Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 12, 1964, p. 16

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i fftt omtmtomtm hulald m i ix 1m4 pack u coming events to j van mr and dtp tooftn there afto two paopla lt our thoughts today they are our paresis tha best by tar luy god hie you on ihia special day your twenty tilth umivcraaxy lovingly runes bed by audrey sod peter tioekstn jim van dr toora load itsy ud bobby coming events mmamukl lutheran church howard wxccteswobtm tcmooc auditorium m guioju snuarr wonhlp bnln loijo am luod f rsil jo u j auutnkk ruin disc jockeys available unouoia vtrvuu kh 0w rtua dota muatis ia kuxt all t t t tw ul u lu-i- tuaaoium haus yor information ftmlart tulmo hsooucttom bill wrl1 451411 kill yuluh bxm youth forum in the lkciow hall iu mill siirn sunday nov 15th 730 pm alcohol i u4 wj ctcamkinrb smokiua film to you htfaltu iv j gregory krer senior thyiitian and clinical director outpatient department alcoholism 1 drug addition research lunlation toronto jit informed be korevtarned sponsored by bkanch 1m hoyal canadian legiom presbyterian church church school 1000 am public worship 1115 aj mlnuue rv h d duncansawt orwil mr k i hllltp new members for all sections of the choir will be welcome prtctic thursday 8 pm new aacfca at rfaiaaa for csptsctasst yaifbti b nov ember 30th for fiartber infor- bbatioii call wnami nis vary friday la sl george pariah ball 8- 15 n good pnm luocfa apo by the wa u bazaar aagjucaa parts hall norval saturday nov 14th 1 to 5 bjb every thsog lor chrtstmaa giving 1111 at tullinaiad com munity centre vtidaly novem ber i4ttu dsncifig 9 p-m- to 1 ajn afbsic by the larks admia- sioo adufta t5c students 50c bazaar november list sponsored by st alhsos lao ie guild in tba parish 1uu 4 pm to 8 po buffet auppet 1119 jiw sal krld nv embef- lttfc front 10 a tti- to 8 pm in uelre lauiuiroiust- jnxeeds for local aisoriatloii i guide btul luownlej mad to attend the cuktjt- mas ball kponsurcd by the hospital auiilury on- pnday lwc 4th ft- pia l5 a w the kivters harvey siaubi orchestr unlckf crrtibj carda hi bow bd tal at the v of flrt woddy wthjurdy fri day fruui 2 5 pm ttiurwiay kvcninxa frutu 70 9 nm j i usm st s nt the riulr iiictinj of the ijwai council uf wuuicii will be hrlj kridsy nowiibr sotb st 2io p m at the bom of un v w johnsotl kdith st ura vjel 1uu will addrtsi tbe mctnu 6b l- ln zslj nd the public ia cordially in vited to alteiul the next tiieh- ih of the leortietowii ilortirul tural soeiety when it irieu in the howard wrijfgleswortfa aud itoriutii wedneulay november itkh 8 pni- th addresa nd showing of ilidei on great ui tain aiul vuinp by the ktueit speaker willuu packhsm u munt dirretor of district 8 will tie of luucb interest o the people of georgetown and dis trict aj an added attraction for thii meeting only will be a piano accordion recital by paul sebsrasj of toronto ad mission ia frer refrehaienti will be wrved turrws s068 uniafim swvde wiah- to inwmmm the btrth oi a niece at ottvwa oct 1mb 1904 proud pareata are sbar- roa and tom rosa grand parents- are mr an lira her bert louth of norral and mr aud atrs lloyd sweetie 14 park avenue geotietown dcaths kosteh uoyd on thurs day november 5th 19b4 ft georsetown and district me- tnofiaj uospiul uord voa- ur of s afonitainview kit la bis 47th year beloved hcas- bmtsd of euby hancock and dear brhcr of deonji lioda and boy dear son of str and aire george foster and brother of stlldred toronto xuocrsl jrrvice waa eondoc- ted at the harold c sleclure punersl home a4 ldtlh street georgetown oo saturday november 7tb at two clock interment wis la greenwood cemetery amy cbuidi parade tohoward garvirr st georges sunday tbia suaday aflernoon the lone soota wul have a refl- meotaj parade to st georgsva anglaean church for their an nual church parade the parade will leavwgeor- cetown armoury at 2lt led by tbe pipe band the reel entaj braas band will provide the music for the church ser vice the rector rev john me- stulkin who is retinwuatal cha plain will conduct the service becatww of litrlt aceotoo- datioa it u expected the reg iment will fill all available in the church and the public u not being invited to attend the serviee lloyd foster 47 was cycle store operator gajvin howard john sod denly oo tburwsy nov s lba4 at georgetown and district memorial hospital howard john garvin of glcti wllliamv in bis 07l year beloved busbahd of verati sbll dear rather of lorsw dear brother of cordod of detroit uarie oari carl karii of injclewood harvry aiid w vlr ori sr gdit of glen wuusiiut drar krandfatber of kva ur l wurdock and lorraine ur j dohrrty of georgrlowtt and great grandfather ef kcrulin doherty kutiersl aervice took place on saturday at the harold c wcciure kuaerfel home in trrment in glen williama cvnirl ry hi neighbour hostess cited at convention mkmoftlams 1 1 ass in memory of gustavj ilaia who pased away nov enber 5th ipaso we often think of dayi gone by whwi we were all together a shadow oer our lives hn cast cnir loved one gone forever kver remembered by ijruli and kraier ceorgeiowns hi neighbour bostesa airs kcatnerim coauaru was kioaled out for bpeeial mention during the cooventioil of the welcome- service oo n- t ember 4 at the hoyal york hotel toronto prvaidrnt l preatubs eort- gratulalod her for efficiently smj cemetery handling her brsacb mrs cot- daro call on tww town ri driuj ratemiing a welcome to town frimd a group of buin mtffiio which include the hefld hi neighbour originated in calgary uking the traditional welcome of the calgary stam pede and in ten year brich ea hav been established all afro canada ueauiei the official welrone boatesaei provide many other jservlcea for new residents they are put in touch with churchei iiu health aervicea told about service club and schools 66 was hilltop quairits foreman lirenua at hilltop quarries alii his retiretnent this sunv er howard john garvia 06 died suddenly on november 3 at georgetown hospital born is milton son of john and mary mil garvin he had lived in glen williams since ejuldfkood he was a member of glen williams cemetery board and the town hall board ha was married in 1810 to verna sehlj who survives with one son lome of glen will iams its- also leavs brothers i and sisters gordon of detroit afichixaa sirs carl kara war ie of luglewood harvey and mr cwrg sargent cne of glen wuluma two grandchild ren sir i s unlock and mrs j doharty and a great arrsnd- daughter kristin doherty kev unnald stubuy coitdoct- ed the funeral servire on sat urday at the harold c mr lure kunersl houie jalluarrn wefe vem kirby mtrv klrby kmle thompaod paul iiifitberger stan norton and jack norton interment wtg in glen will haks in loving memory of a dear husband and father cuxtav hsu who paited tway november 5th 1wj0 hive only a memory dear husband to keep my whole lise through ilut the tweetneu will linger forever operator of a cycle and aj i treasure the image of you sports store at guelph 1 water tt reels lloyd koiler 48 died georgetown hospital nov ember 5 horn on the 10th line near glen william he was work- log in the hrickyardtat chelt enham when he joined the j army he serve overseas in world war 2 with the ontario tank ilegiment and uw ter vice in sicily italy and north africa after the war he moved to glen williams was employed taker and the nurses and staff sl johns unitcd church georgetown ont minister rev law m flemlrtff organist and choir director k r harris arct itmt sunday november is morning worship 11 im no evening worship sadly remembered by wife louise daughter lily son- in law kd and grandchildren keith and marie newman cards op thanks qiaplln i would like to thank all my relatives md frienda for remembering me with cards gifts flowers jnd visits while i was in george town hospital and since re turning home special thanks to dr hebenek and dr whit m dance tulbbo productions saturday dancs party pre sg nts the new and sensational the delreys saturday nov 14 alto to mako a grat ihow ooalor our swlnoingdejay brian kent admission mmibtrt 100 nonaw 125 bxampton junior ramurrsuildino next brampton z arena it avro and later it smith t rti for ihr pail i yr he orkrl with hill cirbutl in hil jlunlhing and lvratinc but inru whilr aue oritlnif a urttuful blcycl huilnfu lrt in his home on uountain- view ltd he eatabliihed hii itorr a year ab he wai a member of camo- bella crou orante lodje and member conducted a aervic vviday nicht at the harold c ueclure funeral home hev ian heminl oldclated on sat urday at the funeral aervlce pallbearera ware harold llar- ri slreelavllle itaymond mc- coll toronto neil webater and carton kjnbllnb hrampton keoroe ilarria ami hill garbutt interment was in greenwood cejnetery mr foster leaves his wife ruby hancock three children dennis linda and iloy his parents mr and mrs ceorce foster 10 kawli si and a sis ter mildred of toronlo tallinafad teen town members shower newlyweds mr and mra cliff nelson nee trudy speara were hon oured at a presentation in uie hall on friday evenine the party waa arranfed by their fellow member of teentown and the lft t the newly married couple from the com- munlty and other friend from surrounding districts wai a dinette aulte music for th ev ening of dancing was supplied by mariona orchestra those who enjoyed a week of hunting up north but week were messrs dick shortlll keg french art saunders angua meeachern bll thompaoo vl swlndlehurat doug maon ed smith tom clven bud and elwood snow they brought home a moose the monthly meeting of the joint sunday school- teacher and officers of churchill and balunafad waa held here on sunday night the ucw ecutlve met on monday night in the church and the scout group committee met at the home of mr wjuard sander- aon all these groups are the cbaamels through which chris tian education and good cltls- enahlp are developed in our cbanmuauty who were so kind mrs kllrn chaplin long i would like to ei pnes my tinetr thanka and appreciation to all my friends who assisted in any wsy in restoring me back to health through a serious illness in cluding the nursing staff and dr iliompson john long cat of thanks kgtkit wtr would like tv 9ptm our sincere thanks to all ttkoe very kind people who were so thoughtful in io many ways also for the beautiful flowers special thanks to dr odwyer and dr martin and mtmbtr of the hospital staff who looked aftrr our husband and father to well mrs uoyd koiler and fsmity jauikson i sppreclate greatly the time very- one took from their bu sy days to exprrst their kindness to me in numerous ways while 1 wss a palient in hospital and since coming home tbsnks everyone fran juairson uuldefl our sincere thanks to everyooe for flowers cards gifts nursing care of the georgetown hospital staff and to xt ltrewster and dr i panabaker also thanks to thoae who tent carda gifts and flowers after our daugh ters birth arlene and hank mulder south we would like to an nounee the birth of a baby brother james edward born friday october 23rd 1684 at georgetown and district hoapltsl weight 0 lbs 4i ox the proud narenta are marie and kenneth south special thanka to dr iteben- ek dr thompson and the nursing staff local n dp helped waterloo campaign five loral men bert had dork m- hssmiisien dennis mccartney w rannarhan ond ww cumpaly organlier for th new dvmorratle tarty rtn khare in mondays by elec tion victory in waterlu south by the ndi candidate mai saltlartail i these men for the pait few weeka have been in waterloo every sot unlay and in the esse of mr cumpslv much of letwr campaigning for the par ty representative working with thete loral men were marj tinney past pres of halton county ndi snd now ontario orifaniier i vmi young uvv stephen iwis mimv and krhart heg h ur keleral organiier frojii uritiih columbn ilvers childrens t0ggeky sh0ppe prechristmas sale j o reductions on every purchase social personal eextektmeveemtmmmi mr and mrs calvin clark of wyoming were weekend visit or with mr and mrs gsrfield mcgllvray 8 guelph st ulu jacqueline guelph street was ith a beautuul act of jet lin r luggage by the canadian national kail way vnlon jac queline has resigned her posi tion with the cnk- to work j for a legal firm knoac many mr and mrs s lawr kw ing street georgetown toit 72 nounee the engagement of their presented jugughler clieryl diane to mr frederick norton hilts son ol mrs hoy hills and the late mr hilts of glen willismi the marriage will lake place on kn nov 37th ita4 you are invited to an evening of sacred song by the interchurch male choir of toronto in knox presbyterian church on sunday november 15th al 730 pm everyone wetcome banquets stags or any special occasion four course mrih s20per pemm clnurm sijs christmas dinners our spcciaity j sook you banouet now wilmas club 7 8779056 conr ol ouelpel ahd main strl georoalowf oeocorrown tiu be rr i mnj annua firemen s ball in the legion auditorium november 13th 9 pm 1 aril this is the firemens annual new years bail brought forward music by the manhattans ii so admission inclixua ludty draw ckance en feur pntt of 25 oo the car for 65 classic american ambassador see and dhive them at uttu motors your niarest rambuw deaim check the reliable used cars at motors ne 7 hwy bast acton u04m bingo this monday boo pm ay the rivkra in norval jackpot s7fj0 oo ws in 37 htllli admission soc free bus leaves archies girards 730 pm to riviera via main street water street good grooming is worth it notice wt the undersigned georgetown barbers have agreed to the following service charges as listed below commencing november 17lh 1944 haircut brush cut children under 13 children saturday merv cook 5 miersma danieljudy llso 175 100 7- 125 wright smith russ taogart jimmy v our annual november feature 1 christells famous sfeciali 6s9 t ii so all hums substantially reduced just in time to give your hair perfect body and style for tha christmas season call for appointment tr 76761 we speak english dutch fronds a gorman christells hair styling ma main s over goufloons 1fl 74761 richards self service s3 mihstreot next io free parking lot shoe store openi friday from 100 pm to 900 pm 6aturday from 1 1 00 am to ooo pm i mens shoes 4 77- 878 ladies quality all styls dress shoes 17jb47l save on hosiery seamless mesh nytons irst ouauty 3 pair for 4prjor m

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