f 7t at rc no campaign promises here juct resu phonr8772201 to puce your ad for xle hoae improvement ceb the whe e773aa beet uuuarromt umcirr bxclusjvgly uud cab sali matthews motors s3 kula u k w 4smi70 wg kuv and tll ujtd cajtt for a bellec wlacliul of quality died cart irt bcfure you deal c1h amd octxh c foc vou mtllmt a nj chivv ii autueaaur rdo wuwi- ehleld mam wluu wall eounbmy car kab- ulou b uuleigr tj wjkat special tw door hardtop automatic power itrering and bra h radio wtjlilu an excellent riding car at a reaanable price for sale two enow brae eew 370 15 b7tab0g after pav mattbess and apriaga doubla bad am 30 et47l is cadillac jo0 good na dttioa rnrm after p guide undtdkk su 13 like bew hu call 877- wedding loam hw 1h long till velvet vo m mm m robd sedan motor and body la good rooehliue us- ski jecke lie 1414 quilled ayloa bright bhie la gallant conditiod et7j3b0 black eeel fur coal or talc aiaa 3d exrellenl condition u ea p mnf passports advlea and aealitince with pauportj of lay aitioniuty complete yrevel servue at me at ceej w yau earlier henley ltd 31 mill st muu laaoience 3 travel aaency used tv sets cutaly h tartlng at 2995 wigo tv appliances 773374 u 33 aw u m mattat rang rally 1u- l 3fr hollywood bad with headboard like eew 330 apples mac end spy by th bueael delivered is george www 1 normal bird 377- 0 1u jeans home furnishings w- buy mii or icfcwn- ydi fliniltur j ppuknfci oconnor aluminum products alu l li j i a mui ad sulna jj4 ti ladys wtnlar clotb toat li lt mvt baaa wort ujiuiul xjn ut aliw wroutu iran tautrd ubu itaol aftar looking for a utad car at tha riottt prka wlio iml try millon molort a qood olaca to rjaal wkara your offar la ratpatfed and w ara happy lo larva you milton motors na main it tttttj u i i t 0 n pianos oraans by kaltrwim sales and scrvlct deluding maaa tdaiaf barber mamo oaoam co s mala u m t 14tt want to buy a uud car or irada maka ut an offar it mioht lava you monay wko knowi hwy 7 ft umakaow u i beckfords forced outof business sale jtatti wednesday november 25th open sunday november 29th aaii la chrlsimaa ml buladaa uual chrlalmai ouu muaaaj marry rrami ut kauw caah for sale lbulubaj cantata tar i toad raadttiaa call afiar wo v0uc5wacen aaad eoa- th04 abaa tm wooo dry kardvaod aifu aad bur a an lastha rbasa 1714000 tf f1xetwood aaaad aolamal ac partabla record fimjmr lead a baa- hi kau aflar p- d calaxb tor aala x daor budiop bad aflar may ba oa- aead a77xs ao- kja ywrt yaamr laaa lor y uaaa taka dallrery aarly hit a n biaril imi h1mca v lauaaa aual- uat raadttoln aaad oahf aa aa- cuf raaaooabia bic attjbo yjsxkat jacka ubt colour- ad tiaa uk ry rood toadl- uoa toat or 1170 a ulna- lor hi trlusd cttto band buda 11 wool blaalad aklrta uc ta aua 3 aaeh aad 3 puca oacbalad uby aau m aaob athom wcstinchousk kutoaau bar tbioa tabloal baad board lor m coatlaaaul bad all la fcuallaet toadmlod atfuda oorrol labia atari tibial book akalvaa claariai all w- eaadi aad diacoatiauad uaaa cam at delia cran ratury m klvair dviva u childs rd valval draat aua it w udyl draai aba 8 v bayl unuoaud lop loal uu ms sfout ahlri alia hmi nack aad scout paau aba 14 id rrttah cood uaad aad haw turaltura aa aala dally trade taken aabworth aalai baoul cmlpa at maid sl n cia- lam rrt1 aad itoiry la kraaurfal s0a tf daxaval alllkjots salaa and aarrica baad ballkara poulby aad dairy vaatllator by vaot- rxmalla branpto millinl aad rarm supply 4j10tj1 u classified rates adrlltlnaal vardr sc aaea rartaar tlaiea u wardj toe artdrrlnnal aorta 4a aack claistpiid dtfavav ilm par calaau back mimomajaa 1j3 ploa 10c lor aacb una al poatry caum o tmanka m word 1j adrlitlanil word av aaca iktm mamtlaoals haoaomimt dtatml wjo for sale sry ayrtjs far aala kb uaa rs4 aallaa aoutb of caonaiowd daliaarad cuialblhab nioao ar rn ja tl wanted will fay caak lor bayd turnl- tura and appllancaa jaaai uarnd rurnlaauii mlh if itotajly aoctiom lor pick yp tj llama or bait yoara aacilod pbona arvteot ur mxaii ti ntx keatoval daad dla ablad laral tliluau old bor- aaa it lb lu lmhta0ics4 waconl daadilock aaotova xealtb to0 mbr aariflaa u cortents of boaua boufbt lor caah rnlrrulura appllaacai aatool antique ale auction profeaaloaally coodoclad aabwortfea salaa enonu cuelcji street and btala street kirtb ceorfetowb anfiih and ibaiy la ariaipida 4jav6urj tl tenders for sale of school yeodari will ba received by uia townahip of kaquaalnf scnoo ara no 1 far lb tal tl pttmcalova tchool teadar to ba la lb hand of tb aacraurytreieurer al tbt anard by 1100 noon maaday dae 7 1u4 envelope uuat bt taarkad ywadar tucbatt or any under adt oaceaaarlly accaplad mkl c a chant sacrelary treaaurar k b s ceorgetnwd all state ibaaranea rull circle protection aula home liesu lttldnl al ufa aynl w 1l scott yaylar ilmj oaalpa tbboa aouad u tkblrtv ritchie a wnl- plau una o cattla watarara for ill ana animiu and for cleaner cowa ibl wlntar laitiu caw trainer call and m lhu ar pboda for dauiu hone toullnan surja daalar vic toria ksoxbm 118 gibsons dead stock service op la is for freak cow and horeaa sc lb for erbaaltiiy band- at our rergu plan i we can- datarmln tbacauadof deltb if dcalred call raffuj aallact eijuao r m54ulor brampton ialuot uc ml-c- sloa ftp ts j ntct chaalartiald sulla fta- frttaratar elaotrlc slova two 1 mat bedroom sulla elao- trk waabar with pump occa- alonai chain step stool cotfaa table electric clothe dryer cheat of drawer child wardrobe and chail atfmll baynes farm animal service opartting haw plant la guelph diatrtct topprlea paid far fraah dead dlublad cow or hsraa old bona sc lb call euelphta 14m1 cajlact ucatua 110 bp 4 if tin rafiatarad jaraara 3 lo 1 yean by sixth generation and hoyal maid jailer due dec end jan 10 purebred jaraeya s to t year freak or due in dec tb and brocaloill nafauvai hood udder top producer in food tleh aelllnm at auction rrlday aitarnooc nov 37 j vi mile wt tf maaford hard dlaperaal b w 3 violaan clflaraha by rh caram lab prlu 311 oracarlad laa 25 miacatunaaua ry paad laa j5h and ua mac hyalra parkaa alia mu lau muv5 aba 4 aala brua 1s man llaaclark veah llnad email ta extra lartj aala prlca 450 man jaana ragular 25 to 35 uaa 35 aala price 223 397 man llnad or unlfnad pan regularly 45 lea 35 aala prka 371 maid sport shlrti boxed ragular 349 laai35 aala prlco 263 thermal work or aport locka whha ragular 135 laa 25 aala prka 93c grey raoular 100 uaa 35 aau prtta 75c sun ouiaailadlaa and man ragular 150 to 250 aala prka 75c ted beckfords service station own noon to 1000 tm i xs old no 7 hwy and 3rd lino wear north half way ba brampmn andoaorgatown 4510973 swlfl motel business as usual 1959 buick va aiilacaatle hardtop all power radio am looking for reliable peraon to carry or payment 30 monthly no mo nay down al condition 4593477 jims service centre moaullti t1hl sawi xawnmowim oardea inewalewerj aafrpany oaralcing all make of chain awa pari in atock for raoatmakea sawbkntal8 jim parker 4510171 1 ml 1 bramplan corner tnd una wait and no 1 hlajrway u tbaraaay hkw it 1m yac tl help wanth young lady aaatad jar parv tiaaa laaaul offaca work apprj u bax na ta banld ftaxt al ooea aara bi cay 7 auopcjrtnj avaa cbrlauaaa ttfu we traia yaa la rapraaast aaoa write aua halar box 141 goaipk get the facta let as ebaw yaa haw we have helped etaan la ftnaahalrr ladapaadeat aaillna bawlaifk naducta good veoauoa bow availabla aa peel caaator write bawlelh dapt ellaail wot icbeliau bt at- uaary ate eeal estate saleebiam or salxswqatan for ceorfje- tawa aadaurroundind area hare la aa opportunity lor you te coma with one of the boat eaoreaeful fina la ontario aniline iowa and eouatry pro- bartlaa eiperleoca preferred but aot aaaaalial we are aucceeaful becaua the kind of a firm where you get ill the thing od deed id auk real aetata eew 1 hundred of una aichulva llatlng 3 high eoeamlaaleo tariff 3 prdfealonal photo graphic aarvlc 4 tlluatralad picture tetaldgua s unllmhad newapaper advertlalng 4 prtnl- ed lilting wanted literature t gecretirul aaawanc i un limited phona and long die- unce aervlte v bonu aalee- aaan incenllvea 10 drawing ac- count agaltut toakmlaalon let ulk it 6er thl foold b the big opportunity you have beeri waiting of contact lb divulon manager mr dod jlaw paul s starr t co ud rulllori brimplon phona 4511510 roue feooai heated api for twal prig and atava tim4 tf girl wanted v tkauty salon rodl uuutrootu6 cldtlstmas hours for information hioni 1774711 girl for general office work etuiinee school gradual preferred will comidar older aapt lancad peraon or part lima work apply in paraon bkaum0my kniytin0 co ltd 1 clad william spray painter hroooctiom wiglt still excellent opportunity for man ta grow with the job utuil benefit call e7740il mr curria ar mua ftarrlty wanted by walnut ranch crwuj and dtaakud anketab 34 hour service mu 91c44 lie no uutrmavcli tf the glen williams auctions will accept canelgnenant or purchaia houiehold furnlih- lngi antkiuc gluiwir no quintlty too large or too imiii alf spence ottsjuo tl transportation wanted wanted ht04kam co6mdihay0 y o0k0btowh and dutkict vmvwca soma awalei will be raqulrad tor further information till the y ofae stfolss mon wad prl 35 pm- hop available bomk avauahia girt n year aty far lafotaaataaa itm100 lost found lottt ytaqew ud ute ijici gauu fataajar sw tmiimx amwm -la- mtmx would tw tmmg comt i tarror croa lb lcioft 4imier ea ttidms aifml pumm tt lo tmkti wtm itwojau wnnawwrj ncrvl -t7- notice thu la u certify that i will aot be lea for lay debil ilracted la axy dame by my edfa aflat cat data ceorge p 1 murray um for rent 3 mooet apartmeat and beta kr rent apply 3 victoria av u aoom bungallw avalubia becember ul ellom aaoataly pbona kdtlrrf ut9taa5 apartmeat far raal 3 rooma and balk available lm- baadutaly 10 kldaj sc e tf 4 boom apartment for renl bealad priveid aatranca high achdol are ottwf after pja 1 bedkoom aputmedt lor vat water hydra and heal eupplied stove and ridge if daelred et7-am- ptlknlsiteo room for rent ugh bouidkeeping fadlitla tv ailau imaudiauly call after 330 bw m3415 tf kulldtng pok kent auluhld for factory or aiaraga tjoo aquara tael will rant part or lll art soatl tnxbl tf immediate occupancy i room brick buagalow tloaa id achool end ahopplng hm aaoathly phone etf310 betwaaa i un and 5 pjn tf spacious eelf cobulned bacb- idr apartmeat 345 carpet throughoul bamboo drapei ma- aagany panalung 40 aad 1th una area arrf1103 tf sxlpcontalded bachelor apart- aaaal for rent ruralehed newly rmnovalad 370 monthly include light and haal available dec uth 11351b4tro41a tf 0hc iaci pott himt iln thaalhg centra gualph strcal approi mo aquar fact a75iji real estate real estate salesman active brampton firm require energetic reprawttuuv in gaorgatowsi ara on commuelon baal lava you aver thought of trying to aau bail eilatat phoni u up and let talk bout it car aaaaalial uijwo ijn transportation want ad from qecrgelown to peal v1u- aga hour 9 in to 5 pm can ottmso attar 830 pm accommodation available boom and board available for young uu attemo tf booh and board available tar ana man- 30 durham bt st734b7 m room and board available for gentleman home prlvflagaa st shelley 8t 877404 machinists al a raault of the continued growth of our company wo have a requirement for addit ional- yjuchlakt to perform preclilon work- as entail part excellent working condition in a modern aircondltloned plant company paid baneflta include borfitalualloa and med ical plant lick leave and atock purchaae plan apply varian associates of i canada ltd 45 blear drfya oaarwabiwn use the classifieds for results aq0n duhix imvgttmgny tloclol fxvwm carrlaa 316lm mrtly 3 salfcoclulnad apartmant rented newly renovated good location pull mic only w46905 choice building lot gdoe al acfert only jjkmo0 wa have other towji and country john r holmes rialtok aekm 113ltm nee location bealda bu depot form crpatlvolyplannad to mawf your raqulra- monr can aave time work and monay vat ua how you what wo mewl tub geoietownjlerald 22mainst t a77jt3l yatmatawatt boom brack lligilia aatk large ataed dlaiag ream rac roaaa aad bat naaaaaaala aeeeaaaawa owaar vaaeiag tawa aeaaa la aay raaaaeumaa etur bbjcwav oetfvg omlv ixtajg evngalo with aharked garage tkia krrery aaene ta wall vacated la aa area of batter k i a i a deaa ta aohaaaa aad w akawpaog wz have a fcukbub op othxk tool homes aaaw ta eke time la bay year home whale pricae are laaaaaobaa- w f hunter rul estate broker hahob ft ptd trust t savings coapoiy keal rstati rwpajmaabet 3ido0 attbacttve 3heereeed brick haeaa wkh targe uving ream end kwrtin wed undeeaped n la aiorma and arreena ctoaa ta achool aad t quiet cnecaal dowa peymcal 31j0oo 313790 i aoomeu bwagalow wkh taaads patia aad haaay extrea ka daroratiaa required vert aaad kat with paved drive yea will epewacieie uala brtght baaaa exectmvl home eadauaatly caradfaa with hreaiheeaij recreatlad rocaa weiieqoipped wuk hmltia apeakaaa aad artractlva bar thl borne la uvwa caa be eeauy cartiad may be aaea by apaoadtmaal dvcoktr orpoarunrty 4 aulta eaartmeal all aelf cental- aad whh aaparata aaatera electric aiovea and ratrkgera- lara ample parking wetl4aceled for good reveaae laapacilaa by appatalaaal pabm 100 acbx3 cloaaly located id ceorgetawa iv alorey luroomad houae targe bank barn laapleiaent aaad led doubla garage boiling land aa paved high way mail for aha peraoa who wiiaee ta work ta town by eppolabneal poet pubtmbk larroaaaatloej cotftacy gar lacey phone 8779500 u ckarlet thwat 0ei pnotomjs j mitchell a uftcmgll ltdv malyoiu 113 tjadea at gaei i list photo mls tafx down for g room aol id brick buagalow an quiet creacenl unuadlala poeaeailen saa it now and move la aa the week tad pull price 11 mo and eaoauary jialmala uk rent 311300 pull pb1cx for thu lavaly 3 roam buagalow la immaculal modi hon mortgage permeate ex moaiaty principal laleraii and taxaa 310600 t booms 3 alorey rime houee la rnnlita ahapa hiving 4 bedroom and 3 bath siaa lot main porced air oil baiting call now and let u nuke aa ap- pointineat for you to aae theae liatiag ciiarl1s dykstra etpllesentative 41 princv chulet lviva gcocgctowa phomg 4514333 ob 3774341 grey cup specials yrxrni 3ua to win with ong op twglg pimg homu kukom home oaserehip atart wilh thl 3 bedroom home natural gumwood trim lovely tread lot idea for handyman only 3 block from downtown juat 31000 down aad the balance i uk rant quick action indicated at thll price centre 3930 your atieauon aa thl exceptional 3 room bungalow with lunroem and attached garage beautifully landscaped lot drop whit youre doing and tome to aa it now uard i1j your inveatmeni by owning uu urge 3 bedroom aolld brick bungalow with carport located on quiet creecent cioae ta achool vilue uke thl nil quickly- ao ball today atralaht up the middle 13jo dont bob arouad go itralgbt to thlt brick 3 atony heuaa featuring hug rooma full eleed lawn lot and good eoov merciil notenual if uu meet your bead we racominecal ganap daclaioa penalty lea much hove la huddle ll3tcg yea if you take too much time in the huddle eemeoae will anap thl beautiful roam apllt enlreace home right ewej from you thla houae i one nf the beat kept home la town u feature a beauufui knotty pine recreation room aad additional waahroom downataire many many mere extrea abemutely nothing ta do but move la the lang pea 179o dont run by thl ana be forward looking and eoualderthle alorey aad a hakf horae in the park diatrlct indudea finlaa- ed baaanent builtin oven and range i atael coun ter top and twin tlnka gange with caah to mortgage it carrie for only 3130 per month including taiea come aad aae it thla afternoon per ntl 4 ream kunajelaw with racraarlea reana 113 tackle your homing heed by aeelag ua today photo mlf listirm afwvkb 4 tacklk your hou3in0 mbbd4 by mbino us today iff jjiflijprffe mbitoy- l r m