Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 26, 1964, p. 5

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tromminister if if bill was a queens park visitor 4pt of a phola tarueo tlm oot oo ox 4h nlonl conference iield in toronto lid oilawa cw1i101 h delegalel viiled hon wm a- slcwil 41 tin quwiu prk ollice hra laoivntg llw conqrilulltoni t the mmulr ere righf lo left bill alem enov ol norvl umuy coulte 0n iound carol colllni rwlon killiryn difcon hewkeltone barbers snivel science hill hospital news by l cusk b itu w4 wm iw kw firl tu it i ik imawl f rl tul tskt ihu mot t ik m m fe cnlu comttrfil ajrttt j rilunt bf hkw i u t ralul- twmku 14 ciiort amj the above brings ui to pdint uut often ovrrlooknj but fchouldn i be by any on t u that 11 thr amount of time and effort eipended by ohm of owr eltliena to do i job for ui haiftiul ur antirx contribution are a cood film pu h has awaa bwn 1 i jas lo help indeed many read ri will retail hia kilns duiuttil when the build in jf vu only but n ajrehjte aketrh and thr achle mdel be nude of ihe prdpotod butuirf the bio dot tha became to familiar to georbetownltra aa the drive tar i jnpto begau llio we face teen around uaipkal the daja la nur uut dlrttlar ura uary man u who ii the capable nfiht tm to the admlnitnlor ura ltumtui la no atrancr having worked here unul 18 montha ago be alutair macintosh tell tu there are a number of new kau h would like for the uoapilal and he d be moat hap- py to diaeuaa them personally with anyone who might be in tercsted in providing them in ddentally there are itema that could be moat uieful in every price range from a few dollara ramjtitti to expehwve equipment administrator fred whittaver tall ua tkat occupancy ia ab- oot 80 per cent and at last thef ia even a full house in the baby department w at the board meeting last tburday evening the auxiliary president ura joyce hewion presented a cheque of moo to tb hospital the auxiliary has iteen at never fallinfl source of fund and haa helped out by purchaaintf much needed equip ment that would otherwiie not i barve been obtained the vuxllijry thla year are planning a real gala affair on pooember 4th ht the hivler thla will be the acene of the chrutmai ball and many new feature have been added the convener mr june ord hope a jfor a really terrific attendance txnd ai the hoapiut is the beneficiary of the funda made at this auair let a all im behind thla auxiliary project what e4kier way la there of bolplnjt than attendlne in af fair stich as thla where you are ound to have a wonderful ev- nln s ttie man rcaponaible for the manicured look about the hos pital john schenk ia beamlnfi tbeae day over a new piece of equipment jong overdue we might add this is in the form of a tractor with snow iower and lawn mower attach ments thla u aotnethinf that a very neceaaary but a ahort- age of fundi nairheld up pur- i chaae of it like o many i cher vital- piecea of equipment h baa had to wait until finance became available f it it not our purpoae to dwell ttpoir the financial aapectf of running a modem hoapital and if we do it only bcaue there a rral need for the public to lain a utile inught into the evercontinuing atrucfile to pro vide adequate facilities and at the tame time manage lo keep within a stringent budget an example of thai lui bern the unutufactury llfbting of the parking lot many of the viuuin have commented on thla but it li only out put week that your directorv could con acientiouily do anything about this v might add too that this wai only made pokitble by ui active cooperation of the mayor and council and the h dro commiinon who tud the ayatem from drawing board to operation in a day the overall problem i not aolved by an means it liecomra more appar ent each day that the parking ot ii inadequate ted vana hat the plana for the a large ealenalon but no fundi honey for any type of capital expenditure hat to be taken out of current revenue or rail ed locally aa there la no nioney allotuw for thii by oiic so it hwi rally follows if any one thou id x interested in bel ping pay for this or other im prove ments why not contact the administrator cr a hoard member remember at the loan companies my no amount too small or too large mrs it t taut donated and obstetrical bed and aurgical in atrumenta recently to the hoi pltal thia will allow the use of the second obstetrical room needed it seems fitting that the equipment of such a widely rcipected and loved citizen as df iaul should continue to be used in the com munity hf served to long and go well among others who come to mind for recent donations arc dominion seed home niagara finance arultrxl caldwell pf the 1ga toouluw their do nations xtts much anprecia ted and will crully enthm the hoapital thia column would likemo pay tribute to a lady who re tnemhered tho hoapital in her will with a substantial legacy and also the fine public spirited act of her executor who direc ted that hia excutora fee be added to the bequest we have been informed that another be- kuest haa also been made an in time will bo added to this spec- lai fund known as the endow ment truu fund thin haa been greatly appreciated and muat be a wurce of satisfaction to the family involved concktti oravu buiidino sand road gravel pill irxttpp soil stone work tom haines glwi william tr 73m1 june bugs rocked rolled at old folks masquerade charge ttmns distaff edition of th llcatlrs the june hugj wr blf hits with the halton uanor rvsldanta whn lhy aaiia and playid tlteir gultara in pantociiime at a eomblna uon birthday party nuuquer- d uire recently the wiimen making up the quartet were mra lvggy ttea hy urt audrey uilward mr luth ultchell ahd ura kay duller the vent took place in the auditorium which had been et pecially decorated for the oc canon two large basketa of yejiow and ruwt chrysanthe mums one at each end of the stage with a row of pumpkin facet wtweer them and cut outs of black cats and yellow pumpkint on the walla provut in an authentic halloween set ting the evening wai planned and carried out by the hilton manor women s ausiliary ha ded by urs s allen wtien the verv lare audi mc had attemkled the grand march began many residents and some staff members were dressed in a wide variety of cotumes the may queen the iv 11 otitic hall and a huh church dignitary rubbed shoul r with a witch a black ct and a convict in prtann parb with hit orison number prom inently dunlayed two pairs of brjdes and grooms found themselves in the presence of an indian squaw a football player and a basehalt t ind aun jem lma several men dressed aa women and women d rested as men provided much amusement there were also seven decor ated wheelchain with their ocetipants in costume the grand march took place to the accompaniment of the tune when the salnu come marching in plarved as an ac rordlan solo hy trlano tooni several girls who helonjt to the lunrers in milton atalated those who needed help in nut ting on their eoslumea and in the grand march the three judges then cave their decisions aa to the prlie- w inneri theae judgea were mrs ii bibcock mrs m clo ver and mrs m mckachern a first and second prize were awarded for each category as follows beat decorated wheel chair un k h11u and mrs g burn 11 ut eoatumta for mn masquerading aa women jim uetcuy and harold gtty tusl fancy roctumea airs h kftcayicieuki luj ur u hmy the uit hallowevd eoitumea all u hlchaxtuod and a heid lie it comic cotumcs jtck afaclarett and ii itogers bt eouplna urt a l and v reynolds as a bride and groom with ulsa lottie uoof jaa attendant and 0etr chal ut and mm l imayer a box of randy was presented to tv rryone in costume i ttie birthday party came next r leveri men and wooitn residents were called to the jhead table and the happy bir thday wing was sung for them a birthday card and a 1 bill jerr presented to each one refreshment were then serv ed doughnutt birthday fruit cake and tea and coffee the jeuesi of honour wr ura u vmthe mrs lurtlen mrt c smith mrs u hsrvey mill n hartenttein and messrs j hill v mccann h smith c roberta f vasak and j f morris notice to creditors ih tk mhr f ik bnu4 af jkmnii g bauhhilu ui i tka villa harvt u the ctunfry f h1lt wutw dasd all fersons having claims against the estate of jennie g narnhlll late of the village of norval in the county of hal- ton widow who djed on or about the 21t day of septem her 1004 are hereby notified to aend them to the undersigned solicitors for the administrator ef the a id estate duly vh- fled on or before the 3rd day of december 1064 after the last named date the assets of the said estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to elaima of which the executor ahall then have notice dated at brampton thla 3rd day of november ad 1004 hardy h batinhill administrator by his solicitors davis davis 1 werb 11 malnjstusouth brampton onl h 20 attention dairy farmers now ii the timb to try raster dairy feeds we havc special discounts on master dairy reds until december w still htv a llmud supply of but pulp to offer at offcar rrices jerrir master feeds master feeds stewarttown dui 8773512 oorgtown 7 nome tom parry vps for anglican deanery tea inbajunej fan a ivotberafftod of held ai st aidaof nemti if wtaacb wae atteaded by both laity aad curfy rrom burlljia taw oakvllu aouoa and geoa atovtv preceded by eveoaoc wbicb vas atlewud by the rt bev w e lmcftail lord btabop f niagara a deaieioue dinoar waa eavved aad tide iu followed by tbe rar gordoo baker editor eat tbe caftadiaa cburebmaa erbo gave a moat lotaraeting aad lalonaative talk oo ad out trio u eaat attic which warn ulustrated boec profuaaly by a variety of audea indacative of lb life of tbat couotry pax- lieularty aa h refejttd to um work of tba aagjloeo cburcb relating bis opweing reaarka to thm anailcaa coaarvae bld 1b torooto uc yar b stated usal thia bad crpud the tninda of anglican wtikei bad bruugbt about a baw uxtdcntaoding tby came aj typical ajkgticsna 4kd wi away aa brotbara id christ knlndful oj tb bd bf otbera aad bskwrntog dvliwr african millions subjed maple baptist meetings ttil wk hn tnlorto fchd wldy ovjid biiuloury rit is lb pmrwa bl luv x a toillnod will ult cr town tb ofcloii u ch bnul called tmpkj am tt wlnj bald kl utpu avn- u bipuit church ut toaun b6d u th candj rtrcnt- llv l ux sua1 inurltn- uu- ti6ii tl orsnlutloil with 6vcr uuiuiiiul hiuj6nrl4 crv lac la lbl ouhui in co irj airlci in kjjiuun to ipun l tha church wrvu on sunday ur tomlliuati wlu lx tpuklac at i t uoruljy tucdy ud wwlnvadfty kovenlbef i3 to s3 ur tonillnwn hu rntly trhd 8000 mil on eout la ut cruude on b- hl of th million til african wllhln lh outrch ol th sudan inurior iliulon ol icui lntfil ii ui prrunvf ol a nativa african pallor who will b pranl on uonday nih a aludtnt thii year at cfntral baptlat smln at in toronto ha will aojlk at vneth ivranlinj tha rrfwli ol africa and how canadlana can h u the ipaclal fcatura of tha contaranr will b tha ralilnf or wlulonary aupport money for rev krd could a lui- lonary ol tha sudan interior who la at pweant raaldlnl in georgetown whlla on furlough aurjr jnrolvvd ia rt otters dotafs is asrlcaj ha aald much ol um new aoott vu a uract naatlt u tba utunf creatad by tha cosxma and much of it a oananian cflort tha brotherhood of anflieaji csoyehmao aaovajnani waa first sconlaad undsr ttia praaant bl ahop in ika pall of 164 and sinca tbat tixna haa crown atca- oj st phllllpa of thirllrnton racaived timar charter aa a sew aaianhamon in tha daftnary tra cioualy ctfaig ail of tha bace alaaa and ohiacta uodar mr cof waller aa proaklcnt- tha louowtn officer wcx elected far a aecood term percy a keuy st chrlato- bbeta burlington laanery vreeldant tool parry m cvoa gaa ceortetown vice preai- dent and ur sjd uarahall ht chrlaiophert burlington aecrvlary txeaaurvr i i ii n jofs ytaxl taaaxl to eonpc locations lo i w sr pfauad k awourio that w now hv two you mcgibboo hotel lobby main st delrex plaza beside towawj wassajrfy tbaaaaia cab offic 8779286 need 5000 t1u pay day try aluaavs twifrf fv siooo ceete eey me pay day call vauokn mofllt at a a777t atuntic finance 11 mass st s notice to the public cenxxld poclcan umrtael a rwejaeejahnaj coiumm as unna- dlotaly return kuk unclmm man with any oftam foauwing octet incuntwd in rtaa ropa of haa una est 09144 est 7 09214 est 09284 est 0914 est 09234 est7 10054 est 7 09174 est 09254 est7 10224 no tins with any other numbers are affected a chronic cowplelner wai drlvlnj a waller wad with her unrraaonahla detaanda wny la ii aha barked that i never gel what j aak for here parhape madam ha replied h becauee were too polite rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wcodino aktanocments carucrm a specialty cut flowera and funeral deilgni we wlra flowera m albert tr 7lrsj coreeunicee id oilurio qoebec kd um ausntic provinceei who have purchased kjl1k auracw septekdhcer 14th and who ar m poawceeuon of ally una beanrle theae tucleat are aaked to iuuaedutcly return tluuu to thir relnilcra for rcplaoo- mmit or mfuiul tin bmhoaned with est 7a est 7b or est 7d art not involved aa thy were produced at othes- platila and are ut no way affected tha recall of thean tins ia a proeautiooary tneauum which haa been talusi because a pice units supplied to tha com pany and used in the production of kuk luncheon meat at ona plant contained leas than tha normal quantities of one of the curing ingrothenta tha cutset of a amalw than normal quantity of this curing ingredient has not been dearly established by food cienturls kjllk is cooked during tha canning process however curing ingredients are added in the apioo nuxtura to oastirv its longterm keeping quahtiua tha best awuwatifiri opinion indicates that the rule of impaired keeping qualities ia small but may exist there fore there k a email chance that tha product could deterio rate and might then causa serious qlnoss if eaten all kl1k presently on retauert ahelvea has been care fully chocked by company employee to ensure that it is not from tha lots in question retailers your cooperation in accepting return of thia product is requested a company representative will bo contacting you canada packers limited 3300 tt clair avi wst toronto out you wouldnt wear your summer clothes when the weather wlrrtar driving i rjqnflaroui visibility is lew during winter srormtj hopping takes longer and early daftness means more driving crfrar dark to avoid winter accidents i slow clown keep your windshield free of jceand snow follow at a safe distance and remember to leave one window open a little at all times if you have to stop in a hurry pump your brakes dont am them and put your car wo a skid power brakes need gerdie pumping

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