Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 5, 1964, p. 5

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id of a series if and river control of dilution major target bri co heads secondary school teachers lb annual meeting of tb ontario fimnriiry school tea- cberf fedcratkio lor this dla- txict was held oa wednesday octofcar 21 ttm host town this year wu milton and the dinner aaeatiag s held at the car van kcauuraot tawe ow 40 teechen were present rcpro- sting acton gxtrgciown and milton although erin u the branch do reoreaeautivc er prmeot trots there the durpoee of the kneetlng b to give to loe teaehcr as opportunity to introduce toot- fcooa for ooiowstio at the latrkf meeting keaolulumu paani at the annual ant aog are p on to the annual tscwung of the fadcrauoo which i held in toronto during the chriauu vacation the wmvuvc for the ruu4n tive u chooeo on a rotational tavla with the president com ing from the school of next year boat town bill coat of acton will be next jeara pres ident the fart vice presi dent will be from erin mr utt fruoi milton u elected to the position of second vice- president airs tucker of r cetown will continue si seefe- tsry treasurer it was decided that in add lion to reguur duue the tlrst vice prescient would chsir a committee to deal with public relation the ftecood vtce president b lo tbur commit lee to de with professiocsl ovvciofmnrut- kscb conmnittee bl to he made up of one r-pc- enutlv from ech kchoul all other busto w fi be forwarded to the dutrvrt meet log tjiis bkcetiua hrtd id ttrwmtuml ut wcok honourable mention for fire prevention poster a oeocrlob achoul piiplt krt leonard drrw an twrt oursble tnamtion rutii tin judia of the 1m4 ire prvwi uoti utur rontrit atminsred by the hsllon lounly fire vstitltm uureau april buu at the bsnuurt in milton the rir irrvrntoa bursu ha lu ibvited twp- rrttuuvra of all twunty fir daroarttneiil the ontario kir it huritl off if urnibers of rrumi t aiui the run utt tui the wu by cwv klnsey the conaervsuoh of caiu 4a in a report of premier ho- abarta pralsri the work of the th owic1 giotcitowm hawt inriaiimc activity ontario water ltsourcs corn- mbnloti but call for a greatly stepped up effort by fcuvern saent and industry to centre 1 pollution the water couuniiaion hat extensive powers to protect 4aad improve ontario a water apply what has it been do ing by the lnj of idas it appe ared that much of lie hacklog th picture the a la on of intense and increasing activity the conservation council quesliotia whthr it ia intense enough or growing aufflrienlly rpidly of court our effort mutt be atepped up saya tomtit is slot chairman james a vance the population la row in u and industry la expanding titer are more waatra to be dupoted of new proceaeta brinf new lypei of wastes to be considered the owiu ran eel touch conatntrlkht bi water andlt has talten a nuwber f f wge work had been over fenders to court hut seek fr0u of floi bunfh come but certainly not all of dnt the cooperation of mun rommunitie from ritie like h there were till major pol jiclnlitiea and industrie kitchener uelph and gait to lotion control project to be we know what want villairei like ayr and baden lomcykhm kkkohy it may be possible lo end oiieinduttry pollution of a ri vr in a waiter of j x rnoittiu but it may take many yean to win the hlufgle in a hluiiy itiduatrialltrd and heavily populated wsrh the grand itjvrr watershed la an example of the long term effort the rand ha been catted the blfieat open sewer in ontario into it and it tributarie have flowed the wastei of people and plant undertaken particularly in i uyi or vance hut we can aouthwestern ontario in lh not ask the impouible and we xlagsrs area and the rand cannot demand that it be dm ftjver watrrahed these project would puih lfpendlng on water and sewage project to well over a billion dollar during the first de cade of the commission a exit- irareh was alrppeil up in immb with the appointment of a director and the proviaion of la staff for a diviaion of ite search there were more stream survey 212 in 1uc1 up from 14t in 1da2 and 50 in 1da1 aiutnrc lo work out the tnl utinn there are mienifir a wrll ai economic questioni to be coniderwt at new procee produce unrxnertrd i chemiral it wa the aame atory in ihe reactions in waste commuion laboratories whi i several indutne have ent eh carried out 181 rflo testa on more than a million dollm vlumcipa title in the grand watershed area have no alter native but to discharge their tomorrow as some fanatic waste to the river or its tribu seem lo etnect u to do i tarie with 10 million worth he might mve stkrd do i of financing arranged by the you close a 100 million plant owrc tewige work and ex employing hundred perhaps i tensions have heen ronslnicted thouxmd of workers hecai sr or are under wav at gait it rnnol solve its waste dlv preston rrantford pans hit noaal problem immediately or chener waterloo fergus new do vou give it tlie ad expect j llamburjr arthur klora and the rotiteit was open to all judge from tlte kitchener grsde 5 pupil in the county i kir prevention uurrau to at karen attend holy crua leiid the dinner and about 30 separate school od uaple ave are expected gary koa of hurhnxton and kva anisimowlci of oak vilte have bn judged winners of the lbd4 content gary la 11 ml a student of norman pstguwi grade 3 elas at ikwrle hmlth public school burlington kva is 12 and a student of miter loul ha at ht uarvi school grsde 5 clasi oakvllle lite run if it judges gave honourable mention to acv eral other entrie in the county wide competition ihey were gerry ilowley of ullton a j u denyei public school uarlene poirier of ullton a holy notary school a well a karen leonard of holy cross the two winning potter each done on the theme rire tki orofwattowm hiral0 ew i 1f4 vkct a hooourable menilon is 1 ontario contest last year the previous year another vm girl aurtha laorgan of bur lington won a similar award in provincial competition ivan clarridg of aliaon lre department chairmaji of the halton buroaoa poa contest said ho u qotte pleased with the entries the 1964 compeilios most of the halloo elementary school grade 5 student entered and the posters were don during the october rve prevention week mcclure holstein sale neb average of s241 11i kjlrurrylrb brnj ma- tuuit o houuloa tfwnj by ur uj un cxal ktour survtl wi dlaprmj rvaty hi u rvrslotl bu xrvba tvf a iu1 of 1000 a wilk ini tcmlr4 kv 2sfl 4 bred blvf kkrftkxi 207 12 ojtn yrasunu iii1 7 brl ut rlvc4 u7 m1 tnkiucrni were hocwugj liiuriutiutul ud cvorduwn tbm lop brlv wu 5ed pa by t c hublrr 04rctuwii fur ft milktnif frituu flvyrar u kllfurrylr uod1 clrl whll tb bltfbl prw fur i brrd yru wm uix tld by ihkrllrrt krmi of ufsbiulurl hi bcifcr bring kuturryuj t a ulif hornby v ud fur a fuuryraroll row ffm stu by yaoaf bro pa ujx tm a toartmtoia cm tas mat a fiifrnanrid- 1 b meat rwltwihtm mid tno for h w g bald win erin mid ms far a 0- jrold j b brica paid s for a toorvarald a j klac- sw bmral paid km for a brad heur and vlcuar cradar opea irllni ttm law cant bttka paapla food but it can nuka daaai ary tw r bad urawlaa town o okmmctown is your name on the voters list last date for filing an appeal november 6th 1964 ui to dalumlnt if four nana it on ide 1944 voteri dwell rk 1i pulad r iho ojlowug locationt cut l oflu kaunipal boiung 34 mam u h ll oflk corxx cualpli i nd mapla av dsliel smola iitofi oaliax mkol canlia in cmia of omwiort of ojrct oh bnqutttoi ma b rrll by lelaphonlng ol atlatdlrg ttw clt offlca 34 wn sliaat noih tr yps 1 bejwn v 00 m d 5 00 pm monday lo thuujy akj m lo 6 00 p m fudyi fom oclobr 23d 1944 lo klov- nif 6rli 1944 t ba quahfud la vet ai mwupj tuounl yoo krt b- 1 yaan w ana a ltj wbo an owna a taa aal o wtu a waabiad mi u ownw w tanam anal yu naava aaaal b as rka viawn uj a aauaal ibacato by m l mala witun tax iim kbova linriaaadl haaia cbatfc ttaw wa hacaaiau v yaw h u a tka voaao ual anataab m1 ba fluj ai tka cui chtka j4 mala u north on ol klfou novimbu art 1944 c g benham clea aevd lnaliwjoilkw a baiwjuet in their honour prevention in the home will will be held at the alillon rire be entered in the ontario hall on tuesday evening no- ur chiefs aseiation pro- vember 34 at 7 p m the two vine wide poster conipetnion winner will be presented with early neat year the two win the halton uutual fire insur nert of the ontario contest wit ance company trophies which each receive a 100 bond will be retained by their re chief a h clement of hilton pectiv fcrlwlvajor ihe ht ia chairman ef this ontario year they will alo recete wide competition individual awards one of last years hallnn ton the studenta teachers pnn test winner tlrenda mitchell elpala and parents will also he of burlington received an nalt s5js07 water sample owrc ijscientlit and technicians were i also busy on such job as in letiustry wide atudie in the i pulp and paper meat packing tanning and plating fields de- tergenl i turface wat lcrs investltjation of taste and t odour problem in some filtra ij tloa plant and studies of al i gae control apiece to lick the- waste di nosjl problems there have been some spectacular eiamo- lea of cooperation complete wate treatment facilities were built into a new hell oil re finery at rtmntr for example and a northern klctrlr co plant at rramatea included pro vision of comnlete treatment facilities for all plating waste travels from detroit tfor nostalgic glimpse a noaulgic visit to george own was made by a michigan i resident recently to view the ml place where he spent hi teen ly bill zdanowici of detroit was resident of the jewish farm school on uaih street south f he had not been in georgetown since he left in 1027 he ichool vu operated here for european orphans hrought to canada by a philanthropic i group which included mr uor rig saxe of town the boys lived in a btiildlng which foil inlu diauae aotne year ago the property was originally a model farm owned by the t katon co naqueslng clerk trea i jsurer k c linduy recall thai jt a show place in the dis trict with a prlkc holstein herd f when ha wa a boy he re mem 11 ber visiting the farm to lee his first milking 1 machine in operation the property was later own ed by a toronto mining man p g uwright and was acqul nd by rettlealop in ibm when fell delrex developments firm purchased several farm proper ties which became incorporated in town limit part of the old school building 1 now used by the uajetuc car club for a clubhouse and workshop mr zdanpwlrt who called at the herald office with his wife recalled several local people by name he spoke particularly of the late professor h h hutt who assisted the school with his advice on agriculture of the- ntete or bt paul who looked 1 after the well being of the boys of mr saxe and david brill who were among the many townspeople who took an inter est in the project many of the boys live in toronto and occasionally they i hive a reunion he said klmlra conservation and flood control storage cheme ar- built or plannrd other com mun the lleapeler and dun nville for example were ap pro ached months ago about their sewace problems this sort of program take time and an enormous amount of money ilut thehaltte of the grand is slowly being won it is this process of painful recovery that encouraee dr vance to think that ontario 1 not intlng ground in its stru vie aialnst pollution and i in fact beginning to rain tlut a he sav we must run faster and faster to make any pro- cress itoss when the phone ring you must anawer it new secretary very well hut it seems stupid nine out of ten caita are for you anyway brewers retail stores will be closed wednesday november 1t remembrance day v hh1avkhs kktai1 tuiiks operated by brewers warehousing company ltd jm with a modern automatic gas clothes dryer four brand name topquality gas dryers to choose from vtvvj i v w s atjsbjmiiaai 52es3bmmw heat your home way- with and smdrtt chinook automatic go furnace cli tll iat4l with lit aaia wellc csuash will glva yew etavhalhsl iw ik hmml taxt- lawisbu wuik yw v svai that cha5l k4 to i h- sm kaamcy kan4 law f4l tttth pwhw cleiai wmtv bfmai h jhompson hardware tumbino i hiatino as low as 199 win a new westinghouse steroo sot from now until december 31 you can buy a time saving work saving gas clothes dryer for as little as 199 00 this is your chance to take advantage of the dependability and economy of natural gas clothesdrymgbt a tremetv dous saving and you ii find that a modern automatic gas dryer does the job so quickly youll waltz through washday cvery whats more if you buy your e dryer during this special promotion you may win one of eight new 1965 w0stmghouse solid state all transistor stereo sets of scandinavian design equipped with amfm tuner fm stereo and garrard changer in addition every purchaser will receive free an attractive lova ble gas genie doll that will delight the children i better visit your gas appliance dealer tiepartment store orgas company soon ard enter the fabulous waltzthrough washday contest contest expires dec 31 1964 united gas limited ixv

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