Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 7, 1965, p. 2

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aa tm py teaa ed iatte ttasejlire clsssssseenl wess in 74w in the itam is are fr- tvv i printing pimsttihg tw tfe home newspaper for georgetown iridoistrict aaeee 117 emetvaa the fcew l1 i claa meat omo mw oh aad ear i hlillll ii cw tkuruuy l ry ytlyla pa yaaarj seaaafe cagey mas tm ceat 7r7 isz- v ai i said i think vev celebrities baby olrlt larfocqu left rid doudprt are gooroeo nd district memorial hoipi- ul new yw ubii iw first ws borrt at 648 am on uixvftl dy lo chattel knd oiilde urocqussijlejal tillidcsau court ind ungu in t a wt iitohltouiv med president ibi bvt ounci sha it iji- i or cdith 6 avf bon nd wu djv6d by dr a e aaatcwitosh baby cjirl d6u- ch has jams and brni d6utt t parri litwrs ca thy 10 and aaaria 7 and bo- thri con id 9 and danny 7 uui wiqid 6 lbs 1 1 oil whan brought into tit wo id t 0 5ipm wi iam day by df j h crumbarlaih end of grown attorney explains municipal police functions vote erwin lewis second terra as towns fire chief anproxlualely forty gueats arfuooed tbe traditional may ers duotf following the inaug- ml council meeting monday aught among the guasls in the kaos church 1u1i wm dr harry harky mp tor julloh and george kerr wpi lor hmiiml chairman john t arm- etreog introduced thr two members of senior gavera anenu wbe poke briefly then called on imi aaudlnr fred uebni to tblrodue uk guest auur crown attorney ivier mcwulumi tollc in fire society r the topic chaeea by ihe equally accountable to thr law thowa that people are very ta any rllttta while the pur- 1 wary ol sacrificing liberty no pose of police work ii un- 1 matter what lh rrion tnulllx ht lulrd thr mrth- j ik knivkxl thll in kn odi ire tliiiijlnf rontintly liiid in 1122 pulliurut kjec hoeiety ruangh iu uld m irlt tlir dutifi ol tbe poller werr tlir malntrn- ifir ol law and ordrr the prevention fit crime thr de tection ol crime acting un der judicial rrtralnt the pro ierullon of minor oflencei the controllinc ol road lraflxc cr lain dutiri on behalf of govrrn- uent agenciea and the contin uation of the tradition of help- lag in any emergency he diieuaxed the prohlrm of led the reecomendation of ubltihlnjc a police force oa the ground it would interfere with freedom of action jthla left the people free lo bevobbe or beaten in the alreela com- aented the apeaker il lrd lh hlilory of th j l c polirf fore tint iht ub- lujimpnt of sir robert pwli teoeuuoa tor lb eoailiu ytar hu dr c actiiptmi frhodnt dr j i itjuurr vtc itul hmoby tkj tt u viet 1rfkldfnl fcrtj dr u mini i ma of btmtlhuti wu 0 odwyrr ii sivrury prooiufd by utyor j cibboiu dr tbompon lurrrtu dr i m bij itutufuril uldrikw m a h umintoui in lb potvi jjy sigbt trmia2 it bis fcpck froa tb tbron b luud that tb tctiiuuuaa a tbj yulv tidr lpiit throufitbmit lb year would not only benefit tbt araiben rrf rouaril but tb wbole town ily uubitioa is to li ibu to itlvr hw 1h f udrrbjp r- ctihj from a mayor claimed wr ribbaa i tiattl uh ajrwfrl rom my councillort but i do cipwt frirlkr and in datjitunt aclioa in tb bvat iburmt of lb lowo ijaakint balt over tb pat yar b dulntalnd miwh had calls for fearless independent action for benefit of georgetown krwio lwu will wrv a armlron and n hyd wnd lrw j ceoffrtpwni gutll lutlf d many frm- flrrbir- h was elected lotr mambara of tb fire tupart- tjtu at tb utnoil wtlou wnt urmbn of tb towo ef tbe departiaariit sunday aft- and township rounctls and rp- rnaon in lb fir ball rwntatlvrs of industry tb rulit 1044 rxeiutiv followiisx tbt bulla mf wu rlctcd with exccptloo inj fircmrn entrrtalntui at a f on offic wlhrrd liivn bufft auppr in tb dulmmuui i ben arcomplubd he listed u dputythf cukam spn jwmidfi tht offictri mm tb ronitruftion of llwy 7 and itajrold luhnett r wcr i bri o thr fir dpartmtt aftr year or talk lh main ury tad treasurer inrluda cbarl hill jark cun tnnr of tb roads sws others who will hold officninsbam c1arnr tarry wil- rfplcmnt of obaolet qufp- tbls yar ar charles uimjliam kitchir andy ritchi swot and tb conlinutiion of valantlnr captain no 1 dav- 1 william llyd ooru chaplin bitb sundards oftdutatioo all plain no 2 jjud dividson ralph bludd wsipliihd without any ax bhy captain no 3 cor art sttnnp lull hllllr jr u tavu b addd t kvry olbr yar for tb doo iniui uulnnt no i and will lira ndnm bobbin on burvdrd and th r iu uautr n- ty avn yara s up to lh ml nq j woodl pr i i llwvr no koi dickry i thl l no 2 charls tyur speaker ii defined tb role of i fettftirelng law without infring- 1 provin fonaed tb provin tba olir as lh initruments of lnj too ereatly on individual j rial police commiitioa to pro- biorrinit tb law ao that dt- ubertitf the overwhelaalng vid infromation lo councils twtu way t lrly lrjtloo of bill m or the nol and polic forces tbey also thcif buiin in peace ii lev state bill as it was filled that tb polic ar u uld tb crown attorney lex townihip truck drlwr the man volunteer group was warmly cota mended by jim bilsborrow was i georgetown police sgt make regular i gueeta including uay- local forcea at work lie cited j w cibhona reeve john ihe formation of a police tol- 1 r j uwu of k leg u big at forward and jlm j main street merchant has 90th birthday a foumr oartrelown police dapartombt sergeant jamra bluborrow died monday in toronto weslera uaaplul ilia drain followed ut wcoad earl operation in twa montha ha joined ihe caorirel italic department aj a auua in july 1bss and waa prortftud ti corporal a year later ha wu a sergeant with torea only briefly kefora alth forced hii mjination yor lh paat year nda halt ka had wen with the gnorge- ni aaaaatmant office u ai aiaunt to the aiaeaunent cora- laaloner lis u turvived by hla wife alargaret and aou sean and srtlca a requiem uau took place in holy rjroaa church t mornlng thla james 8hsb0rb0w carr elected chairman if high school board if going to b nuay year alth the building uregrant and change of principal ihe moat important matter public acbool board appolnttea to the ugh acnool board wlfllam carr laid hla fellow trualeea jlanday nlht during hla flrtt atmjteat a thllrman he- waa named enalruan in an election at tie high achool board inauiural meeting jtaaiuealng townawp jppolnte donald lwon waa nmaylce- chalrman tb new chairman thanked hla fellow trualeea for electing hint welcomed new board member k ii corth george- town council ajpolnlm anil tben aufjeated aome changei in the committee aetupa he re- duced the member oftonunlt- tsea of the board from three n j- luat two grouping uanajement lifuumce and inauranrer 1 one building- property and ytranaportatlon in r other it h breckenrldge donald lajraon aild john d ord were named to the flrat and e i t hall t uvfcpi8lewr and e at corth to mwtam- thatr ordinary jtofuw bnllrllntijvopej ty and nanapoetoonpmmjt- torwlu ba k tog ewiflhoad handle the new chairman jopoart t apedaf imnmtttae ileal with the uncomjnj tarn- urged all counclllora to make ure their own eonatahlea at- irnded the college in diaruaalng the relation of police to the local authorltlea he conlraated the alluatlon with and without a board of police commlaalonrra with a board of police commlaalona- era made up uaually of a judge the head of council and two othera the board la reiponil ble for law ekiwrement and the police force haa to abide by tbe boards deelaion however laid the apeaker there la no- thing in the police act which aaya a council can give orders concerning the running of a police force where there la a board of police commiaaion era the authority la defined without it nothing la defined and thla vafueneas ia the chief aouree of dlapute claimed the crown attorney in ronelualon mr mcwill- lama auggeated that municipal- itiea can aaalit their own force by careful choice of men hy improving pay and working condltiona and by havln uiem attend ihe police college finally he atated no matter how efficient a police force ii cainot operate without the support of the public chaired councils fire commit tea laat yar and former birthday oil mayor harold cleave jack ut james nichardmn 28 kd- krn rirhardaon llh st sf rirhardioni creil to hardware eelebraled hta doth new years fve wilh s family aurprue party at his home present were his wife and all of their family ii r and mrs harold richard son pickering mr and lira fred uavral ur and lire wil all of gsorge- judge george elliott dead luuon county judge geors hliolt died wdndiy morn- t r richa and ur and airs ing at bl bo la hilton 7 i r t a rrcrr he presided over county court nsplc 1 la 1 vb i monday but coaitlalnrd of feel- j ing pwy- ji irom tb bench fundi y lelava his wif alice and on on in port arthur a dau ghter predeceased him judge elliott wis the speaker at mayor jotb gjbbonv 10m inaugural dinner his body li rthtlng it the me- nabb funeral horn- fnd u hiougii funeral arrinaementt had not been wwpltted at press lime it ta jrpcted the aervee will b in milton preirby terlsn church saturday at 200 oclock cbc pilmiwg hbmh the roy thomnaon farm hiti gmrgelown and aome sf the daily roiitln there la being put on film this wek by cbc cameramen for country time footage to b acreened kal jan 6 a grandion and his wife mr aad mrs doug uehardsoa were also prcicnt aloe doug waa also celfrbratini kli birthday a kbit day mr richardson is praatly recovering fro aa ye opara- ioa but it li expected tbst he will shortly he back at his poll ia the store kvtd yrim uies hive ru empfbaaiied lb mayor w this was a real aciueve- nenl me fell alu tb pubaae of tb coiarval bfhooi was a wilttuon for lb town provid- lag a place of acenic beauty for 8arationj to com he explai- wd thai tb ceauaaiaj board and municipal board approval ia expected iooo lie wubukj tffw vijiuiroua utiiiit of a ped- irian rroaijng oftbe railroad trtcita aid ranrludel by ask ing tb cooperation of both council and cltisenry aa a whole following the fornial opening which included tbe swearinj in of members by clerk c g tunhara a brief devotional per iod by kc-v- john mcmulkia and hev bruce woods and a wil- aap by the mayor lo nrw members g c hewion- and hoy bsllenune a short buiinesi rj li undrr diicuioii simil arly couh- smith as rhainuaa of no 3 coiamlltc will do tb aam u u d fcttchlilpl lo hivf th nights foe mung and to cut ilown tb number of tocvtitietat tb actual tttairmanihip vt coeaimltte4 birv flanged vr utile admtfiiilratiott tiid m nance chilrwin j a kjuolt luduitrtat and towa 1umiiai j l young water d m ptrs weifare atobuuw- aad we4 control w r ballenuaa thete make up no 1 commit tee comprising no i comfailte are river hi on parka fir lrot- uon and 10ot cenunnlal w h smith also chairma no 2 committee roads w f hunter additions of trees k street lighting r w francis public works g c htwaoa police and ijw knforcement jos gibboni tbe mayor stated that the ejtrit would attend the conuiut- l me tings to take minute and then und copies f tb talnute to all council mfmbert meeting to set up- cooyniltee pwpcrty trimming it removal was held in a departure from pas policy tb nine committees hiv now ba divided into no 1 and 2 committees wilh no 1 combdlttee mad up of four and no 2 made up ol five number 1 coumitte will meet lb first and third thurs day of each month and no 2 committee will meet the sec ond and fourth tuesday of each month it will work this wiy rei j a klliott wtul chairman of no 1 committee plus being chairman of tb administration and finance commit toe wil convene tb joint meeting of tbe four committees comprising no 1 committee however when tb business of his own com uitte ia fi nlalved he will hen give tbe chair to tbe chairman of lh committee whose busin- former accountant is new commercial teacher 53 w h carr hlh school chafrman structlon program and e e uall donald lawson advisory vocalional commiaaion member james mccalg anil ihe chalr- toan were named telho body ihe new apedal commltlee will bejln duties right away a meeting witb the hlgbachoola department heads has been a ranfeontor this saturday mortk u1 wtuv view todlscuaalng departmental begdj and fob jaarlng that uie committee will arrange a meeting with an ar chitect the board hopes to have the addition completed by basjtepber 1m at the inaugural meeting monday the georgetown and district high school board sa hired mr duncan glllla a former accountant as e com tneretal course teacher hla du ties to commence this week reappointed m harold uoyer norvsl attendsnee of fleer for 1mu ss itecelved a letter from former board member douglas latimer thanking the board for a smoking stand and scroll presented him t a dinner in december a granted permualbn to the teuhlng ataff itt attend a con ference in port credit febru ary 2b recelvede letter from the elmlra board retnstln the support here for their attempt to have legislation changed the elmlra board feels the li cense number of car which passes a slopped scboblbus should be sufficient evidence the matter wu referred to the traneporullon committee s received letter- from archlleda askln tnio conald- erod or tfaeupc lon to- the achool called a joint meeting nf theiboard and the advlaory vo cational comrolulon for mon day ttanuary 1l- v set the aecond monday of cdh month as the regulsr georcctown and district high school board meeting jtlght woman marks 90th birthday jan 14 mrs annie weatherston er in will be h years young on january 14 she is the youngest and lilt member of the family it mr and mrs john meadows she hss enjoyed wonderful health with the exception of her arthriui and is planning on having her family tor tbe occasion stuffed castle flock makes museum birdland un casf r btl oboroetown maior h j nwmsn r r 1 georoelown end najtaosweya twp reeve william coulter look over tome of the recenlly acquired ilul- new- nattagsweya iwp keeve wiiuam soulier iooh uvei unw ui hk ioujiit rhkiibu fed bird collection from dundurn csille hamilton elme hallon county muieum caie it etqueting townships representalive on the muwumjjqard apd major h j i man it the curator a look at theweather tuunibui- 2 tuea 30 wed si thurs january 1 friday 2 saturday a sunday- 4 monday b tuesday high u 43 32 lew 13- 16 28 s3 16 25 18 27 ib 30 13 loweat for year 10m was 10 january 12 highest wag s3 july 28 rain in lte 2427 inches snow in 1964 3828 inches total precipitation- in 106 0282 inches v i v- milton champion ths museum was the cjirio of spatial hoi way lea during trie feiilva matbh end this selling was typical from ihe left are mrs a ledwilha mrs w cobltnr mrj vv sarg- uz- n mresioristloalle wife of lu csquoslnfl reeve mra r smlhs end mrs wilfrid alicia jvc scott lajll wife of ejpelngv depuryfeev wl owjr 4qd enoyed the lea j v- slides into truck boy escapes serious injury- a ten yearold harrison pub lic achool atudent murray me- mullen 84 uclntyre cresc u lucky to he alive today ti waj ruabed to boapital tuesday noon after being hit by a deli very truct while playing with pala on hla way home from school police conatable harley lowe who made the investigation aald that had the truck not been stopping anyway to make s de livery it is probshla that the boy would have been run over as it was ha buffered abrasions to his upper lip and nose end a bttmci un his fervbeul apparently tbe youngster wu wtsfi group who were throwing snowbslls while pro ceeding home along uclntyre police uld murray wu stand ing on tophi a bank of snow u the truck approached and slipped down in front of it hit ting tbe front bumper the truck a simpsonsears deslivery van wu being opera ted by arnold lohn lane iu pleasant ave willowdale uurraya mother mrs jesn mrmullen took the boy to geor getown end district memorial hospital where h wss tresled and released steeh company employee falls 3 floors to death a georgetown structural steel company employee fell 3 sto- reya to his death while working on a job thursday december 30th isn jamu duguld had been on the kerro structural steel armstrong ave payroll tor about three montha a there were no eyewitnesses to the accident in which duguld jpparently tumbled from the lop of the iteel frsme of a jlsyden psrk job site indica tions were that be was in the process of cleaning up the wor king tools and wss probably rol ling up and tying hoaes used in the steel cutting operation when he slipped or stumbled passersby heard bis scream u he fell and rah to discover him it the base 5f the steel skel eton jle bad struck his head and was pronounced deafr on arrival at st josephs hospital i the deceased had bean in-ca- naaatrotn aberdeen scotland only few months and was living at 41 welbeck drlvey jlrampton while employed vrtlh the georgounrn flnnthe wu n ajs i m rweralveegvloe was held at t the trull funeral home toroaij to iwilkylailia utertntnt ss- 3 in higblan jfanwry cwleiii 1-

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