Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 31, 1964, p. 1

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u c ft ads that pay vea cm aw 4 k1 tte h a georgetown herald tie home newspaper for georgetown and district printing publishing tv ompum haram atae wit m m d siilleii aaca 1u maria mm kwl saomicaovconm ad ur a oaaibxhion oniana thendiy d slaf 144 k rr eaeau capf frice tea csaaj brother is shot killed jn brewers store holdup a geovxbiova wwasaaa tfa- bar wae ko and kllkd ta u lejaaj s aaldaa la kuli paal lawrcac brotlcr tj fn tooy uow wtadof 0r dlad chrialmaa ttay tollo- aa as aairgnry baarauoa al writta uaw bolaca wt letlu kaouoj iw ux youta law ul ux shot that kllud lllj laareac tw lead aaa m j b suburbaa ratal ior which ml i tea aeaor al tha holdup h adore a died at lawra bis anailaal u bo ii and 11 alba and i fmerui a larcuhar wnjla at he apparaotly lay ta watt f ir lawrcoc la ta alore huu- erl car and shot ual twtm j witt a j3litx pliui dur- lljat a siructle for a pr bit itnia aald tl bandit tmb- aaty ballawd lb ha coals la- l1 iha ktarvs cfcrulraas ew iracalpu bat s luvd with leset balaule cbrisbu iclru for ataat tawroica aad their child tv wdtt laloaj a walut coaulalaj tboiit jjuuo oa iw treat aaal tkf the car air lawretsca was about ta ua th elpu ta 8 bank la dowalowa klnrst boking day baby but none or mod ytkcr waa bo cbriattnaa baby tat ccotcviowtl and district aiwrul iutiu this ytr but lb stork wusl far be bind st nick uttw baby jjirl labrte missed bets tbe boaplui cbrutmu bundle by iiut f6urtd and ball bours she wu born to wuuu nd lvu ifcuw i jjs homimt dy iftd wu tk baby ukm elwu to xnjlr ht ut kik urt llbrle livt t is oaapl m wwl whirr li jiru kttd ii boy wviunjt to trsi their brute cbrut ku trnl kbe welxbd 5 poaadat 13 uotc wlmvcrt is lucky draw mutest lnati6rl by cor towbi hirchatj tut b found tas m u id tbij uii need a fast 55 go break a leg ii wurtfa li u break you let lit a farm aafrldcnl br 1 1rtao now till a auoluad tuoi at i uut i tearliitjf tf tit lultoa and jw1 kaui wet coudclli ll uw luuon agricultural otlicr uat wk mad it i by u- ibat acb bcrvod aixiard yra tj ax trf bvrf brxaklof 8 lltnb in a aii accideat i lbod tn llaltot county will rvtvlv a w itraht lwullnl lnwmauort gfl th at4t tellit b ulppusd to tb ililtoj samy council tbat main turpoaat w lb tno- tioa u la ocui atuntion on th bikb cot of abd buhiwr of briakrt ariaaai and ifitt j cuat lakr at th mvt in included ur oacar snydtr i kumr ivrudht mul mr hall wriebt guilpli strtary oil th krm safely council of onurto chairitian urt a it coulter caitullvinc hit 3 wlcomd 1 1 safety couitcil hwmbcrt from hilton and lvrl cuntlfca and told of the mplibmfnli of ihc luuon kartd safrly council durtni tirry arttuc knglnwrinc kx trnalon spcliliil and cr ury of lh iefl 1arm safely council reported on the peel county actwitiea a rw film waj ahown klmcr the afrty kuphant thla filtd ll some homes flooded as ice jams credit helpless until flood control program says field officer very worthwhile for uvowiag to vgullg kwif le tb tuclloa of officer for u halton rarto safety coun ril fur 1665 wu defrrrd uo li twkdty rrbruary bth at which ue dirrctor frota all parucipatlnif faiihiiatuwa in tlw county will have bn cboia attend wedding in nasiagawcya church vliai rrrtla uerurrt and ur and ur uillc m clark were linonji guetti at a wedding of local inter t held in nauatfa weya irvbyurun church on uonjay afternoon tlic bride wai j an ti uaire de crane ramuy and the croom henry llrtjcc ueuod 111- best wan wai the groom a urothrr dr c a bet tbe reception wu held at uindoberry varw lb frui uutn of tlw itfooui ur tu iv aad ur jiui juu rirf brtdtf s tuotber wi uui raaiuy tltw from hrr kuuie oti ibe ule or tuay iu the httr ridea for tb rrruuny tb i lite pilot othcrf rjuiuy w killj during uold uar ii i i amkmdmkmy hy nufcltt lalamikt county council lal week airtmlrd a recent uury by law which had brought ktrok pro tefct from nurwa al halton county health unit lite bylaw knocked nurfceti aalarki to a bracket of trout umi u 160 following bur tbortav lbi kuminar lb county advr1iad for huriei offrrinie thetd a ul ary ranee of woo to v vx the amendment allows for a ranj of fmm 4 515 to ia37j plul what li termed merll ayalem ll m tm bit year in pictures fjt january tof ujfti a ipoctacuur fhreho1lecrilboe bullf by georgetown mart reg jawotnkl atcjpartrmr gone buecj atoolt all the attention at nso intefrretkunal i jboft show in toronto top jmohti ban the bombers parade through georgatowna main street protesting nuclear arm for canada bottom ufti erwin it lewi is made chlor of georgetowns fire department f j thrms ami spills indoors oiiom biuhu etectrlc wictng cars come oagfaa the north halton kart drivers take their kavwinll iu a uulubr of bojuei that fruitt tla wh ijie jut aoutii of the wrti ouo brldjfa wre floodtd vuh an uniictj lc jam ruij the crtdu luvr lo ovtrdow lit banks at that point tburiiy buhl the lam rtie ti the rrkult of rwent rain and unwauinal leuiprfaluria wbuh actrd ou mail boxes knocked bown on rr4 route h wj more like llallot m than lhrntitiu rural mal carrier urt walt hde told the herald yesterday when contacted about a wholesale hppinf up mail loin in the ckatietown kh 4 area over the holiday we didnt male ijie rounds cbriatmaj day but saturday biornlnf when we took the tuail many of the boa were lin la the dltchv or cto plctrly diaprrcj mrs hyde aald in all some fiht malt twn m were knockexl down tour on tbt town line and the rest on the 3th line of lhimruacousv the neat line east ur hyd iald that bv the bent mail delivery nuitt of the box owner hid recovered their mailboxea the rivrf ifv surface the au aj a hjuijj runoff tba- trouble lktrj whrtt utiue of tiaj we rak- lofknl at a brnd in tl rivr a ifw huiuirrd jardi aoutb of tlae writ len bruise where the river u at oive of 111 fchallowrkt pu40tl a aecood havy utt of ic rhunks hit tlae jammed block about 8 m rrulay haorultii and a third lot tuoved iu saturday it balicvrd the pjvwur of the third flow brought about the break up lly late saturday all of the tee with the ruception ol thr hurulrvhla of btorkj which had been thrown ootu die tanks and into neighbour ling back yards by the liopcu of the repeftive flows had moved out ihirinj the beitht of live flood part of the wh line wu under water but at no time did it let deep enough to cre ate a harrier tor traffic dnert ed uster waxhed away part of the shoulder of the road and part of a drive way on the pro- perty of ivier uacdonald one the people whose baaenvent tbavame a chilli indoor pool jiut ljfore the welcht of the ice freed the jam the tee uas ttackel up from the bend tn behind the en williams pub lic iichool the credit vallev cnnserva lion authorilv had a bulldoier al the site of the jam vctrr day attrmptpr to ease the sharp turn in the nvera course and remove uny otntriictinni whlrb uuy lead la another ut ul ion in tbe apnijc udui ue flood coouul prd- traiu senea of dam u put into effocl tbenv it littu w i can do aude from removing the obvious obtlaciea- credit valley orifcrrvsuon authority i- laid offlrer sun while uld tbe llrrakl thu thinj could jual a leauly hapied all ovtr avail durliiij the regular spring run off there it frtatnty lot u time for the ice lo furut to v sufficient thickness he utd a recurrwice depids on the i amount of uvow ve get betueeti now and spring and bow fat it melts we had aprmg con ditions last week and th torn i lunation of that and the water lfing low brought about trou hie the cvca viem officer said there would have been a lot more trouble had the tempera lure dropped rapidly and trap- pd the ic chunu wher they tat teniporarily ttie aprina break up would have brought all kinds of out rets had the jam slaved put all winter he eiaiiiienled the floodinf was the worst in the tlen since an ice jam ruvcd near dlutter condition in vehruary of 1w1 at that time huce blocks of ice haltered fconie of ui hornet and iveston a trocery atore in the vinnitv of ihe hndfe ami some of the reinlents had lo he evacuated car plunges thirty feet into river at underpass an nn 3 norval motorist miraculously escaped with only a broken left wrist and bruise when hla car plunccd off the trige of an emtianvment and plunflcd 30 feet inlo a riv rr near the john m subway tolico uid the man ilohcrl lowrle rr 3 norval uas drivine east on john st alter comlni through the rati ay aubway when he losl control of hla car 11 missed a sharpr bend in the road and plunged into the ravine part of the car was submerc d in llw credit river trihu lary which runs ihroiikh a cul vert at thr hac of thr railway hank the front end of mr twric s 1057 plymouth was pushrjl in by the impart the damage un placed at moo there is no euanl rail at hie corner and larue rock and pleaa of broken sidewalk cov r the brtniml where the cir took thr phincr cat harry lihcrtv invrshcal d the accident at 4 3d p m approximately tl 000 was ad dd to the weeka prom rly damace in a rear end collision on kinc st k earlier the tame aftemooh cat mil koetue invetucaled when a 1d8 chrysler driven hy robert o islutui or 2 stiver dr and a 1059 mercury driven by bonalrf arle wilaon of nl- asra kails n y wer involv ed in a rear end collision pol- ice said wilsons ear wu stop ped let tine ut a paseanfer wttftn the accident rtsuoened the ntittal car hot the worst of the damage 700 worth a truckj travel ling east ott sartfent ltd went out of coii- tcol and hit a hydro pole mjav- day afternoon liec 21 slvsj- frled mullcr nn 1 walton the driver of the 1061 cbev truckijte uoburt the road was snow pmcked at the time of the ardent three vnmdreit do dniwe was done to the front oltfe trutk but the pole ua daniatnt car proreedinc in opposite dirrctnns came touether at the campbell gale mountainvirw hd cfirncf monday morninc uec 21 and cauvcit s0s0 dun ace rolvrrt hams it it 2 georgetown wu soulhlwiund in a 10s0 tliamra and allium a ilonner 10 lannvtone lrcsr uas trafllln2 north the alilmis car ua alunit to make a lrft turn onto camp bell when ihe cars mr t rov henderson recorded the damatc as ao0 tn hams car and 451 to the ilonner vehicle a another ww damace wu recistered rridav lec lfl when a car and truck hit at the quel ph maple intersection the dri vcr ucrr harold milton mover nrval anil frrdenrk robert hnss llii ntlton mover in a loio pontiac w westbound and robrruon in a 1pm hod r van uot altcmpl ing a l tl lurn out of maple onto uelph this one happen ed at 1 4 p m police cpls bye inhzc warning flats toioczz smoe uo piro christmas call a candle which hm net down into a plastic dish en a ed a lot of smoke but not damage in a mill st apirlmrnt christmas niuhl hrf chief hritln jr uld the near midmulit alann kfnl firemen to the apartment of mra marilyn wtbatrr over it uck a koods but they found no flames he said the men atayed only briefly to make sure that therewab no dancer of ihe dlh rrltfnititit a look at the weather dacmbr hloh low tw1 a- 45 30 24 thut 55 35 4t4 ttiuraday 55 34 v frl 30 35 28 sat 42 s3 27 sun 22 21 28 mori 21 n 29 tct 22 is high for the week 5 low ill pdeclp 148 rain 414 tnpwi i alicia f c scoll nil jito ii pull citi rr ui injure i mim a w 11 n ljic rxlotlul as he vw ilii in it at the acme ot a tccl tl in mini la tin i corponil lid hlt ui triiileil by dr uktjr mjcun- tnhli tor lull lis tn hi rllit if mi imlloui uak alu ujiiulxi by the hot parllclet ttamlaelb were riinocd from tlic injured nje momlov ore 211 cpl scoll wu investigating an accident involving cars duv- en by mlui nora itoheccali kransu n n 2 cioorllelown and william mcdonald 243 guelph st lloth drlvera wera also injured mlu kranti lulfered chest injuries and mcdonald receiv ed an injured rleht kne and whiplash cpl scolt placed total dbin- bo to the can at mioo a police treporl bald mcdon ald wu slowing- td make a turn into hlj driveway at 243 guelph st when the ktanats car collid ed with the back end both vehlclea were facliuj aaat v the kranatj car a 1b62 ford- took the brunt of the dame s1000 worth the time of the crash was 510 4xm

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