Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 5, 1964, p. 4

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georgetown herald 23 main s t v georgetown ontario mctukmiiln pag thursday nov 5fh 1964 editorial comment much ado about nothing prim mrutw pmont owutme gift to fawnum we unvailad leaf weak wken v govarnmant corrvntnea pretanted enorber ieflq ciegn wtki wilt now ba up fof de beta thit rima f red meple leaf rt wftrie bclc0roorwd wl4 a wide rd be on eiher ki if reitw batter nov wo- 1tin any oj hikvird combination w hi til achooj tlrwi3fwn date could podute on n boor nortce thil wiou meg bolre u baconting viovdvui to he cenadlett poblc ed tl rnot toely make us look like borvch of hicii from ttsa fctkki to orker coonrrtea w were qehirtg aloog qoile nicely rkank you with toopi of 11 ti union etk and tha fed ertlrt no one we quit lute whuii to fly wkel to we bad cart in faellixj rher if w we extremely common we i t4 minded w cootd um the jack of if we- thought canada ihootd itnd btf more on if owi eet tlve bmlgn could thow ow independence election promiiei ere no alway kept votefi don i kvfi particularly vxpect them to be ndwhy m pearton uijmj on thit ebturd unwanted and fooluh one for an iitua it beyond comprehanilon w look at 1 thli way h lha liberal wr djtnund to wv trodtc new flag hey thould have don to ipeadily withoot fanfare and without brinying eveyon mto the awooainy act tkate it no 6t flag which wilt eve meet epprovel of avaryone whether it leevoi btyeve pole been of fuo d lb in i coipoitmn tt he bon cimlnl wit of ttm id mony4o utvm pllt mntry coriwnit kit io lx wu1ot thii haonetloui dcikn aopntly tky tpevit tir tiiii uj 11 g iki of oor iitomty loollfvy l lly paclurv aruj irymg io llk gm a twck wll of coruorvallvr oppoiitioi now thr rumouri rht if too touch fun u kicked up patton tiiy takv to irw pot 1 1 w hop ltht thl k dopi tb wivou fug 1 1 to poilo o h mutl pod puibet tom dikgn rhooo left the mtler drop if ii lin t popour we cn lwyi hve nw deiign tome dy in future if it bcomi n lct on ntue theo the everge liber fc or conirvtive voter would be perfectly underitndble if he 0ve enother party chance to 1k over nd tee if frtey cn harwju public effatri mori like ttiteimen tnd leu lika unpredict bla edoletcenli and spict b li i 1 1 s i n i i e shes everything but a patient i get lew tn lettert about baif of tbam tre frooi dr fwact intrjiint people wbo tell me tbey rud che tjjlwuily ud like k about ojoerler of tfaem are from muttopbjdwl wroa miadod optniiialed people vtw reftd iw himn failhtuuy tod hi4rt wiu my politic udui bad pfaueatopfay dm otbrr quart 1 mietie u of truoik rhalrmed of the w gram cwmmrttel iv vihwa terrice flub utitnn in know if 111 etel to utcu ptuv os jujy utb the lotwcr to our 1w oo u wy bo i vpok w erlce rkj oru end ivue 1 d bervf w kj ln i have bevc kd wucb d ldorftet audience aftw fce aaa bv earlnaj e ifiitli inf evfwiaa so footbridge need urgent action of cndin national ttailweyt in bennlng pedeilriini from croiiirvg te main uns tracki in future ii lobe expected the rvw toronto terminal projecf will toon be boot ling rtil ittfttc throuoh town to th point where it would be impotuble to allow ireipaiilrvg on the tracks tt would only be matter of lima before- fatalitiei would happen council moved lit week to atk th cnr for an overhead bridge it li badly neded io terve the hun dred jf pop4 who have bn accuttom- d to uiing th cr oiling at pretenf all employ i of the paper milli and smith stone who live toulh of hvj tracki iom of litem within a tlone i throw of their job mutt take a long route around by th moun tamview bridga and river drive ittalf a dangerout trip on foot school children too mutt either ut hut routa or tha aqual ly dangarout john st subway on their way to tchool it it to ba hoped that immediate ac tion will ba taken and that tha town fath era will pratt for tha footbridge or at an alternate a tafer tubway under tha trackt eithar at john st or at tha mam railway yard high tales challenge back reader would enjoy tha return of high telet the student paper within e paper whtch made its first appearance this laatort fn last weeks herald and it is good news to know that after a year s able nee the school year book the challenge is planning a spring edition such activities are a valuable addi tion to the school year developing as they do not only the writing skills but in the cat of the challenge salesmanship car tooning and magazinelayout a year book is a treasured souvenir of high school days tucked away and pro duced on occasion to provide nostalgic memories of teen age years every school year should have tha pleasure of preserving for posterity their current pkes their class room whirmey their sports achievement nd their serious literary endeavours high tales is a valuable addi lion for it allows students to test their wn ting when properly edited at it is under tha guidance of e member of the staff it alto serves to give the reading public a glimpse info some of the tchool activities which are not always published in the reg ular news columns -r- harley to halton wukiv ouftvations by d hakky hariiey m for halton shoe ouk last column tha um of um boum of commonj hm bon 4voud id ellw eotialdcnuoit 0 dapartmeittal pukus of tha covertntiant or interim iujoly tha interim upvly la uveeuiry for tha cov y arnment to pay iu mill far tha mbnlhi of november anil doe- ember and tnuat be aaked for until complete detailed apendlnjt eauaiaten of the gov ernment hive been nuaed by parliament dub2ng wthwm eupply ny nutter may ba dlacuued on kdday all debate waa con centrated on the canadian nat ional kallwaya and the nropo aed changea in their waning ol tiielr trticnda tralna which would have discontinued crevr chaniee at nauna ontario end wafanrrtsm alberta after he debate on friday bhe cnr freed to postpone their decis ion in this matter for 3 months while tte matter la investigated fegrabx independeni conunlsslon fllaos ttua acreement the topic of debjte ba been the cbc j gad ut profremmlng v aaoiiukjocpiain that ben if wilub unit on tha w it to debate i of the be im proved in the rules of parlutn nl a treat deal of tune could be saved by placing a time urn it of w or 72 houri on luch debate an inquiry iias been act up by the government to in veatlgste the limiting or elec jlon eipensea television in par tkular has cauied great in eraasa in election expeuiei and there la general feeling in par liament that limitation of apan ding during election campaign would be welcome and tend to equalise all parties in thli mat ter forget me not what good is the nure2 child who wants him around to see with his crippled mind and body hes useless to you and me education la for the masaei equality for all but him what inalienable lights to a normal life have damaged brain and umbt did god create this child who knows from whence he came why worry or waste tax money on the crippled retarded or lamet the anawer came in i whisper but the stammering stutter ing words echoed throughout the courv try in a- cry that all men beard teach me to uae ray fingers give we tome talk to do you fight for the strong and healthy doea my life mean nothing to yout my crippled mind and body like youri haa a heart and soul that cries tp god and the people help me find just onejsmill goal i mrs jatnea w- knauf smile a kid from the east sjde wai complaining shout hla family being too large that there were so many kldi they didnt know what wai going on in fact he aald one day a atrange kid moved in with them waa there fqr three months and one day they fpund out he wasnt one of theirs when they caught him eating matzota balla with chopsticks i the long voyage home news desk extras by terry heruy the poil thit puih tw theory that anyone cin have the elomt ihinu to ptrpetuil youth throuth pfrmmrntly youthful look ins hair aiv wins net half way th d by thr cooperative public who are worrini therm vet into prematurely grey top cropi mostly people stew about mitten they can do nothing about we have became a nil ion of worry warts dut more often than not we worry about the wrong things the gait reporter rec ently took a look at the trend and dashed off a hit of thlnjj to worry about for its re ad era dured the reporter just for instance it has become popular to worry about the uuiiiani and the danger of freedom unlets they are curbed while worrying about the red suenaee the worrier foe outdoors in a mental fog andi ta run oxer by the neighbour a car radioactive fallout was once no 1 on the worry parade in the mldit of dodging tht fallout we moke heavier and are pol aoned by the nicotine we worry about the youngsters running in front of car in their heed laae disregard then we drag them arruai the itrret agalntl a rid ligit vc worr about crakh tng in an airvlnr then fall off a ladder painting the houie viewing our employ merit we worry filkout el ting enough eierc ir then e drivr to block for a cup o coffee to aoolhr our nerve when we forget to et the car oiled an 1 created evrry couple of thoutand mi lea wr worry rutting of a medical checkup ne er botheri ua wr worr a bo il polio then iel cripplr 1 by run ning into a bun mourr worrml iladul uhere the money is torrun from after mir working days are done seldom stops anjone from getting out and mort gaglnj a few more produc tke eari with a big purch ase on the instalment plan this can go on and on try it youraelf it can he interesting it ran also lake our mind off some of the irritations winch worry has ballooned into things far larger and leu important thsn they really are two attronauta in the tame capsule were 60 miles up in the stratosphere on their sixth day of circling the earth one turned to the other and aiked what do ou mean it wont nuah georgetown herald twiakej iry hem wewtper llmlfee gorjietowii ontario walfee c buha publuher hulej fcuoiivray ivoduclion superintendent trrry ilarley alleea ilradley news mi lor accountant ue doulus advertising uanagtr urs wtlllsm egjle clerk tyoitt anna currle reporter peter jones photographer uihe clirk dave hasting u glloh j licclcmenl jerry mahusky uember of tht canadian weekly newspaper association and the ontario association a lwj aa wk i wm aekaaj amaueiy try rke bwiuifrt m i utu wee tl awt te tm easiowtea he abajut hu tlw tdraiber veie hel oiled acid t wo of utfee went to sleep while i waa beu ttroduod tide u ebout itei dard the preaiajtsat and aacrer- ury kept looking et uteir wet chea befure the ritil twk mj wight or lett tbaktabd btd sluok out tie preaueot pot oglxd yhery hefta 6 rurllna the talrtut tha vvte of thank ih which the ttfjve felled to mr wily tha faiiiouj evum nut tndad the club tma u life with tigerish intanelty anj i et there uric ning for three guarur of an hmtt tt then quibbling about whethr they fchoiiu apehd fifty bucka tod a domlioa tawya bockry which would get them e picture atwl a half a foluaitt id the wxtal p paf or twenty five back oa a donation to a achol4rhip fund which would it tbem a pare graph gucag whleb wod however you have long since gud thu tkperienee haa nothing ja do with wtut am going to talk about what i started out to aay vu thai we had a switch this week lly wife got a fan letter it we a lovely letter warm kind friendly intelligent and utterly mistaken in part it reads 1m urfc you must be a very patient wo man and a very happy one u 1 think i can tell froiit your hue band s column he li a happy and content taan and this la oaaily ail a wife happy hcneu ptrhepat blaja you dear lady far that perhaps tbere rtfll iwpa for the raadtm ptatalac uy wife la about a pafamt u ucait the elghtb abat ta happy u hamlet soa a good kd baakaaty but it a beea a loac ticaa ubc eta waa os be or even kactr whet lonlo a waa al weet m a waak awt a a she aaya 1 halt feel like a ef hm taak i rwrtyl la w ili pair u u pettance aamaaa yaa luat twee that waw rwrt vmr4 pe a emrf pat mmrt e teate yatmaa ihalli flplkw wfce ufcr u u ue aj m en me tainka hm a anxaw fja eutciaity theo stw presideat of the bene- of ceaeda bvt aw taeref haa any rhange fur the milk betllei 1 he rlaima w i m btmruuc bhe eh t twp wiak ever 1 uke harr lo a bxrvie he fella tawp ie elglrf miauice and ft take tike twebiood effort of w the hcket taker d tbe teoeer to ga bee aut of tha theatre wheo it ch laat weak sfaa waotarj to go to africa aod teach all tha kida id th c0040 bo to play tha piano with th proper finef toovemtiu neil week she u be hawtldg hem out of tax be- auae i havrti t bred hewunai bell out of the kids about home- thing or other heppyt no patient it la to laugh inureatlag si attregv tlye hi nutty naturally anff perfaape that dear lady fan it why her buaheodiu1 a yu put it a happy and eunleotcd utao oyt weekly bible thought h ii tem if i shi thert theu hierttaat m and tkmu will v hm irani mine- lnbtuly je 10 u ortly christ eaa recnove mark of sin and toucry of tha slneed come unto toe all ye that labour and are heavy laden and i will give you rest re 00 hand to honour our country a fallen thu sunday at meaaerahranee park november 6th business directory chiropractor bohald a cay dc appointments made dally call tk m4ol 1 mih si cwgh news echoes from the page of the herald 154 and 1944 chiropraqor ceru w cruii dc 0p dally by sppolrttmant llouia calla arranged trreaji 11a main si nermt 10 years ago greatly enlaroed and with many new linei the oven he bakery centre reopeni friday after being doled for remodelling owner jack sheeny hat gone to a lot of work to modernize hn main st location a requeit by tha maple leaf dairy for a by law which would limit milk talei io milk paiteunzed and bottled in town caused diicuillon by council but no action cr waller gray favoured luch e by law reeve allen said he couldn t support creating a monopoly which would deprive realdenla of any benefit they might get from the competition he feared that if council protect dal rlet they might be aiked later to protect bakeri build ers or any other group i halloween nlgbl feitlvillei in llmehoute were marred by a lerlout tire which caused extemlve damage at the home of tom sulton nepr the community hall the en- tlra back lection of the houie wai razed end extemlve damage was done by the tmoke and water to the rait of the building and content my sutton fouohl the blaze hlimelf until georgetown firemen arrived 35 years ago i the matter of a curfew wai brought before council on tuetday evening and it was decided that an effort be made to curb uvenlel loitering in restaurants and on main st at nlghti the curfew law is provided by he chlldreni prolecllon ac prohlbltlngthlldren under the age of 16 from loitering on the jtreeta after 9pm will be strictly enforced end the cooperation of parents and others in this regard is expected by council i federal sales and engineering co ltd now located at 7 phelan ave have recently purchased- the old wool len mill proporiy end lnend moving to georgetown uit as soon as the building can be put in shape mr dlgglns and his associate mrslmpson addressed council monday i m nomina brown has spld his bakery business on tyeln st to mr fred balrd of palmeriton mo brown has bean in the baking trade in georgetown ever since 1921 cakr wbstwooo ontario land turvvrt 116 mountainvlew ltd s yttlanele 7 hi i w a carr p wathmeet yr 7um km yd telm dax developments limiykd builder d ine heme prop walter facholok 774s1i r i7741s barragers claenartshlrt laundarere fn vsnrt ib ualn s its guelph all work dene piemuee wallacb thompson ird division court clerk commissioner th71h classified ads bring results o y walk i it la dosv oftomlttut 13 vliln sl s brsupton imm74 has 51uj hours 0 a u to 6 p m tuesday to saturday krldsy tt in to 0 p ta ktvenlnas by appolnunent robl r hamilton optomemsl 118 uountslnvlaw rd s csrretal bldi vor apeolntmant on 8773971 massage maurice h mailer k m 9 cleavehofme dr 774090 or 907s llouieau by arranfm monuments pollock campbiu designs on utqucst inspect our work in greenwood cemetery phani il7i si water street norte o a ly pkank pitch licensed aiictionem fatiox 4ii tk 7s864 geartetnre tc oloroattowm animal cuallc 108 geelph street v ialfv dvm j dr u b oaskln clinic opened b pjn mom wid phi saturday f 11 ajn i i i dale bennett latimer baines srrbtera a sellcmere douclas v latuiek terence p batneb tnismxla 7ual a allu st gearstow george c hewson awrlw and allehw 118 uounulnlw rd s carreui bulldlnd ceortatowd y yan frederick a helson barrister and selulnm 118 uounulnvlsw rd s carretsl bulldlnrj ceorfetow yu 70200 1le maiulersoiitc barrister end solicitor 61 mill st georgetown tr 72444 i tvansitklerba barrister bellclrer netenl dr wullsms bldto m auk 8 tr 745s1 kaplan ord barristers and sellelrere sidney kaplan 18 mountainvlew bd b ratal buudini 7741- i j-jjl- i

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