Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 7, 1965, p. 11

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lood was surprise it was- wierd and wet when the mercury rose acak unds uf hvy iprty ai il ploudtnrwourjh tamportry rivtr flowing over the 9lh lint of eiqut llllimt during hit highlf a flood hurt whtcti followed in ict jtm a number ol homai wtrt floodtd of tht jtm which cam aboul il th ratull ol tn uniitiontl warm tpell and rtini community college hire kerr wants it considered caorff karr haltoa county jv u coacattsad wilti the injtatutioa of coauatuaity atl m in hton h said that an iaormal committee ha already httm loromd la one touaiy iowa 4 mi up 9 private community he tall ihtt mkh courfe ma halp student ocid wfaat boapwuoa omcoadry uboot kat sldtht aoomnhiulry col- lege would unin4 bmsy u- deeufrom attending iraivvrstly wbo ar uiwwitb a two yev rolleg dualiakt utef bigk adsoa it uld that mcb a cojuf would b lbttiwud itb an f mdoid tjiiveraity w ouweg st- ikd uuwuii rlw uaoiu aity ulltk woaldojtly prdvid urd fcdditutdal yar ofkhool log fciw bifh fcnjrft ken tiid thai if twur two y the tluderrft would like to attend a utuveruty credits ear bd al the rominunlly college would be valid kerr laid trut he hat alu hi concerned about door lo door salesmen kerr a uitinttfr of tha con kimtn credit comiiuuion said that door to door salesmen hat ogollojklltk un bf rotikidclutu tonctrti to the commission h wid that new lgilauon la proposd which would provide a hour cooling off period ai part of a ronlrsct relultlng from buying imi a door to door uletjiian ilr uid that d contract wad wlween lha uufcitieo or the company hr represent and tiw buyer of the product told by bias would bac cilccik on ly 44 hour afur ih sale ha beea bade kerr aald that such legislation would alio lb householder lo think over th purcha beorr bclag bound by any contract u aald liit turn lgilauoa would only hply to pnaa ua- kintg ltm ftaymcou tbt cuiuc would felao saly oaly u gooda notd at a oat 6 ovr iw uaid th l lint waa npo wo tna tnaoy vtapcci b3 door to door ult firm would not wajtwud uud tw banii o kom timn wkoac arc bavtj bncvo iodkvdn- sjblr to th notunonlr hd aand uiu loir mu koud ool b curtailed 1u luid liut ulrb lftalallort baa urn diwuad iti kiigund and paud irt hi auta oj calif ornia uha and fouiid vry f fkiv u iw utur fw krrr tuid that auch ugitution would irulrct lb tknurwif wlio wtii of i a uuwuri tj tht iwpjif tiona lnvojvtd liter bar iigna tur apara on tb fontart ths oloftoitowm hiralo thyway jan 7 comcsiti okavu ftukoino samo toaooaavk hu awd top sou stomi won tom haines 9um whtlah t 7nl harrjsrnoral abbanoimium fq- vv occasom t4ith cut pimm ia ium ti m ti yan christmas new year i visitors here and away sfufcs of ice 10gs and stumps picved up while the flow mod down river locked to- oither in the vicinity of the glen williarm west bridge when the weird weather earned aipring breakup in december it was the worst flood in the glen since a major flood irt february 1960 this time the aftermath of the flood include watersoaked base- nientt and polluted wells tvewarttowm 4 hospital news georgetown itoipital patiroti who have no idea of what tn- iu ranee they carry and what it payi for are presenting a prob lem for the hospital bookkrrp- ing staff arrording tn hoipital office manager harold seeking ton many people treated at the nu tuupjtal at either in patlenti or fulpjllents jut arent too sure if they have to pay for the ser vice mr seckineton told the herald to enlighten people who have never been a hospital patient nd are in a og when it comei to insurance coverage he offer ed the following explanation mm haruxra whittnee young mr and mrs irwin noble ktreft had a friend miu rr ann iirratne philip and iel da weinrr of montrejl vibitingrr guelph st spent chrutmti ber over the holidays day in ralnientun with mr master david duncan stuneynd mrs ilnydeh clark nd creek spent christinas week f artily- j visiting bis cousins peter and miu helen devereaus of philip noble cuelph street macdonald college and mr i mr and uri arthur sweeiie d mrs w a devereausi mlton spent christmas day al ana al montreelwere his rome here with mr and hmtma minors uilh their mrs uoyd sweeiie vark st mother mrs itaro devereaus with mr and mr a suther ew iyd land h hale drive were mr mr ln yr li hedce and mrs l juaty cordon indi oi toronto were christ catherine of krindale fnr visitara with their son and christmas family mr and mrs peter ilrdgecnck hobby dunne k dtk bkd li i r christmas wi mrs kidds fa i irlvf ther mr s kindlay of toron r mrs phthp rowel of toronto visited with mr and mrs alan macmaster bradley to rirkey ijnre and 10 days old baby andrew 20 rairstnw cnea i on christmas they are mrs uacmastera parents mr and mrs ii antfersas ijirgarrt agnes 21 norton cres visited mrs anderson sinter mrs lvslie lj on chmlmss and fnanda at cuelph mr and mrs ab irad er in the evening mcnally construction at tyork on school additron fthe building- of the three- 1 mm ii p ijwson attended yom addition to strwarttownafamlly dinner in acton on gllipoli proyreiainc vith m3ctfh7lhrnai day at the home of glen williams glen couple spending holidays in florida mr and mrs lei ottaway left saturday on a motor trip to florida where thry will spend two weeks nally construction ai contractor crade 5 pupils along rfelr teacher mrs mckilvey i vjho have tlicir clasaroom the mr and mrs lino margo with mr norrii marr of detroit and mr and m rob kidd v v u 1 or toronto were christmas vis tfe kaquralns township 1 uo wuh ind mrs k wl- ton and con philip council mecling where tiey were introduced to the st albana church had a large congregaton for midnight communion christmas kve christmas morning a service was held sunday evening the annual candlelight service with carol singing was held mrs reg williams played the urun with congregation and mrs c a grunt received gchoir joining in the old famtl- lelephone message that herjir carols uncle mr r j smethurst pa tjownnhip katbers trtinr to thia clerk mr k x unc mr ki i smemursi pav klnduy conducted a tour of rt hit nome van- 1 with mr and mri george xe building and explained to te children the work earned in in the dfiferent offices i f after rradini the kditnriil ii the jlerald thia past week we reillie how fortunate we r in thli eommunity tor al though the concert in the ut ile red gchool house has long iiappeared we had the prlvit- ge or attending the christmas fcottcert in the community hall lait tuciday night presented hv eemberinf st johna church fcholr f the hall nlefly decorated bit well filled and the pro htosl en5yiiner santa couver christmas eve uncle rob as he wai known to many in this community visited here this pant summer as he had done for the past few years prlar to his going to van couver in loofl he was a resi dent of stewarttown where he lived with hti sitter the late mr joe schoslei he was a brother of the late harry sme- thurst of acton and the late cooper and glen on christmas day were gary and hli wife david and his wife and thrlr famllim mrs glass and mrs mary cooper with mr and mrs wi mc- gowan and family for christ mas dinner were m and mrs lee 1nngstreet and baby vera and mrs mcgowans mother mrs newman of toronto rcrt smethunit of llmehotjse lie is survived byl one daught er nancy roberts of vancouv irrived utrt distributed filfla to ill thanlldren present r thyoun ttaks deserve- cre- tforibelr excellent planning vwejoolt forward to many- i ncert that give the chlldreti the opportunity i dbapuy their ulehu a baby ibeftho memberalten- vgwclle at the chtif- fday nlttht and later ajfeu tinflni round the season greeting and com wishes for the new year to the herald edhor and itlff and to all our reader hiss mary jean tirker and mrs lxuise uebb i on don were holiday visitors with their par nta mr and mr kred turker main street north- mr and mrs harold hrdgrs gait were christmas visitors with the formers sutrr mrs george slultsrd mr sluttard ronnie umia and alai cleave holm drive mr and mrs george d mic afinr n tuelph aulay of kuigston were new ipfnl christmas holiday with years week end guests with hrr p mr and mrs nor mr and mrs james davidson nfuon ostrander ulvd suun and robert of 5 mrt j nelson and uctil way cres daughter janet cousins from mr and mrs john colter toronto were other visitors jimmy douslas and john 38 ur im uri w uoffalt and mclnlyre cres had mrs cnj 32 jujiow creac vn- teri parents mr and mrs a d wlth un moffats parent wissuchek of toronto with m and uri k uruit of tor them for christmas ont0 for christmas visitors mr and xlrs krn hnwatdunng the week were mr and mr and mrs w schenlc had all the family home onchrlst- mas eve with bertha and her husband mr and mrs j lvoods of port sydney ipenrt u infi chrutmis paywtththemr 4kj x god bleu the hule thingi this chrtitmaatlde au the 11u wild things that live ouujide uttle cold robins and rtubbits lh the- artow glvei taem good faring and awnrnjjuae to o arnold rathbun tepraienlallv sun tlpfe owanatva -lbrajipton- phrt 451400 on t aria haspllat cmmlislat r ohc caveraae the oi1so coverage entitles subscriber to all rnpatlt3srt treatment at the standard ward level this includes every ser vice such aa xray lab drugs medicine food staff the ohsc coverage with re gird to outpatient or emergency service entitles the subscriber to the following 1 if the treatment given at the hospital occurs within 24 hours of the accident or incid ent the person who has ohsc coverage will not be hilled fol low up treatment will also he covered by ohsc 2 it live treatment givrn at the hospital occurs after 24 hours of the accident or incident this person will be hilled since ohsc will not cover the tseat ment the ohsc will cover treat ment over 24 hours in the km- c cency dept if tlu doctor agrees this treatment or proced ure prevented the person from being admitted as an inpatient 4 the ohsc will cover phy- siotheraphy if the do tor re quests the treatment the ohsc does not cover xray or labors tory services on people who are treated more than 24 hours af ter the accident i- blue crosa a other insurances 1 blue cross if you pay it through your work in combina tion with your ohsc premium will cover semiprivate accom modation the code on your ohsc certificate will ahow 33 in top right corner 2 other tnuraiwe- aetna mutual life etc may cover sew 1 private and private coverage 8 an insurance form li om- pletely processed at time ol dis charge frotp the hotpjtil culpa i unit service over 34 hours 1 ps1 will cover 00 per cent of xray treatment and pitltuit will be required to pay 10 per cent y henry st unda ruth rober joy and joan spent new years week end in goderich visiting friends mr and mrs a iauohne miss doris armstrong of the johns hopkins hospital raltimnre maryland visited her parents mr and mrs fred armstrong mcnabb st for the christmas weekend mr and mrs wro xlartln kenneth undy and john 124 prince thsrles drive visited mrs martins father mr c powers oi st catharines for christmas vimrngwtlh mr and mrs garnet dickenson 00 sargent road for christmas were mr snd mrs peter dickenson snd three children of frtndale and jjmes dickenson of toronto visiting whh mr and mrs a gardhousr dennis wayne el len and joanne 30 delrex blvd for christmas were mrs gard- houses parents mr and mrs v a uiveridge 6 toronto mr and mrs robert gold- ham 1atricis susan and bar bara toronto were christmas guests with his parents mr and mrs harry goldham orch ard blvd i mr and mrs s t faram mar ket st- hadthelr family with them for christmas namely mr and mrs j w mcclelland tom my and mary jean islington and mrnd mrs graham far- nell carroll and davldralbert st georgetown mrs james warren of malton mr and mrs j davidson academy rd entertained thrlr family and also her sister and husband mr and mrs john hodgson and family of pres ton and her mother mrs al ice collier of milton for christ mss i mr and mrs robert rrear- ley of islington had a family gathering for christmas and guests were her parents mr and mrs sam mackenzie sandy and david miss jean and mis margery mackenzie all of geor getown mrs- kenmgekeniie jack and margie acton and mr and mrs nelson cardno jim and jayne of seaforth visiting with mr and xlrs win uarratl gregg kelly and michael 112 mclnlyre cres for christmas wss mrs bar retts mother mrs d ciino- ingham of toronto and on christmas they visited her grandfather in sunnybrook hospital mr g cunningham fv hi so mr barretts mother and 4 sinters in toronto mr and mrs michael kelly and son michael john otta wa mr and mrs william keb ly toronto and daughters anne of queens university kingston and paddy who is at tending school in boston were christmas guests of their par ents mr and- mrs john d kelly albert street ur and mra p c moorhouse and family of burlington were new years bueaha 2 psidoes not cover labora tory tests the patient will pay this charge li 3 other insurant may cover ray and laboratory services snd if you know your insurance does sti ihaurance form will be pro- ceiaed at time of treatment 1 bring your ohsc certificate or number if you are coming lo hospital ai an i inpatient 2 at time of accldcnfr incident tiring your- ps1 91 otheir c insurance coverage aetna mutual life northwest life etcj ilyou are coming in for treatment if the hospital service is not paid by- ohsc or any other liuuranee you will be obliga ted to pay for the- service clear with your employer what coverage yor have make a duplicate of your disc number your psj num ber and other insurance num ber for either ytutfielf w your husband carry it in youmvauet at illilmnti mytnight b hours iuwinu service wkth yau hs a yw da ernlekt oil 8772251 you can italy scotts towing service oiosojtyown the help of a man who displays this symbol continues long after youve bought a polity from him heres the big advantage tn buying car home or business insurance through an independent agonl when you have a loss hes on your side he uiel his professional skill knowledge and independent position to make sure you get paid promptly and fairlyl how because he represents several insurance companies not just one suppose however you buy insurance from a company salesman who sells insurance offered only by his company hes seldom if ever around when a claim is filed and if he were around how could he be on any other side than thai of the company who employs him get all the advantages of the big difference in in surance the continuing personal attention of an independent agent call on us any time your independent insurance agents in georgetown are john t armstrong barber henley ltd walter t wans pay all your bills riow gel an hfc bui payer loan col bills you just cant meet gather them atl up and coinc to hkc fotthe money you need to pay them then you can drop your bill problems in the nearent mailbox and repay hkc conveniently see mtnuterrold now borrow with confidence 1vbkii1 ar ask about ckeoit iifi insurance om loans at low croup rayts tioo sso 7ss 10oo icoo 1200 1500 uoutmy payuimy kami it i- mjuarroh 44 quwii sit ealyuphon ol 11670 l- i

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