Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 24, 1964, p. 15

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5th birthday so cashes 899 life insurance policy am a part ol the celebration lu tar mr john kuud of m1j- tpgthli 99th birthday mr john t annatraax xu ul atr k badne 30 npw finf the mutual lite of cene- ptiaaanmi ub with eavaqde lor ine proceed of a ry late ucy that mr max tad took out id ibm a mailed waa bora at nar- aral but hai spent moat of hla bfe in wilton hu he la vita hli dauahter mlaa alarga- nt maxicd treasurer of halloa county rbuoennf the vocalics a tali tatter mr marled baa baas la the building buslines all of bia working life iuj last mhf project ra the brie tettragalow where ha tvow uvea it ni built bfur his both blnb- oay mr muted u lo l beltb md w quite active lly cbuf taureei ta roe tending of a ejhai lima garden ai the rear of fcta weulinnwped propvrty u i a the other dupe required to elie tba attractive mao bao reaver rugger prowess helps advertise town december ii 1104 to mayor joeeph gibbon and turkey winners all isa councillor your worahlp and gentlemen dl men season ararat brad llttla 223 sltujle brad liule 1307 triple brad lit tla bte ladle seaaoa average jean murphy 188 single trudy paul 2sb triple ter ry che am left to right- jetui areeatronfe ctu mlaa m mealed mr john mealed j k heel ctu nuuoji uuiul bli home iheillb a tby 1 lnd la tba eel iiu many rrtendi espreued lbrtloa of luu aeul birth uet wiilici for eoetinued guodday at iba doae of another year are ihe executive of the bea ver hurler club aend to you all lha seuon creeling and good fortune in the com ing year we hope we have eontrlbut ad a little to the w hejog of the town by the feataetic eaainn we have juat cuuplcted la thi our second aeaaod w eaplured tie league champ ionship and onjy rnlaeed the ontario chempionahip by ob m our scoring iecojd gac oj m poluu with ooly j point aiabt in bioa nanaaa at tnia time we would like to offer our fcprealoa of afy ciatloq to the recreation coal eiittee end council e a whol for the iuureaiunt glvn lha club up to dle and w look forward to a llggrr and i urlur ww n fit yvfcr i we fwl iki v- have dons llttla to advvrtls our i magna hs with bdcp b util x18 ru carawelh jo i1t with lldcp john rf 704 terry csepeka 13 low score with hdcp cathy xmo 115 alike chepeka in lucky draw cord tayior linda hut- china mr g lane to a grown boy youv truwu toy ikmi ou v wn um tt i woodsr u i v do by uvt bait j uuht yoi h i eould flkovlnjl you u uut rtjibt od food to ce llitt ubuaii kod or icb day witb htiri ttuita ld when 1 think of you 1 know lv won jut on wor thing ftund tail uy wn youvtf cho4ri to wrir hie nftvy blu gallant ivrrvl- prvuj and tru gjw her your til your vry bt hut wiy tiiy ton you 11 learn the ret whit i eit trfh ho oiw rati xiuj that u u bcom a man your bottom ttui duly ti4vrc kbuii jujrf otaf thins iu kuud tall trjy fcua minor injuries but car damaged 1000 the drivrr aubtaid minor rul rnjulrttik itltchci when a ills made car was involvfd in ail accident on the arrtine of kewiueiini jui iouth of no 7 llvy uat wednctday it 3 30 in the afternoon th car a 10a3 ionllir wn blni drlvn by william i loyd hunt orrle ont noth hilton drlichmrnt of the ontario 1rovlnnal 1olire tlicrd the d aim lie to i he car at hboo one holiday has many rituals though christmas comm but ioo ytar tbr la certainly lo od and ooly way to eel brau it in addjuoa to the tmany ctaatofiu hut in 8jj ably hhrd uvhta u1w m hlfti su prayef and luaftini th irpmlal wayi of ateervlttat the holiday ara ai varid arid numroua u the fkh4munitim bd aniiliea ux oftast the bjatory and hilture ml a tomiminlty is the lnaplra- tioa tor tha way it eubratve chrtstinaa la orthtrf cta the tutoma are conadoualy dvvl typed la an atfort to cxpreu b apartt ol the 6aadti it doea bot take ion lor theae eon nhy irojxha to bmoue well rvn old awhioned tra- dtliona vol urn i could be filled with i account of lntertintf torn- ibmiiiity chrlfctmaaea eaeh of i faiferent a few are aum aaaxiiad below 1anta land usa rtur cj the chriatmai on at putey vt u santa a land usa nli rreele hla riandat here to one of his ho- aeakwayrom home aince i north pole huat be eonaid- rd hie official lttldence the bullditktt u sat ajcainat background of pine tre in i foothllli of vermont i green jbjouauins the large letters 8 c on the chimney identify tt aa santa e rjden in n1w ohleaws carol tins i are a traditional art of the holiday season in jlaw orleane many of them ore held across tht ttrmt from louis cathedra this his jocic cauhedrai in the french qoarter is a focal point for the community rellciaus obeerv mace of christmas uwe youthful carolers from i private elementary kbool xt poute eoole convene to in um familiar songs in both pnefaam knjjrliih christmas trktfi la we important part ftf the holl ay season in california is the famous termny of chrutmas tree lane at aluderu umjis deodar cedars border public thoroughfare in this city and at chriatmai it is transformed into christmas not dleliifbts has bten the christ was theme or richmond va for the past ftv years tailnb the me from colon lal wiluaniiburxh luchtuond aotafiht to initiate the rebirth of an old fashioned chrisunaa tradition by urging residents and organisation i to plaee sn lectric cantlle in every win dow tha ahopplns area prnls tripje candles in evergreen ha ats set in the median atrip from the windows of the gov i mor s mansion and tha cspl tol glov electric candles inco ming planes are crehed with esndlea at the airport virtually vry building in the city co- oporstw in l bench canada in krnclvcaiiadun bomaa one of the highlichts of chrut- ma is the flevcluon a mlddle- ofthenitfht family feast for adults the meal is served after the return from midnight was but the preparations start many weelca ahead uuoh of the food for the feast nowadays centres around turkey and trlmminea but the traditional dishes including goose with nut ituwing and such specialtlee as tourtleree or tpley pork pies are still pre pared for the revelllon low incidence in halton of communicable disease no e of aoialjimii whoop- iag foujjlt lock iw dlphtharts or polio bava occurred in halton county this yar aaistant udicil officer dr lu stuart rwirtd to halloa county coun ell hut v he id 1 felt that tliere had iwen a marked increaie in the number of inoculations and vaccinations this year lat year up till tht end of novem lw 10 420 vaccinations or in oculstlons hid ben given this year the total was 12 570 ilia report concluded we find ib the public schools that practically all the children who hsv iwen niidenti of halton county for some time have had some protection given in earlier life however w encounter children who families have moved into tha county from ar eas where little or no efforts haw bn tnade to protect thetd tlieae chlldre are star ted on a court of immunlia tion to glv thtn the high levl of protection enjoyed by the halton county children town and bava made many popl aware of th potrnttal ottawa kid hockey ju vi kesuly leler la toek tm it mabel 8 humeu 0 bear 4 luron 2 l- luju tom dw x oi5 s hear v horocu 6 so 4 4 8 hrbru v liarofu teiurdy dec 19 jr -a- ulkr 2 kurlir 1 2 ciiflib 0 2 it kltu 1 i ivtrrbofo 4 pee wees tie strong milton hockey club georgetown peewec travel- lad to hilton dec 19 where they blew a zo lead and re turned home with a sin point for drawing 2all with thr county towoera siillon had woo their last atvco in a ruw but georgetown aurted out lika they weld kwamp them fendley faot the first ou fruns heppea and jerry seal id the first period and korxack tram lmjii made it 2 in the third ullton f- bounded with oau at 14 30 and with two minute urt to aajvaxe a tie hat wos hmald tlawaatwy omu u 1m4 paoe is aoo 5 13 i loahawa of crgttown in vry rh aprun liju to on the couhctl we ran only uy thank main and hl u lie of auch valuibla wen be rauaa of lb fortune of war knowing thai becauw they are lha wen they ire we will heir from them ititn to the rel of tha cltlieru of cvorjrlown wa would in vita their interval and supoorl for lha irrand gime of iuser in the year ahead sincerely a 1 lwli president ueavcri ltuuuer club 0 1 2 0 nul wlnnlpal 3 montreal 2 vancouver 2 chicito 1 detroit j lloilob 2 toronto new york 3 ho hockiv 1ay dic u schedula kruwe saljaii 2 a kaiikda wufc ircwn ul lo you for your happineva dufirj tiia holiday vaaion may a ila ohm of ill jood h rg ba youttl doug davidson pharmacy and yaw w flflern cbristmas r mm ww e al t jsuaumml and jtah congdons shoes u lei iilie mala m i we enab lo you all tke f lilaawrift tif flinalmaal rosedali moral 13 aiurt saree ty ijj aaion on the alleys ryandard coducya standing utile onea ii striker 60 ocrewballi m jacki up down 10 lld bum j sneaken 32 men weekly triple brad llttla 618 sin fie brad utile 350 averiaa brad uttla 2a3 ladlai weekly triple terry chep eka 642 slnile ho carrwell 29 averifa terry chepeka cheerful christmas w wishes ljtjf jafaw far u aw yaaarf george c hews0n bakainm and solicito 114 mourilaiviv oad s caoroalown t i i tjmjrr orkhadb w u iu led la yea tyeelt siw v sh0prite stores mk ano mib wtay and stafc christmas cheer heroa hopun sonlaa mlndaor dallvory onu ihrouob vhlh youf tpoaal wiahm indudino oil ol iho ioy and clioar uiat ooe with chmlma sportsman bowling club oeokoctown cz4t-jijcoztjn-a- wirji the bope tbet your chn will u l j70a oo jo our very btu wuliu manaoimint and haw united gas ltd k acyoks co acarolino community cirollnj in ilin over va for lha pait 10 year hai been provided by a group of aelora from barkxdala uiaa tre ind frlenda moving about the town in red costumei and carrying ligh led cindlci tha orolen con eenlrate on houiea vm chil dren and elderly people they approach the houiei alnging jlnslettili render two more carol and move away alnging w with you a merry ohrlitmai in new mexico indian spanish and american culture all contribute to tha wn of celebrating chrlalmu in new mexico prayer danccj pcrfbrmad by tha indiana unite their ancient eeremonlala with their breaent christianity following mid ulcht jnau b chrlitmaa eve they hold four diya of prayer dancm at taoa puoblo indiana may you flfoy ctirlslmdl ni mucti oi w hove nrjyed th opttortunliy lo urv you i f our hecirty thonkil up a e jbrjr miersmas barber shop and r a m 1 1 y iveci xane the treea are lit- tonduct proceaslonaf torcliea aritrj thouundi of bulb turned en at duik on chrltuiui kve nd motorlat celobrate the gpectacla by driving slowly al ong the lane th tall graceful- doodari jtn brought to california by captain frederick j woodbury trbo while visiting in- india caw them growing on tha slo- mt of the himalayas he retur ned with deodar leedvwhlch ha nlsnua on hla ranch in 1883 hla sons transplanted i young ees along what waa n tha principal roadway to woodbury ranch xitv cp candlelight ekhaiond city of can- durlng christmas week the candles known al lumln arlai aro a spanish contribution put up early in december they are ueed to outline wills of houiei and stores ai well ai curbs and driveways then there it the ceremony of the posada for nine daya the story ottha nativity and the holy familys anarch for shelter la acted out by church es hotels social group and families and along witb all the fes tive amrrellglouiobeervancea of ohrlatmas in now mexico its certain that the american contrlbirlioil jolly t old santa claus i well romunbctal with ormilude for your loyal friendship end support wuaxibtldi our rmeslwtihrfar a very cheerful holiday tesson manaoemlnt and staff crest hardware owned by rlchardsone stans- restaurant in downtown ohohoetowm stwjrtt koriyldea 4 vout holiday begum mi onds on tbjhavpltaoteayrftjioybndp ioiyou jour famuy and wend many dulbbnasi dave williams urctlrcal contracto 19 ilnln st b7s9m rj 40

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