Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 31, 1964, p. 8

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9ilvnwood guelph grambbughtzr weds teacher on dowrufiew staif pm in 8t aadiwi tartan qwrca gutk taa hcudenoa faauj dcd and alto tba tba oac protest- 1 o way on tha wttas ftatf4 ojkc for many years r2tttbftftd nufttvtl ta tbe brlstered nan at georgetown abd xhstricj y oriaj hoiuj suu tea for all jther membar tba is tba board monday eteroooo iac lli doahar wivca puia4 buru liie feiuvlues u warned uut the boaratal ttiuiauatw ki yuu and h- wrnukr r briltf thtf fourth anoivcrmary july yoi ueft beaumont knitting mill partner arvd sam prnnce discuss the mov mg operat on as a nun ler of rew mach nrs are added in an eipam on p o arantlhejre that is to increase production by 25 per cent top left qu tk thinking res dents form thr r cars into two lira jht hnes and leave tte r i l t on to quid a distressed pilot cadet trmor a crash landing on the park track inf eld bottom uft j m stark reflects th tee bog of d strict farmers a record grain crop is harvested bottom lepf community sw mm ng pool manager don goil nj d tpuys one of the broken bottles tithed oui t tha swimming pool as broken glass plagues swimmers high tales the georgetown high school newspaper music is becoming an important part of education at gdhs li by cilmrj lavy yaara ago musk was for the rich out today everybody can uuk it aa well i utter to it it hi been recognized throu bout the japs ol kducation tbit music u subject which can ba larrtlj through t e whole o ulh school and into unwarally in other words atudath eaa count music si a aubjact from grade 0 to 13 and on if desired jlia completa music depart meat in the georgetown huh ajebsal eouuti o a scnli- lutul and choir cradei 11 13 an intermediate hand and choir gradej 10 and the junior band and choir grade 0 tha ehoirj alnj sonca una ln from anlrltuals and hymna to modernday favourites in tha banda repertoire aro- ar fcwnfiements from composers auch bach and mendelssohn to contrast with the contempor ary eompoiera yor aehool assemblies the band playi a march l two si rinj time for the atudenu to chartfa into the auditorium the aehool dance band an eltre curricula activity adds a bit of colour to tire musical entertain tnent theen piece dance hand practices on lt own time and u led by hike ifaker a student mnueli whtmover the drama club miti on play the seniors band and choir entertain during in ternluulonj and at least once a year a concert li held for both parent and students hie sen ion alio help in benefits aa did tha band in tha hospital ml mualeala show recently lield at tha school of course tha intermediate band and choir will aoon ba i following theje examples the juniors however are working wry hard towards their musi cal debut tba ground work or this a tsnafcra music department- was laid by dr charles wilson pre- aguthr a teacher in guelph tha quite hard task of maintain ing- and expanding the depart anaot af in tha oapafola hand of ifer ivan longt a former eajdent of toronto now residing in brampton who recrifd his bachelor of music dctcl from tba university of toronto although a senior band mem ber myself and moi probably a little prejudiced i can honest ly say that both academically and musically this new depart ment will continue to expand and improve as long as thrrc are people who like to make and hear good mualc le cercle franca1s y lit david tan le cc francois est tres tier de son succcs a la fete ccj la dt miore foil que nous avom ent ns un tel projcl nous ivons d clc dc vindrc la patisserie fn use a profes sours unt rccu liaucoup de friar d ufa de dcint ccrclch leu eljva oi orne u table et ont pl dei jtiqudttei en francaii devart cluq rte de catca le reeuuit oa etalt un profit de qua rant edeux dollars noua vliilona remrcier toui lei gens qui ont ache j npi fiiteaust a e ri0terit noui proparoni dct chanson fncalsei ho noel sil eat possible puui dcalronn lei c ter ur lea cltoyeni de geo jetown 1 cerclo tranciils vaiw aouhalte a touijoyeux noel et donr- annee w elearonicsclub david jehnaon our elub meetlttsb are held twice a week at thcsftjiiect injfa we explain the functions and uaev of electrical and olec tronlc equipment some of the various equipment used in tho club are receivers transmit ier oseluoscopea radios tele- vlalons and so on we will loon progress on 4b uswul projects for homo and elsewhere we hope to expand- in the futuro as our treasury is quite small at the moment most boys re interested in how their radios operate and here ou can learn also dancers sway drums beat in ayeold musical ritual by yereaa scott rven from a distance i could hear the strains of a mteroui melody beckoning mi to come closer the rhjthmic haling of bewitched drums lomthir with steadily chanting voices drew mr nearer in a small dimly lit res in the midst of irui one small circle of light could he seen a platform upon v inch were the musician and singers as well as their leader in charge of proceed igs the real performers though were dancing around in the kha dows undax the cartful watch of their supcrio s at tnnei this dancing hecamivcry exntid to the polht where a ptrson would fear for hm lifi is thnsi ar ound him swtin tl t ir ornii jh out frantically somo danced by themselves others were in groups qf two and three and sit 111 others for med long tluhcring snail like lines it aa not nocissary for any dancer to move hit feit from one snot so long as the rest of his being shook with or gainst tbe rhythm whifh boun ded through the air at times the music was softer probably to glvo the weary uino for to regain their strength whle the stronger cou pics regained holding one an other up as- they slowly dragged themselves across tbe room and back again though it was not necessary to move many of the weaker couples merely stayed in one place aa they swayed from side to ajde as tbe others watch ed expecting them to lose their balance and topple over at any tlmo these mysterious actions lis ted for scvcrsl hours until at last everyone trudged wearily home completely exhausted but nevertheless ready to perform again at roe later date where did jt happen upon uch a scariot was it in some dark and wild jungle of africa was it in some uncivilized nat ive village of course hot i saw it at i high school dance seventeen students in grade 10 art course by diana farmar thr grade 10 art rlaki n de signed for studenti who rcilly want to mil aone procre in art vt- hae a clas of about seventeen student we were taught the hasic rule oj per spective for example bow to measure the height of a distant o ject by holding up a pencil at arms length in front of one colour it new r by david cok this year georgetown district high school initiated an art course into its curriculum dr shinier a trench and german teacher on tbe staff n teaching the grade ten students the has ics of the subject the fclool was lucky enough lo share- the services of mr j nois a graduate of the college od art and employee for six years of t ha ton company with the high school in tram alca three afternoons a week he instructs the upper grau t in the use of chains water colors pen and ink alul other such media m the firl term the claib has done a pen sketch many charcoal sketches ab stracts a still life conventional still life and an exercise to stimalute the coluur values of the students tbe first term si so uw the art das at the csnaletto exhibition in the ro yal rt galleries hi toronto a dlspl j i the laus work to date may be rwmd in the dis play case dlreclxpjfosjte the sutfe opn eye thn measuring it on the pencil tbn way yoj en hai ructl t umr sue rr lations we nett draw the el lipi which u a uo dimension object the clau made halloue en posters and thry wrte put up on our dupliv boird uhrrr many other udent pictures are posted iarh stu lent was finen a line to de which he or she put their name on in block let imi then painted them with in dia ink the class drew peo pie in motion such as a hockey pj vsticu thr 1 ijrrval days of win ter prevent the class activities outdoors we will paint with greater colour harmony snd im proe oij painting methods u ith the help of a teacur dr sh u 1 we will do more a tract design g and the hu man body with quick sketches and then sti dy proportions in the winter term we also will begin with thr study of art history and the acquiring of arti appreciation there la a cer tain amount of freedom such as drawl uht we feel cap able of djwing chir paint brushes pens and special pen nib arc supplied by the school ur havr four periods a week and thty arc very enjoyable ones thb georgetown herald thursday dt 31 1344 lah fl newiyear haptpy cveryth ng to you way your biggest dreflms ome true and 65 be the chreneit all ycr throurjhl credit valley bottling works 85 mounlalnvuw ttoad and thank you wv ojil unni y ti be it unu jm ixl ttr ml clarence kroll sum lift of cjlmaba yrta colia onlai4 to air nftkh eu ai tscw jw extcaad new yeajr lrii aiakl tkanll yo4 yu paisgsiagii scotch bakery mill street georgetown jimvosltl ken nash flumbini and heating wafer soitamr watwjyshma rapjlln 1 allrlbna farf taoak waasaw at yss aay kwywrla alafyta aaaala m yoa axas trom john lenz electrical conthatftor s muf straar fr oaotnalawn a better world in 65 as we welctimb a new yean this will be our prayers peace on earth and happiness tot everyone to share w b hamilton construction company limited bill hamilton raid court fvary awlldlns naad tr rmto t-

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