ads that pay yftt cm p ass eat la the njaroms omum m br ll tb 7j201 wki jbta the hru as wfcere rae willflnal til reewtts y xprintinfl publishing v te home newspaper for georgetown and district tund tm rid avt asl fwwlahm elac 117 mrtna itamk fin awfcwfimi asset smnts m auhmrfaari a lanes ci u n4 offk dcottm j v w aitaw la t a i ontario ynvneuy january 14th 195 400 per yo tlnsjfi copy ms tea cents f fred turner new gh principal peter joaee photo outgoing incoming headmasters in teteatete okoronown high xchoot tincimj j l lambert left who recently retired felki wilhhi verttual lucceiior fred turner in ihe principal office a scerboough high achool vice principal mr turner was hired by the board last week hli duties to commence this junvner he was here saturday to confer with ihe man hell succeed and take dote took at the tchool hell vav charge of nix plan to divorce commission from council new chs principal council to have more members parks board interesting new induitry to i i locate in georgetown la one of the towns major prohlema aftd tlmoat u much prob- lem u taubuahln an lnduat- eommisaion to promote thl thae of municipal affaire councils have tied them jn id knot to recent yean 9electi otf the commtuion and i look u u it will be no ifcnepttbn t the ball started rbun lait jmneaday whan cr don fowers promoted a motion to have t industrial iata comprise the oommualon and choose their irtrrt olficer we havent been too sue- culul the past few yean he laid til la would divorce it from council and keep inform ation confidential our job would be to supply fundi and provide tritiuitrut land lie met immediate opposi tion from mayor gibbons te the elected councillor who ana held responsible for industry or 1u lick he aaid wve the onea who let criti cised and we should have rep resentation deputy reeve hunter aaid that althouh he had second ed the motion he waa uncer tain how he would vote on it aa ht agrees with the mayor he wanu to avoid controversy and asked that the motion be withdrawn for the time being cr powrrt agreed and the subject wu dropped until later meeting hunter replaces smith as committee chairman brief firework flared it councils lint business meeting last wednesday whin by m at council changed the chair- isvanshlp of a commute at the inaugural meeting icr bill smith waa named chairman of no 3 committee and allbttugh the vole waa un- clmoun five councillora later lldeted cr hon pdweirs who made ijbe tnotlui aaid he thought lieputyreeve hunter ihould ye the job in view of hii jenlorlty tm surprised said cr smith i tut yar i oopoaed a com- slttee appointment but 1 did it at the insugurs not one meetini later cr smith laid he wouldnt make an kiue of it if council wanted to change the appoint ment lla a long year ahead ao we might ai well split lidei tonight and know where we aland he uld mayor gibbons explained that me principal resaon for af painting cr smith had been to have a chairman from each end of town hit change was approved by lleeve elliott deputy reeve hunter and crf powers young and hewaon when the vote waa taken seven more enrolled in 11th brownie pack llie 11th hrownles pack grew by seven tueaday jan 8 when drown owl lira p her ry enrolled cindy ucconkey ingrid zorge suain mccartney sharon faulkner kerry la- polnlf ruth boyling and peg- gykuchener the ceremony waa in st johna united chur ch golden bare were preaented to linda thompaon and dar- len savage and a kirit year star to dcnlae snyder each brownie wai given a toadttool to cut out and put the new brownie law on the new law la a nrownle la cheerful and obedient add thirika olothera before keif nev kelvin johniton joined the brownlea when they atarl- ed their powwow which la a talking ring where anngi are aung and itorlea told any plana for the next weekl meet- lngr made then prayer and tapi closed the meeting brown owl lira p berry wai aaalited by cadet yolanda wiener appointments are made to number of boards at council flrbt builneii eting laat wedneaday a toumber of becuaary appoint- kscnta wcra made to local board they included cemetery board s year re- appontmnu for ura klorla nodwell and uua buth kvans library board 3 yar reap- polnlbient for ura d w kn ur lanning board 3 year ap pointment for ian caa and 1 year appolntmenu for cra bob rancil and jim young committee of adjustment 3 yar appolntmenf lot ian can community centre board j iwimmlng pool 1 year ap- 1 polnlmenta lor cri bob kran- cia and bill smith- cradlt valley conservation authority reappointment for j alei blaekwell and appoint ment for deputy beeve wm v hunter winter work committee entire council i add korean casualtie cenotaph honour roll names of two district men who loat hair uvea in the korean conflict will be added to the towns war memorial plaque legion branch president ilalph hawes spoke to council monday pointing out that a previoua request had not been carried out he alao aaked that the memorial be cleaned council endorsed both re quests more eouhcu rpreaentatoi ob tba board of kerka manage- a scarborough high achool ment which operate the i vlmprinclpal haa bea hired community arns is forecast to replace j l lambert who board hires d f turner to succeed j l lambert bylaw which council ia 1 tidying the new bylaw wouw call for 7faiembr board at least two of wboui mint be eeufttillora i r ally the board will terminate thirty yar a georgetown lugh achool prin cipal thia july at a mi ling lut week the gemtelewa and uulrict huh kcbool tkard hired d v trj comprtaea ain appainiei w 48 a unlveraity of the mayor an xoflcio mem weaiern ontario crauuate wfth irfr j thirteen years experlsnce in tfhen ratepayer robert toronlo secondary achoola ltla opined to council mon day that uie preaent appolnt- tta ahould all be relieved of their dutlei cr tower row to thetr defence mi letta waa critical of mr turner received hta a- cmdary acliool education at km the kalla and london tut orial school and attended uwo from 11x8 graduatlns in 10j0 he attended the ontario the parka board borrowing college of education at the money on their own without unlveraity of toronto to com- unction of council a courae in maths and h they hadnt we would j have a building falling down which would cott ua thou sands to fu said cr powers j there arent many people in town who would ln personal notea for thirty or forty thou- i aandtlotlars but mayor glbboni was cri- 1 ileal of the action vhyaie with conifcrttrclal op tion krom sepumber 1u51 until june 10i3 mr turner was a maths and typing teacher at danfofth tcb for the toronto board of education and klnce 19 haa ben an employee of the scarborough lloard of kd ucation serving u head of the anib tw pari men i of ajlcurt coliegiale institute from 1b56 i to hmo and from ltkfll to 1ws3 ai viceprincipal si that achool he haa been vice principal at a ii king collegiate buulute since september mr turner holds t high arhool special certificate in maths and miytlcj aa well as elementary commercial certi ficate and a secondary school ivinctpals certificate he haa a au year service re cord in the iloyal canadian air force the new chs principal l biarried witli two daughter aes 6 and is mr turner haa already paid one vkit to the school durini which time he roafrrred with imnclpal j l laabxt regaed lng uie propoaed addition audi toured the building mr lambert tendered hu reailfnatlon november 0 he wilt enroll in a post gad uate tour in acnglub next year to prepare to teacb tba subject aa a university prof aor he has registered at mc- uaaler uhlveruily hajaillofl for the poat graduate work georgetown high school included in study survey ratepayer had volrd for arena improvements but the municipal board had turned down georgetowns request to borrow the money he aaid the parks board had gonf a- haad on their own and council new haa totritghten out the matter a word to the wise how about getting busy on those new yeara resolutions such as a visit to the dentist the medical checkup the ex amination to ace if you nvd a change in classes and the periodic chest i rays and akin test for tuberculosis just to keep you in flood health he likes it here georgetown high school wis one o ninety ontario high schools whose working and teaching condtuene were stud ied in a aurvey conducted by the ontario secondary school teacher kdritl6ti this survey formed the baala of tllscuauon at the annual meet ing of the federation dcuts ber m m and 30th in the roy al york hotel local high achool teacher michael peleschsy who is v president of district 12 com prising north ilatton central and south peel waa one of four hundred delegatra attend ing the conference in striving for maximum justice minister to name judge dr harry harley mp for llalton riding aaid thla week that it ta too aoon after judgo george klllotta death to think about a replacement for him the appointment will be made by the minister of justice dr harley aaid he would pro bably not be consulted dr harley uld the judge need not necessarily be any one in thia riding the department of justice often appoint aomeone out- aide of the riding he laid ain traffic starting soon miltongeorgetown line track on 1000 acre of land wont be officially opened until april opening of the georgetown- millon doubleline will also mean flrat use of new elevated tracks on a milton ombapkment constructed with four million cubic yards of earth which waa taken from a pit on the roy ij r never busy una before it ijaraj ripped up two yeara ago lhe georgetown milton line 111 play a key part in the new nscbeme which centre ar toimd a now- electrically control- d marshalling yard in vaugh- itwp north of metro the gle track wu replaced with jble track to handle the he a- r rail traffic which will be vannellod through here when trains start awitchhitf oft the gular toronto access line at irllngton and coming noritr i byaearthetneieht bityjard ssthe new yard at vaughsh l inorttdea imuliea om tiaard farm north of glen wllllama construction of ia huge em bankment waa ajnammolh un dertaking work began june 1b83 sixteen glint eart move jtirat real traffic over the double railway una between georgetown and milton la ex pected to run through herejn jour days john noel cn putb- 11c relation officer told the erald yesterday that although rimini have run over ihe now lne infrequently since its com- asletion a noticeable increase will eccur on the lath and the traf fic volume will swell from that ifate u l lie aaid the number of trains vanning on the georgetown i fe worked night and day to build up the bank it waa completed in threemontha j brampton parents have 45th wedding anniversary oakvihe s herb merry ife by unanlmoul ivote reeve herb merry of oakvllle was el- ecjed warden of halton coun ty tuesday afternoon at the lnaiuural meeting ej county counclj i- reeve 11 hlnton nominated for the position withdrew from the- contest saying that reeve merra nineteen ker- vice to halloo county were worthy of recognition and consideration there la no question that herb merry will jjcrve i the county well aa a wardan he added hovvevorv he intimated hat next i -v- he would not withdr iho the opportunity aruer in hla acceptance upeoch warden merry wai warm in hla pralae of reeve lllntona magnahlmovta gesture end proralaed to do hla best to be a fair and just warden lie felt u the ambassador of the coun ty ho would try to knit the county together no that the people in oakvllle would know the problem of nalaagaweya and eaouealng rtiar tothe iole for wrd- en magistrate kenneth langr don admlniatered the oath of georgetown resident mr and mra e mcdermott jnct hr and mrs r iledley and daughter brenda helped cele brate a 45th wedding anniver sary in biajtipton on january 2 the dinner parly at bramp ton legion hall wai in honour of mra hedleya parents mr and mri a homaey of bramn- ton there w fifty gueiti present at60kat the weather january v thureday i kriday 8 saturday 10 sunday ii monday 13 tuesday hloh s8 34 82 n 34 a id 14 v28 23 13 21 high for the week 82 low is aeclp 44 tain 4 alicia k c scott office to all members o coun ty counou i teacher efflcency and student learning power tha conference recommended that no more thin thirty students per aca demic class la feasible they establish that tha learning pow er ot the atudent decreases one sixth if the clau haa thirty five students and from then on pro gressively dacreaaea tha average acadamlc elasa in georgetown at tha moment is apphoaimolely thirtyeight lho recommendations for the present recognising that the ideal conditions cannot be met immediately are per academ ic elasa s per shopacadem ic 30 shop alone 22 ocoupa- tion 17 the report went on to state that no teacher ahould be ex pected to teach more than thir ty period a week and depart ment and assistant departments heads should teach less thin thirty in georgetown hlrh school there are forty periods a week in email towns aa here where supply teschers are dif ficult to obtain fellow staff members have to fill in when a teacher la sick thus cutting into their preparation time the group felt the preparation time ahould not be encroached upon man two youths hurt when car rams pickup wmmi wj iiiaiiait wfi ot vv- vj petir jones photo ookpik picks precarious perch an arctic snowy owl bokplk tp the eskimos surveys east georgetown from hill lofty vantage point slop a high iuull filitvvikplkmmppfl inlatium prlrfy fbr breather while enroule to warmer tllmea end decided to itay the weekend the herald haa had phono calls from residortts in various parts of lownwho tftted the- saucer- eyed ardlc traveller with the lncraau in tha number of course available te students in a composite school many teachers are now called upon to prepare different pro grammes tha conference felt no teacher ahould be expected to teach mora than tour coura- ea la a week the rederatloa also fell that the pupil secretary ratio ahould not be more thsn two hundred to one mr peleeehak noted that the georgetown high school board has attempted to improve moat of the conditions ment ioned over the yeara at the conclusion of tha an nual meeting the federation voted to allot 150000 for a study of thetr own into text books curriculum and all phases of present day educa tion rather than wait for an outside study to be made guest apeaker at tha dinner on tha 20th was harry wataan past president of the national union of teachers of england and walei who flew over aoe- eiflcelly for the occasion pre sent also were dean dadson principal of the ontario coll ege of education and dr h riven of the department of education a man and two youths were hurt when the small car they wero riding le crashed into the back of a parkeulck- up truck on guelph st near the corner of- queen sunday the injured arc robert john convery 45 pi 171 prince charles or the driver ron ald roulanger 14 of alen williams and john clarke 15 of 34 ewlng st- convery was cut over the right eye boulan- ger buffered broken nose and clarke received a badly cut hand and a hump on hla head police aaid a 1054 kord pickup operated by john 1l mccarthy 12 frost st rex- dale waa stopped on the hill facing east the hekdlighta were on to mist the driver of another- slopped vehicle in changing a tire the eastbound volkswagen driven by convery collided with the backejtd of the truck the impact caused an esti mated 400 damage to the front loahtnvolkwaj pickup truck cat harry liberty of thai georgetown police department investigated the crash shortly after mrdnlghm an unknowttcar wa blamed for an accident on guelph st at ftexway dr saturday night william david moorea so rifrlawn crew atifferm is out at hla left eye whea the car he we driving plungi into the ditch on the south aide ot lthe highway when the ln- knowri vehicle 1 approached at bljh speed and straddling the centre of the road he waa driving a 1082 pon- tiac wagon owned by cecil martin 107 prince charles dr approximately 300 damage waa dono to the front end fifty dollars damage waa done to a car and 200 to i hydro pole when they came logetlior early saturday morn ing at uie corner of albert and guelph streets william s pen ce 14 college st was east- bound on guelph st and sur ging left turn onto albert when the car a 1057 ton akldded on the wet road and lammed into tha pole break- ingit off the entranae to an auio- body shop wu the scene of a tivocar collision saturday af ternoon which did 200 dam- age to cars driven by ellen j whuamion 8 mcgllvray crea and- arthur d goddard of cookavllle police said ellon william- ton waa driving east on guelph st blowing to make a turn uv iaiite boy shon when the accident happened the wllllamaa car took moat of the damage whrworlh an unenviable record georgetown police shouldnt lfcej concerned u there ajrttihrtle or four traffic accident every week kansaa city in ibm haft an unaurpaaaable automobile accident record percentage wlae there were onljkiwo cari in the to wo and they fol- lldod on the main st v wfew m