Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 7, 1965, p. 7

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jharley proposes that ambulance charges be government paid va whitttngton scores a hit chttf rshlft ia0 director ofgkb producllon1 flrtt play dick whiitlngton toasts lh productions toccett with mmtars of th ml ire ajtnilrong hilda levars and ed urmn fter rtw lest curtain saturday tfh treldtlortal engliih pantomime was staged in svmpon by rto gwrooom goop dec 2 a 10 nd jan 2 k hiton county mp xt1imr ry harley eaairmao oi th fedaraj govenncut food kad druf commitim said- last it h iavorect cmersmicy smtu- ao services din tar by booed tal tuju meu chat exoergeivcr unbul ace a-erric- in tift jone vouia u wu i- by th on tario jlospiul service cou v hospitattutioo charg nj lbe cost would be alared st p eot cub by the inderal and provincial govero- koenu dr llarlry proposal was presented during it iat e jon of jeixancit uxl alair but tut actiot vti uxo uwy moiat ij vuld bring up hi prptttsl aclti krbes jvtifcmeot tyuc4 rly to ybnury lultau county w p correcuqn a ncapt am atory w la aw igatyffin tat ofr oaor- thi oioftorrowtt mam thkrarfay jan 7 4hj ra har goldea bar had tha story fcy hava aaid joanaa aid that mmtfeocy aa rtlartgo ralad tha bar td to in hi oouoa tanii hut bulaoc rvquiremeau u a rs- sull oi ma accident or wkutr the doctor mls that urgent i transportation to hoapital 1 a moval varied holiday activities for norval scouts guides norv1 krouu cuba guidvai nrvsl presbyterian church sjid brownies told cbrulmw jkutulay ilcbool hrld their par paliea previous to the tioli t an concert an uaidy ev days oxiing december 2 1 it the kcouu hld thr party the coacerf analfd oi on tuesday evening lcinbr nktu fchort play tonmi ri 32nd in norval united church lutloui etc by pupil of the a toboggan prty bad bu sunday school ttie chrutmii bunjied but du to the rain ktory from st lojke was pre hod no aaow au evening of wnted and an enjoyati tamea and unit uwig wat en chrutmai ikit waa put on by joyed intlead with hot doga the coc santa cum arrived tor lunch ti hand out the tila and ean- ite cub held their party oh dy bac rorn the tree mr j u monday evening december 21 ucclure luperintrndant in norval united church tliry 1 m kpont an enjoyable evening of kmnea ainl ling aons k- b norval untied church sun cub rrivd- nrlat of a jig day srhool concert was well at tjrw puzzla oi a map of tome ldd on welnetday evening urt of th world the i a for december 23rd each elan pre- scouu and cuba served cake tented a ail or aonit janet nd u cruu i johnson and unda kld tang norval guide tang carol at a duet and bay oht of tha manor at hilton on wdnea- glen lyona kara ijgerqulit day tvening dwmber 23rd af terry iaiduw and david ur which thty hcld thalr party brownrhls waa njoyetl the at tha ho ma of their captain night before christ oiai wwaa ura norman guthrie tliey ppruented cants claus arrlv have ben invited to attend the led at the do we of the program myatery tour aponaored by the j to distribute the gifts camlv georgetown kcouu on wednea- liaga and oranges mr clark page maqx a conclusion i ajjoaaip fknost lorajitwjjj rror unit arrwad hr nil tin two lad two tojntatr bj pyttinj on aodotsi toflof dr hrl asdd tk uajor problccd icing bmbulanm mt m iiaafe aaad ikai hjj propoaasl txwld rvoiaow l0 lorn hrk avbout 90 pf- cvnt of the callj ar brvr paid lot h laid ualtoa omtnty waxd cor- do0 cuaghr aaid that hallon county council wouli tid w tooyou to eubliah a evua ly wldtf aoiiliiic arvk jot ulun th4 tootloo waj pvi brfoe tvdbty council rntly aitrr biaa aeriouily lnjurvd crt illirbway 401 had to walt so btlnutai lu reeling veathct befu4 aw tmuulanfai arrtvvd th major problriti fcurroud ug the iubluhfant of foudy wlda fciiibulaac avrvtce renters around who would fin ancj auch an opratloii auutant attorney central a it dick has tatd that the municipality should take tome i rroonilbilty for a county wide ambulance rvlc b rauae they receive revnu in directly from the provincial highways lie suggested municipalities ahould contribute money to ambulance services u they would for maintaining the pot ice or fire department winter parking reg no motot vttfecu jkaj4 u m41d on amf stftift m twf town of oioaorown rrom midnight to 6 ani htom wclmblt lii to aulrch 1 by odar hoy maityckur diyi december 30th hie hrowntes bald thair par ty on the 16th of dmw in norval presbyterian church they wrapped gift for their mothers which thy had tata thwowlvcs a decorated can die made from a j a vex bottle the rest of the avenlng was apent in games and an eichan ge of gifts lnns is superlntendant tvachers are mrs gordon latdlaw and mrs pettr pom toy mrs garnet ijidlaveand mr wm doddi jenny wjl rrownrulce rob murray mrs till laldlaw and mrs rrurr nixon cordon laldlaw and john dunlop rev r irwin rloaed the evening with pray ctiddles 1 peter jonea photo fttttd utstt ctiddles the cat and jack ferguson the town crlor check their imea tiaga two of the shows were se i louts quaranleeing good donations to brampton georgetown retarded children v hornby f- ind musical evening for eden church concert the annual christmaa con h of dden united church sunday school was held on tuesday night dec 22 with a good crowd attending the con- rt was opened with prayer by rev kflvln johniton foil owed by several christmas car ols the ed to quartet sans wad recitations by several of the small children followed music selections were played by ruth mason on the accord ion ruth and donald ireak on their eloctrle guitars with wilms mason accompany in g at the piano a duct wu sum by laurie and dabbla fries tha program ended with candle light service followed by san u claus passing out the gifts lunch was served in the sun day school room the north trafalgar euchre club held euchre party on saturday night dec 20 at the north trafalgar community centre with right tables in play the euchre prizes were wen by the following winners mrs garnet hamilton mrs cliff may mrs vcnnle brad jy ernie martin cliff may nod dave mnskcll mrs joe tanthlt waa in charge of the venlntf and was assisted by olff may on glvlna out the prixea the next party will be on saturday jan 0 mr and mrs les rutlede and family apent christmas vllh mr and mrs kenneth tyndall of clinton john jarvls jack williams and bert speck left on sat for a three wook vacation in california t dinner guests of mr and mrs jack nixon on christmas day were- mr and mrs bruce nlaot and family of rr1 norval mr inumf gerald jtfxon and family of brampton and mr jtnd mrs bill nlxou and- family of tretvlll john 8 luxe 11 on january 3 mr and mrs oage laursen and family moved recently to their nice new home at low ville they will be greatly mined tn the hornby district mr and mrs edgar may and ernie apent christmas day with mr and mrs ronald bon ham tha general meeting of hornby united church ucw was held en wednesday dec 18 in the church basement tba meeting was ooanad by mrs albert marchment the president with the singing of christmas carols followed by grayer the roll call on the word received waa answer ed by ifl ladles mrs roy wu son was in charge of the scrip ture reading taken from chap ter two of luke mra e i in stead was in charge of the meditation which was the meaning of cltriatmils follow ed by a christmas hymn the minutes of the last meeting were read by mrs gear sinclair arid the tree urers report followed by mrs norman cantrlon the ladies were reminded to aave their used postage atamps and ny lons the annual reporta were given by the various conven ers the meeting closed with the singing of christmas car ols and praver lunch ws ner ved hv mrs tiv wilson and mrs harold robaon poster wins prize in cne competition its been a long time since david dew ace 10 of h hiv erview crcsc sketched a pos ter urging the prevention of forest firca in a contest at the ontario government building at the national inhibition last fall but the sponsoring de partment of lands and r or esta harn i hern ignoring the whole thing david recrived notification from the department last wod nesday morning that his was among the selected few and re celved an honourable mention in the contest with the hon our goes a years membership in the young naturalists club and some books on the forest ry theme a letter of congratulations was signed by the depsrtment of lands and forests minister hon kelso roberts qc entrants hail to jjju their posters on the spot clifford atkinson hospital union head roaring fireplace greets guests at museum party while a hearty fire crackled in the alone fireplace and gav christmas decorations adorned the entire museum a modern day christmas party waa held monday amid an antique th ting it waa hilton museum board members second annual christmas party held in the museum at kelso and members of hallon county council and the walton region conservation authority were guests reeve herb merry of oak ville chairman of the board welcome the guets their wiv es and families and urged all vita ton to sell the idea of this museum around the county we feel we have something here that is unique he added pointing out features of the museum that is located in i century old barn on an early hallon homestead mr merry said the museum hid shown more progress in a shorter time than any museum in ontario ajid probaby in canada he eipresied the board a appreciation to director curator major hal newman hli secretary mrs e brittsln and members of the bosrd for their cooperation and assistance in making the museum a pride of the county special guests at the tea were halton mp dr harry haley and his wife and family halton mpp george a kerr ontario steam and antique preservers assoc lit ion president gordon the officers of 1ocal 145 canadian union of puhlic km poecs georgetown and dis trlct vrnorli hospital for 10fl5 w re euctcd at a recent meeting clifford atkinson was named president mrs margaret kcir treasurer mrs davina barber aecretary and mrs george ileywnod mrs ethel harris and mr atkinson rcgotiating com- mjttec thecommlttee will stand un til m end of 1005 there will be no negotiitlons during the term however since tho present conmrct docs not expire until 1000 y- birthday greeting to jackie tijbbbertsoq who will celebrate hit birthday on dee 30 to mra bob roes on deo 21 jtfwl downa bn january 1 fstsfiy hall on ian 2 td nancy on january 4 and do it sakkly if you are a dodtyourse1f enthusiast make- sure that you and the family do the jobs safely heavy cutting or grind ing power machinery en fllcf serious injuries tn indus- try the worker would bo sup plied with safetv device god gtei face mtalci shields or other protection should bo worn by tha amateur whthraay be in greater peed love is the illusion that on woman differs from another and often the cause of one dif fering with another j mum taxi owned by ed and wally mapdy lhone 8774817 c6urtoiy and prolriplnaa watch for aged elderly pedestrians move slowly often due to im pared vision they may not see traff 1c signals or approaching veh icles clearly it is important that adequate visual aids should be worn on the street and that traffic signals should be obeyed the older person would be well advised to cross streets when other adults are crossing rosedale floral flowers for all occasions wcdbina atftanoementt cortao- facial y cut flowers and funeral designs wo wli ftowerv 93 albart tit 72993 smith of onllia warden gor don gallagher and members of county council and several mpmbers of the coniervation authority many wives attended well notice to creditors in the estate op nelian a reblnsan gantleman dacaa sad all perso having claims against tha estate of nelson a robinson late of the village of norval gentleman who dird on or about the 17th day of november a d 10ft4 are here by notified to send pirticulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of jan wry ad 10ft after winch date the estate wll distrib uted with regard only to the claims of which the under signed shall thrn hae notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall not then have notice dated at georgetown this ar 3flth day 1064 of december ad laura lsobel robinson executrix with the annrwd of the fttate of nelson a robinson by her soli citnrs dale bennett latimer llalnrs 23 mill street george town ontario heat your home i tsmhssmtsarti way with nafcjhl go bftd smarts chinook aulowoll oas furnac claea ittant fcvl tutu- asi with tha aula- walk chi no ah will tjlv yaw abundant ket faw lk moil cm frtobla wutr yeuva avar yka ouaoo- mi mgh affta hrmsa snht hmj utm mttmj io6tfo imi ym 6l ri7thompson hardware riumbina fhtatino til 7jwi 123 need j5000till pay djy yry allihtka tdtllty wty iso 00 tou eoly 7u llll pty dy cau vauohn mokky ay atuntic finance r7l97 13 mau ii j mirz gfvfawuir with a modern automatic gas clothes dryer four brand name lopquality gas dryers to choose from as low as 199 00 i win a now westlnehousa stereo set from now until december 31 you can buy a timesaving worksaving gas clothes dryor or as little osslsgoo this is your chance to take advantage of the dependability andeconomy o natural gas clothos drying at a tremen dous saving and youll find that a modern automatic gas dryor does tho job so quickly youll waltz through washday every washday whats more if you buy your gas dryer during this special promotionyou may win one of eight new 1965 westlnghouse solid state alltrajjsistor stereo sett- free of scandinavian design equipped with gas genie doll amfmtunerfmstereoand garrard 20 high changer in addition every purchaser will receive free an attractive lova ble gas genie doll that will dellgnt the children j better visit your gas appliance dealer department store or gas company soon and enter thejabulous waltz through washday contest contest expires dec 31 1964 united gas limited si i n sell utui- t trwmai

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