rudy meier alil barrett and bride fcut amd jttfts kuoy mflu pau ooud tu chip of strt john th tvillt huron ccuqm london tlttr tklr wjdmg riw ttn bui it th fomw judith ami blthar- dtort tuughlaf of dr irwj kuinth rtchfdin london trui h qoom u ttw ion of uidor mir 0hn switiaruiid nd tw mt meir h formfthy lived in corgtown wua ha w employed with w h cmrr surveying h w4 iw uy feeder t sf geoqet afiik4n church kdr ottawa toronto trips for 4h winner bill alexander bill ahsander nor kk1 wa on of eeven ontario 441 agricultural club member end eeven 41 llomemaklng member from fourteen eoun- tie who attended the nation al 4 ii conference held la ot tawa and toronto last week tb conference eponaored by the canadian council on 4h club 1 attended by 140 4h dub member from acroe can ada sa well u by 8 delegate from the united state ia ottawa tha delegate war received by their kieellenele coventor general and madame vanler at government llouaa they attended an afternoon aeaalon of the houae of com- noni toured tha parliament building and were preaent at rwptlon la the late after noon hotted by mr l b pear- oit at a dinner in the evening prime minister pearson preaent- d each 4h club member with canadian citbeiuhlp orlifl- e saturday mamlng the dav gate loured the national art gallery and then flew air canada to toronto where they registered at the royal ik hotel at a banquet saturday renin delegatea heard an address by uoyd perclval dir ector of sport college and later attended lh hotiey game at maple leal garden sunday delegates attended church and then traveled to niagara falla by chartered hue monday at 045 the confer- enee group dueuaalon session began under discussion leader dr k j taylor profeaior psychology department brand on college brandon manitoba during the week the delegate were taken oh a tour of the koyel agricultural winter fair the royal ontario museum and attended a matinee perform ance at the okeefe centre wadnaaday november if the annual banquet wj held and the gueat epeaker dr wank mackinnon principal 1rtnre of walea college cbarlolte- tewu pki addreeaed the del egatea director and guests a farewell party followed the banquet and thuredey morning the delegate depart- ad for thetr home province un der aupervtalod of provincial leader bill alexander la actively engaged in farming he has completed project la 4h ealf grain tractor corn forestry electric and twine bui hal 13 agricultural club to hli credit having placed flrat in the hil ton 411 tractor hallon 4h corn and kalton 4h jurrtey- guernseyayrshire calf club thli year he haa actively par ticipated in county livestock teed and judging competition and haa aerved aa vleepretldent president aecxetary and preta reporter for hla club in ltal bill waa awarded the klnga- way klwanli scholarship in icvd he won the junior farm er united nation tour l1mih6uu heat your howe 75 answer jaycee questions tell what georgetown needs tree j 1 aplit ill eaawacin waraiua centre faailtti and ftafacj kdwralton hen are haa aj and see nephew get 6 scholarships mr and mr jack qulnton mr bert benton and their mo ther mr gordon qulnton of meaford attended graduation ex- reltei at fergui high school on friday evening un g qulntoda iphew arthur king pc behrood u valedictorian and received ely acholarahlp aw ard e congrttuutlon to mr and mr frank nunei vai on the arrival ol i little brother for gonnee at georgetown lut week we exiwd ayrapathy to bcmp conauble and mi rot shortul who flew bom iron powell hirer bc to atteni the rmvaral bf her lather mr car ter at braenptafj on saturcty are into the laaaai nallj accepted and aaade laei part of it aj atajootr ma ia there a aeoa of coenmun- tty prldf and loyalty anoag aaopw an majority no what do yoa think la wrong ajgtjl rjaa coaramulty ana ef toge leek of atfte pride need better cltr aaaoarahip lack at laduatry roar oooperetioo among coun cil aaaxaber leek ei recraa- tjoo rrml high taae two aaaay people work ewt wt lack of planning self ol council toembers ohl teei wont accept new what unprovetnenl no you think are naxt deairahle to work lor immediately an ftetim t more loduatry improve appearance of lawn more pupport for cucnmunuy project bettar recreation faruluee need toloeter good wilu civic pride more unity town knanagar more variety lor etopper- more active chamber of commerce subject 1 organization what additional orcanlia- lion are bacaaaary ud lor what a groupa an major ity aald nooe- other more teen activity a y building more organisation do you eel there ahould be more cooperation belween ex- laling organisation am ma jority ya tatrt subject 1 government do you el tullldent in formation on local government 1 made available in the com munity ana majority no ja there any need for addi tional aervlce ad facllillei not patently offered by com munity provincial or federal govanunant agencic am yei does the community have adauuate fire police welftre and other aervlceet ana fire ye police welfare no doe th community have adeouate lawa for public heal th truffle zoning etc ana majority ye are that lawa properly en forced an majority no subject 4 social agenclh- are there any particular c blam euch a juvenile del- uency social dlaaaae nar cotic traltic etc which need th etteotkin of i aoclal agen- tyt ana majority none oth er delinquency traffic so cial dueaae high achool drop out police medical facllitle subject worahip ceatrea in what additional area do you feel religion organiza tion could aaalet in commun- ly devalopmenl majority none other more eooperatloa be tween churche subject 6 economy in your opinion la th eom- nunltye economy efficiently niveralhedt an majority no i there tuffleient homing in the community to meet pre- arnt need ana majority yea u there i insufficient hou- ing what type i needed ana majority apartment are community taea attrac tive to laduilry ana majority no i the community economy teeur and expandlngt ana majority no are preaent ronlng hylawi for new conttructlon adequate ani majority no are preaent air rill motor freight fclullea adequate for ahlpplng local farm or manu feetured producta ana major ity yea do you think th community needl commercial etorea or aervlce centre not now is bualneut an majority ye do you think the community eould uae aome new type of lnduatry an majority ye what do you think ahould be done to acquire uy ana low er tarcl a counclliwlui an ac tion attitude better publicity baautiqcatlon improve aceeea to hwy 401 belter indtiatrlal commlaalon town owited in- duarxul land do local bualneaae hive at tractive front alga window display and clean attractive fnterlorat an majority yen do mannandiaing caunm avave odeqnaje drinking found- talna toljeta and benohest ana majority no la tnere sufficient parking ajuac in the buatnese a of tiva coausunitr ana- puua yea downtown no do you think the buaineaa aartlnni of the coromuttity need atthjnlitfrwit an majority ya what do you think would pro vide the beat btinmlue for tha eoanmunitya a an 80 no opinion other hv duau7 a new cooncil adver tising better atore hour store ahould be more cotnpat wve merchanu ahould coop ereu bettay with each oler an industrial connnltitone subject 7 touriem what doe he community of fer taurtsta a an inducement ie etop while paaaiag tbrought ana majority nothing other bruce trail hockey are there enough good hotels motel far tourist here an majority no do local restaurants serve food in clean and attractive almdephere an mljurlty nu do local gas ataliont offer efficient service and rleaa tollcu an msjorily ye what eould be dune to attract more tourists an more ho tels wore para a theatre garden adveruae old dynamo better reetauranu- ninth line dam development of river val ley a belter 401 acces night club annual evnt more ac tive chamber of commerce better downtown parking clsia up entrances to town more adult recreation another ewiramlng pool subject a appeiranc are public privale end commercial building and grounds adequately maintained and attractive in eppearancet ans majorily no are entrance to lown mark ed with luftlclent attractive signs an majority no are streets well maintained an majority no i the community generally attractive to motorists entering by highway an majority no whit do you think 11 the most important thing to be done to improve the appearance of the community am belter roads maintain curbs sldewilki and boulevsrd belter parking area a park commlliion a planned budget weed control improve toning by law new industrie in eait end of town better girbaire plrkup ayitem cut down dead tree taint public property new town hall welcome algni cleanup week clean up private backyard pride of ownership active clt- ueni reconitruct downtown subject 0 heilth ind sifely doei the community hive aufflclenl aniwen lined are majority hoipilal ferllltlri ye health clinic facllllln yei nursing aervlcei yea emergency treatment facllillei ye doctor yei denlliti ye milk sanitation control yea lntect control yei sani tation lawi yea i there an adequate local highway aafely program am majority ye what do you think ll the greatest need for better health and eafety in the community ans more parki and recreation playground stricter driving tet doctor accident coveras stricter traffic law crackdown on hot rodders subject 10 education do community ichooli hive sufficient aniwen lilted are majority sauifictory hulldlngi yei well trained teacher yei equipment yei dooki yei adequite library facllitle yea well aviind ye what la in need tor thia ocstkui avatawa bona otivara public bsvllntassvatl yeey- greaawas aaasgae lm r i an majority it2l5vlal nwgenaeo reranaajenai ataa u bead weaea ah ouvaarvam eftar boon a cjdnobc diodrwn battax ning far tvtare batter achool aooiag mara dhv oplin addttioa te earalkaasl subject ii are than parks and hulril in tha crimen irntryt ana majeeitj ma arwrocraeuoa farl pewa- erly auperviaad and evaajatedr ana majority no- are there adocmo eunltiee and reeraauoa lacin- tlee lor peeeon of all an majartty no u community uaing ealstinef ree- vaetioa laciutiee wisely majority no what ia the greatest single recrvatlooal need la this teunity an be oplnum others theatre kecraatloa curectur parks community centre fast end park y build lag go pel vise teen daaci utilise achool facillue mare spectator snorts change pouae la perk swimming pool la park summer iwcrrstloa pre- grant park rrcastlon deoart- mv anothev arena more pleye and musicals koller akstlng risk tennis eourt wading pool cenunnui pro ject auditorium do you have any furaher comment to add which are not covered above an 40 how come ifemilyb suddenly spends so much tirne here in the n playroom bjdcmio heajing cartdettryuyitarmfattrarrabrritymab truila auiy room warru nnd livable with electric ooat- iriat- ita almpla abd iiwripensive to install and cper- uto you can add ejectrie heatlirol without tlasuirtiirg your present heating ayaum and it will coat you lea to ituull thjul it would to extend your rncrit ayatctrl 1lturkjeaal doctrie hcatirtg u the quahrst nejaat tlcwjjcat bcestiaj ajmtrjn tyver tanvssd hlfhlfwiiliawrliiliiii b ll coeatvwl the aycrjal ixt at you- hydro hectrir hemtine informatioal censtrv tam atwct yocl oosnpeato ulforinataori on thi tyrjeratuiutbsaauitssdtoycaurrrx eaperalmef tsetat and laetp ia arraniin ielluhar callbcew eajecnrjc ikjomg mrltvtmeltion centre georgetown hydro 8772275 mylnightl 24 hours towing service vvhen you need a tow day or nlgkl can 8772251 italttatino th 70971 you can italy staotts towing ervict oloroltowri channels 0hjur deatand of rrime bingo which wiu comihui 11x30 to 11 iul 10m to fl vw cashpoti millions of stamps i tiyr jjv