duiu e lusll cuhls 19 dlad in port arthur woeolul on october u bon in coorgeujwn he at leaded achool here he moved to port arthor la ims lollow ing the death of his wie rose ha ieaves a daughter kuth mrs t p cailoo of forth arth ur a son james of toronto and eight grandchildren requiem mass was celebrated october 19th la the church of the transfiguration weston with interment later that day in the family plot in greenwood cecoetery hare tht gior01t0wm hltald thursday october 39 ih4 pagg sstnioh junior day winners at a senior junior day held at the north halloa club sunday were oa loath and phil bludd tad feoalftf aod bob bradley groas and ernie and roger smith and bud and bob uoockton net tyeose tation of prixea and a supper were held later in th cluh- bouse 1u57 u owltc is riorrj u kep rlou wtrh bwmf wtlrr- pollutioo through skmlahflrt of streams knd aourcts bj pl lution it has the nhl of forcemebt of shy of its suffes tloni for eitsttil knt bls luted khow th etrl i its tuthnnty m tre wstr iinplv in t illlllv u 1057 ihe ow tiiiid ertifirstrt of sptrovit f r vs tr and wwsk work with qurhrc th rufct f out prinee kdwsrd uund and thr sortbrrt suts wr iwludn ncw lfxil aisotlcltlon ih in h houynood itinerary of 1 ryr and urs j h i wuinn aisis guides brownies owner transferred 1959 merc hardtop no cash nuoto j cajtv on aymtnii 3600 per month coll 4515972 r of liow welding look plw r a north frorgrtowri lcl aiiacitan to kmtt uadrs of til in the uons e livtivldusu induitrtrt j ifiisl vilue nf lfl 4 mit tn ot knuniclpeutus adviae tnuulclpslltirtl terming wetet iresttacnt ajulrenwnll slid neds in bv h rut of 1063 ihr rumu uttve llal si0uhtd to er bus million ihr ltal fr mm roit jyar up t ihe d tit auiuit fum awobleou of water i kmciion with arwage dlapeurifrdrd wo mllin 3 cnlly in bramplon tb brli rla van ajarl i st u ami ih bldtow k oc rtlown dlltrltl wa lb fcn ol air and ur pn form at a hirtlnf october tt t wllaon rw mrva ts at lb born ol tb cohiwit wbll lldloli aiwl blnk bo tliflm un k vorw n jj ltorld r unltl thurth h n for lb frmony tondutlfa bv 1 luttj hf pjfvi nd clmplin kv t strlmr ur i ui s ahdr unllad i yona normal aanl th wr u cjlukh cr cburch dint lrayr- ind o 1 1 rlt kmk h liv aowpanld y llv wcr un i mrlrnmb murray lllhriniton i f mr j t ivn in martla by tor v4lm 2n1 tlc ur flhr ik brld wor a ilwr skon ur j unilh aalh w of tblllon ljtvrn r u c or bridal tallh with a lonn c walh baftl train a crown ol t un ur ulm and tarla hall hr c uunlly pu rplllloni 0oulovr lnlh vll an1 im j crrw a whlla orchid with tla rd to mnthara of gulda and ttrnwnlr anyon intrrilh in tha work may join hv rontaftj ina ih rnnimminnrr lb nrat mnrx will b at lha homr nf mr j ijavar 24 mnullrfy rrte on i thi ckidit thkouoh aaokval yremembrance supper first event for legion reopening uorabora of tlranch im yal of icouitlc iii and naw light ojnadun lallon in abowim l mora lnlarlt than tuull la ih eoinlnl ramanibniit soppr on kriday novantbr th thla yaar it will lun b th fliot una ui audltorluht hai thn uaad allica ih rtnnvation ol th bulldini uian and will gvo olambara attandlnl bra- vlaw of th look of their fculliilnl whlla th whala bro- wj wilt hot b comfcilated vsfohuoalely th auditorium and ontrann hilll and rooma ytira hill he ins uirnushout tha kitchen hai ben cnurgl i nw lounge incorporated and naw wahroom lacilltiei thoughout the en tranc downalalra and in the auditorium haa been complete ly changed and modemilml and now featurci a wide iwecping entrance in the upttiira the lighting will he controlled and can b adjusted up or down according to needi to officially open the fall the annual remembrance sup per ll scheduled tctr november ftth with l turkey dinner teal ured an exceptional gueit ipea ker and a dance following vhll lphanolii uiu tblly van arkel bramp toa lb bride lialer waa maid of honour and the tj- nr m wr mu avlin v arkel no lit ate r an d mm mnu joan cbaioberlaln rft 1 kline- n hrg the lunior hrldomaid a the bridegroom aiiler uiu jean wllinn thv wor fullikirled nn a long dipule tneam cf taugelo aatapeau with hothpartie ar wrong awmtheart neckline their ac cuorlei war white and ihev carried kouiuetl of whll wedding ring handi eompleled their enaemhlei ur taul may rrj llornbv 11 the hel man and the uh era wr mr herb van arkel tha bride a brother and ur tom hunler hh 3 grge town to receive the guet at the receplinn in the fellowship hill nf crece united church the bride a mother wore a dreu of printed nylon rhllfon over talfeta faille with a gar rtnl corsage she waa auliled by ih hndeeroome mother hn choae a theath dre with jacket of bin brocaded llk black acceiaoriea and a white gardenia corsage im going away the hrldo wnr a beige wool suit and gold brocade hlous wllh ac ceiaorles of beige and brown and a while orchid corsage out of town guesta cam from tort arthur oshiwa london niagara tails toron in aclon brln burlington stnulfville milton fieorga- town and cheltenham ur and mrs wilson live in their new house at it r 1 nor val 7 weekend special wa wilt kw you now proof that we tlv you mote for your tv dollar tttf aloojslqulhl model cai it oh ted channel indicalof sji 173 etfeciive tuba functwii sy one 4x6 front mounted speiker s naw direct v lion picture tuba monitrontc circu t slsbil ir y twoyear p cture tuba gusrsntse 0 pre sat f ne tun ng tkadv yonioht pay only 26995 vaay tenrts wigo malm ura1 huctt taivision and appliances nshh hallonl lar tv and appllanc oulll 77337li dn your sayings biiy canada savings bonds csbmpay1afaemklflhifrtuaapaj5joriacktftymxfjtpt svmjottach pjuumajmlhrtiytarsmaag4yuljwhmkiljlomhluribitsaytif

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