Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 7, 1965, p. 5

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georgetown herald imbp b weae aeaja 22uin sbmt owrpim ontrio kcmmn pagtd thursday januaot 7 ims editorial comment jwztf for resolutions tew years u lim h ea saa- jmo 9f looking hdfo makjno raj ri- fov aswalng vtrhat on he 3on 1tthprviov ye end owdmflon- a coutm oi ecfloo for th yurthmd it la a rlma of uhluretlofi no rhaiaar whet trouble rny hava befallen in tha- year ewjtng mns aler a optimiurl hies o wfp th slat clean start ilmh and p- preach ft new yaer with hop it li thai eternal flam which makes vary dtlen a potential prlnw minister th rags to rlehs philosophy whkh mad hora tio alga rh moil popular novallit of hit owy though w know in our secret heirt ay all vvont reach th top thr trw ifaqaf on th wy and if on arrives at that next plateau of hl jjraamj ba it monlry ijmr- itnally or physically if on small lot of hit raiolial if satisfied th yar 111- good a wervell for new yeai resolutions if they at aanble arid 1 that fa genuine oaalr for selflellerrnertl but on riual strive to implement idem not lit and waif for fairy godmother to wev har wand whatever goal on aehhri ufa can onty b accomplished by dedication by work by ucrlfic and ulfditciplln whe ther on is waslrhy in dohers in friends in inner contentment on hai constantly to work at it success it not a patsiv factor in liu it cornesonly through making th bait ul of th talents you hav bn given jarring note to christmas a nolicswj irvoreai in varvdalltn li cbusino oorvcfttv for how who lilt to dec orate thjr hornet for the ctmatmea vaion th yar goro4lown wai particular 0y wlrh outilde light ino which repreietitetj hour of work end no lithe eupevie for liouwwicur f tko wfvo put thair diipmyi up aarly wr particularly tha tarot forbulb vil- triwrb on horn w know watvliitad n tfv luccatiiv niglift whan ora lot coopiti of dcar butbi it la not only a nuii rpa fe rwfakc hem but coitly loo at flf- nil or wanly csntt p4t bulb at our own horn wtiat w hopd would ba a colourful lighting on ctvittm v vvll not for w esquesing could share stoohion of rmvi biioh tkat eiquv ing doi not pay fair shara of fira pro tection wrvica i a matter which will b jtwlf with thu yar by trva two council th iystm by which eftquvilng prov- icua 00 fira truck nd pays a fa for fira oalu rcvd bayorvd town limits haa baan el mutual bervaftt to both munlcipalhl and k a pattern which could wall jc followd ill 64h public fjcilllurt on wich hat com up from tiiwa to tfrm u th proveilon of tertlon trvl6m partkularly in tha opralion of tha goro- iowti r oooailonally a councillor will breath fir and proclaim that h doint think th town thoutd continue to foot all jtw coah of a building which extendi iti bctwlt to many townihlp young people ftof w have yet to hear any ter lout diixu- iloru of any proposals made by the town in ehange things had no spares nor could we purchue kry for a couple of day waller gray whose church st home just off main is always a beauty spot was hit by the vandals this yr and the com pute destruction of the chamber- of com merce sign at the eastern highway ap proach to town was a major work of prank- stars we hope the people concerned will conhneiheieadivilies to another form of holiday fun hxt yer if bulb snatching becomes widespread reldents whi soon tire of decorating and ha ligning which makes georgetown luch a beauty spot will dkeppear winter leaves him g nil iitk daw of ymt vnaa tfc mni booaat jti- o baa braly h thea to eoaoml tt la ajbont m wtrei unly and ui of ullty tb 4iaoirdd oirlatinaa tn laas- ta dmnkasly afalaat t back atapa w omnaljl a tiaaal outimmtjxtft lu a- atsralr ntlllni pi tm ituraly ajad jhatl tin way laal u- jaauary xlk i womaa of so wtjo ba had tlv coiidraa fa fiftaad yaarm ai llmmau i capt ut4 tt axafi by thatalddi otrbiuy ej tmjja lu baau cbaarad up ijruib iolaa arouod uka all ox afw uho who reviews the yeas news desk extras by terry htruy it is natural that etquestng politicians would not welcome such a move with open arms they have e business fo run rate payers to satisfy and are interested in get- ling the most mileag horn their tax dollar they are also intelligent men who if presented with e set of fact would doubt- use giv some consideration etquesing has a particularly concentra ted township population in thegleri imorval and stewarttown and the arena is used by doiena of young skaters and hockey play ers for esquesing to deny any responsib ility for helping to maintain the arena is as wrong as for georgetown to denyiu use to any but local residents wed like to see the two councils gat together for a friendly discussion with georgetown putting some facts ort the line for consideration small lypw who beeaw ownrt of pti chrlitmu morning will know by now that a ipanlcl pup or kit ten cant ba dropp la the toy bo like a pualle dump truck when tha bovthy wrn little thin thy know by now that tha ball of fur tint stole the show from all the tjuur- tn tlfu chrlitmu tieriilnjr takti a uttl mor care t ban chatty baby and requires much more attention than gi joe we hope the nw young pet owners havent tired of their new responsibility for iu takp figures eornlng out of local humane soeletlee never eease to utt ua winy parenti who feequlre pu for their children- as irifu have done m ealy after eoaalderlng it seriously if the situation u right tha new twt can be a tnajec watrlbu- ior to the youngster mat- urlnf proeeii teaching him rejtponiibllltv and eornftae- aton as welt aa affording ampinlonihp nut then tha iltualion imt always right some times we wonder why a family chows to take e pet into ita household whan it is obviously done in an lrreiponilhly manner too many people just try it for ftise thle te borne out by th number of puppies and klltu plckd up by eenlne eonlrol vehicle throughout 4he year tf tha animal are lucky just a few unbreakable shock proof and water rie unt new years resolutions wt reaolve- to overhaul our sente of humour and laugh more at danny kay and lata at eddie shack never again to slam the lid georgetown herald ttutid by u meaere lu georgetown ontario walter c publuher certuu meoilveey produetion supertntandeat terry kir ley news editor alleea kradley aecounlsnt use dougua ldvrtliai itaaijer mrs wtllua gegiie clark treut ane currte utporur pa tar jon tholetph leslie clark dave haatlnjs u gllcea j ukhibunu jerry uahtuky ueraber el the canadlus weekly newtpepere aisociauoa and the outarle ateeeutloii news echoes- frm th po tk hatau 154 amw4 10y1aua0o rev kenneth ricoardton nwly appolnlad anblicin church factor of gaorgajown and gln wllllma pra- chad hit first tarmoni in st gaorei and si albani ctiufcfiei sunday gooroatowni fourth ontario provincial polk officer ttar- ted dutlai in town this wmic h it comtabl guy harrington an ottawa rutiva ha waa tramfrrd hara from waterdown ha jolni corporal ray backwt and conitablaa tom duby and don smltft town improvements forecast by mayor john t arnv strong in hia fcneoural address will includ compl lion of a maor water program continued improve ment of roads and possible olnlrtg of th two mapla avenues and a newroad rhrouofi tfi vallay john gunn provincial mill chemical engtaear waa named charter president of th rotary club of georgetown monday member met for th first dinnar meeting in me mcglbbon hous 30v1auaoo company lorna scots hasfowiad hockey clubto take part in the lorna scot reglmanl hockey leagua c compariyt lineup 1st goal bradford dafaotev j burns r rowley forwards grenke allen robartson alternates n long g neville m lorutio j mcclur w bradley ca disastrous fir last thursday completely destroyed th farm home of dr andmuttaul bear on the 5th una r r 3 goorg town tha fira started in tha basement and in moments tha antlra house was bju and tmokato dense thai entry could not b mad tha hous was built in the 180t by mr georg lejilla sr and th bbvll brothers of gfan william new year springboard bl an artyuallryuc acid box in th presence of a usgrslne victim never to jaywalk at a pare etexllng th potted speed- limit jo coittpliment th waitreia on her eagerneks next urn she pivots and stalks to the kitchen after taking just the first part of my order to put most of the worlds peychlatruta among the utv iptoyd by inventing an unbreakable shoe lace to put the rest out oi bua- lnmi by lntenling dome- futenlng cuff units kaaistthe temptation to drive the ou ball five trv ehae into the fairway with the heel of my right foot after the would be tony lema la th foursome be hind me juit lined it off my wallet pocket ill ui my left fool to quickly change the tub- jvt to the feeding hablta of the tumanian glgdob- ber next time someone cp itn a idlou butbaly axtmia that hhe dajra aura ar kiralchldt aul araat uy bat rfat iv i look upon ufa with uw wild ulualsaiil of a uaneautta tiger coiifroatiiig a bowl ij torn- tlavia rirt sad wont tah of ui january iniatriaa la that hid- apui stnula i gt out of tba sack criwllnj out omha wans lliualiliat lota tha ray hor ror of tha day la aa deralr a bualoaaa aa any i know 1we ara dsya wbaa vya aura ill bv tntkalt r h oof for tha voices dcauoduia k bait 1th cloihua and brtkfaat and lha total allaoce frou th othar slda ol the bad finally kavln survluad tha llrtl kur mv day thats foot t aaaaplx el the taoat taa wsotaa ana tb gatbxrtoj ol about an epea oraplac r0 waai atartjoj aarat baad i jo- iwfjr tka dash far tha ear that ranks in my mud wlht uuurva daah far tha kuth ala sla dlffaranea li that tlr dniund dldnt uava hu aauakaa at th affka yur- day ttiws nothlnt 1 joy mora in tha summar than raadlnc about the simple plaaiurea ol oljtimr wlntan slalshballa lha nrunthlria of aaow undar- haw loaad mjwu ataai kaa pan tear wiolara to a an van lulry to baflnalraaw a aaaaa baor svla db bjpea oi fira ojint to may adsaa1ha cruakhlaa tinaattoot r nail ukalyta ba you teaar brtadi ai by tha auaabars tna riahc tb aoaooial- 1 luly to b tha rood ol back porch aavtod in the taw ma aeu-raaaart- in tairy wouhf be cauxht 0a4 uadcr tha jaooary pun vkidl bulla u yoa with all th faa- ullly of a rold triad ax tb aatharin kr uor uiaty la w tnolanobaly buddla ol ju payan afhanrin oold rasa- ua and talkla about their ftiroafi wlour la tin up until natf vaara altar thai you caa iva it u tb rumlaiu la tad if thay tvwr lavad ua thay should do it id januaryl half tha population la in riarida tha othar ball la do luj iv flu 1 wouldnt vn ajv thla couhlry back t th tttnf in mtdwinur in th first piaea thry woiiwot uk it la thataa- rcmd wav handad stars tha topic to the naw haj lro or con navar aaln help aldarly la- din acroaa buay alxaata whan thay dont want to 10 and finally navar aialn to switch on the parklnf ilfhu whfti than la a ulljatar rldlnj two and a half feat olf tha raar burnpar at 15 mllas par thara is en ough coronary trouble in th world without contribu- un to it saat bum daali in th baal if a anaua sa cwrdl yaw klaad whan yal duk b h faoaa ray whh 4d wiiai runnln tnd whlil 1w that a ayand wlaaara day a thay hlaw an thair with linaart kafar wlau th slaaa fraat thair ayaca eaaina to u that wa all sufar frou ad advancad caa of tail daoipuoa juat bacua our ancatisra eouldnt lnaain anythina wora than thair trlah shantla italian alama atral lab vlllae and cain to cana da wa tblflk wav aulosttatkv ally ruued and pbyjcahy ttt- ted to endur th ciitnai which faauna oa u whar but la th south thla country la january u fll for laekrabblu llrraanltra and twapl under tha aa of twalv the eooner w raaiia it and demand frotn th cav- eraraaat raturn uckat te alor- ida good for thy aaoollu th better business directory chiropractor j donald a oav bc appolntfiiantj made daily call tl 74441 1 mala l o chiropraqor oareu w cerbah tic opan dally by anaalntmant house calls arranfed 1ia main tl north carr wittwooo ontarle land turvayaa 11 moiinulnvlaw rd s ntlanale 74111 w h crr a i wastwaad ttt asm raa yst ji4144 d ax developments lim1tmd rulldar fine hamae prop waltar pacholok 774111 er i77ml barragers claanara ihlrt taundarara tr 7437 1ft main s ibrj gualph all work dan an brawls results of tha cfirtatmas exarnils th news front goor ttown high school this week top studenta in each formswralgrada 13 shirley tapp and mary ano jqurti grd12 doris brbwrtrldge brenda roblnioh and darrell dawtoti grade 11 vwat barnes and kennoth harrison grade- 10 douvlaslatlmarrjdomtr 0qoj ihrou rthi micllk- let alexander and ingabord hauphnannj grade 9 a- erhajry trtbtripson and lykk dvtlesj grad9b joyc langford arid mary woodj v bible thought for the week h evdeeh for there is one god and one mediator- between god and uea the man christ- jea- 1 wntothy 38 we are aavej by the grace ion of chrlaftlan njust accept goda plan or prepare for hi pnnathntent a v walkkr ro doju okromitkist 11 usin st s brampton 4514474 res msm1 hours 0 am to 6 pu tunday to saturday friday 0 am to pm- krenlnsa by appolntinant roblr hamilton opaamahi 116 slounulnvlew rd s curetal bid vor apfolnunent n 8773971 monuments pollock t campbiu designs on bequest inspect our work in greenwood cemetery hon 41wu8 tt water straat north 0a if prank ptrtch acenskd auctlonekb prompt strvlc po bo 1s tb 141184 caoratown ororosttowm animal clinic 1m gaelph straat v zavlhudvm or r b oaakln cunlo open 8 pm moil wrapl turday f ii tsl wallacr trrompioh lrd dhrblaib court clark cammuunor tb rsma dale bejinett utiimr baints a douglas v ijktlmaal ttrtnac r bainmi tslaaud v3tl b hill bl ceatchewsoa 118 lioutaurrlow ral at carraul ruildliua cefiatowa tsl 71u lcriaahtlson furrknw at aallehw 118 wounlalnirlaw rd ft curetal bulldltur canrtalown v tslj 74m0 j merruktaaqc barrlstar and solicitor 61 mill st gaorrjerown tr 72do4 tvansidtterbjl dr william bleigj m ataul 8 tb tojl r wwiyiasjtamc 118 lountaiblaw m gamwbtiuaiiao- a 1 sd liaiil oaiaawh m

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