Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 5, 1964, p. 11

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k p- f 3 3s0 rvler jones i hot us three hundred see banner presented juhf qunn wothy aaatron of the goolown chapter of live ofder of the burt suf hold live official chapter flag wh di was peientpd in a ceremony here friday night tlw chapter symbols and emblems adorn trie five po nil of the two- coloured itsr aaora than thre hundred attended const lution n nhl m kivox church bell hoc mb v masquerade party for church little helpers under kh lcdcnlt of urs jack koyee the annual hal lowe rt biauiuraxle i arty was fceld tor the uttw helpers of sl supbrd a anglican church c saturday october 24th in tit chureb hilj vtti so kinall children attending rua for site litue jfirls were von by diana uoyce tod tracy thorpe rha looked very pretty in their dksrmlnjc outfits tlie best dret- md boy were geoffrry draw brook firt and second prtie wbj tie by trier and tarry 1uh ko were dressed alike a special rotrk also wu toan- tiaewd utf costume of the loqrming oidr children lfcurt yajprcu vila rt koyce judy tamtu a xarea bradley bob by lrctiu and uaut dm lrtf favours vera given out to all tw children the third hie tin of the hornby north 411 club wai beod oil saturday october 24 at the borne of uri jim uckay a team for the club waj dci ded and it will be known u th merry yuifini a dbvcua- siou wu held on achievement dy not of interest were si yen and dlseiiiwed on the dlf tfcrent kinds of flour and their ua and how to make graham muffina linda wilaorj cava a dernotutration on making grab- muff ina and derlene lealle veuh llla were dmner guests and nncy robertson alao made mote after the demonstration carolyn tcwtru and patsy jlccaiidlaarf nude chicken luce bke and urs llckay made a jambalaya caswrott these di he aer ervd at tuftrh lime for the girls to sample and tha boaies aerved tea the next neeetlntf will be at the home of carolyn pewtren the knnual turkey supper u edn united church was held tuesday nijht oct 27th with 200 peoolfl attending the aup- jr was convened by mrs har ry lowden the hornby women s ins tit ute held a euchre party at the orange hall hornby on friday nljbt october w with ii tables in play prises were awarded to the following mrs jack el uott urs cliff wrigitlejworth tom bouafleld mid t tenycke mr rick rowan entertained with mlacelunaous shower in a fcooour of miss hertha brueker who will become the bride of kerry monuomery of don mills oastmky nov 21 the tfueets attending were school chum whd attended the old ixth lino achool with hertha she wu aaslated on opening her gifu by urs charlea so ekfti and ulis joanne fatter- the ladiei of the hornby united churoh xjcw catered at the banquet and annual h meeting of tbevwajne meat co held on wednesday night october 2flth b the dmrch ba- h the banquet was atten- jed by 80 members and friends i buth and ronald break enter tained the gueata with the play- incof their electric guitar and i aingin reports were given and electloiu hjld congratulitlons to mr and yh ckostcbtown hirald th4mwy mv s 1944 iagk 11 llr udvid kiln or r r 1 horn by on the birth of their riau ghtrr on octolwr 23rd at hie uilton district hospital corvgratulatjoni to mr and mr allan gilhrs on the birth tj their aon at the uilton dis trict hospital on oct 34th mr and mrs john bul1i and mr and mrs george thomson are enjoying a vara tion in florida the fourth meeting of the nomhy merry muffina was held on saturday oct 31 at the home of carolyn pewtreas dur inj the cookinjj period caroln pewtreis made a diah of spag hetti and meat balls carol ui lie pal crawford and nancy robertson made a apaghettl sauce and linda wilson patsy uccaiidle roberta murdock barbara pre to a and darlene leslie made apple oat square notes were given on around the clock for cereals mrs george hamilton mr and mrs garry hamilton and aon kent miu rave smith and on sunday nov 11th of m and mrs roy south of bramp ton following the christening of kept douglas hamilton at et pauls united church tw rev john medermid anniversary greetings are wished for mr and mrs bert lmllewho will celebrate their wedding day on november btb birthday greetings to i isa tally n and doug cordingley on november 7th anniversary greetings are wi shed for mr and mrs graham gillies who will eelahrate their wedding day on november 7th many happy returna to mr md mrs george galbraith who will celebrate their wed ding day on november dth blachford new manager georgetown bell area h afcmold blachokd h arnold niachford has been appointril bell telephone com nany manager for georgetown and the surrounding area he bertimm telephone mini gpr for this region in add tion to his present position as man ager for oikvllle and the neigh bouring exchanges or clarkson slrec4bvilie campbellville and uilton in taking over tm new duties he succeeds i h jams mr blarhfont joined the ttell in toronto alter graduation from the university of toronto schonla and he held vinous pnits in toronto and montreal before being appointed mana ger in north bay in ims he returned to toronto in 10m as manager for the down town area and was appointed to the position of supervisor of customer relations for tor onto area in lift irom that position mr rbchford went to oakville in 1061 always interested and active in community affairs mr blachford is married ulth a daughter and a ton he is a krn golfer angler and bridge player use the classifieds for results international brampton furs 31 qtmch st east oramptdri 4517673 now at your service mstviimo kpairino shominino custom nir kok6 and famic cleaning e mads lo meuure and ready- made coals jackets stolei end hals froe estimates and free pick up end delivery couttetv no bmjdmg permit orders shed removed ttoudtng iajpector w huua fcuained tdf mant in mf ytfmj on ube micrsma a horse ahed at eaqueairut couacd alooday might ii hu to cxmd down told both council and mr mr miennu ezplalned that he ctartod building the liable without a permit which he r knw ws wrona however he claimed mr hull siw it whea it wu half done fcod d vucd him to chane it to cum ply viur reumions this he hd kccordiii to mr merwai tha the uiildii iiuifector emote wck od told bin to trar it dowd th ucvc who id iut lit apectcd the buudjug that ftf texnooa tolntrd out that the bvtlding wj cue to tiw frbc puulbly only 8 futa ot rlxbtren inches awiy jt docant runtup to town ahip fryxjuutairnlis at all kit ted w hulls jr lrbn tu oh ingf i told him he could leave u till spring vlwti th borw wut out lo grau he bddd councillor w i j h hij pun td out that there is nothing lo atop anyone having a horte in normal continuing he stated thcr is a regulation spying a building uuiit be five tei from the fence uirv letlle enpulned that an eaverktrough would take any water along and into die same ditch on the neat property whrre die water is now going councillor u cume frit that if rrpaira had to he done from w hill a friend of miersma claimed that the buildiol of plywood would cot need repair for tome time and went ou to aai that o eavestroughcuuld be put up without going on the fteigjfchourma properly afl a lull the reeve rem ftrhed lbt the township dido t wmat leas to gulag up all over cr cume slated that it wu the building ioaiectur bvtn eas alaxe he wee hired for the ib would you uck a building liupertrtor who told him to go ahead and u it thed after it u filed tell him tu wt it don doaaaded w hill i a where the irvublv urf all right agreed couim- w unhaul afbrr all th dwuuiun in apector hulu hllll iualktrd the hulldmg mut fotii down an uiiuually hiiit nuuilxr of ahrep ae butg destroyed by dot hi the township accord ing t bevaluator nulsoti stark u he perntd the cuuns of twer aide tlts jauie surk lukt foirms a lad hri2adlr v c wallace lost 10 tiwp th towiuhip yvluiuiraxd mr stark ri and urlgaditr wallace 372 with iw pasaing of die an bual election bylaw nomination tugm was srt for monday no- vinujer 30th and elfcliun day for monday luc 7tli building permits ilud at 478200 were ikurd in tjues father zeiio pidu the next property the building j mj during october the t uild was too close lo the fence ings wrre dwellings or garages province names mcmillan as conservation chairman party pntewinners the georgetown 9th b pack held their halloween party wednesday october 28tn it was an evening of fun and games with father zeno bevtng the dlffscult iob of judging the etksiunei aa all the cuba mow ed much orfginality and loiagio- atiou in their costumea tieofor first place was mike buck aa an accident victim complete with p a u bottle and john wiuoa as a clown ruiuters up were mike ixrio aki down joe fobert girl robert lahey hobo tundy kltta roman mike fiumaur le nun and meveo lhfraxubulae aiela roaa collef as a hpo- iard and tukahl milruy kltu as a hoho and tialoo jim bcuyth organized the game at the ad of the evening refreahmrau we e ervcd by mrs colter of the ladle auail iry laeejlu might will be sov 2mb at 7 00 pjo raiders wont die could be woaa now ru thoujch the uidr hr- tkey club bvwd to public du- lntereiit and officially called it quits two werks ago tror town ust might u rirriittd to ue western ontario alhw tie asorution intennrdiate bimky vetup this ejr ikiegales from town will at tend a league ruevtini in win ham tomorrow mit lo talk over die prospect a iiufting tueulav n a i i tu look into the rhancis of an in lerniidiatr team ht re met the same end as raidi r hockey club meeting before it only a handful of people showed up anyone interested including players should contact frank kinj irjulj- ir our annual november feature chusrais famous skoaii 6 perm au rcftms suwtantialir coucto jotl in tim to give yoo heir perfect body end ltyl for the cnfumfc seesonl gil for appointment tr 76761 w seuk tbh tkrict ad a tew christells hair styling ua aaain s ovecougvan tr j62pl f- fi l appreciate the confidence ahawn in me and will do my best to further the interests of conservation in the watervlied p geogetown eiisirman roy k mcmillan said ambulance semce ambulance calls lv volunteer ha i three uat week following the news calls it the week of october that lie had been appointed the 3i ehainnan of credit val y con wednentay october 2r 3m aervation authority by die pro- p a normal transportation vineial government rum eorgetown to eorge this makes him one of only lo hospital taken b two appointed chairmen in on brand ford and c davidson tano the other is dr ross laird of metro toronto region friday october 30 11 43 p m an emerifeney run from dutch bulbs an i sweat i a aaatiral lariat garswj wuetlxilullabllui j uh04 met m4 sltu liwuj wjufct mr mcmillans appointment georgetown to georsetnwn ho was backed unanimously by pllat taken by j ottouay and uaitt biewl twi i memtven of the c a and in apeaking to them thursday lie said alone the chairman can do very little it is the coo per a uon of all members which ma kej or breaks the projects sug getrd in puhllc life for so years mr mcmillan has been a mem ber of mrcetiville school hoard and council hr has repritent ed ward 4 toronto township for the past 11 jears now com pleting his third term as elec ted chairman of the cvca he wai for four years chairman of the parks and recreation advis cry board during his term as chairman format approval was signed with lfl municipalitiea to proc eed with a five and a half mil lion dollar flood control plan final arrangements are being completed to form the cvca foundation wiich may accept gifts of money property and equipment for the authority an ambitious program of tree planting has been undertaken and many acres have been ac quired in alley areas for con aervation purposes b c smith former publisher of the port credit weekly wss also appointed a mew ber of t t cvca by the same order in council last week s rrankruytrr rrwlay october 30 12 45 am an emergency run from georgetown to georgetown ii pjtal taken by j ottoway and s frankruyter rosedale floral w albert st 177 msi santa claus parade floats wanted nursery rhyme television comedy floats western characters needed to help the uons club welcome santa claus to georgetown dec 12th won t you please have your group enter a tloat in the parade for further information call 8773631 or 2529 weekend special we will show you now proof that we sjlve you mom for your tv dollar the algonquin model cm e lighted channel indicator ff 23 effective tube functions one 4 x 6 front mountod speaker f new direct vision picture tube monltronlc circuit stabjiizer twdyear picture tube guarantee proset fine tuning tcadk tonight pay only 26995 easy terms wigo main street north television and appliances north helton largest tv- and appliance outlet 87r3ro haiton cooffitativf medical care plan twtw- ull pu in hu tku 0 fcuiw i tr tr twiltfc ewlniunt 9 cmnh e all iwi orti a ntitw emptovef oiouri fjrdlll ol 1 1 a ybm huy at hn tuw of the yr j kates only 1 10 so tr month family 5 oo payable quarterly or annually i haiton coof medical ulvices i kh y nubo- tl 7vm i kaaae itui me information no ohuyalion namc i addrcss wi l websterjackman ltd mercury sfreetsville a good hace to kuv sale service leasing mercury s meteor is 500 montcalm ford anglia comet cauinie british consul mercury trucks t344o3 open 2775l evenings until 10 pm saturday until 6pm you get loads and loads of winter dry cleaning fob so little a big 3 lbs for only 200 wash while you wait delrex laundromat automobile salesmen required due to expanding volume lit hoth naw and uaed aalel we are looking for two men lo tupplenteht our taua force the men required mutt be enthutlatlu energetic and have e dealre to make career of ihu interofctlng and rewarding bualnosi experience dealrabl but not eatenllal we will train the right men excellent csmpentation plan with ulary new uri tuppllod hoapllahialion group inuirance etc apply to manager milton motor sales ltd pontiac buick capillac milton ontario 8782355 j iyj

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