22 aiej masts wc otatjrta f- wir n iblrdwat comment w they re politicians in unf cmtwry o ttavtano id odunoulfirt ta artd h hsir wmda of it raaaapfcra wetty ntwi hams 9 aw li to wvll ow tmndrvd man ftndon wonun thy 4v unlike as nigty and cuy ftut in 6ry mparf ach her on trek he ii 4 payiliriwi w have bfd cooociilo uucued id ttws wery emlbote w4ci oet iwt uc- tad end keep mem in ohlce sometime we he people fcey amy jon 1 mey yat down to butine end ttop poltndiln and me em we moat be wken wy do weu hsrow merti 00 nf euctkon njd gel a new grfoup in hutu wy ol umxftk life ml hri order to hold ma public nefei 0 mn must katve lonw cotoor btrrw ofmnloni trvd 1 time mtrtj evert tempo ue end fckvde hii oonvtciton iomewkt 1o curry much fe- vour a potable with thou whou vote put kim in pov we lend to edmlra a mn who tlendi nn a df fof me thing in which he baitov but wa dom enwvyt accompany our edmiration wmh our vote a pqlmcun man b ha in me dom- inlon provincial or munldpej lava of go mmont must br ajl mino to a meority of people w m tough old ob and ma pol itical path u trwn with me brubod bpd- muod moee wo didnt maa4 the tatl w donl for a mltvjf wy that an too ted mutmcipaj karvanl ittouldnt be criticix- ed motf of them in fact ee uk ma politician wno aftor bng tgnorad for weau by the prom wroto in per at ton denvi me up or damn ma down bu uy but don t cm ry it to the point of label ing all tounuuof icbou ciowni or variety of epithet wwch they don t det ev with very few extepiton a man who offer hu lervlom in an election eamnttet ly hei the jood of georgetow at heart whether you agree wtth what ha plant to do 0 not ii your prerogative when you mark your x on a ballol ilibisiih a iimfcw where these mi a aaoaayt and reala am e yaw pay at the aad at the aaoy late abaat 1m kma aaat af wheat u uka tl ar laara it vrtdar bka aaala liil la tkat am aaria as tfca to ma tka qaw liaaart vary rat i j i ua tbaiv pdnallr r aaaaaiax i alw aaau la fata aruu la tb tdaa boon served community well ttw auddan datti o n a r4li hob- inacxl lait waak laft a boat of frianda kha- ing with hit family grlaf at hit paislng uj roblnacoi wai a raapactad tnanv bmt of tha eaqoaalng and gaoroatowil onv anunlty a man who had dona hit abara and moa in a public way to ntk bit community a bit battar ha had fcvad at a townthlp tnunklptl dmlnutrakv including tha polion of nava ha had said offka in hit churdi kl morval ha wat an actlva topporta of gaorgalown fair and wai a pait pfaiidant of tha fair board and at an avid curlr ha promolad a tuccaitful farmart boniplal ach yaar whlcb wat ona of tha higbltghtt for tha curling club m roblruori had an opan friandly pwtonallt tha typa of man you ulead whan you flrtt mat him and graw lo ilka vri battar at you got 10 know him ha laft bahlnd him that 10 which wa all atptra a ratpatfad placa in tha com munity which ha had aamad by contnbut ing a tkara of hit ability to tha organlia- lioni lo which ha balongad another national game whamar hockay or tacrotu ii canada national gam may occupy abma of parlla- manft lima thit wintar but tha way gaor- atown it ooing parhapt a gama whara you can only davttop thartarad navt in placa of bmltad bona it tha local nomina tion ttt bridge which ii occvpylng m6ra and mora gaorgalown paopla rkam day wo hava playad tha gama for yaart tinea tha dtyt of auction brldga which waa ha firtl raflnamanl abova whltt contract brldga with hi varialy of count prooadurat mat a maor brsaklhrough ad now koma paopla hava anlarsd tha highly tachnictl laid of dupllcata anct tiava to acton av ry monday night for thu ftumtting ptt- tlma a group of pltyat ara alio annoying twlcamonthly garr n toumanwm which tha klnalia dub it tponiorlng and lo tha plaatura of playing a gtma you anfoy tha anlrantt ara finding an tddad banaftt in maatlng othar paopla and an- urging thalr flald of aoqualntancat wa havant raachad tha dupllcata ttaga yt but wa ara anoyln thoroughly tha frwndly compatition wllhlhola wa ara maa tlng in tha loumtmant if you dont play brldga and want a gama which hit navar- andlng fatclnallon wa raoommand that you taka h up news desk extras hytanyharby lilj uiaaiatltaa ta vatata hr 4ria tba bakt caupla of waaka u1 da wall ta uuteh aloouaoca audi at an icattwaoi taatnabta- at auiliadca baatd ha taaoicb- two ij w stew kj poubbl a gaonaiavu taaldtnt tin tonl paardon baa laa and fona tnamban 4 uiia manmlly mr and mr harr laa and chariaoa mta borat- blc tb fbd priav at tw aat la tba andlanm at stttwoed col- ladata bttltata aadllorbm n- tanuy and baard tbalr ilatar gad damhtar glnny daltnr tt mrtini and dxamauc a val- ifi addraa at may am tfbpfa omm tallow arti5lllltri wba ibataat mm aj fltnay lo ik 1mij v alai- lait taon kind o ugt acbool ufa vtlaalctaay aodrtaa llara aaa a taw axira axcarpta wblab laad u ta think clmny aeold aobably uaka h vary bu u aba jntt tpaot tha rt f bar dart hut tarolag nit aadi luttvtatr aatarial taalcbt a find out tkat tha ataaata bad knora commonly laown and them raalkr rata fijht- bia- an tha una iiw wa an um a paraoo- al m p or- dattio uaioaia uka of day old lime kiln north of glen williams may m savio by contarvanon authorlrt propoaad foundation lo tava hlikwic lla in tha cradlt vllay foundation would alto tava umahouta kllnt and gaorgalown dyn harley to halton wlbtty omikvatiow v dc hauv hauiy ult vol wuiron that chaaad tha t flnally caofht tt 1 itt it doaaat hat a kxnmdanrku aaly that wava fftd uav hmtlaaa mar daaa it mm- tat va maataor taaajaaa mdy thaj r blue background for onurios 1965 plates onuttoa leas lkauaa tuut for taaaar and dual tmrpo aataaabuaa aad aaatortyclaa will ba avtlltbu fraa tuat- luy bacamhaf lat tramyorl mlalttar irwla llatklt ad- bauncad today tha uav plataa wul ban wuu lattahni and muaarala a bin bteka t bnt abaaaa tra uack-ano- ajfclhj aa tinea ttm tha puua win ha oa ult at tn uaaca latuln oiflcaa a tha ataataet wnaj data ft 1m4 htn m dual wp6aad awbw oparat rtw hill oa kadlttrlbuliau hu patted tha houa of com aaam and bow awalu sanau v bcov1 tha two eontrarvraul eliutat war amendad uar what and tuaifuly pauad tha vtrituoo la population ho- iwmh aldintj la allow fa gat- traphlctl boumurlaa rural dlt- trlat ttc will ba 14 pr cat abova or balow tha 4vrtl which u tpproxlutuly ta600 a hdln could vary btwatt moootndmodopopultud but ihla la uoukaly at tha cammu- tloa rlll wtka th rldlngt at avd at potmbla it u lnavttablt that lltltaa will ba dmdtd ti aur population u uow 1sa0o0 at tha combiaad papulttlod of oakviua aad uuruoxton li ovar tha proootod umlt it laamt thay arid hava is ba dfvldad too gtblt u of courat t hod ileal coounbsloil and lam i of paruamaot will not fcka any part in boundary chin gat othar thin ajdnjf for a r- viaw attar thak report u pr- aeaud tha tour uta bouniltr- ka riiiniuilnl will eouut of 1 chlat kuctoral 0tflr nil ton cattdofuay a tha chlaf juatiea ef aach provinm or hu tppolntaa 3 twa boundary comulitloaan tppolntad by th ipaakar of tha llauta of cou aaoai maavbara of paruauant ara not alwlbla to larva oa thli coaittwlou it u aipactad that clvod uoond rkuak by a volt of 1m u 0 it wu abvlabt that ba tu wu loinj to vou tt lin1 tba priaclpu of tbll 1uil tha bill tut baan rfrrd la a lalat commlttta of tba ilouu of comtaom and sanata for uuntlva lludy 11 hit bn dmldad that tha till litua will be dafrrrad it haa kul tcroad thmt tha ilault of conttnortl will tpabd tba ra- uilndar of thit woak am all aaxt wk oil tatinultm of gov arnmant lpandiat thil will j ohoatta obv mai town or wu ba 5s i ttodaat who frw in curt rafta h ath r aaeta aat aaaattlam j htianat war afkm alvloatai aartaadt warkls bl haa- thtar ifa aat aaatathrtu job control by win iharaa a btl bounty on ttotlobfar ft ad over tba brajna cnb ao- paired in two plan and one jubert and suulran muleal aarved on atudaat oanad af4 ja laavaml jehu attad u paputy prima mlnlrjar in tha aoboolt modal parlbuatat jtsat it jraa aa taxt of bar noach n moyad tha eatt- sod prtnrfpal toitajt he had ft tytimhjmw hattj lu cart the mtar imu thit work will uka loll moo tha canada poilon fun ra- tmpwa ill dpthjanu tnd will tnvtn that tba covarnmat will not haw ta worry about ln- urim tupply itkina for pt- iaiujoa to pay nobthly ullj thli will ha campltad by tha 7th novtubar tnd will ulva twa kau1 to ba dalt with u- fora chrlilmta tha till uaua and wll c 1m tha labour sun- daidl codt georgetown herald wuhlkhodby h m gaorotown oourlo whav c muha publuhid vuhuu maouvray rvoductloa aapaai twrry lurlcy nawt kdltor bradley aoeountint ibe dodflu ajvrulai utaxtmt uti wllllia cttla curk tynut anna curria eaporter pur janat fbotographar lkilu clirk oava haatlnsi m cuaod j mooanlanu jarry llahuaky news echoes from tba paom al tba herald 1m and 19 ufa if 1re wtuy to track u down weve bean eondluoa- ad to aectirtty and auwitj or too long tba deaba or aaenr- kjr bi a food twac la uaalf hat not it it dettrayi lnttbv tha waftlbf over people u ao food hot too hare to have lhenetwialttua- irtdotjiit ete of plc the rlpa aaato off tha u oor thin torn ittu ihkaarltm mmm m0mrrm monday isssftl jas ajj ue- win ba latruary data for tele aad ex airy apply only la plataa not to driver ueancaa under tha new tyttem of brainy driven uetneht befun a year o an data u ibown oa each oil ueanee thil date with tha drlvayl in ehhar vms or ia and each driver wul re ceive an aamucatlqo by mill woes it u lw to renew hit wvertuothe for eomnarclal vahlelat and trabtrt a utar laialn datai of the pttt two ytara wih aln apply ims pltl u1 tttdoua and for eommar trallan win at on mia avfodty march lat lm erpfry date for uataanamanitl autet will ha idnlfht hatch iuv uot 10 yaam apo v at a meeting of tha yellowickat motorcycle club in gaorgalown new off icart ware elected stan o cbnrtor it president dave corbet vlcapretidant mn stan oconnor lecratary dorrhulchlnton front road cap tain and jack macdougall rear road captain tha recent oocydo chanooovar operatlont in george town and tflttrlct gava anglnaert of ontario hydro and lit changeover contractor ona of tha molt difficult and awkward lobt yet encountered in the huge loulhern ontario frequency ttandardlzallon program tha big problem wat the conversion of two urge placet of equipment one a 125 hortepower motor weighing ab out 3 torn and the other a 2 ion 75 hortepower motor bolh tllualed in a wooden thed at the bottom of a tteop cliff clots to 40 feet ttraloht down the molurt are utad to pump water from the credit river up the i cliff lo a wither in the plant of indutlrlal sand and gravel co a few rrnlet north of gaorgalown sqycaks aoo a rrtlttake mutt turaly hava been made in the drawing up pf the helicopter airline tervice which it propoiad for after the war georgetown it not included al ona of the- flopping placet gray coach llnet ltd hai filed application with tha dominion controller of civil aviation for authority to oparala a helicopter air pat longer tervice over 11 routei i tha madlcal officer of health report at tha town council monday ahowad tha population of me town at 2468 there ware 10 blrthi during hse year and one death the moh ttretted the important work tha public health nurte mlu walker r n mn among the public tchocj children 912 in all i baaee tm caotht ap tm au i thaea ova teall fat av impel ready for a whole wook ahead tm alao by roily tola u art aood tlaap toauht e wont- bkf babtrday afujroooa ileep bl sunday of tha day hook ferbape a varbatka rwport of tha lut laat weekend wlu iva you an bka of tha difference between dream and reality pvuey vi fat wat k- r lo ru wy ole ale vwra vdth au of tka htui cim laair i oi aa ufa had triad to aol two kw ear oa ualuwooo h turned out that ha wu atfrlnt a bit toe and that ha had a prodtucton for tha cream a bad comudauad i aat ta ud at 13 in tha tm oh will i could tloap kalur day mamint- euiyt wouht not he mtrkvd but after all a taua hit ta live hill at 7 jo int in the dark tv ready uy wife wai thtklnf tea she hid the rtomleb flu i had to drive the udi to the city m aalut round trip for thalr uaie leeeoa lforna at 4 pm broth for tha akk udy fcake the ut of eekentls go fte aaaaan ryepara eaa af tut aaiamaai pfflc j a a fvyhmf j xeaaefeasi naaavat tfheak haw whatara aa 3aatj twa aaara ef atah- aatay m uktt itw am alartac khfa a tha aat a laaattb the at raaiaea 111 la welti wamaaf at aaaefaul that aeeeet a freatla aaafkllach aad have h aad i been drafted lata the honker the vraf the voadee the an le harataf lea wa have ab maaaaaaaariy aaak- pineral af taaaaaa nv rlfhl wa an aat araaad 1 wear fa ther feat i aa deep la day la ahakhw dad aoot leraat roera ataea- bu the bible daai tali aat- laf i teach the btak daaa al 4 pan ipmtad cadart olodaa aerde- far the aharah aveaybedy la eat far e drtve auaajtar nat re- i eat ef i at rje j itae eeeanpafw y to a mtah la la m wo fc aootart ew la kavaa kit- w p ajeatya v0 aaaaaatel twrtl eroahf r sunday dlanor waah duhee klda hava to da nome- k and proatiael baal ta doak at pal rail aaleep oa lhowl wake up ot wjdejfht pi cat wo uatfi toot 1bi gat hp at t 41 scramble u achaol 4jid bafin all o weekly bible tnought h a boon ahd ka haluvod hi ike ljj aod ka iald at wa oeneabi u tha only thlnf that u ihlt ufa u what we tha behalf af the lite h de ta business directory chiropractor donald a cay dc appolnlmhu made dally call tw 74401 t make at chiropraaor aereu w career ouc aaly ay mouaa catia trranjed tyyaut 1ia mu st hurth cajttt wybttwooo oojarle land serveyora 1m moonulpvlaw bd s tkianpu 131u k h carr b r w nt yuos baa tb 44144 feax devnorhents lim1tbd bulklere el bin hemaa prop walter ficholok br74n or stmis barragers c th launderera ta iaxn 1 main 8 1m gualph all went evene evi fanlaaa wallaci thompaom rd bhiblen court clerk a ceetmlialaner trmni classired ads bring results o y walkbb ba dosa ortomitkift u mala kl bnmptoa 4b144m bat 4811041 bonn tta to t pm tuaay ta batbtday brlday s aja ha pm fionlaf by appobi robtr hamilton 1u maanuhrview bd i ctrreul bldf bar appoinbnant 877371 massage maurice h mahar bja 9 cleavpholma or tdoto t 07s maaaa caua by arranfmt monuments mixock cammiu dbttfum on axquaatf- bupaet our weak la oroenwood cernetary btaotcl allm a water street north q alt pbtank mtch ucen8kd auctioned prompt sekrvlca pa bay 44s tb tnst qeer vfltmitllltlwn animal clinic or b b oaakln clinic open pm moh vtbow saturday f 11 aja t dale bennett latiatcr balnet doooxas v latdfxb tebjcnotw featlfh tbiaafle ts3s1 xi mill st ooorratowe fitorge c hewtoa 11 moontaurviaw bd s oarroul rtauduur oaoraatewa tby1l aai frederick a hel soa us moonulnvww bd m carratal baildufj oaec tb rxmt lmdmajqc berritter- end solicitor ol mill sl gwxgatown tr 72444 tvansidlerbx oqr wunjuae bldc bs mala b tb tthj kaplan ord id saluhera uontt kaftan aaeaaaaeoaaabjaameaaoaaaeeai