Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 12, 1964, p. 1

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c ads fat pay van aaa etaee aa ed aatee herelea oeeshlea aaaee ay panawarnt 7001 atoytaaer l georgetown herald the home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing taar 1m7 efferent the ferae o e oa tharaetayv n iu 1h4 440 pea yaws aaeajle catty psion tea ceane thar good dad is good wfll fater jeaaa photo how about a house for christmas 4rti okmoctowm scouts will meyoh and jim paw of the 3rd georgetown scoull ernie evan and richard mallor display one of hi scale modal home they hope well nuke some local youngsters very happy christmas morning the boys are building doll houtet or distribution to deserving families in the community christmas eve st johns looks ahead buy 4 cedarvaie acres deputy announces plans to seek town post again the congregation of st johns united church la gear tetowa will acquire four scm of property at the former ced arvale school for girls bord ering oa maple avenue the vole tkea at a meet- in bale lmmrllu1 slier the aaanua eervtcw aa sunday howad that a very large art j- lajasew of taeojresaenis laid dean by the sabexeruti of the geaeral council of the united church at canada the tour acres la be purchas ed by th si johns reagrtga tioa is the portion retained by the board of kvabgelim of sa tis soviet of the united church of caaads when lbs cedarvale property u sold t georgetown a couple of weakj ago it is situated fronting maple maple avenaa opposite the beer holy creas church its saaiiieial the bear proper- fawema hooks ui tokde moe ty waa acquired aa the site m a baa charcb bui a statement od the rburcfa s plans far the all and fste of the pre- asat building m coelph st u expected la come shortly high tribute to war dead paid at remembrance service ahd as you aee the flag that our boys followed for which they died make your vow to ahalghtygod that si long as he tivee you etrength your thoughts your words ev ry act of your life will be a living tribute to the memory of thoe who fought to save you from bervhude kv william baxter of st pauls baptist church told a buy crowd which gathered at nememb- rance park to observe remem brance day at a service sun day afternoon- speaking at the annual eer- vice for uie first time ur ban tr aald exactly fifty years am men marched down these treats boarded trains sailed dangerous seas and fought lir the fields of prince and tlel lum in the first crest war they wrote with their blood on the panes of history ihe nsmes of ypres paaschendaele vlmy hldge and other places made famous by the battles they fought he asld this year also marks ihe twenty fifth anniverssry of the outbreakef world war ii in the autumn of ibm the lights went out all over the world and men from canada again fought with courage to oppose and stamp out the men ace that threatened throw good since then in korea our men wlhetoodah other menace bent on world wide domination who can measure the loss wa have buffered when we think of the- families that might have bean be said and the contribution slhat the cnen we lost and their descend ants could have made tothe development of the nation here id remembrance park stands this cenotaph to remind us that somewhere in the wor ld are little plots of ground each marked by a simple cross whereon is inscribed the name of a brave man a volunteer aoldier someone from george- town who is burled over be- fa prl yond the aea he concluded here lay your wreaths of tribute here shed your tears of loving re membrance bring hens your hearta and lay them too upon the altar of dedication mr baxters address was fol lowed by memorial prayers the traditional two minutes of alienee followed the playing of the last post and the playing of hevellle concluded the ob servance mayor joseph gibbons open ed the service sad kev kel vln johnston the chaplain of branch 120 royal canadian legion led in a scripture resd lag the placing of memorial wreath at the base of the cen otaph was followed by the reading of the honour roll of georgetown area men who died in war aervlee from 1014 la 1091 the hymns o god our help in agee past and f valiant hearta were aung by the ss- aembled crowd led by the geo rgetown cltisens band a parade from the legion to the cenotaph in which the le glon and auxiliary the lome scots high school rsdets guides brownies snd fire de- partment were led by ihe georgetown girls pipe iund and cltliena band preceded the service 47500 debenture will clear georgetown deficit a final tucialoat u uu 47jaod td debatiirtf u clear cofbftksiw tauhcii irooa th day wbtm eottsmeu okayd the debitor bit i m vh voted dcrwo u tnevijuj wdc uw taouoj eajrriml hon tuy with only dthity rcv iiunti had cr young la ep- mltiou the debentur money will b recovered froni th yrtuly tax ukn over a thr yr period 10 000 of it u deduction from 0 board of prkj ifan- tayimiit abual frant and th ntt will eljr a deficit in th water bxotint wulim t htmut uld th iterald thi wi thavt b will fouhh lrm u deputy ul camwjelowt g ucttia bt tt wcuotii- uf huisur a tvjjjlo la opmillji hu titik uiid art cduacil thu ya iu luu held tw nat of raul ehaurmui ft f toutiti uplraiit luit cock hij abttouiwvd him u cmiididaiu for wfcid 1 coutttil ur cock a kmllb 4 moe m purym hjfj iasrved a tfeviouj tmrm u 8 council 10 tw njomuhccinnu irflhtf td kxio4 lht bumbfi 6f niouncd eandidjjua matyor jojsn4i gibbotu km llyd and kuklni ftctpian will tuii for tanjr cr jim fejnmsrt3d u runtiiiik for dvp- ity ree and eoutwil catvdi include cr bob krancu abd wheldoa kunnvrfoh in ward 1 and cr jiu young hi ward th other four council met wrt have made no atuwme- toarat of thir plana nor hav arveral other men who hv mentioned aa pouihle randl utw transfer engineer to toronto head office x gvorfetowh bixh achool gradual nling berg ma wlb mad ma blidg it have taiov cd frooi calgary alhria td toranlo atr berg had bn at th calgary rflniry of bnt lh anerkn 041 for 8mr yeara hcfor being trnferrd td the od office in toronto ur berg graduated from live university of toronto in che mical engineering he u the to of ur and ur k a berg rr urn- house as opportunity for ptvperty rnra to fcule tbir opinion i a aubmidijmad bu mrvic in corgeiowci aqooekcd through a ft4 vtu touikil vote mon day voterti will be tek in iv- cember to approve a aubly bot to ncd tdio annually to aavubluh a wrvice uked ih the fcpridg by a group of r- ideitu lounclllora other than cr illdebraiadt have hn rau uoua u lutiag a pro virw to go ahead discuss cnr overpass with engineering firm fifty years auctioneer petch honoured at dinner three district auctioneers honored local auctioneer krank petch with a dinner in ever ton aday the dinner mark ad ur petch a 50th annlver sary in the auctioneering bus iness hosting the affair were jock holmes of acton roy lllndley of kvertoa and jack elliott of uuton ur lllndley in whose home the dinner waa held is a past alls quiet yet in estjuesiwj elections will there be any contest for municipal office in tssqueilng this year at the moment their is no whisper of competition for the present members of council if anyone is contempla ung running for office they are keeping it a secret no word has been heard eith er about candidates for esque- slng school board a hotly con tested office lait year however come nomination night this could all change a thi taevember look at weather ihiah law 4 wed 5 tburs pri 1 sat 8 sun uon 10 tues- ss 32 4b 40 m 39 4t w m 27 53 43 85 40 ma for precip ot oiewjeek 60 mih alicia f c scott retarded schools get equal school status children in the sunshine school for retarded children are in for improved treatment according to ontario s ulnlster of educstlon wlltlslh dsvls dsvla was speaking lo the annual ontario progressive conservstlve meeting last week beginning in the new yesr unfortunate children in retar ded arboola will be treated in the asme way as youngsters in tttrtepsehools he aald davls commented the retard ed children atill under the gui dance of the retarded child rens authority will receive the same treatment and bene- rtts aa their more fortunate brothers and sisters the educstlon ulnlster did not elaborate on just what thla better treatment would con- alat of or what specific meas ures would be taken the sunshine school which serves thla area la located on the 1th line of leaquealng five miles eouth of town suffer heart attack while on deer hunt don barrage r operator of local dry cleaning plant la making good trogya follow lng a heart attack which he suffered lau week while on a hunting trip ur uarrager waa on hii tn nual trip to buckharn camp near lluntsville whet he b came 111 he hgi been in hun tavltle hoplta since urs bar rager told the herald yeatet day that it la hoped he will be able to return home thla week 6lkl high school principal j l lambert resigns georgetown voters will give bus franchise views yn b r aod oa on biues uaywr cibhooa young rvrcu and opposed th tjievaaueml vvt monday knd can be aaaumasd to be agaiiut btuj ffaochw th ohr five prupoimou of the vote hedged od their prrfconsl iioliiu- depuly kve llunur auos toed it up whet he said if voters turn it down that a it if thfy favour it then it will be up lo rouficll to tierlde whether a propoed pdfctran over i the industrial fimti are an ii at the cnh alauon will io ve a pedestrian ov be diacuued at a town road coaimlttee meeting thu weak with consulting engineers dam smith roati will be auutned by the council waa approachd rec railway one etimale for the council favoun the plan but it anxiotia to find what job ii 450 000 the question tiea in with propofcrd improvementa to railway brldgea on uain st and uountalnview ltd and the j ently by a representative of management and union la the town a three large industrie the railway vicinity rxprre- alflg coneern about a ban on pedeitrun traffic ovr the john st subway the damai trtcki hmith firw prepared prelim the move has been takrn lnary reporta o ill of thea bcauae of an impending ii two yeara ajfo and council u crease in rail traffic which ilnterettrd in updating its in make eroaung dangeraus for fonnaion and deciding what employe going lo work and the town can afford to do by for aebool children way of i maple pastor gets high post baptist fellowship vlceprealdehcy of th kellow ahip of fcevangical baptiat churches in canada aa that body a ltth annual convention october 29 the convention waa held in with park baptist church in toronto the fellowship em braces thtve hundred and twenty aix churches in canada and ii u- nique in that it has more mi- alonarlea in foreign lands 450 than it has pattora here rev vred howard of knoll wood park baptist church london ontario wn named preside nf john leonard lwnbcrt the gorgetosni high school prin cipal or thirty signed ilia realgxutioo waa accept ed with regret h the tiiffe bcbool board at a aoaitu atoodsy it la affectlv as 4 july 2 ims atr lambert will tarol is a posi aradiusu tmiim an enay ush next year la prwparmtaoai for icacbing the aubjeet at iha uaiefmity wel iu has regis- uied at mcvuster uaivrsity uamilutd fur tha yar of poat graduate work i a look lag forward to bv lng a eollc student again he told the hersld id tendering his resigns uon he eipresaed hll appreci litn for the aasisunce of past and present high aebool board ur lambert succeeded batt- ph roj u principal of cnge town high school lu bu high school board trustees were aasured by council that they would issue debenture worth k2q0840 whei a copy of a council revolution to that ef fret waa read at tb board teeellng the fsoutioi de clared council approval tj the debenture iasue which la the town a share of the eot of a proposed addfuon to the school j l jambirt k1v bfeucat woods high achoou cadet corps wsj also recivd by the board the department of national defence rated the local rorpa with an m3 mark the rat ing ia done during an ins pec also read waa a copy of an- lion in the spring the local other resolution staling the corps no 876 ia under th town will apply to the uunlcl instruction of lieut archie pal board on behalf of the hid robert school board for approval of construction of the proposed an invitation to trustee to addition attend the annual gradual banquet in the school rafeter a favourable report on the la nov z1 wai accepted will prosecute parents of under- age gun owners building slackens in seasonal lag some of thla la occurring through ignorance of the law and some ia through deliberate mallciouaneaa georgetown chief constable roy haley com mented ia issuing yes turd ay to local juvenllu who have ben discharging air rifles and other air powered weapons within the town limits an unusually large number of window glass in public and prl vate buildings from one end of the town to the other has been shattered by air pellets thla paat month thls abnormal number f complaints from residents has prompted this department to crack down we intend to fol low up the tipoffs and thor- only 10 673 in building per a local miniater nev bruce giuw dlirlnk oct wooda of maple avrnue baplber in town thla represented uit church was named to the a house and garage detector under highway surface 9 357 y 4ki slxcsi army navy monthly lucky draw winner a smith of georgetown was the winner of a lucky draw aponeored by the georgetown branch of the- army navy alrforce association which raj made friday oolober 30 the ticket acller waa jim anam ipeter joneg ihoto setting snare for truck euctbltal wowcfs don hudson is shown here installing a quadrangle of wire on top of the first layei of newasphalt opposite the eagle signal plant on gualph street but despite appaarertcas don isnt about to catch a passing vehicle in this modified rabbit snare iha wire is tha detecting end tof a traffic counting device 1n tha eagle sig nal plant which whan completed will bo abla to record traffic voluma on that section of the highway tha company wllj uio it as a demonstrator or as a service to tha department of highways if they require ihe information the loop end of tha detector waa installed last wednesday and is aandwl chert between he first and second layorsof new asphalt part of the counter is manuf ac lured hare oughly investigate these inc dents of broken windows to put an end to uiia aeruelcaa damage he aald chief haley aald the depart warning aent would go aa far as laying charges of contributing to ju venile delinquency against parents of juveniles under th age oi 16 who possea air rifle pellet guns or fir arm parents who purchase for or give to juvenile under al teen any of the mentioned weapons can be letting them selves in for a lot of trouble be said it is also unlawful for mer chants to aell air rifles or fir arms to anyone under the lag al age elect georgetown lawyer vp county conservatives a georgetown lawyer doug iss latimer his been elected first vice president of the lis ton county progressive conser vstlve association he was ns med to tha number two position on the pc totem at the assoeis linns annual meeting in the oakvllle legion hall george kerr upp was ap pointed honorary president of the asloelstlon john depew solicitor qc of oskville wss voted the assoclstlbn president succeeding gordon unity who held the post of president two years but did not run for reelec tion urs june andrews of csmp- bellvllle is lady vice president ind vice president succeeding mrs- b clark ol georgetown a j nichols lawyer of ull ton waa reelected aa seeretlry of the association william mourlgan lawyer of burlllg ton waa reelected holding his post as treasurer auditors this year are robert hitcheox of oakvllle and bill colter of bur lington the oakvllle legion hall waa crowded with association mem bars and thetneetlrig which be fore the electron was conducted by gordon beatty quickly pro ceeded to deal with the business at band excusing the gueat apeaker the hon michael starr for be ing pressed by other business the former president received m inotlqn from the floor to allow mrseajr lo be beard lmmed- aftcrtitarrs speech wllllsm hourigan chairman of the con stitution committee came for ward vrlth hie report according to mr hourlgan the county executive had grown to almoat 400 people which he termed unworkable changes i la tha constitution have now reduced this number to about 30 executive members the other change stfected the young rvogresslve conserv- vstlve clubs am hu particular bearing on the coming progres sive conservative convention to be held february 12th the selection of a progressive conservstlve candidate at the conve ion was formerly limit ed to members of 21 years of age with regsro for vpc club members this age has naw been reduced to is brampton man injured whrkood road crash a spectaculsr crash on the wlldwood road last wednesday night resulted in serious in jury to the driver of a 1m2 olds and minor injury lo huj passenger the accident loca tion is 1 few hundred ysrds north of the georgetown 11m iu harold ran 48 of 8 cam bridge cresc7 brampton was rushed to georgetown jlleiaers memorial hospital by tha georgetown ambulance ser vice bleeding x profusely from bead injuries- he wss crested for lacerations to his face and acaln the car was a total wreck constable jim hatch of ufa 1 north halton detachment of i the ontario- provincial police jj aald he ear waa westbound on the sideroad and had juat crossed the cnr northern line t when tit skidded in loose gravvj el and want out of control r tha vehicle plunged off thai shoulder of the road arid rammed a tree a the accident happened atjg about 7 jo na

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