Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 7, 1965, p. 17

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coming events aetna jttonera duet la belhnafart hah tutsv jaamary eta pa to 1 mja- triaahartnn 75c per pereon mariana mule makers general meeting o the cm and district mem ortftl boaptul auxiliary tues day january uth l pin is boepllal cafeteria you are invited to ajiagtovr ttnaima institute euchre and dance ba eaquesias community yiy ayny le january ullkut ynwoeoa prite tad laacfa admtaelon mc 1 u annual ueetiag local coenal of ween will he held on imdey january ista i ua at lb w of mr j w xerr slurdocke street lfiucnre saturday january sti at 60s pta mnartloaa ualt luace prtiea admualoa 50c per pereon seonaored by esaueeins federation 4 agrl culture amnlvltaky mr nd mr bert tuck sfl queen st will be at home to friend and neighbour rota wd to four ld rod seven to bine on saturday january lata on the- occwott of tbalr aliver wedbn annlveraery no kilt beauty salon wl cmiry bu 3 hy- oped at albirt j bcatau fam 4th line far appointment rill 8773001 mil alhtpm vlur christmas and new year visitors in town others go away h red cross home nursing course oh meeaw im m it hit eliiebetb mecrae k mar kit st warn e holiday guest in kitchener with her aon don hjjf trite and family mr fawn lindaay cnsjle street visited hi parent mr and mr hugh uadaay la celt over the holiday mr and mr hooatd jtabcrv and linoa toronto visited mr aad mr a piaaoa- clbooas mace tor the hoiaiay hiw mallei cblk queen t ha returned hometler apend las the holiday m torasto hb her couala hfl t w nuab- mr and ail cecil mcnam are young m- had hi mo- tier mr j mcnamsra of toronto with them u a hall day roel mr and mr paul leggf deles blvd and family vuitad id toronto tor th holiday with bar parenta ur anj ur v buckley mr c w henry or dur ham and mr harom gluon of tborbury apnt nrw y ar a with mr and mr u k cllaoa harsh street mr and ur w r ballen tin mary jan and doug dljgjj r blvd spent christmas in lluuonvill with aw p mr and mr cliu youat ur jim brown aad lesley waterloo former resident of georgetown peat laal uinday with mr and ur robert burks an family baxfnt rd mr jerry uahuaky of car h apent chrutmu andlfw yetra in renfrew with hi paf rnli mr and ur thoraai uahuaky and hi urothfr and alalera mr c v llogrra flaw in front aliry uonday and apnt tha alkht with hia auter mr aad mr harold eaalel 5tevn1 ere had hu mother mr was eafle ouelph and mr eatlea mother mr mel- en merwell and uao her irl- htrmraaret ttday an with at e ela vunteer akauue iu u jam ttreel studeal can atlll redatar and atart court oi monday jan 11 u lir ar atlll few opening rcwtlrtkn tea intlujibl vaanual 1 00 legion film show this saturday jan ak tid aveey safurday ualtt sunimar at 10 00 aw eefurln wah wwwyi big red aatmluamti iu disc jockeys available bdkmtvu wttulhtf kmsllmu ohu iahtm du4i uiule to tuit all owtrioni yf btl u uuh euuatubu ritei yr inforauuftb contact yuljuo htoductiowj hill wrih 451 sim hill tuluh 4jmj4 immahuml lutheran church uowtmd wiocllwoth tcuool auditorium h cuh j1i strprir warthla tarvlce 6m am f tckeal f jo ajii j kiimier pallor a dance yuluo moducyionf tatukbav danci reatntt aayukbay jan ffk th kofwkaisimo fayne the cruisers alto to maka a great jw preelar ou swinging deejay brian kent admissloni i member 100 monmarnura 115 iumtton juriloaf alamatrwiulllllv naxt to brampton r nv i lri i i i mr and mr glen emenoni glenda sharon marilyn and dianne saraent rd apent chriatmaa with her toother mia arlene marwell both of brampton hi plcti for chriatma mr and mr jame iud don beealy and ivinald clea waiiam apeat chriat day with mr and mr truth bi rin anf oa boalncrimy a0toad to glratford and viav lted hi taother mr lady btaddoa mr ijtdruu u il krchiu carolyn and uobcrt mrvene crta vuittd in tfcrouu br chrutma with ualr roajlnr ur and ur m ueuch for ne vrarl they vuittd with llulr eoualn mr and ura yvank vyerinaa h k 2 actofl ur and ura u v hcarbor- ouuh dulr uaan and lynn wtbrr lvlc rntfrtalnad hi mother ura helen scarbor eujrh and ltla autcr and hux band mr and uri wm tm dlman david anf douglai highland crb over the holl days ur and uri i uallabon slina dale villi mr and mr biu taylor a aister of mr ktmerann id giratiord mr and mr d ucueoni norton lre bad hi pareati mr tad mr n h unavedh u catherine and hu hrorhcr mr wuuinn uaawurih oakt- wa o cbrjetmea dky kor carutma weeaebd the eow- talned mr jllnawarth arothrr mr k- t standlahur hund iah afld beby daurblef sue lane from uvk mill dost contest peewees defeat orangeville 31 22 high school student has broken jawin accident a georgetown youth richard ferry 17 main st n auffer- ed a broken jaw and lacera tion in a car accident north of town saturday afteenooa he wa a paaaenger in a car driven by bpencer adam end- of rh 1 glen william which left the bauoafad aide- road juat eaai of the 10th line the driver received rot to hi noee oniarto vtacur foic brolhers and hydro poles have smsihing hcv years if new year live wa a tlp- off oa what llxis abldi in llorv vou ran keep it tn- tbr opinion of miller brolhrrt tboing of to ontario hi and david ol tk 4 wirgrtiwii ilevu llaary uillk auurrnl a mit noae and ab injured left t r i m r l 10 o clock new year a on twday facw i3y ibm ueleor h s wee defeated j uta wll ofanjjtfviu 3 1 in a closely ctqum jum lit vujtor were murh lnhrovd from trie ut birtlnjf ol the two cluba sags 16 thi ocotaitowiu tnr jl vjm4 lftkaul tta drlvtiik throiikli glfti llama atruclt a hydro w o tvoikte th awt jrodiku ac tory ontario 1ruvlntlil i oh tb vuitoxa in a whlriwiruj or lju um s 2 wai takrn a firtt period utun aforlng m georketown and diatrirt m k j uemonal loaital for triat d in lly hldjm wilh her 1 ur 4jw chinrea lo inw of hll huru ter and huabanj mr and tb wore jim ubor wu the aujul wo houri utrr mum dennii faulkner and family mmkamao m m i tliomii ur and ura mchard quayle there wai no tearing in the uiller car a ldfio vlymouth tuylawb ufi and ur and eoad period i w wriscked when it hit a hy urs j 1reity qf tort credit the third pl j1 dro pole at tha corner of on georgetown when at 4 23 uio st and ualn st north kendley acored on a piu from georgetown he recrivcd a cut konack lnglii from iicqim on hitwtd at 1107 and jleppei from nell at 13 23 completed tha sanirlng plared the djurfuc to tko en car a 1862 cbev at 130 th crtuhap occurred at 3 is a nijtnbci oi other atcklenti l ceorgctowna ouuklrti wrv isvtijkatmj by the north uiltoq detyhmeitit opp over the new y- holiday vca nd a hiick der hd brush with a ca and got away with ly a bad km p thurdy bijjthi dm jlithiu oth utve and no 23 aidjnd tb dnvcr of th car i tmvid wiltwww ittlan he uid th ant uri- drd off tha car wit ut fctv ur aftd nwrun mto v ih tkath the car tlniraday f 20 w tw 1ju towul cam bjllklr on no y llwy tmsiur wiiwio a cometh a humlrrd and flliy dolla f damfcic w done to a iihu funtiac wjucoif driven by clar erf sno of tur4juj twi ajid 150 uj a 1ua 1tjiituc drivtu by gerald quadra of vauinafat kvan wllliim huh op of iktunptoo was uuhurt when his lost 1onliac went out of con trol on the curve in no 7 llwy at silvrrrreek and hit a guide jvokt later the ume day tlte cr hit a guide pott and re ceived lio damage ah accident sunday near the ume location involved walter houert ijrab of acton and james ktewart robertson alio of acton damage in thia one as 150 vr other guests ur aad urs arthur walteri 37 durham btrect bad utelr aon and daughter horn with them for chrulmaa and new years ur and ura karl wal ten and baby steven from cedar rapid iowa and ul gaiats shake jlltx rr grace wallera from calgary alberta clirlitma sunday ur and carolyn and robert steven cre were in niagara tall vltltlng hi mother urs c freeman and with mr freeman a brother and brother in law ur and u u n f ur u jl street trlnce char l dr mr and ur andrew millar si shelley ct entertained farmer btlghbour ur and mr aam maltitr and child ren or day laat week the mallur now live in thorold mr and mr george uoore and daughter laurie and al llaon ol hewaon creacent pent new year with hi au- cipt win burlington game here tuesday according to cit harlcy inwe the property domage to the car wu jl 000 and to the pole an i line which came down another 13u0 he wa driving urtt on on tario st when 11 accident oc wired while the accident were happening herbert miller ol georgetown bantam ahook newmarket lovt control of hii off a four game alump and 1m2 dodge station wagon and rose up to alymlt burlington rammed a pole on the haae arrandmrvbrucinlam tu f line near llernhy which did jack i t period wa void of 1300 dmge to the front of acorlng and penaltle but jeer- hll vehicle getown roger uttla broke the bubble at the 7 minute sophisticated comedy family and ur and ur dlaln and family dr and ur a f uacin toih and family uclntyre crea had hie liter uiu sheena mark ol the middle period uactntnah sheet nova scotia ur lionel krr iito little theatre venture the score sparked tha george itown attack and they went to the original plan of the ter and her huaband captain wood montreal and mr j ii o m and kemlhead from ha ceorgeown utile theatre lo and ur bureomb of uont brown uljefield to viit them ijli i preent a vilt to small h i lit i cored iln at 1 jo of h du aon victoria st on new j7 u will now prewnt tht m n co thf 1m ii on the wh hth ur john uiunn tattl and i j u and s7lh ol tebrury pk- v u 5 40 mgrtun rn pjay will be heir entry town hj final u when hay w d real t q mr and mr david capper auk mecllvray cre had hi mother mr margiret capper tuld and hi brother and alater inlaw uc and mr jack cap perauld toronto for chriat ma two aoldier aon were home for the holiday with mr and mr a n carter m king st e sat albert carter came from ottawa and lcpl frank carter from winnipeg to vialt with their parent flying hu own plane waldo plggin 17 king sl travelled to california for th chriatmaa holiday ta vialt wilh hi aen in law and daughter ur and mr con fair who live in sepul velda ur and ur a zolty mon real and mr and mr k 1 uht and daughter debra port cre dit were boring day vlllora with their friend mr and ur stanley lamb prince charlea drive mr and ur ken naah judy jerry and ronald orchard rlvd vlalled in weaton chrlt ma day and had dinner with her alater and huaband mr and mra a lawrence bruce janice and barbara mr and mra earl nel cathy twin bob and mil jerry and karen cleaveholm drive were in feveraham for chrutma attending a family fathering at the hontr of hi alater mia bernlce nell mr and mr charlea crime raylawn crea had chrltma dinner with mr jack stub bing and daughter brenda in downivlew and apcnl new year in toronto with mr and mr bui jenkinton and funny mr ckertrikle dann will lam street vialted in toronto for chriitmu with her alater nd brother in law mr and mr thorn uelvln mix ed na mccallum london waa a guet of mra dann for the chriitmu week ur and mr lloyd fergu aon and family morrii street have her mother mra lyndon mcbrlde northfleld eutlon their daughter mil marilyn ferguaon atudentnurae at tha cornwall general hoaplta and mr perguuna alater mra uarjorle stewart ottawa to vtait them br jme mellaney of kitchener alio vialted them over the holiday ur mcbrlde 1 remaining for a time charyl of trenton mra omar wilaon brian urent and hev in ura john wilson and ulu uary dnlelaon of toronto mr and mrs alan fleming joyce and craig prince char hi mn vnch w i r p p- ucconnell toronto for chriat p e cho maa day and for new yeara nm pju u georgelown eve entertained mr fleming a valuable- player and gary webb aa burlington preton play here tueadav jan 12 georgetown bantama fo take out orders of finest chinese and canadian dishes call 8779791 restaurant 21 main street ilvers annual winter fashion clearance now in progress important savings in every department niece uiu margaret wegs and miss lillian shortill of toronto mr and mrs al mahaffy ken charlene and uim dun ran drive motored to jlallbur ton to spend chriltmaa with the children s grandmother ur liareyparaon they ra- norted there was no snow tn hatlburton for christmas thll year mr and mrs stewart collins toronto spent lhrulrnas wiek end with her sister and broth er in law mr and mrs i fall ow eluln street and hsd christ mas dinner with their son and daughter in law mr and mrs james fallow david and kar en lynn on steveni cres mr and mrs herb kewlcy ted heth and herb jr visited in london for christmas with her mother mrs f and her brother mr mrs sykes and family other guests there were mrs kew leys sinter mrs a iaino mr lai no and family from dayton ohio mr and mrs john it walk er dracebridge spent the chriatmaa weekend with their daughter irginla at their park avtcyvrne mr and mrs wm j walker itaylawn cres and mr and mra dick crich ton r i 2 hrampton were lioma for the christmas fei uvluea mr and mra peter pew and family gairey dr had mr and mrs leo pew his parenu from water ford and mr and mra row pew and family a brother from claremont for chriitmaa sunday on new year day the pewa vialted in witerford with mr ird ura leo pew ur and mn alf col una guejph street spent chriat maa day in waterloo with their soninlaw and daughter mr and u george blyth end awred from kemihead at 10 u luv l the fn performance hy croup won the he viaul a rocer uttle may have hern tne pucllon m under the sycsmore tree- after the first performance thursday night the 25th it is hoped the public adjudication will he held the play a tophuticatcd comedy of three people catt awsy on a desert island a man hu wit and her lover will br directed by tony i loyd and features in the cist irie ming ron hill gay lloyd and mike peleschak the producer will be tat turkhoue norval presbyterian church publii worehip lo in church school 11 ami mjnliw ks d dortcanson orajanlsf ulehard i htllpi are in guelph wednesday jan 13 and in preston tuesday jan 10 juveniles stick to game after letter whether or not a atincin letter from the om11a rapping georgetown juveniles for their fart in a hockey gamis with lespeler which produced over a hundred and twenty minutes in penalties recently had any hearing on the juves sticking tn hockey in burlington mon day night will probably never he determined but in any case their effort was a ast improve nient i georgetown juveniles v tt tcored once in lh first period k sykes and twic morp ln ht nir t1 blank the hurlincton club 3 the locals got an early goal from simon llewellyn one of the workhorses on the midget club that captured the omha midget litis lasvyear but who hasn t played a game of hock ey since the championship match he scored at 10 10 of the initial period with an assist from terry hay a former line man from the midget tltllsts the 10 hulge waa the differ ence until 7 13 of the third per lod when wayne roid banged in number 2 from hay and kent robinson both hay and robinson played in the junior beavers win over orangeville sunday gary tirlgg netted the third tally with 4eaa than three min utes to go barry lewis waa credited with the atslat llraiiby waa a standout in the georgetown net and des erved the shutout but he didnt get recognition from the bur ungton management they choae terry jliy m george- towns beat on the night geor- beths beauty lounge perms 550 tintino styiino 8772607 a i shelley street bingo this monday i 00 r m- at the klvkka in n6vai full jackpot jackpot slooooo uti in 27 rrizes admission so free bus leaves archie a guard i 7 30 p m to riviera via ma n street water slreel jack jill nursery school 19 oeorgi street hampton ages 2 6 yean export full day care half day prograaame reasonable rates momino or afternoons 4593171 iauy14w saarladay thay- town aelorte t entertalned mr and ur blyth suzanne colin and debra and ur and ura paul berg nee karen blyth all of waterloo mr and mr jim ucnlven and lamlly beth peter char- la ajjd cluilyocst thome visited yrlth jim mother ura nlcol uentven s albert street atnew yeara ur and urit ucnlven have the vood and roam drivein v beataui ant ln bt thomas quite a pop ular poton highway 2 burlington twine minder that teams mvp the juvenile are coached hy bl campbell and manage 6y nob ilea the teitm plays at home to night agalnat oakvllle wogttwhll youaant tell a wondetrtst a brunette ln the dart lay i columnlat poor iellowt he know ney1 4a nothing about blondes georgetown district high school mr mrs fixit course georgetown dulnct high school will if enough people show interetl by registering on wednesday jan 13th give a 10 night course from 7 30 to 9 30 on wednesday night in home repairs such ai reglailng of windows adjusting fitting and repairing of doors and windows and many other handyman obt around the home the fee will be j5 00 for the full course school mtphoni s77aw4 were- movin on 1st january 1965 f6xjvlujlstreer in the old roxy thaatraoullding walter evans co glenn magnuson jjj hena i77jsu rrzs silvers once a year tailored-io- measure clearance hand cut and tailored to your individual measurements sale price 69 9 fleet street custom clothes -by- iip top tailors in gtobgftowcj rctusiviltat ilvers jfl h tfilzr mjlf 1- v i

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