Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 5, 1964, p. 3

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auxiliary ydi establish unshine graduate workshop taw urgent deed for prs toe ground work for i ttftumd wortuhop lor those glrs sad boys that are forpd by lew to leeve the jantnm scfcool or reterded ckudru at the at of is u at the october awl- f u georgetown aiuu- r for betanied children oct rr tb president kin rlor nte enuib chaired the emeua vbkfe wa held at uwr wm of mr t- bufibm i asrtriew blvd during the diaruisiod an ar- tkw trees a national tax- vlm which bad bero brought the atuatioa of the auxli maty by atra fcvelyo wddle w rd it consisted of a re- pact o the rootrlbuiloa to ward herpn these youai r- tawaud adaju id looion on tario by tb- nurtwo fclortri oatbpaay there in sutxen- tract worfc let out to the ton- opoarimoijly workshop u it pointed op two extremely lnterestltu facta that rejects were noeexistent and that the pride taken in the work done ao well was reflected in the quajity an article from the ontario association for retarded chh- tren newsletter was also read which is of vital concern te not only the auxiliary ud the north helton association for the mentally retarded but to every member of ths eununity fcxeerpts frool this article are as follows another chapter in the bis- aury of coounpnity procratn nes fur the mentally retarded u beerina completion the dy schools for the trainable re tarded hse begun the 1 final term as institutions tl learo- lag dependent upod charity comeaencins on january 1 10c3 the operating costs for ontarios w school lor retsj- wj bhudreo wlu ha fully toot from revenues the new legislation as paased by lbs ontario covernaaenl will place the financial responsibility of oaaductiag such pro grand me in the hands of the pro vincial and municipal forenv nests this maior step for ward heralds the befinziina of a be era on behalf of the menially retarded not the vocal aaaocislico are still re sponsible for the u oise p of the bulletins and any rrpsir there to vot 17 year local associ- tlonj hat begun the taif pt illitisucle of eipendllib their adult prormmc pr school aerrirei boms rr religious educatlttd lucsl and rsglonal cemp phcjntam a well voldnteet lervicew li tit pit is and hospital srhoou as w eotwlude on fhjptr la our hutury if would be wlw to keep itl diirtd tbt whievevnents mt uke uouwr they laefocne bare if you on focus on construction a letter was read which had been received from their adopted girl at the cedar sprinjj hospital schoel a package of halloween candies waa sent to her and plans were made for the christsoas gifts the auxiliary send her every year plans were formulated for a future meeting on the adult sheltered workshop end airs- peddle u coeterting the owes sound associslioof who hevi been kind enough to offer to com and assist in fcdviiing on the setting up of sucb a work shop id this ares it was announced that the june bugs who triads their first apoesrance mt ths ides of t usrch esce la the spring were performing t tke 1 wtnor lu brsmptoh the june hugs fcre made up of wrs hulh ujlrhrl w tvaliy ksv bullcr aiad aul- rey ulltfru at the conrlusiun of tins business meeting a gift wj presented to ulmi kkreli kur ton corrvspohillng kecrvtsry on the occeslau of kr forth toniif welding to mr kred ifshruou think w fitri- ed to afn uhlan tiuimj snd vr tib hunhtm fur thr rfreajimnti sirvii lets play bridge by bill coates a rubthle to this weeks col tamo might be bow to make 10 tricks with four losers in the band no the answer is not to cheat or bavs the opponent woffjc has stajtth on the reconstruct ton of t4 north hslton golf and curling club which wrten completed will have converted tha qow layout frewn nine to eighteen hole j tha fwtf stage- of th plan involve getting nine hole raady for play next eion man- i tfeslng tha bulldozer ii dava pinknay district man is now provincial secretary a forms r district man has been appointed to the highest civil service position in alber ta will howard wan recently named deputy provincial secre tary for the province ha ha been with the government since moving to kdinonton ten yean ago ur howard li mirried to the former darrell dgwwjn daughter of ur and mrs a k dawson uountainvtew ltd when they were first married they lived near uilton where ur howard operated a farm with his two brothers willi their four children they will continue to live in kdmonton mrs howard has continued her musical career tii ere as organist and choir master in one of the city raurchrs at present she is stu dying for her degree as an or ganlsl why la there always more narking space on the left tide of the street than on the right side the answer lies h the vi hope- hope that the oppon ents cards ar ao distributed thai- it can be done the hand occurred in a rubber bridge match with only pride invol ved thaler south neither side vuhievwole tiertw s- j84 i m x 10 da a c a 4 5 ww few s a i sio s hj doe k a 7 5 u 0 j 10 o 3 1p 7 4 c k s cq j 10 9 sa o s ji q 4 2 laa k c a 7 4 2 the baddlrig twii wf wemh hast i nt wu 2 c lu h itj 4 s all au atlltough the bidding may teeto s4rnje to vou tle final robtrct u not unreasoiuue tte 1 nt by south is a wsk no trump 12 to 14 points norths two cluu u the titty- man convtxttion which asks opener to bid a four card ma jor if be has on south bids kii four card spade suit and north carries the bidding to four apades- wet 0111 hi dlsiiwjnd ijueen and declarer tikes stock thlnys do not look too good a heart luaer maybe two two club loura and pouibly a trump loer as well declarer tries hesrts first a low lie art towards dummy finessing the 10 kul wins with the ace and exists with a dia mond now another heart to dummy and a spade finesse i tills fails and last ran exit with either a trump or a heart now all davurer need do is take out trump lake in isst i hearts and led a club toward dummy when west plays low go up with the ace and lead a club back wft will win with the king and must lesd a red card you discard a club loser in dummy and ruff in your hand thus one sure club los er disappear a i hope that you have figured out the correct defensive play west must play tha king when you lead clubs now ho many bridge players do you know who would pert with a king to this positionr if west happened to have the king queen of clubs doubletoo then no play could when e contract sppeaxs he pelesst then lantmt that the opponent cards ere farouraoly placed jwoatoavg avrtool wlmmlfcs tst hsrry frost and lou bertaaaon 2nd earl fcmond and jilke loruseo srd air snd airs jack coals points 2nd prixawent to mr k rl wright with 11 pouj and tha 3rd prize went to mrs u- scott with 20 points h was announced the annual christinas display at the boyal b gardens in hamilton wil be held nov 23 24 and 23 mrs ben bovle will act as con vener snd all parties intrested ere wked to contact be the meeting wss informed that mr and mrs reg william aod mr as taylor are oo the airk het it is hoped they have a very speedy recovery the november meeting fltov 18 will festure as guesi ipcak- er mr wckhani who is he asiislsraf director of the dis trict 0 horticultural society he will show slide on various pla ces in grest untsln and u- tk oi3st3c7dm v3 th4irsde i ii pace 3 taxi ownad by ti l wally md phoni 8774817 courtesy and prortptnesj plant exchange films horticulture program georgetown uortleulturs so ciety conducted a succwasiul hint kcwnge etale st tha re gular meeting on faft 21 in the howwd wriggieeworth bvhoul the et and tha am ount of meterial exchanged wj toite good despite the iv tlaeflt weether- tbe members and guets werv treeted to a viy good movie tilui prvdoced by the ootsrlo tender rruit institute olltul hum of unity the tilm was shown by mr dooald hancock of the ceorgetowit liunlers 1 aauglers association who th their kind cvurteay fumltiad the vciit the aggregate point winoeti of tha junior aod october klo- wet soows were aiinouoced aiwj appropriate prues preselttad by the president tha winner of 1st prise was mrs norton with 31 forms creatively planned to meet your requira- rrvents can save time work and money uf us show you what wa mean i thi georgetown herald 22 main st s telephone i723tj carpenters ken mcleod and jan koot inslal shelve in ona of tha naw rooms at tha canadian lglon branch 120 which is got ling a completely naw interior first func tion in rha rebuilt tog ion hill will be tha rdrrwmbrance supper there tomorrow night il peter jonea photoa ikthi ncw bui1dino on mounlalnvlau d naar the georgetown transportation com- pany belongs 4o gaorgetown tool and die construction there has reached the occupancy i iatage end the ttaff is busy this week moving machinery from the former quarlars ati99 kivef road there are new cars and new cars but there is only on make chrysler of course with all the features you are looking for the right price quality styling reliability guaranteed service all this and immediate delivery tooi here s a h chrysler thar ara many models in tha hymcjuyh vauant chkvuer range and at maveal motors you gat dependable perianal service at their convenient downtown location always ih ere with ready cat vot home redscbratlncj or any good reason s6092 to 500022 niaqara finance company umite 40 uriich from cot to comt 8776936 maveal motor sales ltd your authorized plymouth vauant and chrysler deauk main st n 877611 i georgetown esso home heat service is better because its people are batter people to serve you better you pet extra value for your heating dollar in complete service fact is most esso customers already have their oil fur- rtaces cleaned checked and adjusted- ready to go at the drop off a thermometer you see the esso home heat service teams in your area dont wait til the last minute to get their jobs done to them regular service is a year round jobthey continually provide guaranteed fuel delivery and 24hour emergency no heat service all for the price of the oil j all backed by imperial wouldnt you like tclcount on complete servic lik this t get extra value for your heating dollar get esso home heat service here ahe youb esso home heat specialists r j dumper 29 sareent m aershwrt tr 74552 1 i wrlsproule 4 bllubath si nrmpton tor3o63 iways look to imperial aforthebeet

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