wen-itbrnsrr- auctioneer her j m reinhart dies operator of the lamplon livestock exduo2 end i well fcawsiauid auctioneer herb lbcinhart s3 died t bis msb st snclgrove dec znd- b has beca lo 111 health tot vara uontiu borst la suickeacr sir belo- ksrl uvod in breslu be or w bin lo saelgro in ibm h droer urted i l asset in necruu busineae wtib hu- r7 parr od laier went iduj bo- states lor hfcmsd h a xmb of the buudloi tvi mil- and tbrf romxril of auj- burf luibrtd cburcb hrsmp th9 030jimtown hr4 ttnirsy dc 31 19m page he lesves his we pcj- e tbres cbilf en us tbellenhain mrs bi- ris a mono esd end deqslae borne 4 fjsodiiiufhurfj nl sister yri jacfc lswrencttppsl v njrs harold eyd wslur khcheoer sad cufow bcuu rev a j duts cendoctd the funei lervkm in aaj tabtff i cfcuircb td thursday sod iie oent i la dioe csiistssyf si frluw umsbers of i church council wrr pailbcarrtf i robert fen u ertert uemc kornud kulun vlrto wv i bcr harold miller sod laurie htrf br r rf the old year in pictures june tfot vtrti tom hutchinson becomes first one at hi sons of scotland benevolent soc ety eitab the a coupler here to felchti returning smilh and storve employ wipe tha dutt off 1ha r t m cards t the untoo oecut vt and management reach a settlement oytom lkft mayor joseph gibbont steps from hu mailed car lo tauty a a cnr train dmol the it at cai ng eatt of lown oty0m right well known hydro foreman garry wccallum calli if day and retires after 33 years urban advance forecasts county govt change t4i kealherston and la rut birthday frwttnfi to ledjf tti lucky draw was wad prsnk hsll and urs by mrs john cordlngley a itkorne on dec j4 sum of shi 60 wai rsited ylielma part of the money ill he utl leslie xo purchsse s trsniiiter had i lo for mr 43tw fur hrittmu a olt of lhanki n rstrndrd mr juk mrs laid law oo dec 24- haiton cooerativk supplies oioroctowm muyon fetin mr sod mrs gln giles and heamei sad darlent fatally are staylnf st the home i dec 23 and allan of mr tad mrs delbtrt downs sewui u tke harau by cwy kbuay third vf uur srlkus any movpf by the ontario government towards building county councils into reuorul govern men is will have to be irons enough to meet acute present nedi ft flexible en ouch to permit different rates b progress towards the region 1 objrctie the difference in the itifies of county development are re flected in the areas repreien ted by the memlters of the leu islatures select committee on tnunicipsl law now preparing its final report lanark a bis squarish chunk of lovely but often intractable ral estate smsck in the middle of the eastern counties has not felt the pinch of rampant ur ban dvclopment it mlp pro- socxlve conservative george comme speak strongly in fa vor of traditional county town fchlp toun and viltace goero ment he doesn t think the committee should recommrnd any thins more than the mal tfamalion of services no sprawl worry similar views have been ex pressed by norm uhilnry of prince fdward uennnjt ivlnee edward county is in effect an island it hai a strongly sgrtcul tural economy and docs not tieve much worry about urban taprawl or the whlplath of neisb botirs prohlcfns tfn the other hand metropol itan toronto and york member uch ai llollls beckett york kaso alt cowlinc luffh park stud louis llodgion flcarboroush east have been able to study at first hind the successes and failures of metro eovernment nd the relations between a ra lldly expandlne urban complex ehd a deelinins rural arel allan lleuter pc waterloo south represents an area teet rin2 on the edge ol a mctro- polltan system waterloo is as unlike linark e prince edward u unlike york tticy are a generation of economic development apart but still there are facts of life to common the biggest single common denominator is the multiplicity of municipal units of the 078 ontario municipal itles 7o nave less than 1000 population and another 584 have leas than 3000 the select committee was told the obvious many of the municipalities are too email lo support the amount of services being demanded fid almost all of them are too small to plan on any coherent ares hau fokjlayiom baus moreover the rural urban population has changed drastic ally in 1011 ontario wai 47 4 per cent a rural province ifty yaf4jter the rural proportion bad dropped to 226 px cent between 1031 and ims in cyvaui in aeseesad acreages of cities ranged fron jo per cent in woodstock to 1jw1 per cent in cornwall the shift from rural area to city ha caused enormous itrami on both strains which sue cstlve provincial governments have attempted to ease by en larglng grants and through boards and commissions tsking an evec more direct role in municipal government itself the net result however has not been an appreciable lessening of the strains but a confusion of the provincial and municipal roles to the extent that a mun icipjrtty can block a regional plan but a provincial body the ontario municipal board can tell a municipality whether a nursing home can be plired on a certain itreet town planner norman pear son now professor of geography at waterloo university kays bluntly v the frajs roots are dying in ontario hrrause of the lack of nutriment people forget that local government in ontario la not a set of independent em ban shadow should be subject to municipal reorganuation now in predomlnsntly sgricul lual sreai the count hai not outlived iti utefulnrii what u nested is a frame work in which the bejt bralni from both the county and the urban centres can work out solutions to problem that are neither urban nor rural but vhich are related to something encompassing much more than either rural or urban we no longer can permit ourselves th luxury of psxtkai urban snd yural into separate boxes cer lainly in southern ontario w no longer can deal with region al development on a wlti cheese bans to all wwho hrlprd make tlm party a success mrs jim usmtllon mrs gar ry hamilton and son kent at tended the birthday party of kewn jepson on tursday dec 15th st the home of hii par ents mr ami mrs kerry jep son of georgetown trtrnds of mrs larence ford sre pleased to hear she is home again from thr milton district hoipiuf follou ing a ease of virus flu it h t me for us to thank you our palroni whove fnendlt- nesi and good will have made th s past year to pleasant happy new year to alu mr and mrs w f thompson thompson poultry farm it cmgawn onltrla hornby plrci and petty pr1nclpalllm it u set up by the provinces lo job jnd the piecemnl ad jtutmenta we try to make now from the local level upwarda will almply not work in a aya- urn which wai alwaya been net up from the lop downward local government j a crfa tur o the province and only the province can wt it rlht rar too much detail u now thruat tinon the provincial go vernment by the virtual cow lapie of local and regional go vernment tv edward pleva head ol the unlveralty o weatern onta rioi geography- department aayi ontario hat too many gov ernmenta unit now and any ytenof admlnlatratlve reg son muat be jdathled hy the number of unltj it etltnlnatea not by the number of onltj it adda baalcally we are in tereatm in larger admlnlatra- tin units and fee pattern may be derived from thebest f metropolitan amalgamation jirbut district cohaervntlon authority thinking i believe only the areas under the ut- nder st stephens guild pack christmas box si stephen a anglican chur eh guild ladies met on tuesday 2ighl rwll at the home of irs chff hunter with 13 at finding urs john dussell the president opened the meeting with the guild prsyer the minutes of the lsst meeting were resd by the secretary mrs crslg lloyce mrs geof fiey drew hrook gsve the trea surer s report mrs ituell expressed ber thanks to all the members tor their help and cooperallon with the recent hanqtlcta they had catered at a christinns box for the needy fsmily wis packed and the christmas stockings which are included in the box a re port was given hy the sunshine committee on those who war remembered while alck the prpgram for the evening con- allied of contests and the sloe ing of chrlatmai carols with ujx j maxwell at the piano t delicious hot christmas dinner wu served and birth day cake with candles in hon or of the preaidents birthday the meeting closed with the lords prayer and the ladlea were reminded that the annu al meeting would be at the home of mrs allan ifarrop on the second tuesday in jtnuarq i the north trafalgar puchre club sponsored benefit jt chre party on wed night dec loth in aid of the wlllard shier family there were ib tables of euchre in play with the prints going to the follow ing winners mrs jim held urs ken ella mrs ralph j featberston ernie martin hal- rv- low it the hour for ui to celebrate the new yewithtmttombryom i or your friendship and patroruge serving you during the past moo tin hat boon both a privilege and a pleasure we oitend best wishes f or a happy and prosperous yoar from management and nd staj lf kxdef i is 1kt6 ulllu hu tj afl tim sitt- ukief vj w akoj iwt umi ua bnxiogs la eur irsesuk stans restaurant in downtown ocoaoctown georgetown brampton okli1ltakb itmomherel its a bouncing new ytir f nit of bright ntw promises we hope it lives up toall youf fondest expectations manaotmint and stah crest hardware owrwd by richardson sbtlt