Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 12, 1964, p. 10

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v wedding bells ar high school staffer osstfvicepreildent ji ii honeymoons in bermuda antigua follow autumn weddings l and mart dofialb nott left tign the winter at st cuog anglican chuch following lhtr memq there wy hmvm made tlioir tuutw in parfy sound flr lionynoon mg in fwrmoda tk bride it tlw former diana lt bernadve tughte of mr end mri leonard berrwclve 30 byron st nd ih groom it ihe ion of mr ervd mr cecil fool parry pond at right mr and mrt paul mtkltcll pom following thatr weddtng in st john l united church live bride it the trmar carol iddon dughlr of mr and kt frank sad don goglown and five groom it lha ton of mrt william titchell nd tin late mr mitctwih of own sourui tliey trviud to antigua for tlietr honeymoon in the mail bag iites school board record is mayorality qualification ohkr ftth 104 my opponents to a pmfin in 6d stevens trekent their butine which i eor georgetown out ghon in both rate the pro- pi have been diisallafied thrir work and have hid fir them tti people he a satisfactory balance of rnh me mat and indsutrial iivcm id nt has been reached i muil ran feu that i hid at thu type of thinz not have reared itt uclv head and hid furthrr believed that umr of the old won mi i hid started to heal never to w reopened for the good of all liii rommunily so i uy dili to that who would through iniinuation and innuendo allrmpt t his ay old and time worn tactic please ilo not ike m naive a to think thai i uill lurcumb to the ru mour mrth ul or that uv friend and supporters will either thank voj cr llnbcrt u iub lranria io urges labour have voice i z elect civic candidates ur mi or reed with interest the at job but they failed they now have a meeting last week i do ml to liui full wilh lh ppl inr ii pn r i non do the people rehire al ln b liild as a debate and i nowhere he rebut tie by mvself to tome u made by my opposition id like to take this op- unity to do so m mi tor nd tiuinr lie wint ji1r1j1 thj9 or no l t tkaiifm wre needled new ll it it imperative then thai hon in alt irvru ol gov rnmrnl nuiniripil provinrill and rdrral tbrsr ir th hmjiri thai 40 uin st s ill u tlt wan rirnrr whirh lima thr homra rar rldtha and fotul ihjl kpa the factor r civ i ai in an hishty milivil lrt prnduclnj ind thr mrrrh italf- vh0ir r pro orrn ol tacitly futrrnmr nlal that thry cannot handlr llif dumn play llir mol mlal l or do they hirf the nv lnd p nrn man who hai mail a lurrn mmule our wfcrihfr n nr hi privalr an w opinr1 by ur llyd p k i thoucht w nadl nw lod nd that 1 ahmild pml or r ii aa thy ar holh known io thr fcupl of yrj on council he m ttor would tv m hopouhly ur gibbon m true hut neither j iji tiut lid hvt the patient bwd i h u d ke the law of ihe land 1 ldth whl he wa mkin l ttl 0 l tt 1 airee wiih ur hyde p w hl the ore of labour mul ls that 7 ahould be in i lh ril ddn t cooper ow u that the council duln t coope ate with him it looki like rate of everybody out of step when 1 uld u happy to aerv undrr f p i the marveloua job he h klr glhhona aakl me if i inflin the ig evrr in a pnnlion of lead ebip or reiponiihllity vn the lool board and wai i aeekins top uuuon on council he 1 couldn t make it on the tl hoanl aa mananrment nan on the school board raponiihle for the inter djf l hirma of the tea in your puhln school kum aa to the leadership or cboard of eilucalion 1 feel it this la well handled by the nt chairman u i didn t i o 1 would not healtate to f to i think that the achool rd u well organized and do air work in a very buaineia manner uy opponent u ll on board he heard in the town lull and parliament icrnn the land organized labour haa a prom nent role in mumcipjl elec uniona in leorfie- town ahould be marshal linn their atrencth to see that tome union members are elected tn council that no person or per sons who are anil labour ahould get each month hut forcot to elected buk that i should be fifcil and if there waa i capable leailer than my c running for mayor then ll iheard mr hyde sl done in hudjet it re- 1 n d i me of the hmtc wife who showed her hns band a balanced household hud ell him about the new dre boucht on credit for which ahe j uaa not paying am wondering how a town can show a balanced budget there are 8 union local re presenting over 1500 workers in georgetown iwluch a lartc percentage of theve have a vole hie coming municipal elec where e re j h uonrz vol cniecv lvi llf any candidate for coun to raise 37 500 to pay a water deficit it a like saying that be cause one department in an industry lose money we houldn t consider il as part of the company tjl vear there were over 1000 eligible voters in reor pclown who did not ote true they didnt havt much of a choice hut this yeir thfy do h wqink man could sit hack j n in leave the business of gov cit tliii is a working mans town let s nuke sure that the working man and his wife have a strong voice in its affair too often in the past we have lieen the wojvinjf man complete ly ignoeed in formulating policy which directly affected his in tercst gone are the days that h keen and expect to brj h n jj jjnrt leave the business of g u because of my ck j vtown l along x can and will give unhias ed leadetrnhip thank you for ihe use this p 1be h llkftn on guch 6 malcolm ii freeman ji71 lhnc at the council table she people of georgetown u in industry are the cm byer and the council mem t are the employea in the w chev have hired both at i ihe line he would get a fair shake we can no longer wait n because this business of goverrt intent in this tuodertt day and yard 1 councillor says landidatergetting jittery si ilewfton crescent editor orgfltown herald ai my m low councillor ata i in your edition one week 9 it has- come to the atten ip of this person that i have pro- this and ant that to keep the record straight id in tbeir proper permpeeuve firmly submit that a bad case preelection jitters must rduklnat someone nervpua or lfjcure about the outcome at forthcoming municipal el ih we must all tace the lability of belnie defeated georgetown i say this i eonsl der myseir to be above this type of thing and believe that 1 have proven myself beyond any reasonable doubt and will go on record and state without fear of contradiction from anyone that i have acted at all times in the beat interests of the people of georgetown and will continue io do so if successful in the forthcoming election in my opinion it ahould not be necessary but for those who would like to see it in print and i quote i have been iuy by a better tnan and will be against residential r them and all the people of land release until such time aa uvea working for a living wage tlona that every single decision made by municipalcouncil vlt ally concerns every last one of tin n te work in 4 man must make every effort to ensure that vi ide of the atory ji heard in the council chambeei we live un der a democratic form of gov ernment and such we are not only entitled to attend com mil tee meetings council meet ingi regardless if some tnem ben of council do not think so but we are entitled to be heard the one aure way we can be heard is to ewt labour men to council nomination njght is november 24th and election jday is feceniber 5th the vrorkers are really the backbone of our economic ays- tpm their labour applied to natural resources is the sole source of all wealth they spent the productive years of their anls in buiiness an uell ai be mg thr largest group of tjupjy era the working man should not he relegated to the position of an erring child who should be seen arid not heard labour should take its rightful place in our societ the labour movement has a proud and fighting tradition let us gather our hosts and do battle with those who would in jure the labour movement or attempt to regulate us to ser ond rate ritiiens thanking you xi r hditor for the use of the columns of this newspaper v illiam cumpsty 40 main street s smile the other day i was driving around my neighbourhood 1 stopped in front nf a friend a house and saw his son mowing thr lawn dickie i iaid is your mo ther inside listen he replied you don t think i m mowing the lawn tve cause the grass is too long heat your home r h thompson hardware numbinoftjuatino ix 7971 district high sdhool staff member atikelvl been elected vice- prasidesu of the ontario seeil dary scbool teachers fodera- tiaw district sx the aew ctativ was named at the aav 1 bsusquet and meeting of federatioo hi braaaboa ee wed lead ay october utk tw aaeeftag waa highlighted by a spate by l w whiuau mi braste la- 1m46s pmmt preeiocst wb paid tribute to of the lestcisag had hejped the welfare ef t each era he cballcs fed the youag teachers i par ucipau aaere fully la fedcra tloai aftasrs and to hacpene good tahr rather th4 adoiinialra tors h ue vfue wtr are too busy itvlag with uirlag ioi u of aaumat coaaqmutiy w fail to rvalue th irapurt ort of the ywnuoa w stavddart ksorullve tvecrcury told the kamoibly ms years ago w wre a family of tjxn uarhcrs within id datricti while todaiy thvr are wooo urlwm within 31 tricts w are adding s out tw- uabcrri pf anuiko- to the pio fvuiod t kld kutumltlod liluat l latrodwod lo tv h ad fcnloutratlvri load bd he krjrc tioa hid bltut autoutltml muavt by lbtgratd thto the fcchool syttrni to jsvju the pftttipu ih thrir uj laitmal lun if s altrruitr k sboe hruuaua vs ii jrw notice to creditor tovr thi festatg of mru wkl dl balllhfad the young edpje in the unity had the opportuav ty of aisnriosj two nights of abosts and toblens this year on friday evening teen tvwd hejd ablmqneeede dance and on saturday a party for in the village ao aarrouadlng district was spon- aorad again by the institute mr and mrs- atathewa again acted as judges of costume thi momktowm hgtal4 thoradey nn iwihn 1 1m4 page 10 whea both young and d joined to th fu pi drenaijlg pp and in some cases footing tbetr cloeest neigbbours looch was provided for ail as well aa extra treats for taw children a very special thank you to the meaabers of the women institute aix fkhsons having claims fegalttau th ut tt tout wilson ule bf the tewn of cuigtowd in the cxuialy of hi 1 1 oj rrj iuntwr who died on br about the twhty fourih day bf june a i llwj are hrby tibtifird to snd particulars of same to the ukii prtnripali do no bv a lundrignrd un or wfor the homogous monolithic group soth rfy of kovrmber ad 16a4 afier whirh date ih v- to hfcadl bot their tuk ujtii tlmr to kry eimutive put iwld by prrsldrots of urge rompii it is rertaiu that prmri piu salarirs will be increawd in prupurtiou la i he greater re sponlblltiea put upon them he concluded kealutioni to w tent lu ihe aniiiiaaibbly cr wiroul ol lucludrd the organization of curriculum rrform pennon changes rertificatien arul pro fesstoiul developaiieiil the new executive includes past impendent k uhillant brsjiiptoa president a uie lachlan brampton ii s 1st vice ivvaidcbt u ieleschak ceorgrtowti d ii s 2nd vice president al pike ordon cray don ii s treasurer r ijving hon brampton ii s advisory principals committee r hunter lincipal milton it s k shore chairman salary urau drama lea ss kepreien tatives to the ahbuii assembly to be held in toronto oser the christmas holidays includes delegstea d walker peel torapaut s d mason peel ss d cupls coujoo cray don ss o llowden port credit ss and u peleschak ceorge- tate will be distributed with regard only to the rlaltnj of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the un drrtlgned will not be liable to any person nf whose claim they thai i imt then have notice datrl at georgetown thl november a d i04 wiijum hrx uk adminiitrator of the tatate ef vltlc wiisos by iii solicitor george c hewwtn georgetown ontario 11 id attention dairy farmers mow 1 ihj timj to ty master dairy feeds wf mavf vtclai discount oh master damy mtdi unt11 uomki w liui kv bmhd supply o hit pulf to orh at btfca mich we sell aad mommead ts master feeds master feeds stiwahttown dul i773s1j momp- nash amd mcdowell kuuwmo aj hiatims wl swammx m wur tyunt l aututrt i aatmluuia tr 72842 tjfql need 5000 till pay day try atlnixa twilly ulty iso 60 cth fthly 33c hll pjy dy cali vaughn momjey ay atlantic finance t77l9v ii fcuu ji i santa claus parade floats wanted nursery rhyme television i comedy floats western characters 1 needed to help the lions club welcome santa claus to geotgetown dec 13th wort t you please have your group enter a float in the parade rr rurtkar lnfhtallan call 8773631 or 2529 recipe of the month baked pears with marshmallows quick ovan basmit 0 canada choice canned pear halves j tablespoon sugar vi up cinnamon 1 lemon sliced paper thin 0 tnarsbmailows place drained pear halves in baking dish with li cup of their juice ux autfar and cinnamon together and sprinkle over pear place a toaper thin slice of lemon on each pear half and a marsh mallow on top ol the lenlon alice place in a moderately hot oven 400 degs k for about 5 minutes or until marshmallows are delicately browned and pears are hea ted through serve immed iately pouring the juice left id the baklnpan over the pears yo attractive recipe folder write to tile ontario tender km it institute 24l food terminal building e queenaway toronto 18 you can heat water electrically six times as fast as average use demands with the new f electric water heating appliance cascade 40 is flameless clean silent and there is m un year guarantee on the tank i approved ths haw cascads 40 water hsatinf appliance is an approved product dvlopaa through ths cpmblnad resjsarch and resource- of ontario hydro and elsctrlcal manufacturers id of r yourhyuro stes w av- vtl itj j t rr

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