Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 12, 1964, p. 8

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jc wuypw nmutf klamc- koqtt mdjqwtflg umk wdchmwhluprbkipubmimchtoumcomhmwmln r t who bwht irvtwho ihrowi 1h firit itona in i isidt t jp curling match bfcrwassn public and high acnaol taechaara at lh north helton rink saturday the high achool staffers won it 6 to 5 at left miss jaan ruddall ol thaj public achool tmchm dellvara a rock th earn kkkad off th w blake and gerry inglis skating with tanners w peter june i htu teachers take to ice to throw stones ix aru0 tanner of woaa alga t cortuho vtoiytj- player thl hed up fur uir tint jrctic ul wk lhy boultj bih tin toujjbctt trjatton th tanrwry iowh has lcd of uv cuulaf of dc ds f atuoog ik twjy trying for j befthj iii thv aflort wjuij wf sofoj lrhhfril taiyn dvt tori ux hufford and u1w afcd crry iiii iir toch i ittoljltr croratuwtlfr jliil ur butiijiii h i th ut uai bjnrb tj tykj- vt hd out fur b first ptrllc unr the ifm of t leuva ulvtadj d courts bautpoi put tb jji rfi t trough a tiff norkwl lfe s to 10 p m tuedy atnd tbry pfitcttcd twic oil the wkeod i top l d tsmnrnand with lb ialdawig front uat c i w junior tuion d coach club whu aboed up at tne first knto bclltjiui ruld th hockey beavers reney mihon rivalry sundaj winwaa la two horn auxfe ciumt daye piwatic e th corstira beavers wtu w uouowsy of otkvill trying tt craafc thm winner tflrete ftftiacl aaoomt first yurykjb this hmviij ajuraoofl mtltod juaiors and u old rivalry will probably b rmkiad- i iad in lb procaaa officials of the hew ktlton quad say tbair utn whkfe kaa a atroag siiitoo nucleus with a apnoklia of acton and port crodit producu u till far from i th bjrth of lh ouji aur nu ixawdj by ab par tirt pdl lnlrrnadiat kky out of buma4 kfte lonij bland id fellhon fcud ironically tb comb to wlft restaurant it kuu m 1 finest chinestl prmtlu wert kvrr iultij krd ktcntiri 1 o hk1o lr old tuwmlcy hon ufllon whu tuvtf kit plrd jui iof or latrr hnedlt btkty hrlt s4u u ijould hbd uoii uefkrui r ih old wt-ri- hob sli rrnl urw jan hiddill lau jdhtuod jubt cubi itifchtri ihd ijrry i ort lvovces blank hespeler local omha delegates 1 weh season with winner n auto rally spoils hear clarence campbell kumj fiv mjln of rouh counlry drivink ailtd lo pnt due i ilrnfle winntr in tl r on lurdsy nov v th but to th wany wn nd wo trunfl tar t lub j- all no ontario yjnor llockry auocl n who iv of ihthr tlm to vlc hilly which itartrd q 1 tlif imrri uiivrt the ttartms twin t tilt rounr took sppn ly thrr houra lo dnvi i cogltwrt kuvtf ah mui iwoii tblr liouu opanrr tl tj is7 13 47 ontr tudjy uljhl 40 igainat llfi jromdriir vi vrinih d pwt fclto tltir ft rvt ki of 7 1s7 4s linul th9 wsfcdh glnii hdino muflalo va iulourg irxrrd two for th hooi itim 7 4i is atlnn hld their slat annual th youthof th country and sudrd hart sunday nnvfiiilwr mll r to u handud by tlie annuaj fall y i jis of th firt pnod and or llockry war brought up and raifilone of ths u that in th nd thfi many 1 al th nd nfthr thrhrur ronvanlion at the kinf mward i swnt wou pjy g in drive a teoretown ear ant a hotel ttiar wr sm dl utter elliiena and alto many uelro rar wr tied on ir u galea to this gathering ener would mrti a chance at lietter don llnnklow ia il weiler at itrt of importance to min iuw of the leader manned the local witllpr ahlp offers rord mustang and j varhir uauy tulsgllea or high ton of concord an i d i nn if standing lit th omha wrr wfaton tied thein in a r lng agreement between toron aindance ml of the old ralnn rach car p kid ip to hockey league and he wo known wu u a three pnall p n ts tlr unr omha reipctlng on an i delegate hud jamei guarded tm hiea lera playera and teami geo- in dc jtrvle had the sn the rally route marii t rgetown tprentatvei to he or 0 chatting with mr hew by teirv orti nf thr n omha convenuon were m j t afternoon and later spring car rluhnakr i hr ich bud jamea hoy in u evening of taking him rwiueting ijif r and william kor q the maple lef ardent of arm towmhip the 1 il of wher new york tlangert and the redit and i r llif toronto maple ieafi played aledon hilli temin tvin jarle norton sr uck 71 a delegate at their lun rheon uere addreised by mr clarence lamphell the niiu president tin topic naturally dealt wilh hockey the nhu draft its importance and ef fecti the pennon plan of the playera and alo dwelt on how young man who wai not too tood student hut whose abil ity in hockey wai ouutandmg could make himself a good carver in hockey nd through fha n ii k pennon fund could rnaur himielf of security in rtlretiient mr campbell pointed out standing provincial 25 that a hockey player in the georgetown dairy 21 huhh nhl for 20 years could am 21 preston a grnrerir 20 iu a pennon at slaty five that the nurses is rohcrt heal would amount to well over state 17 fxchange homp ib 81m0oo in its entirety mr af 14 num dums 11 len campbell in opening his re o j kirhy 0 lucky stri tnarki made this statement kfl 7 m weekly triples uy job was to talk to you and j tmpiw 21 u dean 715 the irianje club tiat will b hell sunday dec ii regulra tlon of driven will lake place at tie delres market centf at 11 10 a in lady darts sti ling t i 22 liiin all ir toninunitv r urn tfl hi ait ifl jor 1 ir al 15 irrra itj ii imperial 12 mr 1 rur mrs u ilnia hub lligli sc re mr jran uwlhont 152 al 10 23 of th arond period frtiirt hulterworlh and learre at th 0 00 minute mark of tha third period hancock scor ta frxwrt uvell and at 13 40 norton froiri multerworth gwirgtown tarried m ut of th play tlvuughout the game and their defeni played a big pari in helpl earn his shutout i action on the alleys ciorgitown mums major your job wai to lutrn to mr sinffl j and if you flnuh your job firil lrt me know j- ti ii- rrvd th- lrictt it v lention to the end of ins add was the delegate paid tri r falk wees start timleck 121 w c itarlow 301 d averages ar bar 240 t graham 231 tl liar ns 230 b iiwin 224 c nurse 222 c couliihan 221 d wilkes 221 ii brsndford 220 j timpson 217 b gourlie hespeler pee wees became 2 h g wehater 217 the first home game victims of tuesday aftettnoom navambsr 3 194 tied 1eathers 52 has neens 17 the georgetown tee wees tuesday nov 3 when the loc wis told a 4 3 decision in a tn county watch here standings brian beaumont scored 1 kool kill 43 ivair for the winners and paul mountaineers 3fl swinging ix his team 15 country cousins 11 pjy stikrrs p rxa miri k 715 sin vendley equalled 22 0 ettrrs 9 rajrr tlcav ers 2 ladies wccklv triple darlene anders n lie willi hdrp sancv s rrlr 74 smtles sanry rnr 21 aurirev ummer 2hfl u ith hdcp nancy surrie 115 seas n triples marj sj irrs 741 helm eravlrv 4l v ilh llilrp nancv norrir 74 singles ifll n rton ion uhh hdcp peggv rtnn 341 averages bernice r m ond 20 marg spires 200 smith l stone ltd standing r rce loafers 1 satellites 37 astronauts 1 rippers 32 bestirs 11 ii ckrls 31 hornets 10 dustrrs 14 men ueeklv tliplrs sharky rorlle b17 singles j p norton 201 ladies wieklv tn pie lva unlock 10 suit leu va murdo k uk mm season triples sharky in telle b17 sinjlrs k ilrnvvn 125 ladies seas n tn tlire penalties were hai 1 ed nut in the game 1 in r gelown ami 1 tn heipeler aorgetown nest home lea gue game 11 sovember 24 7 p m milt n againil e ile town kid hockey by j1m yt would all roaches please complete a list of players who have not attended gamrs m the past four weeks anil give thre names to your repect ve com millions if possible cn htt thojld atlempl to contact thee bo vi to ascertain if heir ah keith huffman tence due to ckness or in ha v lock 15 rric linn jury if not then their reistra mrdnatd 12 ron tlon cards will be removed chathe jenner 21 from the files and in order lo v nc mm- hark into their repeche fihi leagues the m 1st re reenter equ num hers of plavers tarn pojutfu ullua charu tbir ularilng netmlitder ia yrl ifttiai a whu will p t ll uxak4u wtwn th mlltfd wi ti- h t t lh i c bar le only blue liner frn laat r a chirui joinlog this r mvrrhanta ia urv klruhr up frwii th rntlaj ia felltl atdrtoti and knato iwrioll a quawc podli- alala huchard lwld iiuwr blur hria job atkd ul tvgrr a tor birr 1ort crd t juvnlu vwutuls gut th dafrfvl rola hjliaaiiui will wrk wilh trt furwards ohly five of tkant jg milton gradi two juvenile gradi critr hear e and winger dirk will anrh r nn ho with riariin juveml john dunne handling th ciher wing kean wound up tavrn th in th tnrounly scoring rae with nine goals and nine aaaiata in is gtnui acsjuibltlon nf brian hond ftirn oakville juveniles uaul jg ers merrhanls second line other members of that line in 7 rlud ralf ltruh still eligible for miltott itiidgrtl and roger j wildfong up from th lot iaci 1 thinl mr rchant line has tlir i juvenilei jo hare i of prtrt crlit danny arhe of aelon and allan field of uil ton trnth forward slot will go to and canadian dishes fw talia owl larla call 877979j harlem iglobf wortffis i irwlmd s 15 as uorlinlrr g 0 m nhl kiln jun krai uvthill sa vi urbry u l h montreal nil oul 0u0 41 drtrnll il wtiinlovk s tl 10 20 koalon vi voruvr frarock jo 20 11 00 srw vork n i iljary 7 11 00 11 0 birigo m tornl 11 oljofl j- j h crof baiutwm rxrm in world swl ei ike u4a uufha i r u m o tl maj 47 s varian bowling lkacui sljmlinjt 37 iurr 13 rill rrrn 31 urn urrkly triplr i 1 741 harry llawk krilh lluflman mai v hi hdcp and vi11 ihrn lir lafd i mitr output ini sjurrr4 32 non i irs irraf once had the losing habit juveniles like win column carol hihburn 111 av dannv mosiip 210 lmrr frnl iik in h irn llaitrdo 1113 lanr llnlnic ins rrorerlnwn juvrnilra atruckdle prrlod r the marki ulrly and ihrn miintalnrd man on a play itartrd by strln ihrir marpn u drop strrmi i toorjrtown itlll ownrd a vlllr juvrnilra 52 in an omha to jwl cuahion whrn ihr mhibltion tme her lait i period ended on thr atrrnjth i the local juvrnllea banged home three aal whilf the via itora were haclt on their heela and owned a 3 1 lead at the end of the firat period they came out of the aecond period with a 4 2 edee apd irored the on ly th rrl period triarker thu win kept georgetown juvenilei win string intact oaehe caniphell knd ilea at mhul- trie teama lumeu to date to their working a utti it cary rrigia and kred cow briuch were atandouta for georgetown in thif ne and streetavlllas beat effort came from doug stringer and run hartley a good crowd walched the riomr club take a 10 irdwlth married couples ot allan arnold lolo edort at 13 28 barry urwla fed veilll ben nett the nan that produced georgetown fifth goal mid way through the third period georgetown alsji had the lion a ahare of the penalty aheet they at oul nine calli lo streetivllle i five the pen allrea included five mlnule luajora to waynf beid of geo rgelown and mackenlie of slrtelavllle for fighting at boa of the middle period and 10 minute mlaconduct to keith bennett for protesting too vigouroualy on an elbow ing call in the flral period the trltounty ichdule atarta tonight at georgetown memorial arena when bramp ton give the local juvenilei mainline 1 urk slnkc 32 rrrmdenl r si 11 horn 20 munsvrri 20 moon hinrr 2b strukklrra 21 tit en 25 hing dutchmen ib surprikeu 17 artue nuts 11 men weekly triples gior ge nurjpltob slnjlc eo um file of league play fjrat period keith bennett net ted the flat one unaaalited at the 88 aecond mark fendley aet gary brlggi up for the ne eond goal at 6 10 and two mln titea later terry hay another itrat year juvenile punched in number three mn aide nick- craon from stringer waa the ambulation that put streets- vllle back in the game at 14 47 streeuvlllea onjy other goal came with 0 47 ona in the mld- rge nurse 4bfl ljidles wcrklv iviplei s norton 72b sin gin m barrall 124 men sranon tiiplea w strrlnke ir singles g nurse 410 ladres season triples m stelnke 7t singles m nutchburn t5fl average a bsilev 32a nunc 222 t ward 212 m diltrlibiirn 208 m spires 208 s kurd 200 concreti oravel building sand koad oravcl fill and to soil stone work tom haines clan wllllama tr 7j301 i llarrv lljvlkk ba2 fur boss allie the b2i tnr sin t li b7 ljdirs per tea vrekh triple mona mr ivinall f41 1 ii smith b2b llei brern sbc vllh hdcp mirfi krllrr 770 mona mrdon alii 70 lal mcarlh ii men wrckk sini keilh lliitf man 0 s irr rrnie smith 2b4 llirrj llailixk 281 with llilrp harry ii lock 338 rnc smith 328 hellh huffman t21 ijitiri veekly single mona mcdonald 201 spjre do rrrn lenner 2v1 millie mrm vrn 248 spare willi hdcp mima mrllnnald 111 spare mil lie iclen 111 spare doreen jenner 100 mrn season triple hill mcdonald 775 vnc boss 741 ili aillv 711 wilh hdcp ii n rren 881 bill mcdon aid hill lllv addy b75 ljiilcs season triple bev breen 710 lean raham 013 karen norlnn t45 v uh llilrp bev brrcn 1121 dorren jenner 1114 pegcv atkins 783 men seaann isintle itay addy 115 keilh lllutlman 110 bill mcdonald 108 wilh hdcp llav addv kill hon rem 144 keilh huff man 141 bill mcdonald 341 1ailles season single jean graham 130 jan lmmerlon 2bfl doreen jenner 284 with hdcp jran raham 3fl3 jan rm merwip 14b doreen lenner 103 averages charlie jenner 208 vrlc boss 200 kfllh huff man hlflr i li smith 101 lean graham 180 bev breen 187 jk a ist kills hi null 12 oil 12 10 si m kes vs lui 12 30 1 ml 3d uarlirs va niafira 1 00 3ti 4 7 peterhoro vi hamillon 1 302 00 t uelph si oltiua tcniar laaaua kiiulll twauiay nviinkif j h linets 5 iteoels 3 beari 4 baroni 1 saar ls cavi yualday navaosttar 17 3 00 3 43 bears vs llnrneti 3 43110 behcls si hironi dressinu rooms 3 ind it all lines store in milton peewee game geortctnwn tee wen on saturday november 7 journ eyed to milton where they em erged 7 2 uctors milton lo date have not had much hockey time and will hing to teeister give a much better account of maple lea gardens new bauer skates skati ixchak1ci jxatg shaimnino hockiy ticks wokk hoots lko4 kaialr ansl rabuiulnif sienko shoe repair ii mau st h opcxull wis tv the iniuraore for sati nlav morning plasers is still asail able aod ansone wishing lo take it oul please cise sour name and t hell 00 lee lo vour coach al your nest came there are still openings for plavers in the senior iacue and anvone may do so tucsrta evenings from 3 00 lo 8 00 at ihe arena raiulll saturday nav 7 14 jr a lllassa 2 niagara 1 guelph 4 peterhoro 1 marlies 3 si kills i st mikea 5 hamilton 0 american lo pittsburg 1 llerahev 1 llevelsnd 2 rochester 1 quebec 1 buttaloo baltimore 2 providence 3 nhl vancouver 4 toronto 2 new ork 4 i hlrago 2 boslon 4 montreal 1 t algary 4 detroit 0 trhadule saturday nav 14 time 1 f american league quebec ait oul themselves afler gelling more practice oal aoorera for georgetown uere bay inglll paul fendley nell konark jamie moody ralph alcom and lllve uew ellvn wilh isso ii wai a good team effort on georgetown a part with all three lines scoring and good goal tending by gordon will lama and john blair go by bus available at peasonable rates for croups classes clubs etc by tha hour gy the bay by ike trip georgetown transportation l i mit i t 7713 j 1 11 msunlalnvuw ud u cmteslewa i chwer service llngles rvijob hdcp e 214- t lavole tffl sll ijjandy 304 with ljwrey 347 averajtea m splrea 200 tc saunders 100 it treble 183 wednesday atttkn00n klevntber 4 h44 standing come backa 45 klintstonei 37 lucky strikes 34 corn bella 3 pantry bald era 31 coffee breakers 28 the keglrrs 24 the rockels 21 ladles weekly triples tlavole 092 with hdcp t lavole 767 single l treble 204 with hdcp l treble 308 seaaon trlpler e saunders 708 with hdcp v muriel miller 305 averages domtatt standing boh llealon 17 jura trehel 38 clarke hpl tnei 33 marlon rlllott 31 rusa miller 20 shirley lowin 2 jack quinton 28 ale knnack 27 ida lripps ib lome hun ter 13 melt weekly iviple mike van steeg 808 with hdcp mike steeg 350- seaaon triple jim golden 759 with hdcp mike van steg 701 weekly single mike van steeg 271 with hdcp mike van steeg 280 seaion single jim golden 31bwllh hdcp lorne hunter 330 vjladlea weekly and season triple klhtel cuthbert 70s with hdcp ethel cuthner 008 weekly and season single muriel miller 348 wilh hdcp arnold rathbim kepraienisllv tum dcs op canada 47 ilavly cric brampton mm 4s140w lowln 219 terry bludd jim golden 2p1 petn nrentora 201 laura treble 202 thirl lowln 109 barb hunter ibs rgsedalit floral flowers for ah occasions wedding arranoemints cortegei specialty cuf flowara and funeral designs w wire flovyora m albart tr your soundest source of financing whenever you buy or lease equipment or machinery ask your supplier or call us industrial acceptance corporation limited a canadian corobjiny providing financial and insurance mrvlcos for canadian and canadian butinaa v r wj sj ijcg a i

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